#and maybe they'd be right bc im no game dev.
hometownrockstar · 2 years
its so hard having good ideas for a game bc im not like a guy who wants to BE a game making guy u know, but my ideas need like lots of coding and probably a whole team to be fleshed out but im not adept at it i would need to make many games and maybe even have a whole team to make it, but thats not my like full goal so its like well what do i do with my one cool idea now...
i had an idea for a game that like, takes place in a casino. and the characters all are named after casino games like baccarat and roulette and black jack and stuff. and the maps and settings are casino themed, bc casinos look so cool theyre great setting places. and its an rpg. but HEAVILY rng-dependent. like lots of stuff abt dice rolls, luck, odds, ect. and i dont know the gameplay, like either hades rougelike? or turn-based rpg combat? i dont know how to impliment any of this which is why i cant make a game but this is my concepts i need to give this to a game to an actual studio to do smth with it.
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amethystblack · 2 years
Now that it's been three months since Reborn's public release, may we see the un-redacted version of the ask where the dev team talk about their favorite parts of the game? Thanks! -Yeshua
oh, sure, why not.
i mean let's be honest it's probably going to be celebi or the ending(s) but if i had to mention a part everyone (can) knows i like all the characters' internal monologues in the void and most parts involving titania. granted i am not familiar with 80% of postgame also the elite four + champion
most parts involving ace i mean what? haha actual nonspoiler answer for pre-postgame is labradorra, i think it's hard not to just say "everything" i'm rlly fond of most of the story;; love shelly in labradorra so much;;, the different PULSEs are hella neat and manage to feel really unique despite basically being one after the other, i love the gang all pulling up and storming, it's just a really fun segment and i love the aesthetic of the map as a whole also tournament starlight colors was so pretty no bias
postgame i think lati quest, hoopa was a lot of fun, jirachi is maybe not your traditional definition of fun but gutted me pretty hard so i have to add that one, celebi bc first quest i worked on so more bias, and tao bc im biased once again
this answer is like 99% spoilers im sorry this is not a helpful answer but if it's a part people know def coming back to the city after it's rebuilt and seeing it all cleaned up and there suddenly being a ton to see and explore and it's all pretty was almost jarring the first time i played through and it still always makes me smile or the void the void is a good one
I'm going to surprise exactly no one and say I love the tourmaline arc- especially on Reshi but also on Zek, there's a lot of environmental storytelling out there and I really love the Train Towners
I've also got a soft spot for the entire glass workstation arc- I think the storytelling there is masterful.
Apart from that… I like (redacted: the maingame ending where Anna gathers everyone's good thoughts and hopes to help you reach Lin; that made my heart just shine), (redacted: Celebi), (redacted: Hoopa, that was a freaking riot), (redacted: dialkia because there are BABIES and also neat lore), (redacted: Darkrai, it's mean but in a very good way), (redacted: the entirety of Xernyvel. Noel my beloved; puzzle my beloved; Shelly my beloved) (redacted: tao, all of it) and probably other things I can think of when it's not almost 3am, but they'd all be redacted too. Oh yeah definitely the e4 too Victory Road itself was fun too but more because I liked the puzzles
oh also i haven't seen it ingame but shade and anna's ending made me cry when i read it so there's that
While my favorite aesthetically will almost certainly be the Diancie quest, but my favorite part that exists:
Gameplay wise: The garchomp, finding silly ways to beat it every playthrough is one of the biggest deliberations i make.
Meanwhile Doctor clownall getting hyper beamed through a wall was excellent
it's spoilers but kinda not if I just say El's elite 4 room, That doesn't sound spoilery does it like it's known he's in the E4 right? I'd also say zeraora's quest just because I had fun making that one
I'd love if you could just put a massive essay and redact the entire thing for me But joking aside I think the Glass Workstation is very funky
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idk where else I should be posting this but I just want to get this out of my system
my crush/college mate has invited me to watch thor 4 w him and his circle... and im overthinking things
College of Engineering
he's that kind of "everybody's crush" guy and he's also fairly popular within our batch bc of his good looks. when we were in our 1st year, we became close as I am "one of the boys" kind of girl (yes I have more guy friends than girl friends) and I became close w the boys circle.
