#and kirisawa understands exactly what he's going through
‘Choosing Sides’ Part Twenty-Three - Plaster Dust
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Awkwardly, Miho sat, cuffed, under the cold gaze of the one know to her only as Genever.
“Tattoos aside, you don’t look like you belong here,” Miho said carefully, but the woman scowled.
“What the hell would you know?” she snapped.
“I have a decent imagination,” Miho countered. “The mafia? How does a girl like you wind up falling in with the likes of Mr. Oh?”
“A girl like me?” Genever sneered. “A woman like you wouldn’t understand.”
Genever’s eyes then narrowed, and she put herself right in Miho’s face. “Or maybe you do. Most people would be trembling in their shoes with the threat of Mr. Oh looming over them, but look at you, all composed and shit.”
“I’m plenty afraid,” Miho admitted. “But if I’m going to be dead soon, I may as well know who is doing the killing and why.”
“What difference does it make?” Genever snorted, straightening when Miho shifted uncomfortably.
“Have you ever killed anyone?” Miho asked, tilting her head. “Will you be the one he orders to pull the trigger?”
“Shut up,” Genever growled, looking like she might throw a backhand.
Miho was saved that by the ring of Genever’s phone.
The girl’s entire expression changed the moment she saw who the caller was.
“If you move,” she glared viciously, pointing in a threatening way with her phone in her other hand, “you’ll get the answer to your question.”
With a final pointed look, Genever stepped out of the office and closed the door over most of the way.
Sit here and wait to get whacked, or rifle through this office?
“Well if you’re going to die anyway,” she muttered as she got to her feet, though she hadn’t really thought through how she intended to search through Soryu’s things without the use of her hands.
As she attempted to move her body in such a way that would allow her to open a desk draw, the sound of a familiar name caused her to freeze.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘he’s unreachable’, Nomura,” Genever snarled, somewhere in the room beyond.
The second name assured Miho it was her Nomura the woman spoke of.
“Kirisawa assured me I’d always be able to reach him. Where is he?”
“Nomura and Kirisawa?” Miho exhaled, nudging her ear against the door. “Why would a mob thug be called by Nomura about Kirisawa?”
Inhaling a deep breath, she pushed open the door a little further, and saw Genever by the window some ten metres away.
“That’s it, I’m out,” Genever barked, throwing up her free hand. “You guys strong armed me into this but I didn’t agree to get myself killed.”
“Genever,” Miho said clearly, and the other woman turned, white hair fanning out around her as she did, framing the deep scowl knitting her brows. “Let me talk to Nomura.”
“Get the hell back in there, Ohira,” Genever instructed sharply, phone at her side.
“No,” Miho glared back, “because if you’re talking to Nomura Tadanobu about Kirisawa Hiroshi, then I want to talk to him, right now.”
Genever blinked, perplexed, and silence settled until Nomura’s voice called with faint urgency.
Instantly this caused Genever to end the call and advance on Miho.
“Okay, spill it, everything,” she commanded, stopping only when she stood just shy of touching.
“I’m Public Safety,” Miho announced – no sense really in getting into exactly whether Public Safety did or didn’t consider her under their employ. “Your turn.”
“I said everything,” Genever scowled, but now Miho had something over her, there was a whole lot less to fear.
“Both of us have a lot to lose if Mr. Oh finds out we’re connected to the police, Miss Genever,” she responded, finally finding proper calm again. “Judging by your reaction to hearing my association, I don’t think you’re actually an officer,” she continued. “So what then? Informant?”
Conflict waged a war in Genever’s pale eyes.
“There is something far bigger brewing than whatever it is you’re here for,” Miho added in for consideration. “So, maybe you could remove the cuffs? They’re killing me.”
“Just sit down,” Genever huffed, giving Miho a gentle nudge back, and when Miho’s legs hit the sofa she flopped down uncomfortably with a grimace. “What’s this big thing?”
“Terrorists seeking top secret information that’s currently somewhere in the Tres Spades,” Miho answered, feeling like that’s all she did these days. “I don’t know where, or who has it, hell maybe your boss has it.”
“No, if Mr. Oh had something that big I’d know,” Genever replied shaking her head.
“Which is why you were left here to mind me, while he and the other guy disappear to do something shady.”
“Hey, leave Inui out of this,” Genever snapped, and Miho narrowed her eyes.
“Is he a double agent too?” she asked, and Genever pressed her black painted lips together so hard they very nearly turned white. “What’s that look for?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” Genever grumbled, seeming to have lost her sharp edge. “I can’t uncuff you, or let you go,” she went on. “Mr. Oh will kill me, and then you when he finds you.”
