#and makes split-decision decisions that really aren't good whenever you actually take a moment to reflect on how much harm they'll cause-
mad-hunts · 4 months
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carefulfears · 1 year
so i really love whenever you call mulder & scully best friends. wanna talk about your top 5 favorite moments of their friendship?
1/ little green men
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they have a secret code. they have their own language.
when mulder gets to his desk that morning, the photo of samantha is tipped over, and he knows that this means to meet scully at the watergate. which, first of all, is unbelievably dorky. these two work in the same building. these two have cell phones.
but they have been split up and reassigned and it is not a phase you guys it is the end of the world!!!!
when he arrives in the parking garage, he asks what she wants, and she responds, "to know that you're alright."
they have a secret code and their own language and for nothing more than to check in.
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(shoutout to the depression hair era, they are so funny for both getting bangs the moment they were separated. that's how you know things are really bad for the girlies.)
when he sinks down to the floor and tells her the george hale story, she crouches down next to him, listens, tells him not to give up.
you can tell that it makes her uneasy to see him defeated, to see him doubting himself and what he believes in. she's almost trying to convince him of aliens in that moment, telling him that he's seen so much and reminding him of samantha. trying to spark something in him.
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they have a secret code, they have their own language, and when he leaves town, he buys the plane ticket under a name that only she will recognize. she cracks his computer password in three tries.
earlier, after skinner questions scully, he tells CSM that she's telling the truth, she really doesn't know where mulder is. "because if she knew, she wouldn't be so worried about him."
they aren't as hard to decipher as they want to believe.
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PAUSE!!!!! this is the cuntiest thing he's ever done. the sunglasses, the denim, the boots, the dangerous lack of exit strategy...anyway
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she interprets his clues, she follows without obligation, they go back together. hand in his hair, not giving up, just like she started the episode.
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in the end, they have nothing. the hail mary trip resulted in empty tables and silent tape recordings.
one thing i didn't notice until i rewatched this one the other day is that it's not when he says "i still have you" that she takes his hand.
it's when he switches the tape from the record of his failed excursion to his actual assignment, hours of listening to slimy men talk about strippers.
she listens with him for a moment before shaking her head, and squeezing his hand. she does understand that this isn't what he wants to be doing, and that it's disheartening.
2/ tooms
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i could list every season one episode here. i could do a whole other post just about season one. i could do a whole other post just about season one, and include every episode. but i guess i will settle for this one.
this is my favorite season, and this is my favorite MSR.
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him waving the pine tree air freshener in her face when she said he smells 😭😭😭
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squeeze was all about the choice between climbing the ladder and the "out there" but "good" work of the basement, with all of the ridicule and consequence that come with it.
its sequel episode is about the aftermath of that decision, what it means to choose the side of the victim, to stop reaching for personal success.
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(this shot is so beautiful, her face through CSM's smoke)
tooms opens with scully in a negative performance review, skinner (in his very first scene!! we love you skinman) going over her reports, CSM lurking in the corner.
the two share a look, then warn scully against having too much of an open mind, telling her that it is her "responsibility to see that these cases are by the book"
"by the book" becomes the theme of the episode, with the phrase repeating multiple times throughout.
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this isn't the first time that the show has explored this topic, with young at heart also centering a debate of “by the book” protocol, what it really means, and who it really serves. ending with this final dialogue:
SCULLY: Mulder, I know what you did wasn't by the book.
MULDER: Tells you a lot about the book, doesn't it?
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“by the book” isn’t an easy order to follow when you have a partner who doesn’t believe in it, and you aren’t sure you do either.
it’s not an easy order to follow, for the navy captain’s daughter who worships authority.
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she does try though, and she's initially frustrated with mulder's behavior in the case. she tells him that he "sounded so....." at the trial, and she's reluctant to pursue his methods without approval from the bureau.