bc I was hanging out so often w the boys circle and sometimes the boys would intentionally sit apart from us...people started shipping us (they say we look good together). i didn't really believe it til our circle had a kind of an open forum.
during that open forum, some of the guys asked him if he was courting someone or if he has a crush. suddenly he looked at me for a split second and he says he's thinking but it's possible that he wants a girlfriend soon.
fast forward>>>>>
i confessed to him on our 2nd year of college. I thought I assumed right with us getting closer with each other but during that time he only said "Thank you" back to me and reassuring me that we were good friends and he appreciates my adoration for him. that hurts but maybe I was just really wrong about us being mutual in feelings.
3rd year I decided to join another group circle as some of the boys circle priorities do not align with mine (yeah they'd want to be on internet cafes all the time whilst I wanted to be at the library to study). that was the start of my friendship with them falling apart... but I couldn't do anything much. I need to study hard and I also would want to move on from the hurt 😞
fast forward>>>>>
in middle of our 3rd year 2nd semester, he and his family decided to move to japan. I didn't even get to say goodbye personally nor do I want to chat him online about it. I kind of wanted to forget him...
One year passed. I was walking home...I saw 2 familiar men walking out of a car. I saw his dad and then I saw him. I was frozen at the spot. My brain went haywire thinking 'that's not him. it's impossible. he is in Japan.' While I was stunned, I didn't realize his dad saw me and called him. He suddenly ran to me and hugged me without words. I was hesitant to hug him back bc im not used to guy friends hugging me back. It was kind of a relationship thing only. But I slowly did. It was a good minute of hug. Also, his perfume was so damn good! We took a step back and I was just screaming questions to him like 'why are you here? are you taking a vacation? why did you not tell us you're coming back? like if I did not see you here today I wouldn't know.' he answered he didn't want anybody to know yet and he wanted to surprise his friends (his childhood friend circle). But he told me he was glad to see a familiar face and that it was me, the first person to know that he's back.
He didn't return to the same college. He came back but he studied in a different university. So our interaction, was good as the last (I rarely chat w him). Or so i thought...
4th and 5th year of college went by. I graduated along with all of our batch. It was a satisfying victory! I took the licensure exam and passed the following year then continued to find work the suceeding months.
Then came the pandemic, the lockdowns.
Most of my social needs were fulfilled by video calls and gaming w strangers turn friends online. It's because I created a discord server and the game devs recognized it as an official discord server so yeah, my name (or perhaps username) got kind of popular among the players of the game. I wasn't really good at the game really.
Also to note, the guy and I don't follow each other in our social media accounts. And I was surprised during the early 2020, he followed me on IG. And chatted me about the discord server bc he heard about it and thought maybe I could play w him and his friends sometimes. I said yeah why not. I just shrugged like what could go wrong. I don't have any feelings for you anymore (I'm talking to myself) so it'd be just another typical gaming nights w friends. It was really fun ngl. I got to keep up with the boys again. They tell me stories of their shenanigans and I tell them mine. We pretty much hung out every night during 2020-2021. But with everybody getting busy with their work, also I. The online hangout gradually stopped during early 2022.
Oh yeah I forgot to note, we love MARVEL. It's all we talk about, me and the boys. So when a new marvel show or movie comes out, for sure we'll be chatting about it.
Then come Thor 4 and my obsession with Taika...
No one was ever going to stop me talking about my love for Taika and my anticipation for Thor: Love and Thunder and our group chat was no exception. He then invited me to their scheduled gala (hang out). It will be the boys circle again and me. I went with them, we watched thor 4 and guess what...HE SAT BESIDE ME. No one was sitting on my other side so I could hear his breathing or when he whispers something to my ear when he points out something that is going on on TLAT (we had our theories for the plot). I was basically squealing and sobbing throughout the movie and I can hear him silently laughing at me bc he knows I love Taika and he'll point out EVERY single scene whenever Korg is there lmao.
