#and it's so cute that something there started playing because we're on the chapters where it's just the two bonding
savannahsdeath · 1 year
♯i hate you, williams
part 1one
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, thigh riding
writers note: part2 of my enemies to lovers that wasnt supposed to have two chapters but someone asked me for and how could i say no🤗
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The next day found you awake in Ellie's bed, your head a bit foggy but you could recall what happened last night. You looked over and saw Ellie snoring softly, completely tangled up in the sheets and blankets.
You climbed out of her bed and tried your best to slip out of the room without waking her up, but she must have heard the door open as she sleepily opened her eyes.
You were both going to be late for class if you didn't get moving soon.
"Where are you... going?" She mumbled, stretching as she rubbed her eyes.
You turned to face her, giving her a tired smile. "Class. Just as you should be doing instead of sleeping in."
She groaned and covered her face with her arm. "Can you even imagine that someone might enjoy a morning in bed?" She mumbled, sitting up in bed and trying to fully wake up.
You laughed at her sleepiness. "Oh, I see, the attitude's coming back. So are we back to hating each other?"
"Don't tell me you actually liked me last night or something?" Ellie said with a slight smugness as she yawned. She looked so cute when she was still half-asleep, you almost forgot why you guys ended up this way.
You were about to answer her question, but she raised her hand to silence you while still blinking a few times to keep herself awake, as if to stop herself from falling asleep again.
"Okay, enough talking. Let's just... get to class." she mumbled before standing up and starting to get dressed.
"Then hurry up, I won't wait forever!" You tried to sound firm but miserably failed. "Everyone thinks we're still.. enemies. What's your plan? Pretend I annoy you when someone's looking or admitting it was just an act?"
She turned around and just smiled at you slightly. "Who says we need a plan? You annoy me every day, but that doesn't mean I don't like you." She said with a slightly flustered expression on her face. She sighed and looked around for a moment. "I hope everyone was asleep last night. I mean you were kinda... loud." She smirked with a soft blush after her words sunk in.
You just stood there, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Ellie started laughing quietly.
"I'm just messing with you, it's fine, really. I, personally, wouldn't really care if I heard you moaning through the walls." She winked.
Your embarrassment continued to overwhelm you, but you decided to play it cool.
"Oh wow, so you think you'd enjoy it, huh? Maybe you really are into me." You said with a nervous grin.
"Or maybe I like getting you all flustered like this?" Ellie asked rhetorically.
The two of you made your way out of the room and started heading to class.
"Let's hope the teacher isn't still annoyed about our little fight the other day." Ellie said with a slightly annoyed look on her face.
It turned out to be earlier than you thought - the gym was empty. You both sat on the benches to wait for everyone else to come.
"Are you still mad about getting detention?" She whispered in your ear.
Ellie seemed to have something on her mind as she asked you that question.
You gave her a nod as you whispered back; "A bit. I mean a whole month for yelling a few words?"
She just smirked slightly at your answer, clearly trying to get you riled up again. "You know, at least a few days' are yours."
You sighed, trying not to look annoyed. But you couldn't deny she had a bit of a point.
"Well you're always starting these little 'arguments' anyways. You have to admit at least that." You said with a smile.
She looked at you with a slightly surprised expression before she smiled back. "Well yeah. But that's only because it's fun pissing you off."
She was a bit flustered now, probably a bit surprised that she admitted it so bluntly.
"Hey, there's a plus in having detention with you at least." She said after a moment of this time surprisingly-not-awkward silence.
You couldn't help but smile as you replied; "Yeah, I'll have to agree. Now we can annoy each other every day without having to worry about what the teacher says. Maybe we should get together for some 'private lessons' after school as well." You whispered to her, trying to be as teasing as possible.
She just smirked again as she responded; "Well maybe I will invite you over to have some 'private lessons' after school."
You could feel your face get slightly red again, and all you could manage to reply was; "Uh... uh..." as your mind went completely blank.
You both heard some footsteps behind you, and with a quick movement you both looked around the empty gym nervously.
You could hear the gym door opened, and someone walked in. It was only the gym teacher, who noticed something strange about you both.
"Why are you sitting so close together?" He asked in a quiet voice.
You immediately separated from Ellie and sat on the benches at least a meter apart from each other.
"We were just waiting for everyone else to arrive, sir." You said a bit nervously.
You could see Ellie rolling her eyes as you stood up, not wanting to deal with the teacher's weird questions.
He looked at you for a moment, a slight suspicion in his eyes before he spoke to you in a hushed tone.
"Look, you two already got a month of detention for... your little outbursts. But I'm gonna be honest, I saw how you both looked at each other yesterday. I can see there's some feelings between you two."
You were shocked at how blunt he was being here. "Excuse me?"
He sighed and took a seat in front of you on the bench, speaking quietly as he looked at you carefully. "I've been teaching here quite a while, and I know how students act. I know who likes who, and who's just pretending. So here's my advice to you; I'll cancel your month of detention if you're willing to give it a try."
Your jaw dropped at what he just said, and you looked over at Ellie.
"Wait what?" You asked him in a slightly confused, nervous way.
The teacher nodded gently as he replied; "You heard me right. I'll cancel the month of detention if you give the pathetic 'dating' a try. I'm serious. As long as you won't argue anymore and ruin my, and not only mine, lessons..."
You looked over at Ellie who was just standing there, staring at him. Her face was turning red, and her fists were clenched as she tried to act indifferent. But you could tell, she was excited as well at this prospect.
"B-but... I mean I..." You stuttered a bit as you tried to formulate your thoughts.
But before you could finish speaking, Ellie suddenly cut you off. "Sounds like a deal." She just said suddenly with a stern voice.
You just looked at her, your mouth still wide open. She turned to look at you with the smallest smirk on her face.
The rest of the kids started to enter the gym, and they all looked at the two of you with curiosity and mild interest.
Ellie just looked around casually, pretending like she didn't even notice the reactions she got from everyone. You tried to join her and also act like nothing happened, but you could feel the tension in the air.
After a moment, the gym teacher clapped his hands together.
"Alright, that's enough looking around."
"We're gonna be the main gossip topic again." You muttered, standing up and going a little closer to her.
"You think we're not already? The moment the detention was announced everyone was already talking about us. They did before too, anyways." She said while trying to contain her laughter, which proved to be much harder than she thought, which only drew more attention to the two of you as other kids heard her.
After classes, you decided to go to her room again totally not for the 'private lessons'.
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"Even our teacher ships us." She smirked as you followed her.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, about that, you could ask me about my opinion first, instead of agreeing straight away!"
She clearly wasn't taking you seriously. "Oh, don't be like that. He didn't mean us literally starting dating straight away, just... you know, looking forward to it. Why? Stressed? Need me to hold your hand?" She chuckled and looked over at you.
Ellie unlocked the door to her room, and quickly stepped in, motioning for you to follow her. You did so, still slightly annoyed from before, but it was a cute kind of annoyance.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong when the teacher is right. You think I've just been annoying you like this because it's fun? I actually, uh..." she stopped for a moment and blushed slightly as she continued. "... like you."
You chuckled, clearly not believing her. "You have an odd way of showing it, then."
"Oh, right. Well let me show you now." She said as she suddenly came up close to you, putting her arms around your waist. She leaned in close and spoke softly. "So, where do we start with these 'private lessons'?" Ellie asked in a teasing voice just before she suddenly kissed you on the cheek.
She started tracing a path of sloppy little kisses all along your face, until she found your lips.
You just let out a slight yelp as Ellie grabbed you and brought you to sit on her lap, your faces now directly next to each other.
She didn't let up as she kept kissing you all over your face, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. Before you knew it, your face was all red and your heart was beating slightly faster.
When you finally weren't fighting back your own desires, she let your head free, knowing you won't pull away anyway. Instead, her hands moved to your waist, firmly holding you down. She pulled away for a second, just to look down, as if to make sure you're really here - sitting in her lap, but you forced her face back up and pressed your lips together.
"Jesus, why so needy?" She laughed, vibrations from the sound echoing through your own throat.
You didn't bother to talk back - she was right and you both knew that, so what was there to add? Every your move was so impatient, it was obvious you waited for this the whole day. And when you remembered two days ago, or even yesterday, you were lying to yourself you hate her, considering you're enemies, you just felt even more turned on.
You started desperatly grinding your hips on her thigh, not even her strong grip managing to hold you in place, even though she let you move as soon as she realised what you're doing. In fact, she even helped you gain your balance while swinging back and forth. Your little moans seemed like a good enough reward.
Your clit was rubbing against the fabric of her jeans, slowly soaking through your underwear.
You succeed to make Ellie shut up, keeping her busy with your mouth. But eventually, you felt her breath on your neck, where she started to nibble, leaving red marks.
Oh, now the school will have something to talk about.
Her teeth were almost painful, making your soft skin sore, but her gentle tongue was quickly brushing off all the bad feelings.
Your body started trembling, what made focusing on moving harder for you. You didn't stop though, not when Ellie's hands were guiding you. And, especially, not when it felt so good. You were sure if you kept going like that, you'll soak so much soon even Els will feel how wet you are.
When your whimpers got louder, her lips pressed back to yours. She already figured out it works pretty well - you only gasp at the sudden move but eventually, all of your whining catch in your connected mouths, becoming completely inaudible outside.
When she calmed you down, feeling your shaking breath get more quiet, she made her way back to your neck.
"You look like you wanted to do that for a long time before. You could just admit it, you had lots of circumstances to..." She chuckled and you could feel her grin. "And you were just too cowardly to admit. I would pity you, if I weren't missing out on lots of fun because of that too."
You laughed, but quickly regretted it, as it made you lose your breath again.
At first you wanted to ask why didn't she make a move first, but you knew the answer.
"Oh, fucking with you is so fun, I couldn't get myself to stop first."
The word use was actually on point - making the sentence fit perfectly to both of your relationship dynamics. At some point, she was fucking with you - pissing you off, arguing and insulting. Then again, she was fucking with you quite... literally.
"Enjoy the moment, 'til I'm actually putting up with your bullshit." You whispered, adding a moan at the end, as your clit hit the edge of her thigh again...
TAGS: @aouiaa @coff1nn @maelovescashew @hopeless-y @mari2you @constellieationn @bellaramslover @ucannotcompare @yan-ghost-yan @rqmantics @sapphicproblem
tumblr wont let me tag some users so im really sorry if youre not tagged but its not my fault😓
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leafyaa · 6 months
Chapter 12
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It had been 30 minutes since you hid inside your room. Kunikuzushi already stopped trying to get inside and you presumed he left your house.
You looked outside your windows and sighed. The sun was setting but there were still some kids playing outside. 
They played without a care in the world and you could see them laughing. A sad smile formed on your face. You didn't know any of them personally, though you wished them a happy life. You prayed they would be kept safe and for them to return home to their families. 
You couldn't help but tear up slightly. You felt selfish for feeling jealous because of the children. Jealous because Hikari wasn't amongst them. She wasn't there happily playing with children her age. Instead, who knows where she was?
You just prayed she wasn't lonely, or felt hungry. You definitely would treat her to eat taiyaki each day when she was back, taiyaki was Hikari's favorite food after all. It was a cute fish, crispy on the outside, and sweet on the inside. Red bean paste was her favorite filling and that was to be expected from a sweet child like her. 
You didn't notice the tears that left your eyes and dropped onto your pants. You were crying. 
You quickly wiped them away and walked towards your window, wanting to open it to allow fresh air to enter your room. 
You watched as the children slowly left, most likely to go eat dinner. You hoped Hikari had dinner too. 
You leaned on the windowsill as you breathed in the fresh air. It was nearing the end of March so the flowers already started to bloom. It was beautiful to watch, especially with the many bushes and trees surrounding your house. 
Speaking of the bushes surrounding your house, you noticed them moving. You thought it was the wind but when you slightly leaned forward and squinted your eyes a tail poked out of the bush and you stumbled back in surprise. 
That definitely was a cat. But even though it was a cat, what was it doing in the bushes?? 
The tail had disappeared when you leaned over the windowsill and you let out a disappointed sigh. Only for it to jump out of the bushes towards you. You let out a scream as the cat landed onto your face. 
Kunikuzushi who had been sitting against your door for the past 15 minutes immediately got up and was banging on the door, obviously alerted by your scream. 
