#and its like y'know what else can avoid waste? SMALLER PACKAGES
cappurrccino · 2 months
I want some company out there to make an entire line of foodstuffs that are packaged for one, maybe two, people/servings/etc. instead of packaging things for a default family size of 37, make it a package of stuff that can be eaten by a single person. half a thing of celery, four carrot sticks, radishes by the each, half a pint of cream, etc etc
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wolfie-rood · 7 years
The Fight’s End - Chapter Three
The week had been eerily quiet. No signs of that nameless psycho anywhere. And even though I should feel relieved, I couldn’t help but be anxious every time I turned a corner. The gruesome nightmares I’d been having also came to a complete stop after I met that boy, but that just unnerved me even more; Like something bad was going to happen very soon.
My deep thought was so rudely interrupted when someone shoved me to the floor. I growled under my breath and looked up at the many students who were staring down at me. Most sent me shocked or apologetic glances, but - of course - there was one teenager who smirked at me; trying not to burst into laughter.
“Watch where you’re going next time, kid.” He chuckled.
I scoffed and stood up. “Watch who you call ‘kid’, Jerk!”
“Are you really trying to start a fight with me?”
“Only if you want me to.” Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall of lockers; my feet dangling above the tiled floor. Aros’s hand gripped my scarf to hold me up. “Scary.” I muttered sarcastically, and he hit my head against the locker behind me. I refused to even flinch in pain. “My, my. Have you ever considered seeing someone for your anger issues?” I asked curiously.
I’ve never been one to instigate a fight, but I knew from experience that it’s simply necessary in rare situations like this; as well as self-restraint. Believe me when I say I wanted to punch him in his smug face for being such a prick to Faith. But, I’d rather tempt him to punch mine instead. Then, he’ll get suspended and won’t be able to bother my poor friend for at least a couple weeks.
My plan was fool-proof.
Aros gritted his teeth as he pulled a hand away and clenched it into a fist. “I am going to kill you.”
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t at least try–”
“Hey, Asshole!”
We both turned our heads to see younger girl running towards us with extreme speed. Once she was close enough, she kicked Aros away with both feet, and the two of them landed on the ground. I could tell they were about to start fighting, and I was going to intervene until a soft hand grabbed my wrist and began pulling me away.
Faith turned back to me as we ran down the hall. “I can’t believe you just picked a fight with Aros! You are the craziest person I’ve ever met!” She exclaimed while dragging me up the rooftop stairs.
“I bet I’ve met crazier…” I breathed. Yeah that purple-haired weirdo.
I shook my head. “I said I was hoping he’d hit me.” I responded with the most serious expression possible.
We both reached the roof, and Faith fell over laughing. “W-Why? You are insane!”
“I prefer creative, but sure.” I cracked a smiled and sat next to her. “Honestly, he started it. I was just trying to get to the vending machine. I heard they restocked it today, and I was hoping to get one of those really good granola bars.”
“The ones with chocolate chips?”
I nodded. “yeah…”
Faith sat up and opened her backpack up. She rummaged through it for a while before pulling out a small package; handing it to me. “Ta-da.”
“No way!” I gasped; holding the small granola bar in my hand like it was a tiny god.
Faith let a few more giggles at my reaction. “I figured you’d want one.” She pulled out another one and unwrapped it with me. Then we touched them together as a toast and took our first bites. “Oh cfrap.” She mumbled through her food. “I forgot how phese phings make me phirphty.”
“Then gho ghet a jrink–” I suddenly covered my mouth as some of my snack almost fell out. We giggled as much as we could while eating.
Faith tried her best to calm down as she stood up to get something to drink. She swallowed her food and said, “Alright, I’ll be right back!” With that, she dashed down the stairwell.
I swallowed my food and slowly laid down on the ground; staring up at the sky. It was raining earlier, but it seems to have cleared up now. Now, there weren’t many clouds in the sky. A small smile spread across my face as I tried to see the clouds as animals. People make it look so easy, but maybe I wasn’t as creative as others…
“See anything you like?” A voice wondered, and I could practically hear the smirk.
With a sigh, I sat up to see that boy from before. The one I’ve been trying to avoid for a week now. I glared at him as he sat only a few feet away from me. “Yeah, just not you.”
“Ouch!” He cried; holding his heart. “My sweet Kari! That truly hurt!’
I smirked. "Good. I hope the pain kills you.” My smirk fell into a frown as I asked, “What do you want? If your gonna kill me, would you just do it already? This isn’t exactly fun.”
“Speak for yourself! I’m having a great time!” He laughed.
I groaned and fell back onto the ground. “Y'know, this would be so much easier if you’d at the very least tell me your name.”
“What? Do the minimal effort to help the person I hate more than anything?” He smirked darkly. “Why would I do that?”
We were both silent for a moment. “You could’ve just said 'no’.”