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ultimately, when she comes to bring mulder something to eat on his unauthorized stakeout, she tells him that what he's doing is not proper surveillance protocol, and he good-naturedly accuses her of peddling "the book."
she responds, "this is not about doing it by the book, this is about you not having slept for three days." and tells him that he is inevitably going to get hurt.
to her, it's not about following the rules or pressure from the bureau or respecting authority, it's about making sure he's okay.
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when she tells him to go home, that she'll take over the stakeout, he smiles and shakes his head (it's almost the same look that he gives her years later in redux ii, when she tells him to lay it all on her. just less tears.)
and i know that we tend to focus on the next part of this scene, but this line stands out to me too, as he declines because he doesn't want her to get "in trouble."
he doesn't want her to break the rules or disobey authority, and he still believes she'll be head of the bureau someday.
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it kinda makes me teary, this stupefied look on his face at her response. when she looks at him unflinching and says, "mulder, i wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you."
they are so kind to each other. they really don't care about official reprimands in files or welfare protocols; they each just want the other to get some rest, to have a bright future.
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he relents, allows her to take over, on the condition that she calls "if anything happens. immediately. i'll be here." and suggests she catch the sports talk radio show
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she bends down to give him one last smile and eye roll as she exits the car
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and makes a joke to herself while walking back to her own. best best best friends.
3/ tempus fugit
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what better way to celebrate life than annoying the hell out of your best friend on her birthday?
the way he clearly gave the waiters her name and this snowball and sparkler and sang "special agent dana katherine scully" while they all sang "happy birthday dana" is one of his most embarrassingly extra moments and it never fails to make me laugh
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she rolls her eyes at him, but the way she stares when he's not looking says so much. they both know why this year gets sparklers and song when last year didn't. they both know there might not be a next year.
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he's literally never been more irritatingly overjoyed lmao. and he brought presents! ("oh, you've got to be kidding me" "just something that reminded me of you")
he said "i didn't know it was your birthday, scully!" with a wrapped gift in his pocket, always prepared with a smile and a cover story
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he does this same thing in memento mori, after getting the call to come to the hospital, when his first words of the episode are "i stole these from some guy with a broken leg down the hall. he won't be able to catch me." about the flowers we watched him come through the front doors holding
he clearly puts thought into these gestures, but everything is so fragile. neither of them are comfortable with what too much sincerity would mean, how limited it all is.
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but they find little ways to give to each other anyway, they hang out in bars and roll their eyes and discuss the meaning behind a keychain.
if this is the last birthday, maybe it's worth a little vulnerability (and annoying song and dance), that he did it up right.
4/ one breath
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another Mulder Gift™️ entry. god, the sweetness here is just overwhelming. he is so strange and tries so hard.
this whole scene is one of my favorites of the series, but i love this little moment so much.
it's so inadequate, in the end. to see someone that you thought you'd lost, your most important person, who was gone for so long, and have nothing more to give them than a shitty VHS sports tape.
but what else can you do? he's so quiet and self-conscious in this moment. he raced to the top of mountains and stood on broken cable cars and choked a man and wore her necklace around his neck for months and wept on the floor. he had the strength of her beliefs, and he prayed. he held her hand by her bedside after they pulled the plug.
so much goes unsaid between them, because how can you say it in words? how can you do anything but smile and buy something stupid at the gift shop?
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she makes a joke while he smiles at the floor, but it's not a joke, not really. he's there and he's giving her whatever he can and he's cracking jokes, and she knew there was a reason to live. that's it right there.
5/ detour
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this is a best friends episode. this is a "we survived that hospital and we refuse to spend our one wild and precious life at the annual FBI teamwork seminar, if you need us, we'll be lost in the forest" episode.
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look at her trying not to laugh while he's making sarcastic comments at her in the backseat. can you imagine carpooling with these two? they are forever passing notes and whispering behind backs.
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she is not making it to the teamwork seminar. she is not getting her wine and cheese, either. she is looking for mothmen in western florida.
they think they're so much better than that communication exercise, just to make vague innuendo in a motel room.
they tell each other all about native species and how ticks can halt their metabolism and the livestock that was killed in a town 30 years ago. she teases him about his filing system.
neither of them tire of bashing the hell out of that teamwork seminar.