“Then he’ll kill me if he finds out why I’m here,” Miho noted. “Not that I expect you to turn me in. Why is Nomura calling you?”
“Kirisawa is my handler but he’s off doing something and just left me here, bastard,” she answered.
“I know him too, and that doesn’t sound very much like him,” Miho frowned. “Something important must have come up.”
At this Genever snorted.
“More important than the life of some loser.”
“You want out, is that it?” Miho queried. “Wait, do you know something about these terrorists?”
“No! I’ve heard nothing like that. I’m supposed to be looking for drug connections.”
“So what now?”
As if in answer, Genever’s phone rang, and she fumbled to answer it.
“Yes, Boss?”
Tensing, Miho watched as Genever’s eyes settled back on her.
Uh oh.
“Right away,” Genever assured, and then hung up. “We’re going to the Tres Spades.”
“What’s going on?” Miho inhaled, getting to her feet.
Even if she could overpower Genever with her hands cuffed behind her, if she ran, chances were Genever would be punished severely, and knowing she was under Kirisawa’s purview changed everything.
“Didn’t say,” Genever grunted. “But we’re going, so don’t fuss.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Miho sighed, and allowed herself to be directed out of the office.
They talked no more, not in the car ride, not as they crossed the foyer with a jacket looped over Miho’s cuffs, and not as they rode the elevator up.
She hadn’t seen Eisuke since she’d skipped out on him the previous night – that was one concern; the other of course, was what they needed her here for.
“Just, try not to piss them off,” Genever advised quietly at Miho’s back, before escorting her into the penthouse.
“I’m not especially good at that,” Miho muttered mirthlessly, her chest tightening the moment Eisuke came into view.
His eyes fixed on her immediately – an icy bolt impaling her through and through, and though Miho tried not to allow her apprehension to bloom into fear, the graveness in each expression around the room made her blood run cold.
Soryu she knew, Ota Kisaki also, but there was another man now, dishevelled and puffing away on a cigarette.
“Kishi Mamoru,” Genever whispered almost into the back of Miho’s hair so as not to be seen speaking as they walked. “Dirty cop.”
“Perfect,” Miho exhaled, then made a point of making eye contact with Eisuke. “What is going on?” she demanded to know, though her voice shook with an authentic amount of fear. “First I’m abducted off the street and interrogated and now I’m dragged up here? Mr. Ichinomiya wh…”
“Stop talking,” Eisuke said curtly.
I wish Baba was here.
“So you really think she is responsible for this?” Ota mused, looking Miho up and down.
“For what?” Miho scowled helplessly, and poised to preach her innocence when Eisuke roughly took her chin.
“You’ve been digging around from the very beginning, haven’t you, Ohira?” he breathed into her face, bringing back the vivid memory of the taste of his lips. “I should have known after the incident in the foyer you were suspect.”
“Suspect of what?” Miho managed to get out.
Still standing behind her, holding her wrists, Genever gave Miho a slight squeeze – perhaps reassurance?
“Sorry,” Aihara apologised, striding back into the penthouse common room with a laptop on hand, “I wasn’t able to trace it back, but it’s been here since just before your little friend was hired.”
Oh shit.
So close, Eisuke just stared, and stared. From his gaze Miho felt great grappling hooks taking root in her lies, prying them back one by one, even though she said nothing.
“What’s with the urgent message?” Baba complained, wandering casually into the tension without a clue. “Wh… what the hell? Boss?”
As much as she had wished Baba was there, when he did in fact arrive to see her in that situation, Eisuke like he might lunge at her at any moment and bite her face off, it actually had the opposite effect she was looking for.
Her eyes began to burn, and to prevent them from spilling over she closed them tightly.
“Tears definitely won’t be enough,” Eisuke told her, giving her a shove back into Genever.
As the smaller woman steadied Miho on her feet, a booming sound deafened everyone, just a split second before the building roared and shuddered. Plaster dust suddenly choked the air; chunks of ceiling fell down on top of them as they tried to remain on their feet, and across the other side of the large space, Eisuke’s penthouse suite above came crumbling into view along with other large pieces of twisted debris.
Alarms blared, and fire following various items from above through the gaping hole, set off sprinklers that doused them all.
“Everyone out!” Eisuke barked, the first to emerge from the shock of an explosion so close to them. “Stairs.”
“Miho,” Baba gasped, soaked hair sticking to his face.
“What the?” she blinked, not even registering the blood now dripping into her right eye.
“Never a dull moment with you Princess,” he smirked, a ridiculous grin considering the circumstances, but with Genever close with them, they began the evacuation.
It was completely surreal.
Crowds of guests were being directed by Tres Spades staff into the stair wells in order to evacuate safely, but panic was scrawled across their faces too. Distant sirens heralded the arrival of emergency services, and as they finally managed to exit onto the street, Miho was able to look up.