“I could’ve.”
“Alright, what do you want?” I asked seriously.
“Hmm…. Nothing, I guess.” He responded. “Just bored.”
Yes because that makes so much sense. “Well, go be bored somewhere else before I pummel you into the ground.”
“Is that challenge, my tiny friend?” He questioned with a sinister expression. The aura around him changed suddenly, and it made me a bit nervous; I refused to show it, though.
I shrugged as casually as possible. “I guess so. Why, is that a problem?”
“You honestly believe you can beat me? You do know that every time you’ve said that, you ended up dead!” He yelled. I vaguely wondered why it made him so angry, but I didn’t have much time to dwell on it since he suddenly pickrd me up and pushed me against the wall beside the door.
Huh, deja vu much?
“Listen up, pipsqueak because I’ve got a few choice words for you-” Before he could finish, he was kicked violently to the ground beside me.
I looked around confusedly until my crimson eyes landed on a small girl standing next to me. “You’ve got pretty bad luck today, huh?”
The girl beside me was only an inch or two taller than me, but at least she was at a reasonable height for her age. She’s in the eighth grade, but she comes to the high school to help out with the MMA club that happens every Friday after school. Her dark red hair was tied in braids, and her hazel eyes hid behind cute bangs. Her skin was dark, which wasn’t much of a surprise considering she’s a Gerudo.
Her name is Narafe, and she’s the MMA fight club vice-president.
“Narafe? What are you doing up here?” I wondered with a bit of panic in my voice. I’d rather not get her involved in my mess. Plus, she might be able to knock a few heads around, but she’s still only thirteen.
“To tell you not to pick fights anymore. Since apparently you haven’t learned your lesson.” She gestured over to where the boy had been, only to find him gone. “Huh. Where’d he go? And now that I think about it, I don’t remember seeing him around the school before…”
I laughed nervously while pulling on my scarf. “W-Well, its a big school, and um, you’re still spening most of your time at the middle school!” I spoke quickly. “Now that I mention it, why aren’t you at the middle school right now?”
“Changing the subject, I see.” Right I forgot this kid is smart. “I have a free period at the moment, so I came by to use the weight room and train a bit. I’m not one for wasting time for the sake of wasting it.” She looked around the roof before determining that the boy had in fact disappeared. “Alright, I guess I’ll go since whoever that was is gone now.”
She stopped at the door and turned to me. “Stop starting fights you can’t win. And if you can’t follow those simple instructions, at least come by after school on Fridays. The least I can do is show you some moves so you don’t get yourself killed.”
“Thanks.” The young Gerudo saluted me with a smile and disappeared down the stairs. Just then, Faith came back from getting some drinks and gave me a quizzical look.
“What did Narafe want?” She wondered while throwing me a water bottle.
I shrugged and replied with, “Just to warn me about starting a fight with Aros.” It wasn’t a total lie, but I definitely wasn’t going to tell her about how I got choke slammed more than once today.
“Okay. I guess we should finish our snack, yeah?” We sat down on the safety railing and began finishing our food.
“Night, Mom!”
The rest of the day had continued as it normally would, but I expected to at least get called into the office for my little squabble with Aros earlier. Instead, I saw him in the nurses office as I passed through the hall with an ice pack on his nose. I guess Narafe really gave him a run for his money. I was half-tempted to take a picture of him, but I decided against it.
And now, after everything that’s happened today, the exhaustion was finally catching up to me. So, I changed into my usual baggy clothes and laid down on my bed; allowing sleep to consume me.
I blew a piece of hair from my face while looking over the schematics for one of the divine beasts. Medoh had always been my favorite because it was such an accomplishment in my eyes; being able to get a large hunk of metal in the sky like that was truly a feat. So, I wondered if I could somehow condense the technology I used in the flying beast for something smaller; something all hylians could use. Flying elf people; what a silly thought.
My thoughts were broken when I heard the door to my home slam open. I looked over to see my door cracked a bit, and he was also standing there.
“Core! How many times do I have to tell you not to slam my door open like that? It seems like every week I need a new one!” I yelled; extremely irritated by the broken door.
His green eyes bore into me with concern. “He’s here.”
I stared back in shock. Now? Of all the times, he chose now? “Okay, let’s go. The champions are gonna need our help. Come on!” We ran out of the small building with the thought of my poor wooden door quickly fading away.
Once we made it to castle town, I almost began to cry at the complete destruction of it. Buildings were either on fire or already burnt to ash piles. The fountain was broken into a million pieces, and the sound of screaming came from all directions. With a deep breath I decided on a course of action. “Alright, you look for survivors, and be careful. I don’t need a building falling on top of you and crushing you to death.” I joked slightly.
“What about you?” He asked.