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they talk about death. about searching for meaning in life. about which flintstones character they relate to the most. they swap dirty jokes.
she fusses over his grave injury (a dislocated shoulder) and holds him. sings to him so that he'll know she's still there.
a few years down the road, she'll sing that same song to their baby, on one of her last days with him. she'll sing to him about this night, about his dad, about her favorite memories.
sitting there together in that forest in florida, they have already started to carry the weight of near-misses. of lost time, of almosts, of purposeful disease.
they have come a long way and taken on a lot, in the years since the parked car outside tooms' house and the garage at the watergate.
but they have yet to be separated longer than 90 days. they have yet to lose a child. they have yet to plan funerals and prison breaks.
there's something about that time, that ability to just sit in the woods and talk about everything, looking for mothmen, that is so precious and so special.
and when she tells him that night that she had struggled to find meaning, that's where it is.
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
Where To? || Kaminari x Reader
Summary: Denki Kaminari has been working with the League of Villains for the school year. He's been putting up a front and fake personality to keep his secret safe. However, the one thing he didn't count on was you. In the end, Kaminari has been found in a pond, one hand from Shigaraki in his clutches.  The twist on this world? Like a popular tik tok trend, when you die, someone you have hurt the most comes to decide if you go to heaven, or hell. And you are his judge.
Warnings: Death
Authors Note: I honestly started this at like 3AM one night and now here I am 😳 Anyways, I hope you guys like it sorry for the angst that comes with it
Tags: @ijustwannachangemyuser @bluewritesmha @that-lowkey-weeb @pinkcowgirleggpanda  
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One moment ago, you had been sitting in class, with the rest of 1A as they grieved together over the loss of Denki Kaminari.
Two moments ago, Aizawa was explaining how he had just received a call that Denki had been found, alone in a lake,  his quirk the ultimate cause. But one other important piece of evidence with him, a hand from Tomura Shigaraki.
Three moments ago, he had been explaining about Kaminari being the traitor of UA,  working closely with the League of Villains.
But now, you were standing across Kaminari in the same pond that he had been found in, an electrical current dying out as his cries stopped, his eyes finding yours.
"(Y/n)?" His voice was hoarse, eyes red and puffy. 
You looked around, fog rolling in around your legs, though you couldn't feel the water that looked to surround you, nor the fog.
"So...the rumors are true...I didn't think that'd I'd have to decide anyones fate so soon but…" 
"Wait...does that mean.." he started, but the words fell short, his amber eyes looking around once more. 
"You've died…"
"Then that means, " he turned in a circle, shaking his head quickly, "He...he got away!" 
You stepped closer to him, in response, he stepped away, "No! (Y/n) you have to be quick, decide my fate! Warn Aizawa Sensei that the league is on their way!"
"But...I need time…" you pulled back, hand falling to your side. 
"Just choose hell and be on your way! Please!" He pleaded with you, still leaving an open space between the two of you. 
You stared at him incredulously, "Kaminari...thats...I'd be damning you!" 
"Maybe I deserve it!" He yelled, his frustration and hate taking over as he kicked his foot, creating a wave of water that didn't touch you.
"All I ever did was pretend to be an idiot and betray everyone around me! And now you're here, and I have hurt you one more time!" His hands shook as he held them up, staring at them as they flickered with electricity.
"I sold everyone out each time. He asked me questions and without fail I gave them to him." 
You shook your head, "Come on...there had to have been a reason! Tell me that he was pressuring you or that he had some way of manipulating you!" 
His hands slowly turned to fists as he dropped them to his sides, "You don't get it! I faked everything!  I pretended about everything! I made friends in order to keep my cover safe! I even.. I even started to date you to keep my cover safe! So just hurry up and choose hell and go be a hero!" 
You stood quietly, his words like knives digging into your heart, creating chasms of heartache. Hot tears filled your eyes, you could barely wipe them away in time for them to be replaced with new ones, "That's..that's not true! Don't say it!" 
