#and it's still my fav song. i literally got it tattooed on my fucking chest
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sjukpojke · 3 years ago
one time i saw a “what ur fav vocaloid horror producer says about you” and the only bullet point underneath babuchan was “i cannot even begin to unpack your damage” and i’m just sitting here with a literal babuchan inspired tattoo on my chest. like its true but you didnt have to say it
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androidsfighting · 6 years ago
The Adventure Zone fic rec masterlist!
surprising no one, I read WAY TOO MUCH FIC so here’s an incomplete list of some of my fav fics in this fandom! mostly Taakitz and Taagnus, of course. Not in any particular order - adding most recent additions to the top. i made an effort to provide commentary but as you can see i gave up quickly
UPDATE (7/24/19) - added a bunch more fics i’ve read recently, and a couple amnesty fics at the bottom :)
The Winter Prince by tactfulGnostalgic
Taako is nobody’s saboteur. He’s just an ordinary assassin just trying to make ends meet, staying out of trouble (mostly) and keeping his nose clean (sometimes). But when a mysterious buyer makes him an offer he can’t refuse in exchange for the head of the neighboring prince, he ends up falling headfirst into the tangle of a foreign court — and the arms of its ruler, Prince Kravitz.
Blood and Bones and Photos by Evitcani
Kravitz has always dreamed of cities: wrapped in vines, streets peaceful and empty. He never knew the world before the end. Still, life goes on and on and on. The homes he's known are in compounds of chain-link fences patrolled by armed guards, feral zombies creeping around the edges who sing to him in the unsettled night.
There is no cure. There is no hope. There is only what little the survivors scraped together.
Then there's Taako.
And the new world that Kravitz was born into ends too.
Wrong Number by argentoswan
Taako texts a wrong number. Kravitz responds. Everyone else is confused, but they're going with it.
(6:32) so we have moved from strangling to murder (6:39) This is… still the wrong number. (6:41) i know i’m crowdsourcing ideas. quick, best way to hide an extremely tiny body?
A Bit Alarming by argentoswan
Taako gives up his freedom in exchange for the safety of his friends, and ends up locked in an enchanted castle with a surprisingly polite skeleton. Beauty and the Beast AU.
"'I’m afraid your friends were trespassing on my property. It was exceedingly impolite.' 'Yeah, and it’s super polite to lock them in the fucking dungeons.'"
study in light by weatheredlaw
He tells you things, things you don’t know what to do with. They fall out of his mouth and into your open hands, and you fumble them.
Deflection Toward The Relative Major by AuthorGod
He means to say all of this, but all that comes out is, “Why? Why choose me?” Instead of someone better suited he means; a warrior, a wizard, a priest.
I come back to this fic constantly. I love Kravitz-centric fic (surprise surprise) and this is one of the best there is I think
of aspen crowns and catskin down by mildlydiscouraging
The streets of London are slick and dark, and not just literally, although they are so often that too. Here there is not only murder, mystery, and mayhem, but magick as well. Here people go through their everyday tragedies and refuse to see the depths behind their troubles. Here two (and a half) detectives search for the truth.
In the dusk of autumn, with wind slicing down alleys, the good people of London are disappearing. It's up to Kravitz and Taako and, honestly, mostly Angus to solve the case, and maybe a couple other mysteries along the way.
those afternoons and evenings and does he project, does he have ideas? by mildlydiscouraging
The moments and years in between, in which feelings take root despite the constantly changing landscape. Alternatively: The world has been ending for forty years and Taako and Kravitz can't stop falling in love.
tazswap with Kravitz on the Starblaster, absolutely gorgeous prose
Reverie by Itdominic
There was a time Taako really could have taken or left it - life, and the world and whatever. Things aren't like that anymore, he tells himself, luckily, because this whole situation might get to be a real fucking drag otherwise.
heartbreaking but absolutely gorgeous
finale by teacuptaako
After everything, the distinction between alive and dead fades to a confusing grey.
In the wake of ‘The Day of Story and Song,’ Taako and Kravitz start to build their futures together: a labour of love, compromise, trust, and a slowly unravelling web of secrecy.
While the two of them grow closer and closer together, they and the rest of the world get further and further apart.
kravitz centric again, this is such a WEIRD fic and i literally haven’t stopped thinking about it since I read it
Drag Your Cities to the Sea (No Light, No Light) by  Desiree_Harding
"The months in Her retinue are long, and the work is hard. Her standards are high, and to satisfy them, Kravitz must be ruthless. But his conviction never falters. She is omnipotent. She is the avenging force of Justice, and Kravitz Her hand. She will keep the kingdom free, and for Kravitz to do her bidding is the greatest honor on this earth."
