#and like five years younger than my mom. i know my parents aren't young but still
I'm not surprised that Billie Joe Armstrong is a youngest sibling. If I look at him I can just tell. I can see it in his eyes
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
To Hec and Back
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Pairing: Hangman x Reader (Call Sign Hecate)
Warnings: Language, childhood trauma, physical violence.
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Part 7
"What if they don't like me when they meet me in person, Jake?" You asked him as he drove you from the airport to his family ranch. It had been a month since Jake had proposed to you, and you both had time off to finally come to Texas and meet his family in person.
"My parents already love you. My younger sister is going to love you too." He assures you as he pats your thigh.
"What about your older sister and her husband?" You ask him.
Jake sighs. "Bryan is a great guy. How he puts up with Savannah, I will never know. I can't wait for you to meet their kids, though. Carter and Sloan are the coolest." Jake smiles. "I'm sure I will get along great with your niece and nephew." You smile back at him.
"Our niece and nephew Hec." He corrects you while tracing his thumb over your engagement ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Seresin or Elaine and JT, as they have insisted you call them, hug both of you as you come in. Their house is spectacular. It's bigger than one you could have ever dreamed of. You knew Jake came from money, but it wasn't something that he openly advertised.
The afternoon is spent with his mom and his younger sister Charlotte, or Charli, talking your ears off. You didn't mind it, though. You didn't have this growing up, and it was nice.
Everyone seemed to be in a good mood until Savannah came. Her husband Bryan greeted you warmly but was sure he had met you before. You told him you must have one of those faces.
Carter, Jake's five year old nephew and Sloan, his three year old niece, were so happy to see their uncle again.
"Carter, Sloan, I want you to meet someone. This Y/N, she flys big planes like Uncle Jake, and I'm going to marry her." He tells them. Sloan climbs up to you, with wide eyes. "You fwy the big pwanes?"She asks, you. "I sure do." You smile at her.
"Do you fly as good as Uncle Jake?" Carter asks, climbing up on your lap beside his sister.
"Better." You say causing everyone to laugh.
"So if you are going to marry Uncle Jake, does that make you Aunt Y/N? Like Aunt Charli?" Carter asks. He's pretty smart to be so young. "I guess it does." You tell him. Savannah shoots you a dirty look.
"Hi Aunty Y/N," Sloan squeals. "She isn't your aunt yet." Savannah snaps, grabbing her.
"Wow, Sav, way to kill the mood." Charli scoffs.
"Well, I'm just saying. You've been dating her what? Six months JJ, and now you're engaged? Why the rush? Did you get her pregnant?" Savannah asks with ice in her voice.
"Sav!" Charli and Elaine scold her had the same time.
"No, Savannah, she isn't pregnant. We love each other and aren't afraid to go after what we want." Jake defends you as you press closer to his side.
"And what kind of call sign is Hecate? Isn't she like a witch or something?" Savannah continues to berate you.
"Actually, in Greek mythology, she's known as a touch barer, a bringer of light in darkness." You try to tell her. You wish you could change her mind, but you can already tell that Savannah had made up her mind about you.
"Well I for one, think it's lovely, different, inspiring." Elaine states.
"Now, Hecate, darling, I'm not sure what you and JJ have planned for the wedding, bur you're more than welcome to get married here on the ranch, or we can fly out to San Diego if that's what you prefer." Elaine smiles at you.
"Thank you, we haven't talked about it much." You tell her.
"Well, I would love it if I could have your mother's phone number so I could talk to her about some details!" Elaine says.
Your shoulders drop. Jake feels you stiffen beside him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, that—that one be possible." You swallow thickly.
"Oh, darling, has she passed?" Elaine softens.
"No ma'am. I—I don't know who she is. I grew up in the system. Spent my whole life being bounced around between foster care and group homes. That's why I joined the Navy. I wanted some stability." You hang your head at the confession.