“I need to find a way to stop the Calamity. Or at least slow it down until the champions get here.” I responded. He nodded and galloped away to help other people. Meanwhile I made my way to the castle. The source of Calamity Ganon’s power had to be something in a physical state to make so much energy at once, so if I could just destroy it, we would be okay.
I made to the castle gates, only to be attacked by hordes and hordes of various monsters. “Awesome.” I grumbled. I hid behind the wall next to the gate, and tried to find a way around them all. I told my friend not to die, and here I am; about to become a dinner!
I tugged on my scarf before the ends became sharp blades. Then, I threw it over the side of the stone wall and used it to climb up. I made it to the top, and my scarf became normal again. “Perfect.” I worked quickly to run along the top of the wall without slipping, and I soon found a huge opening in the side of the large castle; not a single monster in sight. With a smile, I jumped down and ran inside to find the source of all the dark power.
My breathing became jagged as I anxiously stepped into the large throne room. I assumed logically that the power source would be in the largest room in the castle. “Nothing…”
“What’s wrong, Kari?”
I turned on my heel to see my friend with a scary smirk on his face. “I swear to Hylia! One of these days, I’m gonna accidentally kill you!” He didn’t respond, but instead kept staring at me with a dark expression. “Uh, are you okay?”
“Oh yes, I’m okay. Actually, I’m more than okay. I’m pretty sure anyone would be when they learned they could now do this.” He strode up to one of the large pillars and flicked it; making the whole thing crumble to bits.
For a moment, I thought it was amazing, but a scary question came to mind. “… Where did you get that power?” I asked incredulously. I slowly took a step back; feeling as though my presence was no longer welcome.
“Would you believe that Calamity Ganon had all this power stored up for me?” He said casually while walking toward me. My heart was beating and my scarf had turned into its blades for defense. “Answer me this, my little mechanic: If a sheikah gets her arm broken and no one here’s it, did it happen?”
“That makes no sense.”
He grinned. “Does it?” With incredible speed, he ran over to me and grabbed my arm; twisting it until I heard a sickening crack. My bloodcurdling screams echoed throughout the empty throne room, and he did nothing but laugh. “What’s wrong, Kari? Is the pain too much?” He cackled like maniac. His expression rapidly changed to serious. “We don’t need you, Kari! What everyone needs is someone who can actually protect them! Do you honestly believe you can save these people? Because I don’t think so! You can’t even hold your own against me!” Even after he snapped my arm, he still twisted and it didn’t seem he’d stop anytime soon.
“STOP IT!” I screeched in agony. “CORE STOP!” He laughed and threw me to the floor. I turned to face him with a pleading look in my eyes. I didn’t want to hurt him, so why was he doing this?
“I’m done living in your shadow, Kari. I’ve been seen as the lovable idiot who can barely save a few survivors. Meanwhile, you built these huge machines to save the entire continent. But, no more.”
“Core, please…”
“NO! I’M DONE LISTENING TO YOU.” He tried to stifle another psychotic laugh but couldn’t. He laughed so loud, I tried to cover my ears. “From this point on, I’m no longer your friend. So you’d best think of me as an enemy.” He giggled a bit more before pulling a dark purple spear from thin air. Suddenly, he chucked at me, and it struck my throat. He was then covered in blood–
I woke up gasping for air while holding my throat. I could feel tears streaming down my face as the memory kept replaying itself in my head. My sobs were silent, but I was screaming my lungs off in my head. It was terrifying seeing how he could be at his worst. When I first saw him today, it seemed like he was having a bad day, but Now I see it was probably one of his better days…
I was now more terrified than ever to be in his presence… what was his name again…?
“…C-Core…” I mumbled through my choked sobs; answering my own question.
“Shut up.” Core grumbled while bandaging his elbow. “I just didn’t hear her, is all.”
Y-You got your ass beat by a girl!!! Hahahaha!!!
“I said shut up. That kid was pretty light on her feet. If she’s gonna be a recurring issue, I’ll have to be more careful.”
And if little miss gerudo is more than just an issue?
“Then we get rid of her permanently.”
Core stopped with the bandaids and smirked; knowing it was Kari who had said his name. She was congested, like she’d been crying all night. Unsurprisingly, that made Core even more happy to know he’d made her cry.
I simply must admit it: you were right to leave the sheikah alive. It’s far more entertaining this way.
Core chuckled lightly to himself while staring out his apartment window. “I’m always right.”
I’m very content with this chapter. Some lore and friendship and not-so-friendship. Yeah it’s a… a little gruesome, I guess. But, it gets the point across. I can’t have people forgetting the Core is a fucking psycho. Speaking of which, he has a voice in his head because that’s fun. I’ve been thinking if I should name him or not. Guess we’ll see. Also Narafe. She’s a cute badass! I’ve got plans for her and Aros as well as some other characters, and it’ll take time. But I am so hyped! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did because I’m a bit crazy, too! The gore is just interesting to write! Yeah, that’s a bit weird… XD
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