"Taako’s fingers curl tightly around the ropes of the Starblaster’s rigging as the ship cuts smoothly through the waves of the Sea of Souls below, his heart pounding in his chest and his eyes on the horizon...In these moments, it’s freedom that hangs sweet on his tongue and settles in his lungs, and Taako loves nothing better."
It's a pirate AU! You know the rest!
i live for AUs
All the Things You Prayed For by @anonymousalchemist​ and @marywhal​
Taako's been dead for two years. Taako's been dead for seven decades. Depends how you count it.
Her brother is dead and Lup’s a whole lifetime into the future. It’s a brave new world out there and she’s trying not to think about it too hard. She gets the feeling that if she starts thinking, she won’t ever stop, and she can’t afford to be out of commission. She's the only Captain America the new century’s got.
Lup is Cap, Taako fell from a train, and eventually all ghosts come in from the cold. You guessed it—it's a TAZ/Marvel shakeup baby. We're bringing the party to you.
The Shape of Our Days Neverending by anonymousalchemist and marywhal
After the epilogue, Taako and Kravitz have a really good day. 
just some heckin good fluff amidst all this angst
Other Lives by marywhal
When Kravitz signed up for the job in Phandalin, he didn’t expect adventuring to become his life. He was bored playing for the well-to-do of Neverwinter, sure, but not this bored. He was supposed to make some quick cash, pay off his gambling debts, and go back to his comfortable existence as a bard. He wasn't supposed to join a secret organization trying to save the world.
But here he is, paralyzed on the floor of a crystallized laboratory, and he has yet to keep a suit intact through a single adventure
more tazswap! this is unfinished rn but it’s real good so read it anyway
Bury the Lead by marywhal
Taako’s senior year at Neverwinter High could be going better. Faced with a choice between joining the school’s floundering newspaper or being expelled, he opts for a career in journalism.
Lucretia, the paper’s editor, kind of wishes he'd gone the other way.
if you haven’t read this yet what are you doing with your life
These Unfinished Creatures by marywhal
Someone in Neverwinter is stealing souls from the astral plane. The Raven Queen’s favourite reaper is undercover and on the case.
Relearning how to be human is entirely incidental.
MORE spooky Victorian AU what did i do to deserve this fandom honestly
(you should read everything by marywhal but these are my favs)
our get-along suit by anonymousalchemist
"So, let me get this straight," the reaper says, scythe held flush against Kravitz's neck. A trickle of blood drips down toward his collar. Kravitz swallows shallowly. "You picked up a suit, and the suit happened to be a lich, and the lich wouldn’t let you go, so you just rolled with it?"
"His name is Keats," Kravitz says. "And. Er. Sort of?"
Our own, soft hearts by Wildgoosery (series)
Stories involving a Moon Wedding, its attendees, and its aftermath, written in wildly different formats.
you should read everything Goose has posted but this is one of the first Taakitz fics I read so I have a real soft spot for it
The Body Eclectic by SpaceJackalope
In which Kravitz has many feelings about being dead, having a body, and liking people and things.
A Quiet Refrain by @inkedinserendipity​
It starts with some of the most mediocre eggs Taako's ever clapped eyes on. Seven out of ten for taste. Zero out of ten for plating. Somehow, they're still the best damn eggs he's ever eaten.
(Or: Taako realizes he loves Kravitz back.)
it was your heart on the line by @inkedinserendipity​ and it’s sequels (links here)
one of many fics that inadvertently inspired synecdoche
Istus must be laughing. by writersstareoutwindows
"Whenever people talk about tattoos, Taako rolls down his sleeve. They’re sitting in a circle, usually drinking, laughing and elbowing and sometimes kissing. Whenever they realize Taako hasn’t said anything, he sips his drink, arranges his hair artfully over his shoulder, and says, 'Nah, nah, nah, my dudes, I don’t hold to that,' wiggling his fingers, 'mumbo jumbo tattoo fate-or-whatever bullshit. Chaboi Taako’s a free agent.'"
The present going forward. Memories in a jumble. Not a very neat story, but it's theirs.
another fic that inadvertently inspired synecdoche which i forgot until now!!
things left in the stars by mechanicalclock
You don’t collect things from places that you will never visit again, that’s foolish. It's about learning to let go in all the new ways, adapting quicker and quicker, having fun and forgetting.
Taako and Lup learn to remember.
a moment to bathe in our victory by AnonymousPuzzler
The apocalypse comes and goes. In the aftermath, Taako takes a bath, Kravitz worries too much, and some new feelings are reflected upon.
The end of the word does come and go, Page of Cups, Reversed, and Taking the dogs home by anonymous
About how the world is still here, and how going on can be done.
yellow by weatheredlaw
Washing the dishes, their fingers brushed in the soapy water of the sink and Taako felt a jolt.
Magnus turned and gave him a smile.
