#and jane takes ashley's place (of all people lol) so when elizabeth goes to eden prime and finds her she's like... JANE?!
anghraine · 9 months
The Mass Effect P&P AU is taking slightly clearer shape in my head and I think it ... very roughly follows the Mass Effect story with the character roles taken by P&P characters and the dynamics being necessarily affected by that.
I've been set on Elizabeth as Shepard and an asari Darcy from basically the start, and when I was deciding if I wanted Darcy to basically occupy Liara's role (personalities aside!), I thought "yeah, I can see asari Darcy going into academic research and being like, I don't care what everyone else thinks about the Protheans, I know I'm right!"
And then I was like... wait, is Lady Catherine Matriarch Benezia in this universe??? o_O
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