"Y/n! Open the door! Why did you scream??" 
Meanwhile the cat got off of your face and started to hide under your bed. You got up from the floor and wiped away the dirt from your face that the cat carried with it. 
You walked towards the door with still a bit of dirt on your face and unlocked the door quickly. As soon as it was unlocked Kunikuzushi stumbled forward but managed to save himself and not fall onto your bedroom ground. You looked at him, still feeling a bit pissed from earlier. 
"Sorry for upsetting you earlier Y/n.. I shouldn't have pressed on the matter and it wasn't my business.." He apologized with his head lowered. 
You sighed, looking at Kunikuzushi's genuine body posture and we're about to accept the apology. But before you could, the cat ran out of his hiding place and jumped on Kunikuzushi. 
He too screamed in surprise as the cat started to attack him. 
You acted quickly and pulled the wild cat away from Kunikuzushi. Kunikuzushi looked angrily at the cat who then hid its face in your chest. 
"What the fuck." A very Kunikuzushi reaction. 
"It's almost like he was punishing you for your wrongdoings." You jokingly said and started to laugh. 
Kunikuzushi, who was still visibly pissed at the creature, slowly softened his expression as he saw you laugh. 
You had such a beautiful smile. However he could sense that despite your smile, there was something bothering you. But right now wasn't the moment to ask so he wasn't going to do it. 
"You have some dirt on your face." He pointed out and walked closer towards your face. Lifting up his arm to gently wipe the dirt away as you stood there breathless. 
You felt a familiar feeling in your body and looked away, avoiding his state. 
Kunikuzushi looked past your shoulder to see the window open. The wind blew your curtains slightly so he assumed that the cat must have come from there. 
"Are you going to keep it?" Kunikuzushi asked, interrupting your thoughts. 
You looked at the cat that was nestled into your arms snugly. You moved your hand over to the head of the cat and gently patted it. 
"I think I will." Funny how the argument between the two of you ended in you finding a cat. 
"Also you're forgiven."
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After and while washing the cat the two of you didn't speak of the events from earlier. That was for the better too. Being reminded that Hikari was abducted was one of the worst thoughts you could have on your mind right now. 
Kunikuzushi suddenly hissed as the cat bit him. He refrained from cursing the cat with all his vocabulary and just glared at it angrily. 
You turned on the water, making the cat jump up and slip around the bathtub. 
Kunikuzushi grabbed the cat back and put it right under the water source, washing away the soap as well as kind of traumatizing the cat as it was meowing loudly. 
The two of you then dried the cat with a fresh towel and used a hairdryer to dry its skin. All the while the cat was hissing at Kunikuzushi. 
Lastly Kunikuzushi securely held the cat who still after everything tried biting and scratching him while you applied Vaseline on its paws. 
He escaped quickly and ran back into your bedroom to hide under the bed. 
"What an ungrateful little brat." Kunikuzushi scoffed as he wiped the small droplets of blood around the scratches the cat managed to land. 
"It's just scared. The cat can't help himself but be afraid of us. After all it's a wild one.." You assumed and got up from the bath railing. You searched through the cabinet above your sink and grabbed a couple of cotton pats, wetting it before turning back to Kunikuzushi. 
"Stay still, I'm going to clean your cuts. Kunikuzushi looked unbothered as you moved closer to wipe away the blood and to clean the wound. Then you pulled some band aids from the drawer below your sink and put it over the cuts. 
"Still have those Kuromi band aids huh.." Kunikuzushi muttered. 
"Of course, why wouldn't I." You replied and threw away the plastic parts of the band aid. 
"Do you still want to have dinner?" He asked as he stood up from the chair. 
"Yeah, that would be nice."
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"Ugh, why is that stupid brat hiding under the bed?? How am I supposed to see what is going on?" A tall blonde haired female complained as she watched the live footage. 
"We can't control what she's going to do-" 
The woman slammed her device on her desk, scaring her underlings who quickly stepped back. 
"Couldn't you have trained the brat not too??" She yelled, making the men feel embarrassed. 
"We a-apologize for our mistake, we-" 
"Enough of it, I don't want to hear it." Just leave my office." She spoke, glaring at the pair. 
The two scurried away in a hurry and Signora let out a scoff. Always the weak subordinate that couldn't even do a single thing right. 
She left her office with her expensive handbag. As she locked the door of her office the maids that passed bowed to her. 
Signora went to her bedroom and to her vanity. She sat down on her comfortable chair in front of her vanity, removing the high heels she had been wearing the whole day. She looked in the mirror briefly, checking her appearance. Then picking the picture next to her mirror. 
"Oh Rostam, if you could see everything I was doing for you... To take revenge for you.." She sighed and looked disappointedly at the unmoving picture of her lover. 
"I'll kill her, I'll make her suffer, to make him suffer."
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒ next ⇢
Had an entirely different ending written months ago but decided to change it :3 bc I realized it was way too soft and boring sounding for this story.
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyosh1 @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeow @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict @mave-in @sketcheeee @xiaossocksniffer @elernity @ohmyfinggod @luvkvni @kunikissr @meadowofdarts @kaoriie @scaramochies @ekriis @rizakari @xxrexx @lovingveliona @magica-ren @lilybythevalley @theflatdoorkicker @lazy-sanns
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ yandere!tokito twins x fem!reader
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❝ try not to be obsessed, I fucked up oh girl I know ❞
6:24 AM
Muichiro's lips curved into a soft smile. His index finger still caressing your flushed face. Yuichiro on the other hand, is now sitting in the vacant seat behind you both.
"Stop doing that, Mu-mu." Yuichiro snickers, "You can obviously tell she's uncomfortable." The older twin gets on his knees and leans over the back cushions of our chairs.
Muichiro snatches his hand away from your red face and he himself actually starts blushing.
"I told you to stop fucking calling me that, you idiot!!"
A smile forms on your (s/c) face, "Mu-mu? That's so cute!" You gushed, teasing the younger twin.
His turquoise gaze hardened at you, "Stop! That's- it's not funny!"
"It kinda is." You laughed.
He stammers for a few seconds before pointing to his brother, "Well why don't you call this fucker Yu-yu!?"
"Don't start that shit, Muichi-"
"—Can you guys leave now?" You suddenly asked, "You've expressed your feelings and shit, now leave me alone?" You groaned.
"Hmm... no." Yuichiro smugly snickered.
"You're cute when you get pissed off." He starts messing with your hair from above, a small smile on his face. I rare sight to see from Yuichiro Tokito.
"And it's funny." He made sure to add.
"You're so fucking..." you mumbled the rest under your breath
"What? Hot?" He smirks, "No need to remind me, Ms. L/n."
You groan in frustration at his ego.
His fingers continued to softly play with your hair. His face was intently staring down at you, eyes filled with care and affection.
On the other hand, you were too flustered to ask him to stop. He wasn't exactly doing anything wrong, but you just froze in embarrassment.
Muichiro took note of your red face and his brother touching you, "Stop touching her or I'll cut your fucking hands off, Yui."
He said, his voice dripping with jealousy.
So much that you thought he would actually start chopping off his older brothers hands right then and there.
You pulled your head away from Yuichiro, "Actually stop."
"Oh, so I can't touch her hair but you can touch her beautiful face? Double standards go crazy." He rolls his eyes at Muichiro who was now attentively staring at you.
"Hey, dude, are you listening?" Yuichiro waved his hand in his little brothers face.
Blinking a few times, Muichiro glanced at Yuichiro, "What? I never listen to you yap."
Turning back to you, he asks, "so what's your problem?"
You zoned out and forgot they were even there.
They both stare at you blankly for a few seconds before Muichiro spoke up.
"What's your problem? Why do you hate us so much, pretty girl?"
"You're both so fucking annoying, that's why." You rolled your eyes at them before turning back towards the window.
"And what's with all the nicknames?" You add on.
"That's just our thing I guess!" Yuichiro laughs, "Just like Mu-mu over here!!"
"Stop calling me that you Jack-ass!!" Muichiro slaps his arm. Yuichiro just laughs louder.
"Is all you two do is argue?" You sighed again, "I don't see why girls find you both so hot." You rested your face in your hand.
"So what?" They both turned to you, turquoise eyes of interest and curiosity gazing into yours.
"You didn't know? Well yesterday was your first day..."
"Wait, wait, wait, wait wait," Yuichiro repeats while waving his hands.
"Girls actually think we're what?" He glances down at Muichiro.
"Leave it alone, Yuichiro. You are not getting a girlfriend this year." Muichiro crosses his arms.
"Uh, yes I am." He scoffed. "Her name is Y/n Tokito and she's sitting right next to you. Where I, her future boyfriend, should be sitting."
Muichrio turned to look at you. You looked around as well, "Why are you guys looking at me because I know damn well it's not me."
"She's right." Mui nods, "Y/n's too good for you."
He sighs, full of disappointment that his brother would even ever think of something such as that.
"Muichiro saying something smart for once!?" You mockingly gasped.
"As if you're any better. I bet you don't even remember our homeroom's name." Yuichiro rested his crossed arms on the back of our seats.
"Yes I do!! It's Tomioka-" before he could finish his sentence the bus stopped and students started to walk out.
You immediately grabbed your backpack and walked into the crowd, leaving Muichiro and Yuichiro behind. Hopefully they lost you.
As you where walking to your first class of the day, you remembered that you sat next to the twins.
fuck, You thought.
In the hallway, you spotted Inosuke and your friend Aoi talking. You didn't care about what they where yapping about so you decided to interrupt.
"Actually help me." You grabbed onto her arm and hid behind her frame.
"Ah!" She yelps in surprise from the sudden contact.
"Y/n? What's wrong!?" She shouts.
"And let go of me!!"
You let go of her. "I- it's the twins! They're-"
"The Tokito twins!?" She gasps.
"The what twins?" Inosuke butts in, "What the hell are we talkin' about!?"
"Wait a second, Ino." She puts a hand up to his face. "They're talking to you!?" She gasps.
"A little too much actually, it's getting on my fucking nerves!!" You groaned, she doesn't see a problem.
To her, two hot, popular twin boys were giving her best friend attention.
"Wait, wait, the Taco Twins? They make Tacos or some shit?" Inosuke asks, trying to get some sort of understanding.
"It's TO-KI-TO." Aoi hits his arm, "You've never heard of them!? They're on the news all the time!!"
"You know good and damn well I don't watch the news, Aoi." He crosses his arms.
"Nevermind him," you put a hand up to his girlish face, "just please save me from-"
"Save you from what?~" you heard smug a voice from behind you.
"Or who?" Another, softer, voice adds.
You yelped as you turned around. "Oh my gosh!! Y/nnn!!" Aoi shakes you while giggling like crazy.
Inosuke looked at her like she was a madwoman.
You start to loose balance, "Hey- Hey!! Stop."
She stops shaking you and stands next to you with a sly smirk on her face as she glances from the boys and back to you.
"Oh, these are the twins you guys were talkin' about. I know them." Inosuke crosses his arms.
"Why did you run away earlier, Y/n? You don't like us or some-" Yuichiro was cut off by you.
"—Yes, I don't" you rolled your eyes.
"Ha, that was quick" Muichiro snickers.
Aoi slaps your arm as a way to tell you to shut up but you didn't care.
"Loser, she would never like your ass back." Muichiro laughed at his older brother as if he himself didn't have a crush on her either.
"Whatever I'm going to class." You rolled your eyes at Yuichiro as he continued to speak, "I'll see you there~" Yuichiro pats your head and walks away.
"Bye." Muichiro follows behind him.
Once they were finally gone, you turned around to face your friends, "See!? They're fucking annoying! All they do is bother me!"
Aoi's jaw drops as she turns to you, "What!? They're super popular and cute!! Right Inosuke!?"
He scratches the back of his head, "I dunno. I'm with W/n on this one." You wanted to correct him getting your name wrong but you let it go. "They're pretty much just me with longer hair."
"You're no help." She sighed. "Well I have to get to class myself. Bye guys!!"
Aoi walks away and you and Inosuke decided to go your separate ways too.
12:43 AM
"Y/n is so fucking real for that response. The fuck you mean, Aoi!?" Zenitsu says while taking a bite of his food.
"I don't see what everybody else sees in the Tokito twins" he said with a mocking voice and air quotes.