Strange Bedfellows by treshornybros (IamJohnLocked4life)
It quickly becomes a habit, and then routine. Magnus is oddly good natured about it. But then Magnus is good natured about everything, so maybe it's not that odd. No one else seems to notice.
They always sleep back to back.
Taako should find that comforting, and he does, at first. It's just like sleeping with Lup.
Sort of.
unremembering by  bluebatwings (series)
Their lives divided up into three parts: before, unremembering, and after. Love stories.
At the Interval by AuthorGod
Time grows stagnant. Taako watches as world become fractured and consumed, cultures and civilizations wiped out. All the potential a single person is capable of in a lifetime, just ripped away in a moment.
It doesn't get to him, and it doesn't get to him, and it doesn't until it does.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool
Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.
The Blue Hours of Morning by daisybrien
Refuge takes its toll. Magnus and Taako talk it out, drunk on the living room floor.
the only life you could save by @epersonae​ and hops (series)
this could also go in the Other category bc it’s All The Ships (including magcretia which isn’t even my thing but they write is so so so well that now it is my thing!) but I’m digging through my ao3 history and not finding much taagnitz that’s not  pwp/mine (a travesty) so it’s going in here. it’s also about taako and lucretia working their whole Thing out and it’s VERY VERY GOOD
no blinding light by provocation
Elves live much, much longer than humans. By the time most humans die, elves are just reaching adulthood.
Kravitz, on the other hand, is going to live forever.
the fic that made me ship taagnitz
in the focus by weatheredlaw
The sky was clear and the arms of the galaxy that surrounded them arched overhead as they lay in their sleeping bags, staring at the stars.
or: Kravitz knows there's room in all this for something between him and Magnus — he's just not sure what that looks like.
Dust by levelone
It was supposed to be simple: Taako was on TV, and Kravitz is a writer here for some pull quotes. Instead, when they meet in an empty diner in the middle of a desert, Taako says something impossible—and Kravitz believes him.
Oak and Mahogany by hideki16seiyuu
“Don’t try to pull one over on me, handsome. He’s going gray already.”
“He’s in his fifties now, Taako.”
“How much longer is left?”
“Longer than you’d think.”
Human lives can never match that of elves in length.
Take Up a Place Beside Me by goodnicepeople
"It's gonna be hard," Taako says, when they're alone again. "You can't... do that. Every time."
Or: Taako and Kravitz move in. Others move on. Some get dogs.
you are the life i needed all along by iwillbeyourgoal
along with the other memories he's gained from the stolen century, taako starts remembering his relationship with magnus on the starblaster.
these small hours by  ShowMeAHero
Taako and Magnus get their memories back, and now they need to negotiate some emotions, because they're having a hell of a lot of them all at once.
Other ships/Gen
I Have Seen the Fields Aflame by Desiree_Harding
She hadn’t meant to disappear. Had she known what was going to happen, that one weekend was going to lead to seven entire years without her brother, she never would have gone. But that was all it took.
A modern au in which Lup goes missing, and discovers that the coming home is maybe the hardest part of all of it.
i cried for like an hour after reading this
a thousand points of no return by anonymousAlchemist
Since wizard's daemons often settle as birds and urban legend says that elves are separated from their daemons, no one looks too closely at the fact that Taako and Lup are both single entities, missing the other halves of their hearts. They walk like people, they talk like people, and if they're hard to read because their daemons aren't fluffing up their feathers or swatting playfully with their paws, well, elves are notoriously enigmatic anyway.
This lasts until their first death.
All deaths on the Starblaster are strange. When Magnus first died on the animal planet, I'morko followed right after, both of their bodies dissipating into golden sparks, a strange inversion of the natural order. The pattern holds. Year after year, person and daemon alike dissipate into a fine mist of dust, knit together by the bond engine in the new plane.
During their fifteenth year, Taako is shot through the heart with a well-aimed magic missile. Lup screams and casts one last firebolt, spell-sculpting around their bodies, before unspooling into a fine golden sand.
snake eyed, with a sly smile by faehunting
The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people who track its movements, for people who are desperate to find it, to find anything. The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people to stumble upon.
In the morning, the circus is nothing but negative space and the revellers it left behind. They sit up. They try to wet the dust in their mouths. They start the journey anew.
creepy fae weirdness!!!! yes!!!!!
I’m With The Band by redqueentheory, Wildgoosery, and Woven_Gulch (series)
A series of connected stories, equal parts sentimental and horny, about how Brad and Taako and Kravitz fall in love.
wacky BDSM crack ship becomes Greatest Romance Novel I’ve Ever Read, has made me cry multiple times
these strange creatures by anonymousalchemist
Taako sweeps himself into the common area of the Starblaster with all the drama and panache that he reserves for alternate Tuesday afternoons. Barry ignores him with all the practice he has from a decade of alternate Tuesday afternoons.