Great plumes of smoke rose into the Tokyo sky from the upper floors of the building. Whatever had happened, it must have been on the roof, for she was certain if an explosion that big had occurred within the penthouse itself, she would have been as dead.
“Come on,” Baba urged, turning her around and making light work of her cuffs, but the moment they took another step, Soryu was there and glaring.
“Don’t even think about making a run for it,” he told Miho sternly, then turned his gaze to his subordinate. “Make sure she stays. Genever.”
“Boss,” Genever nodded, wringing out her long hair.
“You’re bleeding,” Baba whispered, taking a folded handkerchief from his pocket and pressing it against her forehead.
“Terrorists,” Miho murmured, pushing for clarity through shock and peering around the screaming, crying crowd.
If Public Safety had still been watching the Tres Spades, then they must have seen her go back in. So where were they? Did they care she could have been blown to pieces?
Does Kaga care?
“Miss Genever, do you, have your phone?” Miho asked, and Genever frowned at her quizzically. “Please, now is the time to call for help.”
Though she continued to scowl, Genever handed Miho her phone, and Miho dialled without even thinking.
“Genever,” came Nomura’s voice, laced with urgency. “Are you at the Tres Spades?”
“She is,” Miho responded quietly, again finding her voice strangled by emotion. “We made it out, we’re okay.”
“Miho?” he ejected – he sounded breathless, shaky, like he was running.
“Yeah,” she whimpered, gazing up at the building, even as Baba urged them further away. “I need you,” she very nearly sobbed. “I didn’t expect this and now…it’s all gone to shit.”
“Ohira, maybe you shouldn’t?” Genever prompted, concerned Miho would say too much and regret it, but the snap of Nomura’s concerned voice kept Miho tied to him.
“Are you safe?” he rushed, his voice echoing – car park.
“For now,” she nodded, even though he couldn’t see her. “But this has to be the work of the terrorists that attacked Prime Minister Hiraizumi’s residence.”
“Terrorists?” Baba repeated, watching her and listening, but Miho didn’t seem to care who heard her at this point.
To her folly.
“And what would you know about terrorists?” Eisuke asked flatly, rounding on her with uncharacteristically open emotion, though Baba put a hand on his chest to keep him from grabbing her.
“Please hurry,” Miho hissed tearily, though she fought to keep from giving in to sobs. “I can’t rely on Public Safety anymore… there was never any backup anyway…”
With the phone still pressed to hear ear, Miho eyed at Eisuke.
“I thought maybe the owner knew something, and to be targeted like this…” she pressed on, but stopped when Eisuke spoke again.
“Public. Safety.”
“Right here,” Kaga announced, and from the masses he emerged, jaw set, eyes harsh fixing on Eisuke.
Miho slumped a little more, and Baba put an arm around her shoulder, dabbing at the cut at her hairline again now that Eisuke’s focus had shifted to Kaga. Goto appeared, followed by Soma, and both took a moment to assess Miho’s state before disappearing as suddenly as they’d arrived.
“Miho?” Nomura’s voice barked, drawing Miho back to the phone.
“Get her to the hospital,” Kaga commanded, looking past Eisuke at Baba. “I will be following up.”
“Sure, come on Princess,” he urged gently, and Miho took hold of Genever’s wrist with her free hand.
“Come,” she very nearly pleaded, though it came from a place much more concerned for the other woman should she remain.
“Boss told me to keep an eye on you,” Genever sniffed, shaking off Miho’s hand and standing tall, and Miho managed a small smile.
“Ohira,” Kaga dropped before they moved too far away. “I will come to check on you.”
Miho nodded.
“I’m going to the hospital,” she told Nomura, allowing Baba to direct her through the crowd.
“Why? Are you injured?”
“Just a little bit of blood,” she muttered, looking down at her top to find it spattered.
“Damnit, another call,” Nomura growled. “I’ll find you.”
Then he was gone.
 For such an explosion there were very few actual casualties, and so Miho was seen to quickly. Baba hovered, and Genever just stood as if guarding.
“You don’t need to be admitted,” the nurse told her kindly, the kind of nurse you generally imagine when you think of hospitals… unless you’re a pervert, “but Deputy Chief Nomura has asked you remain until he arrives.”
For a few seconds, Baba looked a little uncomfortable.
When the nurse left, he drew closer to where Miho still sat on the bed looking a bit dazed.
“How you doing, Princess?” he asked, gently placing his hand on her leg.
“I can’t believe we were nearly blown up,” she replied in a quiet, wry chuckle, blinking to bring him into focus. “And… I’m sorry I kept secrets from you, when you’ve only ever been so sweet to me.”