"You're just jealous-hearted as heck, Zenitsu" Nezuko shakes her head slowly.
"No I'm not!! Don't be so mean, Nezuko-chan!~"
Tanjiro cringes at his response.
"I met them this morning for the first time," Inosuke continues, "They don't seem that bad or whatever." He stuffs his mouth with food and takes some from Tanjiro's bento.
"Well at least Zenitsu and Inosuke agree with me." You sighed.
"I'm not not agreeing with you, Y/n. But they're kinda ho- I mean, cute...!" Nezuko smiles reassuringly while glancing at her older brother.
"It's giving indecisive." Aoi narrows her eyes at The pink eyed girl.
"We- Well Kanao hasn't expressed her opinion yet!" Nezuko points to her.
Putting the purple eyed girl on the spotlight Kanao puts her chopsticks down, "Well... I don't know much about them, so I don't really feel anything towards them." She smiles softly. "But they are kinda-"
"—Case closed" Aoi cuts her off. "W- Wait I wasn't done!" Kanao's eyes widen in surprise as she starts to blush from embarrassment.
"Aoi, let Kanao finish what she was saying." Tanjiro sighs.
"Of course you're the one to say that." Zenitsu rolls his eyes. Inosuke nods and Nezuko follows suit.
Looking at each of us individually, Tanjiro tries to defend himself, "W- what!? I-"
Zenitsu points to him from across the table, "We all know you like Ka-"
"—Is this seat taken, Ms. Y/n?" You felt a hand on your right shoulder. Looking up, you spot two closed eyes, and a mischievous smile.
"Yes." You said bluntly.
Pushing him away, Muichiro sat in the vacant seat between you and Nezuko. "Aw," Muichiro pouts, "looks like you have to find somewhere else to si-"
"You can sit beside me!" Aoi smiles and winks at you. She knew you didn't like them, that's exactly why she's doing this.
"Move, Zenitsu." Her voice changed from kind to rude in just the matter of seconds.
"The hell!? Why do I have to move!?" He practically screamed.
"Because I said so, now shoo!!" Aoi pushes him away and he makes his way over to sit next to Tanjiro.
Yuichiro sat on your left, and Muichiro on your right. You're now sandwiched in.
Why couldn't they sit somewhere else!? You ranted in your head, Like with Genya or Shinobu or some shit!?
"Aren't you going to introduce us to your friends, Y/n?" Muichiro asks, his voice quiet and dreamy, snapping you back to reality.
Throwing your head back in irritation, you comply, "Guys, This is Muichiro," you pointed to your right. "And Yuichiro" you gestured to the left.
"So these are the guys everyone think's is hot?" Zenitsu sounds unconvinced.
"They're kinda mid..." he whispers to Tanjiro, whom kicked his leg.
"Don't be mean." The redhead said through a smile.
"Y/n." Yuichiro waved his hand in your face. "Why are you staring off into the distance?" He forces a pout, "is there something more interesting to look at than me?"
"There is always something more interesting than you." Muichiro mumbles while rolling his eyes.
"Shut up." You glared at them.
"That's Inosuke, Tanjiro and Zenitsu" you point to the three sitting across from you. "And Kanao, Nezuko, me and Aoi."
"So there's five of you?" Yuichiro asks. "It's 7." Muichiro replies.
"Are you including yourself!?"
"No, you just can't count."
Zenitsu rests his elbows on the table and points to the twins, "So what made you guys come to Kimetsu High?"
The twins look at one another then back at the blonde. They weren't prepared for that question and was taken a bit by surprise.
Muichiro speaks up first, "Just... because."
"Oh, so now you guys don't wanna talk." You rolled your eyes at the twins. They both looked at you with an expression saying, "are you fucking serious right now?"
Song name: I know - kanii
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Back to Chapter One?
Proceed to Chapter Three?
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reblogdirect · 1 year
Thoughts about Book 7 and how the new theories are messing with my head (Spoilers ahead)
You know, when I first started playing twisted wonderland, book 6 wasn't out on JP servers yet so there was basically very little content about Diasomnia aside from the crumbs in the events, yet I was sure of one thing.
Diasomnia was going to be a crazy story.
The moment I learnt more about the four of them, I thought for sure there had been a war between faes and humans, and that either Lilia/Maleficia had cursed Silver in retaliation of his ancestors. There was 0 doubts to me that when we'd reach Diasomnia's book, we were going to get a literal bomb concerning Silver's true past. I KNEW his parents/ancestors would be the Draconias' enemies. I didn't know how it would play out, but that was something that was clear to me.
I was sure that Malleus would overblot because he'd learn of Silver's ancestors and how his parents had died because of Silver's human family.
I thought we had to learn of the past because it would be the cause of Malleus trauma.
But now that we keep on going through book 7, things went down differently, and that kind of confuses me. We're not just discovering Malleus' trauma compared to other books. We're literally getting a glimpse into the past.... We're reliving the past that links so closely Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek as well.
Heck, we're seeing how two kingdoms fell into ruins because of a war, and how it shaped up the future of two different races. And that got me thinking...
Why would Book 7 go to such lengths?
I mean, yeah, ever since Book 1 and Riddle's story, we've slowly gotten lengthier chapters as we progressed through the story. It started to branch out and we got more and more information. We'd get more glimpses of the overblottes, and I thought Book 6 had really gone in deep in the story... Yet Book 7 went even further.
But when you think about it... It's not even Malleus' "story", like it was for the other Dorm Leaders/Jamil/Ortho. He doesn't seem to be aware of how the events truly played out. He was an egg at that time, and I don't even think he knew that he hatched only because of Lilia's love.
We're clearly seeing that Lilia couldn't bring himself to tell a truth that would hurt his sons. And I doubt Maleficia would sit down Malleus and tell him anything about the past. In fact, I think she wouldn't even know that Silver is the Knight of Dawn's child.
So going back to Malleus' overblot. He didn't have a mental breakdown because he found out the truth about his mother's death. He didn't break down because the little human he ended up growing fond of and watched growing up was the son of the man that caused his mother's demise.
He didn't break down because he found out that Lilia knew all of this yet lied to him.
Compared to the other overblottes, he literally lost it at the start of his book. This is my personal thought, but he didn't seem to overblot because he lost it like the other 6. He literally seemed apathetic to me at that moment, and then he seemed to "embrace" his blot. It reminded me of how Idia said to "Ortho" to leave it to his nii-chan before he overblotted, yet we learnt later on that Ortho's death was a deep trauma for Idia. Malleus on the other hand? There wasn't THAT type of factor that caused something to break in him.
Like don't get me wrong, I'm not at all diminishing his love for Lilia/Silver/Sebek or even his fear of being alone and loosing them... But when I look at what we're discovering in Book 7... Just why would he overblot before we even got to the absolutely tragic moments we're seeing? The tragic past HE's witnessing as well??
If Malleus' curse/blessing was so that EVERYONE would live a "happy ending"... If his wish was for the others to be happy... WHY would Lilia dream of this??? Why would Lilia relive some of the most tragic moments in his life when he's supposed to dream happily? We could've just had the cute moments where he raised Malleus, Silver and then Sebek...
There seems to be no reason whatsover for Book 7 to go so far in the story...
Unless they're not actually telling us the story of why Malleus is overblotting...But instead, it's hinting at someone else's story.
I know I'm going all over the place, but I just have to talk about another of my initial thoughts when I started playing. At that time, I was also convinced that Grim was that beast at the start of the prologue, and that he'd end up overblotting or whatever it was that caused him to become like that. I was even more convinced when we learnt that he had a mysterious and ancient curse on him.
When we learnt of Malleus' dad, there was a lot of crack theories that came around saying that Crowley was his long lost dad. I didn't like it at all, not because he's a pathetic man, but because it scared me with its implications lol.
I've always been convinced that Crowley is a manipulator and is hiding weeell his true thoughts/motives. Part of it is definitely because of the sequence we see at the start of the game when it shows him summoning Yuu, yet we've basically NEVER saw him act so seriously later on. He's silly, a coward, and leaves everything to others to fix... But what if that's what he wants others to belive about him? Regardless of who he actually is, I sincerely don't think that a man that has so many ties can truly be so foolish.
I wasn't sure if he was purposely causing the overblots or not, because I sincerely couldn't think of a motive for him.
But now, with Book 7? I can think of a very clear motive, like some theories have brought it up...
You know, when we heard of Leven and Meleanor a couple of months back, I thought maybe he's the one who had the same fate as Diablo (meaning he got turned to stone/killed) while Meleanor would loose it from the pain.
Yet what have we seen in this chapter? She was still alive, and she has been the one to die first.
So what if as Lilia/Baul & Egg Malleus fled, Levan came only to find the aftermath of the battle?
What if he only found his beloved's corpse, knowing he was too late? What if HE was the one to lose it instead of Meleanor, like Maleficient had in the movie?
If truly Crowley is Levan and is trying to bring back Meleanor, it would explain why he's causing the overblots. It would explain why he's hiding his identity and acting dumb, why they didn't even show us a silhouette of his despite that ugly Henric bastard having a sprite. I mean some could argue that Leah/Leia(?) didn't get a silhouette either despite being the Knight of Dawn's spouse... But let's be real, she's simply not as important as Levan was to Meleanor, Lilia & Malleus.
Part of me thinks of what this theory would imply with Lilia and Malleus. Both of them would be furious and heartbroken, but I think he'd be ready to lose everything if it means getting back his wife. And in the case he fails, I think he would just be willing to face death instead of seeking forgiveness from his old friend and his son.
Anyways I should stop rambling now lol. I just needed to get this out of my chest because Book 7 and the theories with it have literally taken over my thoughts and I just.... keep on thinking. I can't wait to see how
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
How/when does Jersey end up saying I love you?
oooooh! okay, so i was going to write it out ( i am jennifer slowpez so in nina fashion, i am spoiling it, what's new? ) but there is a part after this...if we remember this ask i am obsessed with where raven is diabolically patching jersey up via the tiny child sized hellokitty carebear bandids kyle bought for the kids he works w in the elementary school via that one anons delicious input...genius really.
*raven vc* pero like, so you know, they pull away it's awkward fml. dawg, they are about to *dreamy fit asf rm tolkien posh british vc* have a cheeky little snog like that entire whumpshot...anyways!
kyle notices that the vinyl record player is playing their sadie hawkins first dance song ( idk what song it is but its an abba song because thats gay rights baby! its probably my love, my life or andante andante...branch in my eyes ) and theres a bowl of skittles, but only the red ones are in it...because stan still eats around the red ones bc only kyle can have the red ones....brb crying!
yadda yadda yadda. and i think on the tv, the screen is paused over a brand new episode of say yes to the dress ( if we recall, before i deleted chapter six...which was a disaster but also a masterpiece rip, ravenstan was being so boyfail cute in it in his armani suit and was rizzing the hell out of kyle with his crunchy boy knowledge of plants...when stan came over for their #hate fashionably late, kyle was stress-watching say yes to the dress...which is his favorite show because he claims to be allergic to romance, but secretly thinks its really beautiful that people can fall and love and get married...AAA )
but anyways, when they start dating say yes to the dress ( shoutout to when ravenstan forgot what it was called bc adhd and called it Are You Down With The Gown ) became their show and kyle very quietly is like "were you going to watch it?" and stan getting nervous, trying to deflect because they always watch it together is like uhuhuhHhHh and kyle, sad laugh shaking his head is like "baby" *yersey swearing* "dude...baby dude...my guy...just guy, fuck, you know you can watch it without me. we're not...Together. *hurts worse than his ribs* you don't have to wait for me." and stan is like "i-i know. i was going to...i-i Wanted to! i just--i couldn't. i couldn't watch all the people in...."