Jake rubs soothing circles on your back. He knows how hard it is for you to talk about your childhood.
"Well," Elaine says, taking your hand. "You might not have had a family then, but you have one now."
"Absolutely, honey." JT, Jake's father, agrees.
"Wow! Way to go JJ, you picked a charity case for a bride!" Savannah scoffs. "How do you know she isn't with you for your money."
"I—I'm not, I would never—" You try to defend yourself. Jake stands up and turns to face her, but before he can open his mouth, Charli stands up in front of her sister.
"Savannah, if you could just not be a a bitch for like five minutes that would be great. I get that you think you're better than everyone else and that the five years before Jake was born were the best years of your life, but damn! Give the girl a break. Not everyone grew up as fortunate as we were!" Charli tells her.
"Your sister is exactly right, Savannah. You should be happy for your brother." Their father states
"Exactly. You should be happy he has found a wonderful woman." Their mom finishes.
"I'm just a concerned big sister watching out for her baby brother. Don't you get that JJ?" Savannah whines.
"I'm thirty years old, I don't need you to baby me." Jake deadpans.
"All I'm saying is before you walk down the aisle, make sure she signs a pre-nup." Savannah shoots back.
"Just like how you made Bryan?" Jake grits.
"Bryan didn't have to sign one because he's with me for love." Savannah tells him.
"He definitely isn't with you for your personality." Charli snickers.
"Bryan, it's late. We need to get home and put the kids to bed." Savannah huffs before turning on her heel to leave. Bryan tells everyone good night and ushers his children to leave.
"Bye Nana, bye PopPop, bye Aunt Charli, bye Uncle Jake, bye Aunt Hecate!" Carter calls before leaving.
When you hear the door shut, you take a deep breath.
"Don't listen to Savannah, she'll come around. She's always been the difficult one." JT tells you.
"What dad is trying to say is, Savannah is a bitch." Charli laughs.
"Charlotte Grace!" Her mother scolds. "It's true, mom, and you know it." Jake laughs.
"Well, it's getting late, and I'm sure the two of you want to rest after traveling today. We've converted your old room into a guest room JJ, dear. There should be towels and everything you need up there." Elaine informs you.
"Thanks, Mom. Goodnight." Jake tells them as he leads to two of you upstairs.
"Goodnight, everyone!" You call down the stairs.
Once the two of you are inside the safety of the guest room, you sigh. "That could have gone better." You tell Jake.
"Hec, baby, Mom, Dad, Charli, and the kids love you. That's all I care about. Savannah has a stick up her ass. I promise she will be better at brunch on Sunday because our grandmother will be there. Savannah has always been a better person around her." Jake says as he beings to undress.
"Care to join me in the shower?" He wags his eyebrows at you.
"Just a shower, we aren't doing any funny business under your parents' roof." You tell him.
"Might have to sneak you out to the barn or the back of the truck I rented. Can't go two weeks without having my best girl." Jake whispers against your ear before whisking you into the bathroom.
Saturday is spent shopping and getting mani-pedis with Elaine and Charli, Jake, and his father spend the day taking care of a few things on the ranch. You all meet up for dinner and you finally start to feel like one of them.
You're hopeful for Sunday.
You made sure to put on the new dress Elaine and Charli helped you pick out yesterday. You've done simple hair and makeup and have a bright smile on your face.
Jake's grandmother Dorothea, or Grammy Seresin, as she insisted, is one of the sweetest women you have ever met. She fawns over your engagement ring as she tells you about the ring that the smaller diamonds in it came from. She pinches Jake's cheeks and tells him what a good job he has done.
Grammy Seresin doesn't leave your side, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Savannah. She's clenching her mimosa glass so hard that it could shatter.
Everyone is talking about wedding plans and brunch is going well until Savannah speaks.
"You know JJ, speaking of wedding plans, you won't have to hire any entertainment for your bachelor party." She beings.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jake questions her. There's no way Savannah could know... is there? He thinks.