I had a really good fun! That was the first time ever after 4 years that I got to see them, and him, in person.
And because of that, I'm overthinking again. I thought I'd moved on but idk anymore. Maybe I have feelings for him again??? GOSH HELP ME
PS. He is single.
PPS. But I'm not sure if he's courting/dating someone so I'll never know. Guess I'll die.
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Roasting Myself
Quick note:
Okay so bc I'm writing this on my phone, I can't take a photo of the document history to show you the stupidness. I apologise for that, but just try to imagine the fricken like... Stupidness.
Edit: The original version is on Wattpad still so nvm I'll be adding both Wattpad and Google Doc screenshots, but I did not have as many dates on Wattpad so only for some sections will I use Wattpad.
Edit: My photos keep going to the bottom. Idfk what to do whatever I hate Tumblr with a burning passion.
So, I gotta vent about my stupidity.
Okay so the time frame I set back in 7th grade for this book idea I have is completely stupid. What I wrote didn't make any actual sense because I contradicted it. Which makes sense, because I was stupid. But doesn't, because now that I'm older, I should've caught it.
The story is called 3044(Destined Stars). I definitely stole that last part from something. I thought it was the game Mystic Messenger but it's not. The more I think about it, the more it seem like it though.
The problem is that with how far away 3044 is, it doesn't even make sense for humans to be how they are then, or even be alive tbh. I'm pretty sure they'll be extinct by then. I don't even know big we'll last 200 more years tbh. Or even 50.
Another problem, is I still do that thing where I fucking forget there's a bunch of numbers in between and skip up. So basically, with how I write the dates, I made the years really far apart with the dates and shit. Like REAAALLLLY. Like from being 10-ish years apart to skipping ahead nearly 1,000. Because I am a dumbass and didn't think "Wow this doesn't make any effing sense. This makes some of your events very insignificant because of evolution, and your characters old as dinosaurs."
(But I'm just now remembering I did day Humans live longer, which, could be taken to interpretation but besides the point.)
To better understand:
I literally had the dates like 2070, 2080, 2090, to then, 3000, 3010, 3015, 3025.
Like... That jump was so fucking huge but I didn't realise.
But because I was attached to the makeshift title I gave it, because it came from my friend's favorite number (but because I have issues with flipping numbers I found out was wrong later in after naming the story. I have still kept it that number though even years after),
Instead of doing the easy thing, I wrote in the stupidest, most confusing, complicated thing ever.
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And then, after reading through my dates again and actually doing the math, it was like "Wait a second, this doesn't make any sense because this event started before this character (Hyacinth) was born, but after this one (Aleya) was two years old" or something like that. Idk. Like... It's wonky because my characters are certain ages in the story, but, by the date I set things, they happen waaaay too before they were born which would mean they'd stop mattering so much.
But thankfully, I thought recently, why don't I just f-ing make the dates that date? What's the reason for all of the complicated stuff?
(Also, I think I was gonna change the date again which is why it still makes no sense.)
( But then something happened. Idk. I honestly might bring the ages down again bc it makes sense. Because... The time still doesn't make sense because I'd have to age Hyacinth up.)
Generally, I just placed some events out of sequence. Like, I said space cities finished construction before they even started building them. Idk, it was a fucking mess and one of the first things I wrote confused me a lot because I was like "Did I delete something?"
It also made Aleya reaaaally older than Hyacinth because I set a significant date in her birth 15 years before the date of the story so it either
Aleya is 24 and Hyacinth is 20. It was 18 and 21 before,
I just- Oh my God. So, I'm deleting that, and going to make it better. Also I accidentally made the Earth 3044 years old, when, that's absurd. I said the Earth aged faster in that Universe, but that's too fast. Like- I just- wtf?
But the year is also 3044.7b2? Is that for the universe? See it just doesn't make sense. Idk how it made sense in my head. The Earth is 3044 years old but the Earth is not the age of the universe right now so why would the Earth be the age of the universe unless the Universe reset itself entirely and made everything come back at the same time?
And then I said that after that war, the first alien race I talked about plus some other planets, created a treated together.