Love :(
he doesn't say it. but jersey kyle can FEEL it.
he winces. hard.
he wants to fucking die...he wants to say something but he's so stupid and he ruined ravenstan's life, words fail him but STAN!!! grabs his hand and is like "-because! because i knew it would make me miss you. and fuck it. FUCK EVERYTHING KYLE I FUCKING MISS YOU!!!! i miss you and i LOVE you and i don't--i don't care if you can't say it back! i don't have to wait for you, but i WILL! i want to! i'll--i'll wait forever! YOURE MY FOREVER. people tell me they love me everyday, but with you--i can feel it. I. Just. Know. and that's enough! you're enough. YOURE ENOUGH, KYLE BROFLOVSKI. just the way you are. and i'm sorry...i'm sorry i pushed you and tried to change you. i was just, i was insecure about it i guess--and--and--"
cue kyle smiling like an idiot ( the rare kyle smile ) like "...stan?"
ft. stan still yapping smh like "oh my god, i miss you SO much! curb only got into the trash because you weren't here to remind me. and i had pasta from this five star restaurant the other day and oh my god, ky. it was TRASH! yours is so much better! and-and i think i broke the washing machine earlier, oh my god, it sounded like an explosion, i can't find anything, i--"
kyle...literally still trying to get stans attention smh going
"stan? hey? stan???? Stan???"
stans still yapping btw ( oh my god when he is passionate the man never shuts the hell up hes like rambling himself into a corner ) like "and theres this new exhibit in the aquarium and theres this huge red fish in it and i wanted to send it to you and be like 'this you' but were fighting and I HATE FIGHTING WITH YOU. can we stop fighting? :< i miss you. will you please come home? curb misses you, i miss you, i--"
*jersey vc* STANLEY MARSH!
*stan doing the wide flustered doe eye thing with the lip ring lip bite combo that makes kyle like actually criminally insane with love feels*
speaking of...
he leeeeeeeeeeeeeeans in...
gently grasps ravenstan's face
and says
and i quote...
"Te amo." <3
-uncle nina, gratuitous undivorcer of ravesey style
#i'll edit the tags in a second#but is everyone happy#theyre in love again#i promise#*impastor craig vc* by the power vested in me i now pronounce my beautiful gay sons that i tortured for half a year#Undivorced ;-; <3#I CAAAAAAAAAANT BELIEVE IT#no one get used to it im still gonna have them do miserable break up things and create drama dont worry about THAT#BUT I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID I LOVE YOU#I AM SO PROUD WOW THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL#now i can write the jersey kyle Can say i love u meme#( which is my favorite ask meme its so funny ily robot kyle )#he is like...i have so many feelings...i am excited? frightened? ex...frightened?#I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID TEEEE AMO#SMILE PENDEJO NATION WE ARE SOOOOO BACK!#is anyone else crying or is it just me is it just jersey and raven and me and curb and the entire internet#UR WELCOME! YOU ARE ALL NO LONGER CHILDREN OF DIVORCE! TIME TO REJOOOOOOOOOOOICE YALL#*passes out The I Survived The 2024 Ravesey Divorce And All I Got Was This Stupid Teeshirt stupid teeshirts*#my sons in love my sons in AMOR bitch!!!!!!#that rizz was crazy also this was too happy so pls note they quite licherally almost smashed but kyles bones are broken#NOT THE ONE THAT MATTERS THO but he did still get stanbanned by sexy nurse raven lamE#*teri vc* at least he'd die doing what he loves...LITERALLY!!!#i admire his dedication like i too would risk it all to get risque and frisque with ravenstan but no they just#watched say yes to the dress and fell asleep on the couch#The End <3#everybody chant NINA!!! NINA!!!! NINAAAAAAA!!!
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uramilf · 11 months
The Record Shop - Chapter Four
A/N: Sorry for the long wait everybody! Enjoy this chapter, it's significantly less upsetting than chapter three :)
Warnings: Stuff about tattoos and piercings, smut at the end
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*Penny's POV* I told myself that I didn't know why I kissed him. That wasn't true; I knew exactly why. I wanted him. I needed him. Much, much more than I had ever needed Alex. Matty had let me kiss him for a moment, then pulled away and laid a hand on either side of my face, making me look at him. "I need to know you're sure about this, darling." "I am, I am, please let me kiss you," I pleaded with him. "Shhh, pretty girl. You're going through something really tough and I need to know you're not just doing this because you're upset about Alex." "No, please, if anything I got back with him because I was upset about you. I thought you didn't want me anymore, after I saw you with that girl." "She meant nothing, Penny. Nothing, compared to you. I'm sorry."
I kissed him again then, because I couldn't bear to listen to him talk about me like that any more without showing him exactly how I felt in return. I knew as our lips moved together that he wasn't going to be my boyfriend, not yet at least, but at least I had him.
Matty pulled away, breathless. "Let me take you on a date. A real one. Please, my love." “Okay,” I breathed, an inch away from his lips. “Where are we going?” “I don’t know yet, you need to let me think about it.” He kissed me quickly. “I want it to be perfect.” “I’m sure it will be perfect, just me and you,” I said softly into his ear before resting my head on his shoulder. The longer parts of his hair tickled my face slightly as I turned to kiss his neck. “So are we gonna…do this properly then?” Matty asked. He snorted with laughter, before I could answer. “That sounded weird. I mean are we gonna actually have a go at being, like, boyfriend and girlfriend?” He looked a little panicked, so I took one of his hands in mine, playing with the silver ring on his middle finger. “We don’t have to, if you’re not ready. We should probably take it slow, yeah?” Matty looked a lot happier, looking up at me with a grin. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right, babe."
*Matty's POV* I quickly finished serving the customer I was with when I saw Penny come through the door of the shop. I don't think I gave the teenage boy the right amount of change, and I probably should have offered him a bag, but she looked so beautiful that it was as if the world around me had stopped, and the only person moving was Penny. Wavy, dirty blonde tresses falling around her face, the sun making her hair shine. She wasn't wearing anything particularly special; just a pair of black leggings and a grey hoodie with her dirty white converse, but she could have been wearing the world's most expensive gown, and she would've looked equally as beautiful. Her pretty pink lips curled up into a smile when she saw me at the till. I dashed out from behind the counter to hug her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head while she trailed her nails gently up and down my back, face nuzzled into my black t-shirt.
"Well, aren't you two cute," George's voice sounded from behind us. I turned around to look at him, Penny still wrapped in my arms. "Hi, George," she giggled, voice muffled by my chest. "Lock up mate, yeah? I've promised this one a date." I ruffled Penny's hair and kissed her head again when she protested. "Sure," George smiled and started rummaging through a drawer behind the register for his keys. "Have fun, wear a condom!" He joked. I shook my head and turned red, but Penny just threw her head back and laughed, arm slung around my waist as we left the record shop.
Penny tried to reach for my keys from my back pocket, still laughing as we approached my car. "Can I drive?" she raised one eyebrow. "Absolutely not. 'Cause you don't know where we're going." "Tell me then," she pouted. "It's a surprise." I opened the passenger door and she climbed into the car.
The sun was slowly sinking as Penny and I wrapped up our date. I had taken her to a gorgeous forest park and we had talked, and laughed, and walked, and sometimes ran to see who could reach a particular tree the fastest. It may have been June but the air was cold, and I had previously shrugged off my coat and given it to the shivering girl beside me. Her shoes had gotten dirtier, her hair messier, but she looked the happiest I had ever seen her. I extended a hand to her and she took it, swinging our arms together dramatically.
“Having fun?” I asked. “Yes,” Penny laughed breathlessly. “Lots of fun. I don’t want to go home yet.” “Don’t, then. Come back to mine.” My breath hitched in my throat when I asked, knowing there was a possibility she considered that as going too far. But she just smiled, the widest smile I had ever seen, and stopped walking to stand on her tiptoes and kiss my cheek.
*Penny’s POV*
After a few glasses of wine, Matty had asked me to stay over, saying he didn’t want me trying to make my own way home. We argued briefly about where I would sleep; me insisting I would take the sofa, him begging me to share his bed. Eventually I gave in, knowing the only place I wanted to be was right beside him.
I finished up washing my face in Matty’s bathroom before walking back into the bedroom, which was of course familiar to me. I had slept in his bed once before, and I shuddered at the memory of trying to sneak out of his flat at 6 in the morning, back when I considered him a one night stand, a drunken mistake. God, if I only I knew how wrong I was.
Matty was lying on the bed, his thin sheets draped over his legs. He wore nothing but his black boxers, and had an arm tucked behind his head. “Thank god. You took forever,” he grinned. “Get in here, I’m cold.” “You’re cold because you have no clothes on.” I rolled my eyes but shed my own hoodie and leggings, leaving me in a black sports bra and thong. “Oh, fuck,” Matty groaned. “Are you trying to make me think about the night we met?” I cocked my head innocently. “Hmmm. Not sure what you’re talking about.” “You, me, naked, in this bed. Ring any bells?” “Maybe,” I smirked, sliding under the bedsheets. “Come here, dickhead.” Matty wrapped two strong, ink-covered arms around me and tugged me close to his chest. “Much better,” he mumbled. “Not cold anymore.”
I woke up when the sun cracked through the curtains in Matty’s bedroom. I could feel his heart beating from the position of my head on his chest, his hand laying on my waist, chin rested on the top of my head. He was waking up too, tightening his arm around me.
"Hey, angel," he whispered, nuzzling his face into the top of my head. "Morning," I yawned. "Fuck, I'm freezing." Matty sat me up gently and leaned over to grab his hoodie off the floor, helping me put it on. I felt surrounded by the scent of his cologne and cigarettes, and I loved it. "You want breakfast?" "Yeah, that'd be nice," I yawned again.
I watched as Matty got out of bed and pulled his grey joggers on, the muscles in his back almost taunting me. I tried not to grin when he caught me staring at him in the mirror, instead pretending to look for my phone. I found it on the bedside table and saw a few texts and missed calls from my mum:
Mum: Hi honey, I saw Alex in Tesco yesterday and he said things hadn't worked out between you two again. Mum: I'm sorry Penny, I really did think you were meant for each other Mum: Please give me a call so we can talk about it
I sighed and put my phone down again. "What's up, darling?" Matty raised an eyebrow. "Just my mum getting way too involved in my personal life again. I swear she loves Alex more than she loves me." Matty's nose scrunched up at the mention of him, and I laughed. "I hate that guy, Pen. And I've never even met him." "Welcome to the club," I sighed again. "Okay, no more talking about him. I have an idea of what we can do today." "What's that love?" "I want to get that tattoo I was talking about, the one on my back. I texted Ross last night and all. He said he'll do it for me today, and he's got an opening for you too if you want it." "This is why I like you, Penny," Matty grinned. "Always up for a bit of fun, aren't you?" He took me hands and pulled me onto my feet, planting a kiss on my lips. "Sounds great, angel. Let's do it."
Three hours later, Matty and I walked into Ross's tattoo shop hand in hand. Ross was behind the front desk and he raised an eyebrow with a silent smirk when he saw us.
"Anyone gonna tell me what's going on here?" Matty scoffed, "Grow up, dickhead. If you found a girl this pretty you'd hold her hand everywhere too." "Oh stop, you'll make me blush," I rolled me eyes and propped myself up on my elbows on Ross's desk. "Are you ready for me?" "Absolutely. Head on over to the first station on the right and I'll get set up."
I lay on my stomach while Matty gently rolled up my top to expose the lower part of my back. He sat down beside me in a comfy-looking chair and held my hand tightly. "First tattoo?" Ross asked. I nodded in response. "I'm really nervous actually," I admitted, turning my head to Matty. "How much did your first one hurt?" "I can't really remember darling, I was sixteen and high as a kite," he laughed. "Ross did it for me in the middle of some randomer's house party."
“This is gonna hurt a bit love, so just cling onto Matty, alright?” Ross said while gently wiping my lower back with an antibacterial wipe. “I’m glad you’ve come in, I’ve been excited to give you your first tattoo.” “Thanks Ross, just promise you’ll stop if I need you to?” “Absolutely Penny, are you ready?” I nodded as Ross peeled away the transfer with the base for my tattoo.
A few (excruciating) hours later, Ross wiped down the tattoo one more time before taking a photo and crouching down to my eye level. “There you go, lovely, all done.” "Ross, oh my god! It looks incredible!" I grinned at the three tiny purple butterflies stationed on my lower back. "Matty, isn't it perfect?" "It certainly is, angel." He kissed my forehead quickly and helped me stand up. "You okay?" I nodded and fumbled in my bag for my purse, but Ross quickly shut down that idea. "Definitely not, Penny. Put your money away, please."