"I mean, why would you pay for it when apparently, you're already getting it for free." Savannah continues. She smirks, looking from Jake to you. Your heart drops.
"Savannah, don't." Jake warns her.
"Don't what, JJ? Tell everyone that you're marrying a stripper?" She says, with venom in her voice.
"Savannah Marie!" Elaine shouts, "How dare you say something like that about her!"
You shrink into your seat. You can feel the tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
"I'm only telling the truth, Mother." Savannah drawls out. "Remember how Bryan said that she looked familiar? It's because she was an 'entertainer' at his bachelor party!" Savannah shouts.
"Jake, is this— is this true?" Elaine asks, looking from you to him.
"Yes, Ma'am." You choke out. "Like I told you, I grew up in the system. When I first joined the Navy, I needed a way to support myself. Dancing helped me when no one else would. Later, I did it because I enjoyed it. I stopped after Jake and I became serious." You confess with tears streaming down your cheeks.
Everyone is silent for a moment before Savannah starts laughing.
"Wow! JJ! You sure know how to pick them. You're marrying a whore! You—" Savannah doesn't get to say anything else because Charli jumps up from her chair and slaps her across the face.
Shouting breaks out among the family. You can hear Jake defending you.
It's all too much. Everyone is too busy to notice you slip out of the dining room and up the stairs.
You quickly grab your things and the keys to Jake's rental. You slink into the garage, unnoticed. Everyone is still too busy fighting. You start up the truck and head down the drive.
You aren't sure where you are going, but you can't stay here.
You were a fool to think that this would work, that you could fit in with these people.
It takes everyone a full thirty minutes to calm down. Savannah had been kicked out of the house. Jake's parents and grandmother assure him that they fully support his decision to marry you because they love you and how happy you make him.
Jake is the first to notice you aren't in the dining room anymore.
He searches the first floor and can't find you. Soon, he, Elaine, and Charli are checking the house for you. JT goes to search the patio and backyard. You're nowhere to be found.
Jake runs up to the guest room. Your things are gone.
He comes back downstairs to the living room with tears in his eyes.
He has something in his hand. He sits down on the couch and places it on the coffee table. The only thing you left behind:
Your engagement ring.
Eeeekkk, I hope yall enjoyed this chapter and the drama! I lured you back in with the spice, just to paralyze you once again!
Tag List: @pisupsala @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @youlightmeupfinn @withahappyrefrain @arson-tm @sebsxphia @potato-girl99981 @caitsymichelle13 @lillyrosenight @callsign-hummingbird @inky-sun @writeroutoftime @afterglowsb-tch13 @heyoimjordy @phoenixssugarbaby @hypatia93 @bradshawseresinbabe @je-suis-prest-rachel @teacupsandtopgun @boringusername3 @starlightstories @daggerspare-standingby @utterlyhopeful-fics @talkfastromance4 @fighterpilothoe @t-nd-rfoot @phoenix1388 @abaker74 @peppizzathief @gigisimsonmars @emorychase @wannabeschyulersister @greatszu @shawnsblue @angelbabyange @sadpetalsstuff @softmullet @cowboybarbie @shewritesfiction13 @sweetlittlegingy @rogersbarnesxx
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xtrablak674 · 7 months
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The Absence of a Photograph
Above is the only photo of me and my mom together, no lets get even more explicit, there are only about fifteen photos I have of my mom. And only two shots that I am aware of are with her and one of her children. There's this shot and then there's a studio shot of her and my younger brother whom is also a baby in the picture. So to recap there aren't any photos of my mom with all of her children, to my knowledge. And there aren't any photos of us together with her beyond our infant-hood.
There's something else I need to discuss before I get into a larger discussion about the importance of family and friend photographs and that is prior to our digital camera age, family portraits were something of more affluent Black families. I am not saying poor Black families had no photos, but it was much more rare for them to have the disposable income and mental bandwidth to think of documenting their legacy when they were facing more dire problems of just housing, feeding and clothing their progeny.