“Well,” he nodded slowly, his hair half dried in clumpy strands, “it’s not like I didn’t suspect something was up, though Public Safety is way beyond what I might have thought. You on the trail of terrorists? You could at least have had a sexy costume to go with your heroics.”
Miho chortled, and was thankful for his attempts to lighten the mood.
“I’m not really after the terrorists themselves,” she admitted, “just the information they were after. It was going to be sold in the Tres Spades, but I wasn’t able to figure out who had it.”
“Ah,” Baba dropped, and though his eyes gave away nothing, the sound itself was a little suspicious.
“Do you know anything about it?” she asked him plainly. “I don’t want you to have anything to do with this, so much,” she scowled. “The man from whom the information was taken was executed…”
Heaving in a huge breath, Miho peered at Baba honestly.
“When I found out there were all these people living in the penthouse suites off the guest registry, it ran up a red flag,” she admitted.
“So that’s why you were getting close to Eisuke,” he concluded.
“But you were there too, and even though we never shared much other than… the physical, I had to think you were still a good person who wouldn’t be involved in something that could put all of Japan at risk.”
Baba looked down, and Miho swallowed her gasp.
“No way,” she whispered.
“No, no it’s not like that,” he rushed, reassurances written all over his face. “But, if that information is, or, was in the Tres Spades, and the bombing is as a result of that, then I’ll do whatever I can to help you find it. I’ll talk to Eisuke.”
“I don’t even know if that’s my job anymore,” she sniffed in a self-deprecating manner. “I sort of, ignored orders, and blew my cover to hell with Ambassador Hishikura, then got abducted by Mr. Oh and…”
Lost your shit at Kaga.
“Take a breath,” Baba told her, taking her face between his hands. “So you kept some secrets, we all have them. We know each other much better than you seem to think; there’s a lot a guy can tell by the way a woman kisses him.”
Despite herself, Miho blushed, and Baba laughed.
“Really? You’re blushing over that?” he smirked.
It was then they heard Genever speaking with someone just outside the door, and Baba and Miho parted just before Nomura let himself in with Genever at his heels.
He was far more composed now than he had sounded on the phone, but his near complete disregard of Baba and his straight path to Miho made his priorities clear. Regardless of what had transpire between them in the past, he assumed the same affectionate hold of her face as Baba had not moments ago, and stared into her face.
“You’re all right?” he questioned, despite it being a statement, one thumb brushing beneath the line of adhesive strips keeping the thin laceration on her forehead closed.
“I’m sorry I called,” she apologised, but her head reflexively tilted into his touch. “I was upset.”
No, no, don’t do that.
“Of course you should have called,” he frowned, hands gently sliding down her neck and grazing over her shoulders like he was looking for other wounds. “What on Earth did you get yourself caught up in?”
Miho looked past him at Baba, who had remained silent just watching their exchange.
“We’ll just wait outside,” he said, giving Genever a nudge.
“Hey,” she protested. “I want to hear this.”
“Later,” Baba encouraged, and after some quiet grumbles, it was just Miho and Nomura.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about her,” Miho began, “before the whole explosion thing. What’s Kirisawa doing that he’d leave an informant hanging?”
“Important stuff,” Nomura replied vaguely, and Miho gently pried herself away from him and stood, putting a comfortable distance between them.
Not that she didn’t want to be comforted, she did, very much.
“Well, I guess that isn’t my business, but she was obviously concerned enough to call him after Mr. Oh ordered me ‘apprehended’.”
“Right, and how did that come about?”
He gauged her body language, knew enough about her to read her whether she articulated her feelings or not – and he didn’t press, shouldn’t press – stupid man, after all, she had dumped him. And yet, the moment he found out she’d been there when the Tres Spades was attacked he’d flown into a panic almost beyond his control.
Two years was a pretty long time to keep a candle burning for a woman who cut you lose for no apparent reason.
She began from the beginning, telling him everything whether she was supposed to or not.
“… and then there was this massive explosion, and the roof caved in, and we all nearly died,” she finished with sagging shoulders.
“And the guy outside?” he prompted, glancing toward the door.
“Fuck buddy I discovered also has… or had a suite in the penthouse,” she declared bluntly, but she couldn’t look at Nomura as she said it. “Talk about complicated.”
“You’re good at complicated,” he noted, and it was just a little, tiny bit bitter.
“Yeah, no shit,” she muttered, just as the door opened and Kaga filled the frame.
Miho bit her lip, and dropped her chin. For all her anger, she had always known she’d have to face the consequences of her heated actions eventually.
Continue to Part Twenty-Four - You Look Better In It
@hifftn @nitelotus @ladystar0710 @mirandaflamel @smutmylifeup
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