After a few minutes of back and forth arguing between Ross and I, Matty rolled his eyes and pulled a few 20 pound notes out of his own pocket, pressing them into Ross's hand. "Just take this, mate. She's not gonna let it go." Before I could argue any more, Matty's eyes lit up. "Here, Penny, before we go, didn't you say something about wanting another ear piercing? Y'know they do that here too?" Ross nodded. "Yeah, Lily does them. You wanna go see her down at the back?"
I approached the pretty blonde woman at the back of the shop and Ross introduced me, telling her I wanted another piercing. She took me into the back room and sat me down, beginning to show me earring choices. "Actually, Lily, I'm looking to get something else pierced today," I blushed slightly. "I just haven't told anyone else that." "Don't you worry, darlin', whatever you want," she beamed.
"Where's the new ear piercing then?" Ross raised an eyebrow. "Chickened out," I shrugged. Matty laughed and threw an arm around me. "That's alright, angel, you've been through enough pain today. Let's head back, yeah?"
The short drive back to Matty's was almost as painful as the tattoo, between the stinging pain in my chest from my new piercings (being kept a secret until after we were home) and the tension in the car. Five hours in the tattoo shop without so much as one kiss from Matty was the worst part of it all. I knew I was in trouble. He wasn't even mine, we were just having a bit of fun, yet I was completely and utterly addicted to him. I needed him, his touch, his appreciation, more than I needed air to breathe. His hand on my thigh in the car was almost too much to bear, almost, but I managed to hold it together.
The second we got through the door of his flat, his lips were on mine, hands gripping my hips. It wasn't until his hand travelled further up, gently squeezing my breast, that I let out a pained groan. He stopped immediately, eyeing me up and down. "What was that?" "What was what?" I winced, trying but failing to hold it together. "Okay fine, I was gonna keep this as a surprise for later, but it hurts too fucking much," I laughed, rolling my eyes. I grabbed the hem of my top and pulled it over my head, directing Matty's hands to my back. He raised an eyebrow before unclasping my bra and pulling it off my shoulders. His eyes widened when he saw my newly pierced nipples.
"Jesus. Oh fuck." He ran his hands down my bare sides, staring at my chest. "You like it?" I laughed. "Fuck, angel. That's fucking ... you're so fucking hot." I kissed him again, pulling him out of the trance he was in, before he dropped his head down to kiss the skin at the top of my breast, ever so gently. "Does it hurt a lot?" "Yes. A lot, so don't even think about touching them," I groaned. "I can touch you, though." Matty's eyes lit up at my words. "Yeah?" "Yeah," I breathed next to his ear, placing a kiss on his jaw. "Go ahead then, darling."
I dropped to my knees and started to unbuckle his belt, his breathing becoming heavier above me. I pulled his sweats and boxers down together, his length springing out, already hard. "Good to see I have this kind of effect on you," I smirked, taking him into my hand and pumping him slowly, precum leaking out, which I caught on my thumb and spread over his tip. Matty groaned as I took his cock into my mouth and moaned around him. My hands gripped his thighs as I swirled my tongue around him slowly, looking up at him through my lashes. His head was thrown back, leaning against the wall. I barely held in a laugh at the thought of me sucking him off at the front door, unable to even make it to his bedroom.
A moan slipping from Matty's mouth brought me back, and I started to move my head up and down, taking more of him each time until he hit the back of my throat. He started to thrust his hips forward, making me gag slightly, but I didn't care. I wanted him to ruin me.
I could sense he was close, so I pulled away from him and returned my hand to his hard cock, stroking up and down quickly. "Cum for me baby, please, cum in my mouth," I begged, almost cringing at how badly I wanted him.
With one final thrust of his hips, Matty came with a groan. I wrapped my lips around him again just in time to catch every drop on my tongue, showing him cheekily before swallowing. I let him recover for a few minutes before helping him pull his sweats back up.
"Good?" I inquired. "Better than, good, baby. Amazing," he panted, kissing me hard. "You're incredible. Now, it's your turn," he grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his room, leaving my t-shirt and bra still deserted on the floor.
A/N: SHE'S BACK!!! I've missed you guys! And I really hope you enjoyed this, it's kind of a filler chapter to give you all a break from the drama (there is more drama coming)
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patiann345 · 4 months
I'm gonna be honest; I don't think it's fair to blame a single game (BATIM in this case) for the state of Modern Mascot Horror...
That's giving Bendy WAY too much credit hj/
But seriously though; to say that BATIM is at fault for the state of mascot horror and that it started/popularized all the overused trends is just. really really unfair to it. And that's coming from someone who is extremely critical of the series, I WISH I could blame Bendy for everything but alas, I am unable 😔
I think my biggest issue with blaming Bendy, or really any big horror like Fnaf or Poppy, is that.. so many of those trends aren't unique to those games? Bendy takes SO MUCH from games like Bioshock, but we're not blaming Bioshock for mascot horror trends, are we? And yeah, you can say "Well Bioshock isn't indie and it's not mascot horror" but,, where do you think people are drawing inspiration? Yeah, a lotta games may be inspired by Bendy, but a lot of others, INCLUDING Bendy, are inspired by the classics before it.
To talk about some arguments I've seen; saying Bendy popularized "exploring an abandoned facility" feels almost silly considering how many popular horror games and media have done that before. It's been a horror staple for forever, so of course a lot of mascot and/or indie games would follow suit. There's the first Resident Evil, I think Silent Hill COULD count, RPG maker games such as Ao Oni.. And as for film; technically The Blair Witch falls into this category. And the same goes for "cute mascot turned scary" like.. I'm sorry but plenty of games alone were doing that before Bendy. Ever played Tattletail? You could argue FNAF has done this too. Spooky's jumpscare mansion perhaps? And if you wanna look past just games; Gremlins. And yes, I'm counting Gremlins as horror. If you don't, then consider Chucky or Annabelle (though maybe Annabelle is to a lesser extent since she's.. pretty freaky looking before the possession stuff in the film) I'm not. even going to address "free roam gameplay" because. I mean, do I have to? I should not have to go over a list of free roam horror games to tell you why that's 1. not even a trend? and 2. not.. Bendy specific.
All this also isn't considering a lot of other media you could take inspiration from; Creepypastas and ARGs and Books and so on and so forth. A lot of those have contributed to Mascot Horror, ESPECIALLY creepypasta.. Most of the popular ones do fall under the "cute-to-scary" trope such as Cupcakes, Sonic.EXE, the Tails Doll curse, and a lot of lost episodes and haunted gaming creepypastas. You can't tell me some of the big games now aren't slightly inspired.
Also also, a lotta popular mascot horror recently has followed certain tropes and trends, yeah, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily good or bad. People hear "Cliche" and think negatively, but you CAN do a cliche really REALLY well, you can put a super strong spin on it if you try and make it feel new and fresh, even if it's been done over and over before by other pieces of media. Yes, BATIM has "cute-to-scary" mascots, it has abandoned location exploration, and it released in chapters, and so on and so forth. But we're not considering HOW it uses these tropes and if they're done well. We're just saying "Well, it has them so.. blame Bendy ig" and that's, again, not fair! It's not fair to BATIM and it's not fair to other horror media, some of which has served as big inspirations and the sort of "building blocks" for modern horror.
To make something clear, and I know this may upset some people to hear; BATIM is not unique as a piece of horror media. The only thing that sets it apart is the artstyle, and even then, with the release of BATDR, we've been inching away from that rubberhose-1930s style for a more generic look and feel. Bendy is not special, and it's not special as a mascot horror, even by the standards of 2017 when it came out. There were other games doing what it was doing, and there will continue to be games that do what it did.
It is not fair to blame Bendy, and it's not fair to blame any one single game or piece of media. Tropes and trends and cliches come and they go, and whether or not you like the current state of mascot horror, if you agree or disagree that it's a problem (I personally don't think it is and don't. really care tbh?) You cannot blame a single piece of media for the problems you have with a genre.
(Sorry this is so ramble-y!! And if it's not super well structured, I just really wanted to get my thoughts out there akjagsdhljgadslh,, also, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts, if you agree or disagree or are unsure. Think it'd be cool to start a discussion ^^)
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sucantslay · 7 months
Eating noodles*
Uhm, since Believe 4 leave is coming out soon, might as well watch the translated lyrics for fun.
Song start playing*
"To the thing that you can't see, is there really an end to all of that?"
Noodles drop*
Ya know what, eating is needed, but analysis this song is more important right now!
Uhm...so, *wear my weird-looking but cool-ass glasses on* let's get into it shall we? ALKALOID P? MayoiP?
So before we actually get into the song lyrics, I would like to remind you something about Mayoi.
He's a little freak, a little cute freak that most of the fans can relate to.
Mostly because of his low self-esteem, he gets scared easily and goes from "Haha" to "I SHOULDN'T HAVE LIVE ANYMORE" really quickly.
Few of the first chapters from the main story until recently, even if it is a small thing, he did change. He doesn't usually talk that much, not even in any conversation with other members or outside people in ES.
He's in his own world, his own thoughts for most of the time. If he did say anything, it was either praising others, talking badly about himself, or simply a scream, panic for help.
But later on, he talks more and more, more open about himself. Even if he still has that low self-esteem within him, he's happy that everyone didn't push him away.
And the song covers up some of that Mayoi character in it! It really hit the right spot if you look close enough.
From the first line:
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It not really a happy feeling, it more of an unsettled situation where Mayoi couldn't know if any of this going to end of continue to suffocate him to death.
I think this is talking about his first time going out to the outside world and couldn't easily run away like all the other time ( he run away from the hospital once ).
Tatsumi going to catch him back, Hiiro can sense him present, his form has being review to the world outside. But more importantly, he got a Unit to be in, he can't no longer be the phantom that ghost this place with no hope and being agony in his own world anymore.
With that thought in mind, he have to chose, to move forward or giving up and continue hiding.
At first, Mayoi didn't have the chose but to go along with other members, he's being push to continue:
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the word "Binoculars" here is not only represent for a binoculars the Airship cool MV, but also about look into the future far ahead.
As he whispered: "I can't really do this, can i? I'm not that good of a person, how can a hideous person like me even deserve a place of happiness like them."
But in his hand was a binoculars, a device to look for the far distance, a further future, even if it was something small and hard to detect, he did in-fact, want to be as beautiful and fill with joy as them.
Yet he fill with nothing but anxious
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But he didn't stop, he continue, in his head scream pain and agony yet he show no sigh of stop.
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Because everyone still needs him, the team need him to help with their training, Tatsumi needs him to help with his yet to completely recover leg. Hiiro and Aira still need a person to relied on when Tatsumi wasn't around.
He can't stop now! ALKALOID NEED HIM!
I love this line sooooo muchhhhh, it not just about Mayoi, it about ALKALOID itself. About Tatsumi, about Aira and about Hiiro:
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We're be able to dream! And we'll continue to dream from this every moment on!
Yes! they accept that their just stupids little bastard, but in that way, if stupids bastard like them were allowed to dream big? They won't stop now!
They announced that, this is all just a beginning
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And the journey may be rough, but they won't scare to try out, if that what helps them achieve their long lasting dream.
Than we shift back to Mayoi:
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As his little dream now is no longer a small bit of hope, but something that he himself and ALKALOID are chasing with.
He's not alone.
The ALKALOID are with him.
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Ah fick that! They said: "We go on this journey with risk at hand!"
Maybe we'll fail, but with that mistake, we'll do it better next time.
And the next lyrics! They are also my favorite!
It LITERALLY about how fourth members represent for, and it even more meaningful when you read the main story!
Hiiro: Was despair when his brother leave him but find hope in ALKALOID.
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Aira: Despair for love, you can spot this very easy from the fact that Aira don't really like himself that much, he scare and hate and just a little boy finding his way, so ALKALOID gave him love! The love that he deserves.
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Ok...I'm so sorry but Tumblr don't allowed me to put more than 10 pic in here. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALKALOID I MUST!
THIS WILL BE 1/2 PART, YOU CAN FIND THE 2/2 PART ON MY PAGE. ( if can't, just use the analysis about b4l tag down there )
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Things that come in my head as I play through Diasomnia's chapter (chp 1- 37):
[Potential spoilers below darlings, proceed with caution!]