“I’m exhausted,” Taako whines, draping himself across Barry’s shoulders, the sharp point of his chin poking into Barry’s collarbone. “I’ve been up since for-ev-er, working on this dumb transmutation thing for Lulu.”
“Go meditate, then,” Barry says, absently reaching up to pat Taako’s head.
“You know, meditation? Isn’t that, uh, one of your elf things??” Barry finally looks up from his book, barest hint of a wrinkle in his forehead. Taako shakes his head.
“Never heard of it, homeslice. Musta skipped that day at elf practice.”
Barry laughs.
“Elf practice, sure.”
you know... elf practice
all your saints and saviors by anonymousalchemist
It’s not so much that she wants to die per se, as much as it is that she’s done living. The female human life expectancy is seventy-two years on this plane (it was seventy-four years on her home plane) and she’s lost count of her birthdays. But the math is easy. She was twenty when she boarded the Starblaster. A hundred-twenty when they landed in Faerun. A hundred-thirty when the Hunger was defeated. She’s fifty six years overdue.
She’s done her job, is the thing. She saved the world, in exchange for youth, friendship, family. She gave up everything but determination. She considers it fair trade. But now Lucretia is a single-use tool whose purpose no longer exists.
In Her Bones by epersonae
She lives through the destruction of her home, but still they're separated, until Julia sees the green light, and the blue light, and has to figure out what to do next.
better give that heart a listen by tardigradeschool
Barry needs a fake husband if he wants to stay undercover. Magnus is more than willing to help him out. Davenport needs a vacation.
herald of a new dawn by inkedinserendipity
When Lucretia is five years old, she meets her familiar. At seven, she remakes it; at eight, she remakes it again.
Seventy years later it saves her from an unkind world. And a Century after that, it fixes a family that had started to break.
from me to you, with love by inkedinserendipity
Magnus shuts the drawer and says, almost absently, “Tell her I love her, okay?”
Kravitz pauses, debating. He takes a deep breath. “Magnus,” he says, and Magnus, detecting the shift in his tone, looks up immediately. “You know that she already knows, right? She knows that you love her,” Kravitz says gently. “You do tell her every time.”
Magnus chuckles, rubbing a sheepish hand along the back of his neck. “I know,” he says, turning a bit pink. “I just - I love her, you know? I really do. And I guess, when you love someone, you want to tell them that every chance you get.”
your stitches are all out (but your scars are healing wrong) by tardigradeschool
When it’s over, and she can barely feel what makes her herself anymore, the umbrella is tattered beyond repair. With her last traces of energy, Lup grasps for shelter, reaching out for somewhere to store her torn soul until she can be helpful again. At the edge of her awareness, she feels a familiar shape, a familiar warmth -- in her exhaustion she could almost mistake it for her own body. She reaches for it and pulls herself clumsily inside.
Safe and contained, she lets consciousness go.
Voidfish (Reprise) by inkedinserendipity
Angus McDonald is many things — the boy detective, for one. The youngest member of the Bureau of Balance. The unofficial little brother of the THB, however Taako insists he's actually their mascot. He’s a researcher, and a scholar. He's not a fighter. He’s not a hero.
But he can save the world all the same.
Patterns of Migration by goodnicepeople
Magnus builds a house. Angus finds a home. Migration brings things back, in turn.
Hard to Starboard  by BlueColoredDreams (series)
In the best world, it ends like this:
By starting over.
and the warmth will never die by Junkyard_Rose
Taako's been gone for maybe two years when Lup thinks she sees him shoplifting from a Hot Topic.
you ever read something that makes you astral project and you can't think about anything else for the rest of the day? me too
(in this category because it's mainly about the twins but it's also taakitz and blupcretia aka the ideal fic)
and at a certain age the child is grown by bimaukery
There are people in his grandpa's house.
AU where the IPRE family all moves in together and find the place less empty than they've been led to believe.
i left a light beside the bed for you by SyllableFromSound
"If she stares at the ceiling without blinking long enough, it starts to look fuzzy. Like there's a grainy film of static over the surface of the plaster. It makes her think of mist outside a window, of the big old tube TV that had sat in the living room of her house for her first few years of life and that had tingled warmly when she pressed her hand to the screen. Everything feels a bit fuzzy now, maybe because it's 3AM. Everything feels warm and a bit familiar.
Finally, Dani says, quietly, 'This is what I imagined it would be like if...if things had gone differently.'"
In which a couple of outcasts have some late-night chats and Aubrey ingests a foreign object to prove a point.
older than the trees by lamphouse
Summer is returning to Kepler, bringing with it humid late nights, not as many tourists as there used to be, and a certain moth man. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones.
Duck talks some shit out. Aubrey chills. Ned gets grifted. Indrid learns to see.
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