In my opinion the primary photographs of children were usually driven by public school photo days, which was a wider ritual that gave the parent an opportunity to purchase a low price studio shot of their child. As shown in my own family history baby photos are also important to the less affluent. Its a way to show pride and their happiness in their fresh-faced new borns, ergo all the baby photos of me and my siblings without fail.
But once I got into toddler-hood and beyond there is a distinct absence of photos. My personal saving grace was the fact that my paternal grandparents were upper middle-class. My father's childhood was documented like a National Geographic reporter was embedded in the Brown household in the Bronx.
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The above photo was taken in my grandparents house more than likely by my paternal grandmother. You know what, I don't need to be inconclusive, I can definitively say this photo was taken by my father's mom. When I got the negatives scanned, this was one photo amongst a group of images clearly documenting a visit with my grandparents in there Northern Bronx NYCHA apartment. I also know that she was the hand behind the overt documentation of her children and her surrounding family as meticulously as she documented her many travel exploits.
The reality was much different in my mom's house. And due to the gift of a 110 camera from the same before mentioned grandparents, I actually had a picture of my younger brothers together, I am missing because well I took the photo! But there isn't one photo to my knowledge, of the three siblings all together, something I rectified as an adult very deliberately.
My 110 also accounted for at least four to five of the other photos of my mom, recall I said I only have fifteen photos of her. So my grandparents were directly the cause for me having the capacity to document my mom before she would succumb to cancer way too young.
There are so many feelings I have around the fact that my formative years weren't better documented. I understand the financial restraints, but I also over-stand the emotional impact left by the absence of these kinds of images. My mom's biggest regret was having to separate her children upon her death, and the fact that no image exist of the three of her kids captured together, sort of reinforces the fact that we were never in fact a family. I mention this because of the estrangement of us three with the two photographed being closer, since they were placed together, and me being on the outs, as a friend said, they act like you don't exist. And looking at the photographic evidence, I don't!
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My own feelings feel compounded because like my paternal grandmother I was the one who always trying to make sure that I documented the three surviving children together. There was one instance when my younger brother was working as a studio photographer that he documented the three of us, but after that no attempt was made on either of their parts, even at both of their weddings, to note that the three of us in fact at once point shared the same womb.
But this essay isn't about my bitterness of the estrangement from my brothers, but the importance of documenting yourself with the people you love. As an uncle to an abundant amount of children I have always made sure that all of these kids have a photo of themselves with Uncle Trevor. I jokingly refer to them as the in-case-of-death photos, the kinds of images folks would make their cover photos on the ghost-town known as Facebook.
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Even the friends I know and have known I have tried to make an effort to capture images of us together, so even after the friendship fades there was a record that we knew each other and were possibly fond of one another. I realize in this digital age the lack of a photograph means it never actually happened, and that isn't the essence of what I am getting to at all. As an adult coming from a place where we didn't document every second of every day with a handheld multi-purpose device, I understand how important an official record of meaningful times can be.
Especially when your reflecting back on your life and your accomplishments like I have been wont to do of late. Its nice to see these moments where a genuine moment was captured of joy and fellowship. I actively encourage the children of my siblings to document those that are important to them before they loose the opportunity to do so.
I recall the excitement from my nibling who only visited with me for a short weekend and how enthralled they were by the photos I had taken during their brief trip, that they shared them widely with their friends. You know there is no greater approval from a young person than something being shared with their little friends. I would like to think my niece who spent a birthday week with me, was just as effused by the outcome of our shots, albeit I have never heard her explicitly express this. #YesThisWasShade At least I can say for myself that I did my due diligence to not only show her a good time but to document said good time for all of prosperity.
