#and most disturbingly the top of FCG's head as a hat
redjennies · 2 years
I’m not sure how well the hells are gonna take in the worse case scenario. Like if everything goes wrong and no one can be saved: laudna dies,fearne and orym stay dead, Chet and fcg get there shit wrecked by the storm, ashton manages to hightail it, and imogen fuck knows.
the real way to salvage all the problems with this campaign is by having Ashton needing to assemble a whole new party to avenge the Bell's Hells only for Travis' geriatric character to unceremoniously trip on a rock and die an hour in but then he returns three episodes later as Chetney Pock O'Pea wearing or carrying something belonging to all his former companions FCG-style. ("it's gonna take a LOT MORE than a CRAZY lady and A SANDstorm to kill ME, bitch.")
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