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Lilia using his hatchet, which by Sebek's reactions we can assume is basically at the same level of significance as a magical artifact used by say, one of the great Seven, to cut wood. He even justifies it by saying the hatchet might feel better being used even if for mundane things than sitting and gathering dust somewhere. Is that a metaphor for himself? Is he referring to himself and how he busied himself with raising his sons? To how from a weapon in war, one that brought devastation with every swing of his blade, he softened into a someone, who despite his doubts managed to be a father and mentor to both his sons? Does he think of himself as an object to be used, first in the war and then as a caretaker for Malleus?
Silver losing his cool and shouting that yes, Malleus needs to be there to say goodbye to Lilia. We've seen how Silver constantly wants to be useful and do something to sort of 'justify' Lilia taking him in and raising him as his own. I feel like he doesn't see himself as Lilia's son despite calling him "Father"; he sees Malleus as more deserving of that title, and so every time he's shown some resistance against Lilia going away, he puts it as if he's speaking on behalf of Malleus' feelings. Whereas Malleus believes that he must not be selfish and stop Lilia from leaving just because he doesn't want him to. He's trying to be mature about it all, even if it eats him up inside. Just... why can't these idiots realize how much they love each other?? Also, Lilia asking where Silver got his stubborn streak from like sir, have you seen yourself and Malleus? Both of yall are so stubborn that I'm surprised Silver isn't more stubborn than just this.
Malleus and Silver are so similar in so many ways that it actually hurts. Both are losing their father figure, their mentor. And they're both trying to be so incredibly brave and mature about it. Malleus' general dislike of being compared to a child (even though Lilia says that the Draconias achieve their maturity when they're 1000 years old and are still children at 200 years) and Silver saying that he'll be coming of age the next year when Malleus tells him that all children cry... Both are children, but they don't want to be seen as children. These boys are gonna make me cry istg-
Gonna take a break from the dia boys for a sec because how cute are the first years??? Oh my god I love them all so much. Also, weird freaky things happening to the Prefect... could it be a side effect of being stuck in Twisted Wonderland for so long? Or maybe even an effect of the Prefect starting to become "aware" of how the great seven are the people they see in their dreams? Hm... Also have I told you how much I love Adeuce? Because I love them. Very much. The way Ace shows concern about the Prefect feeling under the weather, and the way Deuce immediately agrees that they should leave after saying their greetings just makes me so happy (and it reminds me of my friends.... i think i just realized why im so fond of the idiots...) Okay now back to our regularly scheduled program...
Love how Lilia basically said, "If people here were well-adjusted individuals who knew how to ask for help gracefully and take the help offered to them gracefully they wouldn't have been chosen by the Dark Mirror" because he's soo right, but also, dear sir, if you recall, you were chosen to attend this very same institute yourself <3
"I haven't the slightest intention of being friendly–" shut it lightning boy we're gonna KO you with the power of friendship and life-or-death bonding situations
Oh shit the iconic Maleficent entry– I love you Malleus but Jesus christ you are scaring me rn with that smile–
First battle of the chapter.... wish me luck... Oh wait I was supposed to lose? Ah that's fine, I didn't wanna be stuck on that chapter for the next six months-
Oh god the utter pain in Lilia's voice when he yells out to Malleus.... oh this hurts more than hearing Silver cry.... why can't these idiots just fucking talk and tell each other how much they love each other?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 years
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Part 22
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Series masterlist
Part 21 🍂 Part 23
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Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: None? Some more angst, maybe? Fluff warning? Idk?
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: It's unbelievable that I now owe up to part 28 of this story. I'm sorry I've been out of it for so long, I'll try to get the next part here a bit faster! @keanureevesisbae There you go, we're out of angst. ❤️
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @omgkatinka @summersong69 @diegos-butt @beck07990 @peaches1958 @pandaxnienke
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“Sy?” You turned around when you heard the door to the bedroom open. The room was cold, even under the blankets, and you were alone. Where was Sy? Was he seriously not coming to bed because of that fight?
“Lara?” That wasn’t Sy. It was Jules. Why was she in your bedroom? And more importantly: Why wasn’t Sy? The duvet you were under seemed to get colder with every passing second, until you finally threw it off you, but the air of the room wasn’t much better. You were overcome by involuntary, violent shivers you couldn’t control.
“Jules? What’s going on, where is Sy?” Outside your window, it was pitch black. It had to be the middle of the night. Why was Jules here at this time of night?
“You have to come with me.” Her voice was weird, flat, and her eyes were empty, as if no one was really there. From the hallway, a cold light lit up your room enough to see there were tears on her cheeks. It had to be bad.
“Jules, what’s happening?” Your voice trembled with terror, but it was nothing compared to what you were actually feeling.
“You have to come with me,” she said again, her voice cold and emotionless. Was she shocked? Afraid of something? You wanted to scooch across Sy’s side of the bed, but instead your leg fell over the edge of… it clearly wasn’t your bed; it was only half the size. Strange. You followed Jules out of the room into a long hallway, cold light, emanated by the fluorescent ceiling lights, bouncing off the walls and floors. This definitely wasn’t your home… It looked more like… A hospital?
“Jules where are we? Where are we going?” “You have to come with me.” It was starting to sound extremely creepy, and it stopped you dead in your tracks.
“Jules,” you demanded, “I’m not coming with you until you tell me what the fuck is going on.”
“There’s been an accident.”
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Your eyes opened with tears in them, but you weren’t able to keep them there for long. All it took for them to stream down your face freely was your instinctive move of extending a hand to your right – where Sy was supposed to be sleeping. Except he wasn’t there. In a split second, you were out of bed, out of the room, and flying down the stairs as if your life depended on it. It wasn’t even a relief when you heard the sound that came from the TV in the living room.
“Sugar?” Sy said, definitely sounding more than a little surprised when you dove into his arms. “Darlin’, what’s going on?” He wrapped his arms around you, and you buried your face in his chest. You couldn’t speak, you could barely even breathe: You were simply too busy crying hysterically and clinging to Sy as if he was singlehandedly responsible for keeping you alive. He didn’t speak again until you had calmed down a bit, at which point you apologized a thousand times in a row for your hysterics.
“I had a really bad dream,” you sighed, “I’m sorry.” You couldn’t tell him what it was about. It was pathetic that you needed a dream to realize that a life without Sy would be horrible. Of course, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, even if it meant he had to practically pull the answer out of you – and he did.
“Oh, Sugar,” he chuckled, “I’m right here, not goin’ anywhere.” He gently ran his fingers through your hair, playing with the curls offhandedly as he did.
“I can’t lose you Sy, ever,” you mumbled into his chest, “you mean too much to me.”
“Do I?” You told yourself a million times that he wasn’t asking the question to be mean, or to get you to say something you weren’t ready to say, but you knew you had to give him something. All the feelings were there, why couldn’t you just say the words?
“Sy… You’re my first boyfriend, this is the first time I’m living with someone, and… Everything is happening so incredibly fast… It feels great, I have absolutely zero regrets, and I guess it’s just a little hard to admit to myself I’m really doing the right thing. Because I genuinely believe that, Sy.” It was almost impossible to fight back the tears, impossible to feel as if you weren’t just looking for excuses, but you had to explain. “I- My future has you in it, all the way to the end if it were up to me.”
“Part of it is up to you, Sugar,” Sy said. He was still holding you, the weight of his arms comforting around you, but you just knew you two weren’t completely in the clear yet. “I see a wedding in our future, baby. Ours, in case I didn’t make myself clear.” You laughed through your tears when he said it.
“So… House, wife, kids, the whole nine?” If someone had told you half a year ago that you’d be living with a guy – and not just any guy, but the love of your life – before the end of the year, you’d have laughed in their face. Yet here you were, curled up in Sy’s lap, feeling safer in his arms than you’d ever felt in your entire life.  
“That’s the dream,” he answered with a smile. You’d have laughed at that same person if they’d also told you that all of a sudden, you’d want to give a man a whole bunch of kids, but here you were… Somehow, his next words made you love him even more: “But Sugar, I ain’t talkin’ about no kids yet. We’ve got plenty of time.”  
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Sy carried you back to the bedroom and tossed you back on your bed. You shivered as you remembered the dream from before, but that all went away the second Sy joined you, and he pulled you against him as he always did.
“I’m really sorry, Sy,” you said for the millionth time tonight, and he laughed.
“Me too, darlin’,” he said before kissing your neck – which was mostly ‘tickle neck with beard’ at this point, as he’d found out it would make you squirm. “I tend to forget we’re goin’ a mile a minute.”
“I wouldn’t change a single thing, Sy,” you sighed as you nestled yourself into his chest, still wondering why it was so hard to just… Everything changed when he did what he always did; the not-at-all-subtle signature titty-grab that he swore was absolutely necessary for him to get a good night's sleep. “I love you.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, which made you afraid you’d fucked up royally. Suddenly, you wondered if it was too soon to say stuff like that, but after four months of dating… Did you wait too long? In your defense, he hadn’t said it, either? Maybe you were just overth-
“You’re overthinkin’ this, Sugar.” You could tell he was smiling, even if you couldn’t see him. “I love you, too.”
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Not really ready to move on from Vol. 10 yet, but here we go anyway.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 1-2 below.
Volume 11 Covers
I see Nightow decided not to give spoilers for Vash's hair here.
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That rabbit looks less than happy... but I think Vash deserves to hug a bunny right now.
Looks like we're gonna get some Milly and Meryl again in this volume! Hooray!
Also Legato. Maybe someday he'll evolve from a bagworm into a bagworm butterfly??
And Zazie, whom we haven't seen since like Dragon's Nest.
And... shall we say, a new blond lady friend??
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You know, I never actually read the text on the back cover. It's an old habit after having the blurb on the back of a book give me major spoilers once.
I'm pretty sure no one really knows what's going on with the fake back cover here, including Nightow. I hope everyone's enjoying their duck lips.
Slap-Stick Days? Are those really a thing this manga can have at this point? Or is this just another setup so we can end the chapter on "Slap-Stick Days/End"?
Chapter 1: Zero Hour
Awww. His darkened hair makes me sad.
Whyyyyy do I have to start this out looking at Chapel's stupid mug again??
Ah, Legato... has looked better.
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"Chapel and the old man are both dead." As in... Wolfwood Chapel and Old Man Chapel??
Ohhhh, geez. I didn't realize just how separately they treated Livio and Razlo. But I guess he really is both Double Fang and Trip of Death.
"Falling out like teeth." Man, they never stood a chance. They've been decimated for a while now.
Wait, when did Legato get shot in the spine? I thought... ohhhh, Wolfwood. Nevermind, I was thinking this was, like, part of his everyday treatment when he's not in his little metal cocoon. Then again, I don't know how he'd have received any treatment like this over the seven months he was holding down Vash. Hells, I don't know how he went to the bathroom during the seven months he was holding down Vash.
Oooh, I was wondering if this element would come up. Zazie looks pretty pleased with their chosen path.
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Knives, you crazy abomination, what are you doing now??
It's a good thing Livio knows how to drive given Vash's history behind the wheel.
Is that a Bentley?? How did they get a Bentley??? How in the hell would that be practical on a sand world??? (I assume it came from the same place as the Prada bag Meryl wants to get.)
Ugh. Vash does not want to answer Brad's questions. This is the face of a man who's tired of thinking about it. He's been thinking about it waaaaaay too much, and he was just kind of hoping for a minute's distraction from his brain thoughts. But he knows he has to explain, even if he doesn't want to.
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Livio has so many cute little expressions in these pages. They give me life.
I get where Brad's distrust comes from, but Vash doesn't have the heart to deal with it right now. He's doing his best, but he's so tired. Emotionally, I mean.
I love how Vash takes Brad's objection and immediately counters with a real-life example.
Oh, I love the firmness bordering on anger here. Like Livio suggesting Vash is being too trusting with him specifically is an insult to Wolfwood's memory. Gods, babygirl is sooooo angry and hurt by all this right now.
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LOL, Brad's anchor tattoo. I know this is kind of a joke panel, so now I'm wondering if he actually has one.
Livio apologizing. I think he really would bleed more as penance for Wolfwood, if he could. Like, he'd accept more grievous injury than Brad can do to him and wouldn't seek retaliation because if it's not fair, it's not fair in his favor and not in theirs. They have a right to seek retribution. To a point, though. He doesn't seem suicidal.
Oh, an ion cannon, eh? I'm sure this will go well for them and not get decimated by Knives from 100 meters or something.