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Photography being one of my artistic mediums, and a way for me to hold space for the moments of my life that my mind seems to let slip away, I never take for granted how important it is to document the moment, to embrace the feelings and to savor the memories.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
『 Backstory 』
➵ Any TWs? :
➵ Subtle Mentions of Transphobia.
➵ Beau Romano - his deadname being Bianca - was born a year after his older sister, Faye. He lived with his semi-wealthy parents, Camilia and Dylan Romano in Manitoba.
When he was in second grade, Beau began to have a big sprout of creativity. He had drawn pictures of people and anthropomorphic animals, and create small little tales about these people/animals he has drawn. He Drew more and more of these as time slowly passed, and he enjoyed telling stories about these drawings. This had grown into a hobby, and something he enjoyed thoroughly.
His older sister came out when she was nine that she felt like a girl and that she was attracted to girls. Now, their parents are very accepting people and proceeded to assist and support Faye - who was formerly known as Lovino - get what she needed to transition.
Beau happily cheered on his big sister on, supporting her and showering her with love. He celebrated her transitions and her relationships happily, happy that he had such a prideful older sister.
By the time Beau was ten, he had begun to experiment with his sexuality by feeling some weird way towards a guy in music class. He talked with this guy more and more, and these feelings continued to grow.
After a couple of weeks, he felt the same way towards a girl in music class too. The feeling for the boy stayed, but now he had feelings for a boy and a girl.
One day, while walking to school with his mom, he heard two girls behind him talking about the people they liked. One of the girls had said that she was Bisexual, to which little Beau tugged on his mother's sleeve and asked what "Bisexual" meant. The woman explained that it was when someone liked two or more genders.
Beau put that into thought, and not even a minute later, he exclaimed "I'm Bisexual!"
His mom smiles and ruffled her son's - then daughter's - head. While Beau was still a kid, and she thought that Beau didn't know what he was talking about, the boy knew exactly what he was talking about.
Those feelings of the boy and girl faded over time. When Beau was twelve, he had fallen for another person. There had been this really cute girl in class who enjoyed drawing, and boy, what a talented artist she is.
Slowly, but surely, Beau began to fall in love with this girl, and spent time with her. Months went by, and the two had fallen in love.
The girl had confessed to Beau, which he accepted.
These two were a great, healthy Lesbian couple at the time. They were both very happy and loving. Beau had welcomed his girlfriend into the family, to which they welcomed with open arms.
The relationship lasted for two years until they fell out of love. The spark was gone. Their breakup wasn't nasty - they awkwardly stated that they lost that romantic spark on both sides. Beau had turned thirteen at the time. Beau and his ex-lover are on good terms to this day.
Once puberty hit, Beau looked at the body he had at the moment. He didn't quite fit with how it was. It made him feel like he didn't fit in a girl's body. He wanted to cut off his developing melons. So, he decided to talk to Faye later that evening, whom had fully transitioned. She was a beautiful woman. As he talked to her about what had been up, Faye stated that Beau could be Transgender, and even gave him a few articles on Gender Dysphoria.
Weeks of looking into gender identities later, Beau took the label "Trans Male" and used it to describe himself. With encouragement from Faye, he came out to his parents, who accepted him. He didn't want to transition as quickly as Faye, and wanted to take it slow. Testosterone and binding first.
As he grew older, Beau got bullied for being a Transgender Bisexual man. He was experiencing Transphobia from a few of his fellow peers. He knew that not everyone would accept him for being who he was, but this hurt quite a bit. Being bullied for this wasn't fair - he had every right to express himself! - but nooo, people were idiots.
His love for writing had grown more and more over the years. He began to write little stories that he presented in school and posted online. People loved his little stories. Whether they were fanfiction or characters and universes he had created in his head, they received a lot of positive feedback. Sure, there were haters, bullies, trolls, and rude people in general, but Beau didn't pay attention to them too much.
