#and leia (different from show!leia) is like !! NO!! tht's my OTHER father!
tennessoui · 2 years
KUWSK Leia and Obi-Wan get lost ? 👀
i think i've probably shared this snippet before (unfortunately nothing has really been added to it, but the Kenobi show inspired me to write a kuwsk ficlet where obi-wan and leia wander around a marketplace looking lost---only in this, it's probably one of the first times one of the twins calls obi-wan their father (to an inquisitive stranger) and obi-wan has to sit down for a lil bit:
Early June, half a year (six months, three weeks and one day, if you ask Anakin) after they get together
“Obi,” Leia says, reaching up to tug at his pants leg. Obi-Wan hums to show that he’s listening, even if he really isn’t. He’s trying to decide which of these blown glass pieces will look better in their kitchen window. One depicts a soft sunrise, pink and yellow and green. The other is a beach landscape, darker blues and swaths of orange.
Objectively, the sunrise would be much prettier, and since the kitchen is west-facing, it would throw a beautiful blanket of light over the countertops while (usually) Anakin prepared dinner, which the man would surely be delighted by.
Subjectively, of course, Obi-Wan has spent the last two months trying to subtly hint to Anakin that he would like to go to the beach this summer, and frankly, they’re running out of time. Anakin sometimes needs things laid out for him to understand. After all, he’d needed Obi-Wan to accidentally kiss him before they started dating, even if Obi-Wan had spent several months before that trying to show him how much he loved him.
Whenever Obi-Wan brings this up, Anakin likes making noises like he’s a dying cat before he leaves the room.
But, unfortunately, he does love this man, and he thinks the play of the pink lighting will look absolutely heavenly on Anakin’s cheekbones. And if he has the sudden urge to kiss him, then he can just do it. Amazing. It’s been half a year since they got together, and it still manages to blow Obi-Wan away every time he remembers Anakin is willingly allowing him to call him his for now.
Perhaps he should just tell Anakin about the desire for a beach trip.
“Obi,” Leia says, more insistently, tugging harder on his pants, and Obi-Wan tears his gaze away from the glass to check on her.
“Yes, Leia love?” he asks, when their eyes make contact. 
“I haven’t seen daddy in ages,” she reports, stepping closer to him.
“Your daddy’s over by the tent with all the maps last time I checked,” he tells her, running a quick hand over the top of her head. Anakin and Luke had been fascinated with the selection of maps and compasses and star charts, stopping in the middle of the pathway and cutting through another row to get a closer look, as if Obi-Wan did not make and share the perfect, most efficient plan for walking through this crafts fair without missing a single tent.
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