Ohhhh noooooo. They're gonna Last Run a bunch of plants to power this thing.
That's sooooo many plants.
Yeah, as if Knives wasn't pissed enough.
Huh. I honestly didn't expect the Plants' will to come into play here.
I love how insect-y the plants look on this spread.
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I mean, they've had over a century to rebel, and it seems like they've only done anything similar in isolated incidents. They seem to genuinely want to help humans. But this particular instance is rather unique. At the very least, they don't seem positively inclined toward Knives.
Ooh, space friends. I'm sure that will go smoothly.
Chapter 2: Slap-Stick Days
Oof, they're down to one major city. That's bad.
This old guy with the guitar. I do like how music is inextricable from the Trigun story.
Luida coming out to talk with the authorities elsewhere really is a Big Thing.
Eyyyy, it's the return of long-haired Meryl!
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Still just as cheeky, I see.
Milly is so cute with her hair like that.
"It's descending into a complete state of lawlessness." Hate to break it to ya, but this planet has hardly been a bastion of law and order. Sure, it might be better than just after the Great Fall, but still.
I swear, if this is more Nebraskas...
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"Oh no! It's the feds!" This line is so cliche. It's beautiful.
It is Vash! One air-dropped Vash, to the rescue! Meryl and Milly look like they're about to die of pure shock.
That's ok. Vash is gonna die of pure shock at seeing them, too.
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When I turn the page, will they be punching him, hugging him, or screaming at him (affectionately)? Some combination of the above?
Welp, a full melt-down with tears of relief wasn't on my list....
(Loving the girls' new outfits, btw. Very practical.)
Hang on, I just need to drink in this page for a bit.
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Ok, I'm good. Moving on.
Hahahaha, good job, radio nerd.
This is gonna give a LOT of weight to Luida's claims with the other authorities. I wonder what Knives will make of it.
Ah, there he is. Heeeeyyyy, Kniiiiiives. Buddy.... You... you don't look like yourself so much anymore.... You doing ok? Need a break, maybe? A glass of water? Tea? Hard liquor?
Yeah, pretty sure the ark isn't actually space-worthy anymore. I hope he's providing some atmosphere for his atmosphere-breathing peons.
IDK, man. You might have great plans, but you have NO idea what these people are capable of. They just dropped out of some sort of hyperspace. They're clearly working on the kind of technology humanity would have if they hadn't crash-landed violently on a resource-less planet and been forced to scavenge everything they could get their hands on just to survive. All I'm saying is maybe don't count your chicks before they've hatched, Knives-kun.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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larabiatasstuff · 10 months
Part four🖤
When we arrived at the base, I took a shower and decided to wear the dress from our first date." Better? " I asked him swirling around."Much better, now you look like my beautiful Y/N again." he took my hand squeezing it gently before we walked to the pavilion.The sun was already starting to set. "So if I get this right Stu, you were the mysterious contact Miranda's scouts were talking about ?" I asked taking a sip from my glass. "Guilty, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you Y/N but I was in a dangerous position." Stu said giving an apologetic smile. "I'm reunited with my beloved clown again so I think I can forgive you." "So did you think about Miranda's offer? We could need you both here and since we also own the prison there's much work to do." Rosa said. "Umm... I really appreciate that don't get me wrong, but we want to get back on the road." I said "What do you say, big guy?"Miranda asked "I'm with Y/N we were traveling since we met each other and this is what makes her... what makes us happy." he answered. "It's a shame but seriously Y/N and Sweet Tooth I wish you all the best. We can stay in touch over radio and please promise to stop by if you're in the area. " "Of course we're trying to visit you from now and then. " I said. We stayed with the others for another hour before we went to the truck to have some alone time."Y/N can I ask you something?" Sweet Tooth asked sitting down next to me . "You can ask me anything." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. He looked down at his lap playing with his fingers. "Do you think I'm ugly?" I was shocked "What? No, who said that?" "No one it was just, you seemed shocked when you saw my face and I thought... You didn't say anything so..." I could tell he was getting nervous " Shhh... hey calm down okay? I wasn't shocked Sweet Tooth I was surprised. I don't know what I expected but I thought you look different from how you actually look, your face is so cute and friendly. You're really handsome in my opinion. And I didn't say anything because I didn't want to urge you to take your mask off . I love you anyway with or without it." he looked up at me "You love me?" I gave him a warm smile and climbed on his lap. "Yes very much and from the bottom of my heart. " I said wrapping my arms around his neck"I... I love you too Y/N,I have felt like that for a while actually but I wasn't sure if you would love me back so I didn't say anything. I'm sorry this is new for me." "That's alright Sweet Tooth, we will take it slow there's no need to rush anything.Umm...would it be okay for you if I take your mask off?" he didn't say anything just nodded. I carefully took it off and put it aside. I took my time to take in all his features before I took his face in my hands and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. It was a little clumsy at first but after a few minutes the kiss got more and more sensual and wanting.Sweet Tooth's hands were resting on my hips, holding me close . The urge to feel him as close as possible was almost unbearable and I could tell that he wanted the same. "Y/N I... I never did that before."he said breaking the kiss. "That's okay we can stop if you want, I won't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable."I said gently stroking his cheek. "No it's... I want you very much but... I just want it to be perfect for you." he said looking at me with those big brown eyes"Sweet Tooth we spent the most imperfect moments with each other and I cherish every single one. You don't have to be perfect nobody's judging you. It's just you and me, and to me you are perfect ." he gave me the cutest smile ever "I love you tiny Y/N." "I love you too Sweet Tooth and I can't wait to see where our journey takes us next."
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Part one and previous chapters here 🖤
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Mr. Villain's Day Off Volume 1: Surprising Heart Hiding Behind Humor
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A story about a villain enjoying his days off from attempting to conquer the earth. Pretty simple, right? This first volume would agree with you, truthfully. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not, but rather looks to hone its edge into a fine point, keeping its scope narrow and adjusting only as needed to keep the reader engaged and interested. Makes it seem like there's not a lot to talk about, no? Well, you'd be really surprised as you get into it.
So, lets start off with the easy stuff: the art and such. It's pretty, relatively well detailed, and comfortably flexible. It checks all the boxes required for a story like this and then maybe a few more (the animals are drawn so well). My only real complaint in regards to it are: I'd love to see more background art used (it's really quite good when it's apparent), and I really want to see more shading in regards to the art as well. There's bits and pieces of shading to help emphasize certain moments, and I just think it's really pretty and nice in comparison to the default flatness. Just look at how the shading brings out the depth in Mr. Villain's back in this panel, and how much the background adds to it.
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Another complaint that's somewhat separate from the art though is the paneling. The storyboarding, that is to say the flow of the story, is really solid. The paneling however can leave a bit to be desired sometimes. There's places where it's really solid and understands perfectly what it should do, like this stretch of plain rectangular panels that emphasize Mr. Villain's character acting, but there's also pieces that can feel rather standard. It's a shame as well because there's undeniable potential and ability with the storyboarding, but it just seems like the paneling hasn't quite caught up yet. In that regard I feel like I should comment on the fact that quite a bit of the paneling feels experimental. There's not any sense of consistency or discernable style in regards to it, as things like the chapter that the image is taken from is entirely comprised of rectangular panels.
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Following up my (sort of) complaint with the art though, I really want to praise the character designs and acting in this volume. Simple yet unique and identifiable, they work really well in motion and with both smaller pieces of acting and exaggeration. Specifically in regards to that latter remark, the balance between realistic and exaggerated is really nice, with plenty of subtle and simple acting that can help accentuate the more ridiculous and comical pieces.
And does it ever get comical. Most of it is based off of the personalities of the characters and the seriousness with which Mr. Villain tackles his days off, but quite a bit of it stems from the character acting in the first place. It's not visual gags or puns or anything like that, but rather it's just exploring the range of emotions through all of his days off. Like this one.
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Because of its focus on drawing out the simple and more benign comedic moments of daily life, and maybe just a little of the excessive, it maintains a balance in humor that I think is one that can last. It doesn't try to get you rolling around on the floor with every joke, but rather just a bit of a chuckle out of his daily experiences with a knee-slapper or two here and there. Keeping the bar low leaves plenty of potential in regards to the sort of humor you can play with, so I think it's a solid decision to leave it as a secondary element to this series.
So if humor's not the primary focus of this story, what would it be? Well, there's a few things really, with none quite taking priority over the other. First and foremost, we're following Mr. Villain on his days off, so I supposed you could call it a slice of life primarily, but I personally feel like it's more than that.
As this story goes on you notice something, the prevalence of children. It's not a "kids are cute so they should be shown" (though they are), but something a bit more than that. Mr. Villain is an evil alien hellbent (during his work days) on taking over the Earth, so his exposure to kids and the worlds they interact with is a core piece to this experience. It's all about Mr. Villain learning and experiencing the best parts of the world alongside children, as it's always said they look at things with such excitement and awe.
I think it's a super cute aspect to this story, that much like the setup of the comedy, provides confidence in its ability to last. It explores more than Mr. Villain's Day Off as the title may suggest, but how he interacts with and learns from children, how he helps and encourages them to grow, and how he falls more and more in love with the world that he's trying to conquer.
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And just keeping the ball rolling on longevity, the idea of additional characters. We keep our recurring cast in this first volume somewhat light, but the idea behind teasing new and recurring ones pops up rather frequently. We have the Red Ranger, and two kids related to him, but we also see Blue mentioned rather frequently as well. Similarly, we slowly get more and more exposed to Mr. Villain's workplace and the group of people that inhabit it. The person that will continually question him about what he's doing on his days off, and the other high ranking generals within the organization are just two examples of characters that are consistently teased to play roles further into the future of this story.
So we reach the end. For people wanting a lighter series, but one that still has substance, direction, and desire, I don't think you can really do any wrong with Mr. Villain's Day Off. Everything it does speaks to a desire to provide the ability to stick around for a good while, but it doesn't trade off any sort of significance or purpose to achieve that. At the end of this first volume, my only complaint is the potential that the author is leaving on the table. They have some great art and work within, but it feels like some of it is limited by aspects like the paneling and whatnot. Regardless of my minor gripe however, I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and really cannot wait to see how the anime approaches this wonderfully warm and silly story.
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beep-beep-sunny · 1 year
Reddie Week Day 5- Other media! I did Scream (1996). This is really short because it's just a test first chapter. They are murderers, so it's a bit OOC.
He would have loved to say he wasn't easy to convince, but when it came to Eddie, he folded as easily as a dinner napkin. It was much easier than he thought it would be at least. He kissed his mother on the cheek, stuck his tongue out at his little sister, and off to commit atrocities with surprisingly little remorse. 
Eddie always left his window unlocked, even before all this murder business. Growing up, Richie would show up most afternoons and Eddie would pretend he disapproved, but the window was always unlocked. Sometimes, Eddie would do this thing where he'd say outloud what he thought he was supposed to want, even if his actions told a different story.
"Took you long enough." Eddie said as Richie swung his leg over the window pane. 
"What? You said 7?" Richie pulled himself all the way in and shut the window. 
Eddie rolled his eyes and cut through the air in front of Richie's face with his hand. "It's 7:05." 
They held eye contact for several seconds and Richie started laughing. "Are you being serious right now?" 
"Yeah, asshole! If you're not gonna take this seriously we're gonna get fucking caught so fast." 
"Relax, dude. I don't think there's any kind of actual deadline with this kinda thing." 
"No, I will not relax, Rich." Eddie started to speak too loudly, so he consciously brought down his volume. "This isn't some kind of game." 
"It's not? That's such a bummer because I was hoping to get the high score." He winked. "A double kill is worth extra points, right?" 
Eddie rushed him, putting his hands over his mouth. "Sshhh, do not say it like that." He looked all around as though the verbal acknowledgement of murder was going to bring the police right there, or worse, his mother.
"What, Eds?" Richie's vocal volume raised a bit. "Does Mrs. K still not let you play violent video games?" 
Eddie took a second before smiling fondly. "I hate you." He said as though he meant something else. 
Richie's face softened. "Yeah, I hate you too, Eds." 
After a tender few seconds, Eddie jerked up and grabed Richie's bag. "You brought everything?" 
"I always do, don't I? Well, after … ya know." Richie rubbed his hands together, his thumb leaving a red indent. 