Beau had gotten top surgery when he was fifteen. He had been on testosterone for a year, and he had been binding for that time being. He loved his new, flat chest. Sure, he would have a scar on his chest from the surgery, but it didn't really bother him. He was happy that his tibbies were deleted. Now he could feel like a guy somewhat.
During the time passed from fourteen and fifteen years old, Beau had been watching a show known as "Total Drama" with Faye. The show was appealing to the young teen. The risky challenges were entertaining, most of the cast was likable, and it was really entertaining for the young boy. He'd talk about joining the show every now and then and would think about what his label or cliche would be on the show.
Timeskip to now, Beau and Faye are sixteen and seventeen respectively. After watching an ad to audition for the next season of Total Drama, Faye looked over at her little brother.
"Hey... You should audition to be on there!"
Beau, liking the idea, auditioned for the show. Once his audition was seen, Beau was invited to be on a season of Total Drama.
『 Voice Claim 』
『 Miscellaneous Facts』
➵ Theme Song
➵ Quotes
"O-Oh, hello...!"
"I'm Beau. It's nice to meet you!"
"It's too people-y in there. I-I'd like to stay right here."
"He's... Kinda pretty."
"Are you lonely? I could hang out with you if you'd like."
"I-It's not a diary! It's just a journal that I put my writing and ideas in."
"Sorry, I'd rather be by myself. I-It's nothing personal -- I j-just don't like large groups of people."
"Sorry... I'm rambling again, aren't I? Sorry about that..."
"He's a... He's a man. And I'm just a boy."
"Ciao, bello..!" (Hello, handsome..!)
"Aren't you guys a little too old for a bedtime story?"
"Fine, fine. Once upon a time, there were a few guys on an island who needed to go the fuck to sleep. G'night, guys."
"What do you mean that 'isn't a good bedtime story? I think it's a brilliant story."
"Fine... There was once this God named Fóllame de lado-"
"Hey - do you wanna fuck around with the others?"
"H-Hey! I apologize for interrupting what you were doing, but... I'd like to confess something if that's o-okay? Look, I'll cut to the chase. I... love you, dude. And not in some bromance way. Like... I have romantic feelings for you. I love you so much I could scream it to the world..! I hope you f-feel the same way. And if you don't? That's p-perfectly fine."
"Good morning, mio amore."
"Sorry, but could you like, shut up for five seconds? Thanks..."
➵ Ship Names (OC X Crush or OC X OC)
Duncan x Beau = BeauDun/ BeauCan
DJ x Beau = BJ / BeauJ
Alejandro x Beau = AleBeau
Mike x Beau = Meau/Bike
Lightning x Beau = Blightning/BeauLight
Topher x Beau = Beaupher / Beaupher
Shawn x Beau = Sheau / Bawn
➵ Random Facts
• If they're comfortable, Beau calls his male friends "Bello" (Handsome), and his female friends "Bella" (Beautiful).
For Nonbinary folk, it depends on what they prefer.
•Beau has learned how to play the ukelele from Faye.
•He would actually like to go windsurfing sometime!
• Speaking of his sister, she's a well-known acrobat/performer for her age. He admires her for being so talented in such a thing..
• His sister is an extrovert, and more outgoing than Beau. The two are opposites,,but yknow, opposites attract!
•Beau prefers to write stories that are/include horror, action, and supernatural/fantasy. He can write romantic stories, but he doesn't prefer writing things like that.
•He has written some shitty fanfictions when he was younger. He will share them among his friends and laugh at what he wrote.
•The languages he speaks are:
• English
• (Some) Spanish. [Italian and Spanish are similar language-wise in a few ways. That, and Beau just wanted to learn Spanish.]
• Respectful boi when it comes to Pronouns, Names, People's likes and dislikes, etc.
•Beau has some family members that live in Italy. He has gone to Italy to visit them numerous times.
• Beau doesn't believe in soulmates. He thinks that it's just some fairytale thing that people believe in. He wants to love someone on his own accord - not someone who the universe was like "Oh, let's put these people together.".
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