"No! Stop it! I won't believe it! I'm the one who gets to make the decision! Don't try to lie to me, I know what I felt and who I was with! You aren't like that!" 
At once, everything grew silent, neither of you saying a word more. 
Instead, you were reflecting. 
"(Y/L/N) was it? Im Denki, Denki Kaminari! Hero name Chargebolt ! Aizawa seated you next to me, so that means we're going to be good friends, maybe more if you catch my drift," 
You turned to the guy in the seat next to yours, immediately smiling and shaking your head, "Pfft wow! Are you trying to make a move on me already! I just transferred into the class literal minutes ago!"
"Hey what can I say, if I don't do it now, then the others might beat me to it," he flashed a wink your way, earning another chuckle from you. 
"Well, it's nice to meet you Kaminari, hopefully you help keep this class interesting," you held your hand out to him, watching as he shook it. 
"Sooo does this mean I've been friend zoned?" 
You didn't answer, only leaving him to guess as to what your answer was. 
"You...you were the first to welcome me into the class...even if you did hit on me right away. " You smiled softly, that memory of him had always been oddly charming to you.
"Because I had to keep my persona up," 
"You walked me to my next class, and any that we shared. You helped me befriend Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Jirou and even Bakugo…" 
"I already told you! I had to make sure no one questioned me or my actions!" 
"The second day that I had been in that class, at lunch, I had forgotten mine...so you gave me half of yours…and told me that if it happened again, you'd share any day," 
He didn't say anything for a moment, smiling before he did say something, "Sero called me a simp…" 
That day still felt so familiar to you….
"Oh no…." You looked around the table, seeing that the others, who's names you were still trying to learn, had all brought their lunches.
"What is it (Y/L/N)?" Came the pink haired girl, who's bubblegum skin matched in such a pretty shade. She looked so concerned for you, even if she didn't know you all that well.
You let out a sheepish laugh, "Ahh I forgot my lunch…this morning I was in a rush…" 
"Hey! Have some of mine!" Kaminari grinned, pushing his towards you, "We can split it!" 
You turned to him, mouth open a little as you were caught off guard, "Wait really??" 
"Yeah! And if it happens again, I'll share my lunch again! You can count on me,"
From across the table, the black haired boy, who had a contagious smile, coughed loudly, or cleared his throat, you weren't fully sure
After that, lunch had went by so smoothly, as if you had been friends with them for years. 
"And later that day, you even gave me your number! " he sat down, the pond water now going up to his stomach. Though, like you, he couldn't feel it. Whatever cold that seeped its way into his body, was long gone. 
You nodded, following suit and taking a seat, though you didn't look at the water too much, it was cloudy and murky, something you hated about lakes and ponds, "Yeah, and you sent me memes, even in class!" 
"Well, I wanted to see you smile…" 
"I know…" 
But perhaps the memory you would hold dearest to you, was one that he had tried so hard to block out as he worked with the League. 
The UA Winter Formal...just a few months after you had transferred into UA. The crew in charge of decorations had outdone themselves.
What was once the cafeteria, was now a room beautifully lit by fairy lights and pale blue lanterns. There were silky streamers hung across the room, catching the reflection of the lights off of them.  At the front, Present Mic was behind a dj booth, a line of students waiting to ask for a song to queued.
You walked further in, trying to spot anyone you knew.
Currently, you were dressed in a very light shade of yellow, so delicately pale that in this lighting, it would be mistaken for white. 
"(Y/n)! Over here!" Came the call from Kirishima, waving you over.
"Kiri! You look so manly! And Bakugo, I didn't think you'd actually show up!" You grinned as you walked up, earning a 'thanks' from Kiri and a scowl from Bakugo.
For the next few moments, you exchanged compliments with Mina and Jirou, and then joked with Sero. 
But when that all came to an usual stop, you realized what was missing, well..who was missing.
 "Where's Kami?" You asked, having to raise your voice slightly over the music. 