"Yes, thank you for bringing that up." Eddie said under his breath while organizing the things Richie had stuffed into his school back after removing the books and school supplies. They had rope, duct tape, a small mechanical box, a large cell phone, two identical knives, and two Halloween masks with long white faces and mouths open in the shape of a scream. "Good." He confirmed. "I have the robes ready to go. They're hung in the back of my closet behind my winter jackets." 
While Eddie was focused on explaining something about the logistics of their stealthy entry, Richie had slid one of the two masks onto his hand. When Eddie looked up, Richie looked over to his masked hand. "Well, what do you think of that plan Mr. Ghostface killer?" 
He cleared his throat and did his best to throw his voice. He'd been practicing, but this time he was actually performing for Eddie. "Let me think about that, Richie." Richie used his other hand as though it were Ghostface's hand and tapped on the mask's cheek. Richie was now able to do a convincing job imitating the sound the voice changer made with nothing but his voice if he did say so himself. "Such a cute little guy must only come up with good plans. I'd say I'd follow him anywhere." 
"You're so stupid." Eddie said, but he was laughing and smiling, so Richie smiled too. Mission accomplished. 
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kindatired · 7 months
Genshin Impact: First Impression
I know, "You just NOW getting into Genshin after four years?'
Well, I didn't want to play on my phone so I waited to buy a laptop. I did bought a MacBook for school but then I found out that even though this game runs on IOS it doesn't run on MacOS...
(I should've known since the game isn't on the Switch...
Why most of the games I want to play isn't playable on the devices I have- Anyways back to the point.
I just finish Mondstadt in Genshin and so far I really like the story which makes me excited for what they have in store in Liyue. So this is all my thoughts about the first Archon quest, all in one go.
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This chapter was a nice introduction to the world of Tevyat and I like how we already have to worry about two antagonistic groups (The fatui and Abyss Order)
Matter of fact let me list down how I think of each character:
The traveler:
I wish they have more character to them especially during the cutscenes. Despite being the protagonist I feel like they’re just in the backseat most of the time with the exception of them needing to action scenes. (Due to this my version of the traveler is that they're snarky but their heart is in the right place.) But I like how they showed us what the other sibling is doing because most stories they will have it a mystery right before the final arc
She’s cute but also WHERE IS HER PARENTS? At the start, she said that she was saved from drowning and I was like “Who was watching you?? Do you have any friends or anything?” I truly believe she will be a plot point in the story considering she can float around and have a space aesthetic to her
I really like how mysterious he was at the start of the story and then later we see how much of a doofus he is. (Not saying he's dumb but carefree) Despite not wanting to be a ruling god, he still cares for his city in his own way. I don’t know why but if you mix Pit and Palutena together and then boom there’s Venti.
I love her design so much. It's simple yet effective especially with the red bow. I feel like the team knew this too which is why she comes with her own plushie which is so freaking cute! Her character quests is fun too when she taught us to get our own glider's license. I don't know why but she gives the first classmate you befriend in class energy (Probably because she is the first person beside Paimon that we met in the game)
I’m down bad I like how he has a laidback personality yet he’s always behind the scenes. Despite the front he puts up, you know he’s doing something else. Kind of wish we get to see more of him but I’m satisfied with what we got
At first I thought she was going to be a flirt she kinda is But I found it funny how she’s has a “I don’t have time with this bs” attitude on her side quest but still have a lot of patience for people's BS at times. I can't exactly remember but I think when she was trying to find all the overdue books, she went "I might as well make it fun" and brought the traveler and Paimon along too.
Once I take a step back and think of all the things she had to deal with during this arc, it was definitely something. Abyss Order, The Dragon, The Fatui and trying to keep the citizens calm. She doesn’t get enough credit where it’s due. There's this one line delivery in the English version, I can't exactly point out when but it was about how the Fat couldn't get the upper hand in the situation. I don't know why but her tone of voice was passive aggressive, like she was praying on their downfall.
Mix opinions on him due to him sending us to find four of those ice flowers and I had to spend a hour and thirty minutes trying to find the fourth one. So yeah I have bitter feelings about that Serious note, he's probably my favorite character in Mondstadt if we're not including Amber and Kaeya. Bro is the Batman of the game, they even call him the Dark knight
Abyss Ice Mage:
Yeah I dedicated a whole section to this NPC because Imagine being electrocuted by Lisa and flamed by Diluc within a week. Like bro was put in the wringer (rightfully so). Kinda hoped they appear in the future story so this trend of Ice Mage being comedically abused continues.
My thoughts of the story:
I thought the first archon quest of the story is neat. It has nothing too spectacle as it works as a exposition to the world of Teyvat and it done that job very well.
The twist of knowing where the traveler's sibling is doing was definitely something I never thought would happen. Usually in most stories, they would have the sibling in prison but nope.
Your sibling is doing fine just helping out the big bad organization that is trying to destroy Teyvat.
Now this may be a reach but I like how each character has the freedom of accomplishing their goals by their own way.
First you have the traveler, by default they have the freedom of not being born in Teyvat as they are not from this world. Because of this, they have the ability to use more than one element. Another note is that because the traveler isn't bound by the nation's rules as they wasn't raised in Teyvat, they're always the person with a third option, sort of like a spectator...
is this why they're so quiet? So he can hear the opinions of others before making their own conclusions???
Paimon also has freedom as she doesn't have a parental figure which allows her to tag along, traveler on their quests.
Moving on to the people of Mondstadt, even within the Knights of Favonius who are under strict codes, handle tasks using their own method.
Example of this is the uniforms.
While Amber, Lisa, Kaeya, and Jean share the same motifs as being in the same group, their uniforms are completely different. You know how in magical girl shows, where you have sailor moon, where every soldier wears the same design but different color palette? Then there are other shows like Magica Madoka, where the girls where completely different outfits? The knights of favonius fits the latter, with the exception of the NPCs.
Even the way they handle tasks are different. Amber make sure she does her best to follow the rules but with a bit a flare. Lisa is a tad strict but her approach is passive. Kaeya always tries to find a loophole in the situation to see the whole picture. (Example: Him "staying behind" in the city, to get more information about the Abyss Order). Jean who follows the rules, but know there are times when the rules have to be bend.
Then you have the outliners like Diluc and Venti who are not apart of the knights. Diluc doesn't trust the knights to completely solve the problem so he acts as a vigilante, to pick up the pieces they fail to notice.
Venti who is the god of freedom, decided to not rule his region like the other archons. Instead, he watches it from afar, like the guardian he is, and steps in when the time is right.
All these characters are different in one way or another but they all come together to work together because they all share a common goal. Still even if you do things your own way, you still have to bear the responsibility of your actions.
Venti was too nonchalant in his approach of protecting his region which resulted in a Harbinger, La Signora, taking his Gnosis.
I say he was nonchalant because he was focus on the current problems of his country, which was storm bringer, and not future problems such as the Fatui. Because he wasn't focus on them, he let his guard down when the problem with storm bringer was solved.
I know this may be a stretch and I'm just writing what pops up in my head but that's what I got from the message of the archon quest.
Speaking of La Signora, how the hell did no one saw her attacking Venti and traveler or at the very least heard it? I know Barbara did but you're telling me that only ONE person heard that shit?!
So after talking to Venti it appears that we have to go to every seven regions to find the traveler's siblings. Or in this case, try to convince them to not destroy this world.
The fuck do we look like Pokemon Trainers?... Because I can sing the theme songs if you want
Either way, I had fun with the story. Gamplay-wise... I'm not really much of a gamer myself. I don't go into the mechanics of the game.I play fighting game, barely knowing the combos and just smash buttons to win
However, I can say the gameplay of Genshin is easy to get into. Unfortunately, it's a rpg so I have to farm for materials... yay, I guess. But it's not as bad as Fate Grand Order, Fate grand order farming system is a shit storm especially considering how it's a turn based but doesn't have a auto-farm system.
(for those who want to get into the story of FGO, just look it up on Youtube, do not play the game. )
When exploring, I often hesitate of where I go, because the game doesn't want you to explore said region yet, They will send Paimon telling you "Let's explore that later" only to yeet you off the cliff.
Speaking of Gameplay Paimon, she always setting us up. There was this purple spot, and she told us to blow it away to see what it is, only for it to be the eye of the storm... Its not like it was hard but it was annoying to fight it.
At least she let us control the time though.
Overall, I had fun with the game, I'm looking forward for Liyue and thank you for reading all of this as I was writing as I go so I know there is MANY grammar errors in this review.
Can't wait for Liyue because then I will get to see the character that convinced me to play the game.
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onskepa · 1 year
Unlitsa ch 2
Alright here is chapter 2! If some of yall are just seeing this one first! here is the previous chapers! Uniltsa series . Enjoy!
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[first pov]
Apparently I am a smartass in this world. Since I was the one who made the inhaling implants on the humans here. So why do I feel like a dumbass at the moment. I have no idea what each foods are, and scared they would taste something I might not like. "here uniltsa! got your favorites!" tuk says to me as she brings a leaf full of some fruits and other things. "ah...thanks tuktuk" the kids eyes light up with that nickname. So that's good.
Tuk is so cute up front! but from what I remember, she was still short but almost as tall as spider. So why is she a little more shorter? I could never ask what year this is. I would look rather dumb. Last thing I need is people questioning me. But so far, not many noticed my odd behavior.
So far so good.
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[third pov]
Uniltsa took her time in eating eat item carefully. While the taste was something familiar, but was still a bit skeptic one some things. Lo'ak saw her eating her food slowly. "you sure you're ok?" he looks at her concerned. "Usually you're eating as quick as you can".
Uniltsa blinked a few times before respond, "sorry, I just have a lot in my mind right now". Lo'ak scooted closer, their shoulders touching. Feeling concerned he looks into her eyes, scanning for something. Knowing her since birth, he can basically read her mind. This time however. Whatever she is thinking about. He cant detect.
"you alright? if you're sick I can take you to grandma to fix you up" he suggests. Uniltsa just shook her head. "no no, I am fine really" she smiles up at him, but it looks more of a nervous smile.
Lo'ak wasn't ready to drop it but stopped asking. Every since this morning his friend sure has been acting odd.
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Later on lo'ak took uniltsa out to do their stuff when every time they pass a flower, a pretty rock or a water stream, uniltsa has to stop to look at it. "I swear, you look at all of this its your first time" lo'ak says while crossing his arms.
Uniltsa once again stopped to look at some pretty large flowers. Admiring their beauty.
"w-well yeah! Sometimes when you do things over and over you forget to notice some details" she replies quickly. Lo'ak merely shrugs. "Well are you done? I want to get there while we still have daylight". Uniltsa sighs silently and continues on their path.
Trying to play it cool, she asks "I forgot, where are we going again?". Lo'ak answers, "weird of you to forget but we're going to the long river to collect some beads. Tuk's birthday is in a few days so as we gotta find the best of the best stone for her".
Tuk's birthday? From what uniltsa, tuk was 8 at the start of the second movie. And she is smaller when looking face to face....so how far back did she go?
"right right. Ummmm....I honestly don't know what to give her" she says, literally not knowing what to give her. Lo'ak huffs a bit with a smirk. "Come oooon, you always give her the best stuff, tch, I remember you gave her a empty shell of a bead and she still has it! I swear tuk loves you more than her own siblings".
"jealous?" Uniltsa smirks teasingly. She noticed lo'ak's tail swish in a certain way. But looking at his face, seems she is sort of right.
puffing his cheeks a bit, looking slightly annoyed.
"no" his ears gave away.
Smiling more, she points at lo'ak, "you so are! Cant help it if tuk loooooooves me!!" she giggles out. Lo'ak smiles a bit too. Seeing his friend go back to how she usually acts. "whatever! lets just go!" he stomps the way further.
Grinning to herself she follows him. She takes her time in the path was because while mentally she doesn't know any parts of the forest, her body does. It is very familiar with the forest and its like by instinct to know where to go. Perhaps that is something she can rely on while still figuring out in what year she is in.
But during the mean time, hanging out with lo'ak, her fictional crush, is turning out to be a lot of fun.
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And that is it for this chapter! Hope you all liked it! until next time! see ya!
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Taglist: @deathislame , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @shit-i-say-shit-i-think , @tojisleftarm
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