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I think I remember that at first a lot of planets were sucked into a black hole but spit out and made again but faster? Idk. It's so confusing.
(That's when I wrote it on Wattpad and how it was before the rewrite below)
Then there is this dumb contradictory mistake I made again because I said a certain race of aliens with a very awful name was first to contact the Earth at a certain time and helped them and create a treaty,
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It's just so messed up and it's because I:
However I then wrote a different one with a less awful name did before that and went to war with them. As seen above and below.
2) Didn't check my Math, and-
Also apparently the whole story is being told but a space child who created Earth by accident and has grown find if her creation. Also one of the things I changed that made it complicated was saying that 3044 was the number of times Earth restarted. But I forgot that part because I constantly skim over that part.
3) Am still writing it in a bad Tumblr/Wattpad fanfic manner instead of a genuinely good writer pov.
Like... It's genuinely so bad that idk how it didn't click in until now. Maybe it's because after watching a nearly 2hr video about how bad Yandere Simulator and Yandere Dev is, and then two reviews of Onision's books I've already seen, I began to be very afraid of being on the same level as them in terrible production of anything.
I'm going to to fix this and re-plot it and then re-writes it because this is horrible, even for a first draft.
My incompetence a m a z e s me.
My understanding of math scares me.
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amethystblack · 3 years
To the dev team: what is your fav part in the Reborn's story?
unfortunately due to FDA recommendations certain parts of this post pertaining have been forcibly redacted.
Ikaru- i mean let's be honest it's probably going to be [REDACTED] or the [REDACTED] but if i had to mention a part everyone (can) knows i like all the characters' internal monologues in the void and most parts involving titania. also the elite four + champion ...
Crim- most parts involving [REDACTED] i mean what? haha actual nonspoiler answer for pre-postgame is labradorra, i think it's hard not to just say "everything" i'm rlly fond of most of the story;; love [REDACTED] in labradorra so much;;, the [REDACTED]s are hella neat and manage to [REDACTED], i love the [REDACTED], it's just a really fun segment and i love the aesthetic of the map as a whole also [REDACTED] was so pretty no bias postgame i think [REDACTED], [REDACTED]was a lot of fun, [REDACTED]is maybe not your traditional definition of fun but gutted me pretty hard so i have to add that one, [REDACTED]bc first quest i worked on so more bias, and [REDACTED] bc im biased once again this answer is like 99% spoilers im sorry this is not a helpful answer but if it's a part people know def coming back to the city after it's rebuilt and seeing it all cleaned up and there suddenly being a ton to see and explore and it's all pretty was almost jarring the first time i played through and it still always makes me smile or the void the void is a good one
Jan- Hmmmmmmmmmm. I really love early game reborn, I dunno if that's a popular opinion or not but I always have a lot of fun.....
Azzie- I'm going to surprise exactly no one and say I love the tourmaline arc- especially on Reshi but also on Zek, there's a lot of environmental storytelling out there and I really love the Train Towners I've also got a soft spot for the entire glass workstation arc- I think the storytelling there is masterful. Apart from that... I like [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and probably other things I can think of when it's not almost 3am, but they'd all be redacted too. Oh yeah definitely the e4 too Victory Road itself was fun too but more because I liked the [REDACTED] oh also i haven't seen it ingame but [REDACTED] made me cry when i read it so there's that
Perry- Imma agree with azzie, walking around with taka is one of my fav parts. I just love the concept of exploring with someone else, and taka is bab.
cass- i don't actually like things
Marcello- [14 PAGES OF CONTENT HAVE BEEN FORCIBLY REDACTED] But I think the Glass Workstation is very funky
Smeargletail- it's spoilers but kinda not if I just say El's elite 4 room, That doesn't sound spoilery does it like it's known he's in the E4 right? I'd also say [REDACTED] just because I had fun making that one
Autumn- While my favorite aesthetically will almost certainly be the [REDACTED] , but my favorite part that exists: Gameplay wise: The garchomp, finding silly ways to beat it every playthrough is one of the biggest deliberations i make. Meanwhile Doctor clownall getting hyper beamed through a wall was excellent
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