Bakugo turned to you, thinking back for a moment, "Dunce face said something about feeling claustrophobic or whatever, he said he'd be in the hall? I'm surprised you didn't see him on your way in," 
You nodded slowly, humming in return, "ah thanks," You left after that, making your way around the groups of people, waving as you could hear your name from some friends. 
As you reached the entrance once again, you looked up and down the hall, spotting him a ways away by a window, wearing black slacks, a white undershirt and black suspenders, his blazer hanging off his arm loosely, he had a tie on, a darker shade of red. 
"Kaminari! Hey!" You called, making your way over until you stood a foot away, "Why are you all the way out here?" 
"It was hot and stuffy in there, I needed some fresh air...and I was waiting to see if I could spot someone on their way in," 
Again Kaminari flashed a dazzling smile at you. And suddenly, your breath hitched in your throat, cheeks heating up.
Your stomach filled with dainty butterflies and you're pretty sure your heart stopped beating. 
What was going on?? Were you...crushing? But there's no way….
Sure Kaminari tended to flirt with you, and you always laughed at his jokes and smiled at him whenever he smiled at you.
And sure, sometimes when he handed you something your hand would brush his and you'd think about it for a few moments .
 And then there was that time when you were paired up in hero training, and you almost fell off a building in the city area, and then he pulled you back and basically hugged you because you were scared and then later on that was all you could think of.
...okay yeah you were definitely crushing but why did it have to act up now ?!
"Uhh…(Y/n)??? Earth to (Y/n)?"
 You blinked, looking back to Kaminari, who was now fully facing you instead of the window, "Sorry! I uh, spaced out there…"
"It's okay! I'm used to seeing you space off,  you do it often," Denki laughed, only furthering the complicated feelings you were having.
"I don't do it too often…" you gave a small smile, knowing full and well that you ventured into wonderland quite often.
 "Hey, (Y/n)...do you want to dance by any chance? Right here? I can still kind of hear the music," 
You gave a startled look, eyes wide as you took in what he said, but you quickly changed to a smile, "Yes! I'd love that!"
At your approval, Denki gently wrapped his arms around your waist,  pulling you closer to him, almost stealing away all the air from your lungs.
 You looked up to him, your hands moving up to circle around his neck loosely.
God he was so pretty. Even just the light that streamed in from the window seemed to make his eyes sparkle with their golden color.
 "What are you doing?" He murmured, gazing back into your own eyes, an amused smile played out onto his face.
You shook your head quickly, looking down and away, words caught in your throat.
 "(Y/n)...look at me," 
A hand moved away from your hip, gentle fingers cupping your face as he turned you to look at him. 
You weren't sure how it happened...but in a fleeting moment, he had kissed you. At this point, you weren't sure if the tingles running throughout your body were caused by you, or him. 
He pulled away for a breath with a smile, and you pulled him back for another kiss, an overwhelming feeling of happiness washing over you. 
After that, you both had left from the dance, and enjoyed the rest of the night together, watching movies and playing video games. It was the beginning of your relationship. 
"Denki.. whatever the reason for this...I know you aren't a villain. You're Denki Kaminari, the student who offered me lunch on my second day. You're the student who saw a general education kid crying and joked with them to make them feel better!" 
"And you're the one who I..who I love okay? So stop trying to make me hate you! " 
His eyes went wide, filling with more tears. You rushed to him through the mucky water, grasping him. You clutched at his clothes starting to cry with him.
"I love you so much and I'll always love you, I swear!" You buried your head into his neck, feeling him hold onto you just as tightly as you were holding onto him. 
"(Y/n) I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry. I want more time with you, I want to spend life with you. Im sorry fuck..I love you so much. You're the reason I'm even here! Shigaraki was planning on attacking the school and he threatened you and I panicked and I tried to shock him and..and...the water here...I wasn't thinking," he started to work himself into a panic.
You stroked his hair, shushing him gently until you both calmed down enough.  
Finally, he looked to you, amber eyes red and puffy just as you had found him, and asked with a sad smile, "So...where to?" 
You shook your head, tears still falling as you kissed his forehead, the water and the area around you falling away, "I think we both know.."
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