#and it's like woolrich is literally telling the readers ''you can ignore this part if you want like seriously just chuck it in the bin
konstantya · 1 year
Oh, shit.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
No, but I really think I’ve solved the mystery (that no one even knew was a mystery) of why the end of Cornell Woolrich’s 1948 novel I Married a Dead Man kind of falls apart, logistically, if you stop to think about it for too long.
Because it was never meant to end the way it does. The (spoiler alert) mom was truly meant to be the killer, it was actually meant to end happily, but women who get pregnant outside of marriage in 1940s’ America (like the main character) don’t get to have happy endings. (And to a lesser extent, kind elderly mothers don’t get to go all Mama Bear and just fucking gun a dude down without remorse.) Hence the last, short chapter that bizarrely destroys everything that came before it, hence the framing device that seems to be insisting, “NO, FOR REAL GUYS, THEY DIDN’T LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER, I SWEAR.” Remove those two elements and everything works perfectly, happy ending and all.
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