#and jncy's s3 fight isn't about their relationship not really it's about external factors. but idk
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
you make great points. and it's such a pet peeve of mine, because here in this fandom we are criticizing mlvn and saying they're gonna break up bc they're having problems and they introduced will's love for mike in this season... and i'm like... if that situation were applicable to other ships, then a *certain ship* also would be pretty much in trouble (jncy) and as much as i hate to say it, just bc a couple is having relationship problems doesnt mean theyre being setup for a definite break up. and s3-s4 exists. and yeah, jpper got together in s4 but they were so badly written in s3 lets be real. and lumx? i adore them in s4 but the way they were written in s3...? and like you said, jncy outright said that they dont understand each other anymore in s3, and s4 rolls we still see them having relationship issues that are not solved yet. if jncy is definitely endgame why mlvn wouldn't in that case...? and iknow, iknow... there are ''certain differences'' between jncy and mlvn but like... why bring the steve thing back then in the penultimate season if its not going anywhere?
all out of 'logical criticism' that are being used for mlvn could also be used for other couples, and are mlvns really wrong when they expect mlvn's relationship issues to be fully resolved and them becoming better in their relationship? after all, they still have not even broken up yet, and the monologue exists, the fact that they still havent fully resolved their issues yet (like certain other couple/s) might just mean that they are gonna resolve them fully in s5. and many of this stuff might be based on different interpretations, but the fact that we hold mlvn to such a selective standard and try to use ''logical criticism'' regarding the way they're written with problems/compatibility meanwhile not doing the same thing to other couples creates flawed readings here.
thank you for saying i make great points🫂
yeah i just think it's funny like this side of the fandom prides itself on its analysis skills and "media literacy" but it's still...definitely biased because if the standard to which we hold mlvn were applied to other ships none of them would hold up. which just means that, again, we have a bias against it (which like, duh), but also that the way they write relationships isn't as consistent as people make it out to be/seem to think it is? literally everything about s3 jpper...what was that. and it's not like it was just silly bickering, he literally didn't trust her intuition anymore and was acting like she was crazy when him telling her that this whole time she was right is such a big pivotal scene in season 1? like what sjdskjds
i'm not saying i don't trust the writers and i'm not saying pointing out the flaws in mlvn is pointless and i still think they're heading towards a breakup and all that but like...some of it doesn't hold up😭
but yes of course mlvns expect their ship that's been fighting and lying for two seasons to end up together...most bylers expect jncy to be endgame when they've been doing exactly that. i still don't think steve coming back as a potential love interest means they're getting back together because we've seen that film before and didn't like the ending and because thematically it still doesn't work, but yeah. it's just funny
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