#and it's less relevant information anyway but I'll love you down if you do read it ;u;
sakorispolyglot · 1 year
Self-Learning Troubles
I have for a long time had troubles with learning languages by myself. I was doing Duolingo courses for German and the way I was doing them probably contributed to how I was able to maximize my time learning and also maximize my recall afterwards. Back in 2019, I was doing a tech internship and when I would go on my lovely state-mandated breaks (oh how I miss them now that I've moved to a state that doesn't have them), I would take the time to do some German Duolingo lessons (this was before the re-tool to make it more like the CEFR scale, obviously, if that makes a difference; I don't believe it would but this is an aside just for your information; I have digressed, anyway...). Of course, my life has much less structure now than it did then (plus those breaks at work are now non-existence because different state laws so), so I don't think I'd be able to do something similar.
I have since tried to just be a sponge for the languages that I'm learning. Listening to music in the language, attempting to read things in the language, and continuing to say to myself that I'll make a goalpost of trying to take a certification exam for the language that I would then have to study for and eventually hope to pass. I've been looking at said exam for German for a while now, so you can guess how that has gone.
My ADHD and other relevant neurodivergencies make it difficult for me to learn things the normal way, and I don't think there's a way to replicate the way I learned ASL (where I would often watch interpreters and listen to what was being interpreted and attempt to pick up on signs; I have actually attempted to look into this, although the answers that I got were basically "you could try to do it, but I doubt you'll get good results out of it"). Another reason that would be difficult is that I took a class for ASL where we were only allowed to use ASL during lecture hours. That added on the pressure of being graded and since I graduated university two years ago, that definitely won't work.
Tbh I don't know why I decided to write this post. I'd love to be able to study languages daily and make some kind of routine where I could sit down (or probably more accurately, carve time out of my busy work schedule) and practice/learn the languages I'm learning at the time. I feel like I haven't found the right method for me. It's waiting out there somewhere, and I just have to find it. All of the conventional methods haven't worked for me as of yet, so I guess I keep searching.
This is a jumble of word salad, and if you'd like to add a proverbial salad dressing to help me out, feel free. Or don't; this is the free internet, and I have no say in what you do with it.
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cursedvibes · 2 years
I have to request JJK for the ask game. Also Dorohedoro if you want. These only have one season so you could replace that with "arc" maybe?
Thank you for giving me an excuse to gush about JJK and Dorohedoro! I'll cover drhdr in a seperate post to not make this one too long.
favourite "male" character: Kenjaku (putting them here because they currently have a male body) They are basically everything I like in a villain. Intelligent, funny, not sadistic but still cruel, bit of a Mad Scientist/Doctor, well calculated plan, ganre-savvy, queer. What I especially love is how they are such a threat without needing to resort to direct violence. No big flashy shonen battle. They pull the strings in the background and let others do the dirty work for them. Just saying the right thing to the right people was enough to push Tokyo into chaos. They're all about fight smart not hard. I could go on for hours but just gonna leave it with, I'm looking forward to seeing how their connection to Yuuji will cause conflict in the future.
favourite female character: Uro Takako Crazy how she has been here for less than 10 ch and she's already in my top 3. Can't wait to seeing more of her past and how her conflict with Yuuta will develop. That strife for individuality is what I really admire about her. She has been given a 2nd chance in life and she's gonna make the most out of it, become what she was never allowed to be. If we come down to it, she isn't that different to the protagonists, they basically have the same goal (survive the CG), Yuuta was just being an idiot when talking to her. I would like to know what she plans to do when the CG is over. What are her new goals in life.
least favourite character: There aren't any characters I really hate. There's assholes like Naoya but he isn't relevant enough to have strong feelings about him. I would say out of all of them I like Geto the least. He is a very well written character and seeing his downfall adds a lot to the story, I just don't like him as a person. And as an antagonist he commited the gravest sin of having a stupid plan. Killing ~70% of the world population for the way they were born? Aside from morals, it wouldn't even fix the issue he had with jujutsu society and there will always be non-sorcerers born from sorcerers. He could've gone after Tengen and the higher-ups with Gojo but no... Good thing he lost his brain, he wasn't using it anyway. And that whole monkey talk, ugh. If he comes back in some form, I hope Maki kills him again. Thanks to Sakurai's va he is very entertaining in the movie though.
prettiest character: Gojo in the anime but to such an extreme that it goes into uncanny valley at times. The actual prettiest one would be...Mei Mei? She's a horrible person but she does look very good.
funniest character: Takaba Kenjaku probably. I like their nasty humor. "I don't remember taking out your brains too" is still one of my favourite lines. And that smile they gave Wasuke
favourite arc: I've been loving basically everything since the CG started but my fave would be Perfect Preparation. It has so many good moments. The Zenin Massacre, Tengen reveal, background on Kenjaku and their plan/relationship w Tengen, Yaga's death and the information about Cursed Corpses, the introduction of Kirara and Hakari. My only complaint is that Yaga's death and the Zenin Clan could've been build up better but that's due to Akutami's burnout, so I understand. Hopefully the anime will ellaborate on it w e.g. the information about the Zenin Clan we got from the Volume specials. It would be really interesting to see Maki's time in the Kukuru unit at some point in the manga or anime.
favourite chapter/moment: The chapter I've read the most would be ch 145. So much juicy information. There are a lot of great moments in other chapters but this is the one I come back to most often to read it from start to finish. As for favourite moment, the wolf-rabbit chase scene with Yuuji and Mahito. So chilling. The look in Yuuji's eyes, damn. Can't wait to see that animated.
favourite ship: Kenjaku/Jin In exorcism movies I always thought "why not just talk to the demon?" Jin took it a whole mile further and married the demon. Agreed to make the antichrist with the demon... I really want to know more about their relationship. Jin is definitely sussy. Kenjaku isn't a good actor, so everyone who willingly stays with them for 9+ months must have some problems. There is also the great horror potential that comes with slowly realizing that your partner has been replaced by someone else. Or that your new girlfriend has jars w aborted fetuses in her basement.
favourite family ship: Honestly, the more we learn about Yuuji's (extended) family the messier it gets and I love that. As for family-like relationships: Jogo's group. It's heartwarming to see them play, argue and hang out like normal people. Really got me when they all -except for Mahito - met in the afterlife(?) again.
favourite friend ship: Yuuji and Megumi The care and trust they have for each other despite having differing views in certain regards is really refreshing to see. I'm glad they aren't just rivals and I hope they won't be forced to fight each other but with Sukuna having plans for Megumi...
worst ship: Anything along the lines of Gojo/Yuuji, Higuruma/Yuuji or Gojo/Megumi. Really wish those ships weren't so popular
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denitr-ia · 8 years
( update. )
||: aight about these changes that’ll be mostly effective immediate lets start with the important one, current classes Deni is taking. some have been dropped and replaced by new ones which means this hopefully opens new plot opportunities with at least few of you, and some will not be happening now ( wont be affecting anyone? here tbh as those muses have all dropped )-- I am open for past plots with the dropped courses though if ya wanna, js ;> or someone approaching him to ask why he dropped any particular one.  SO
Beginner’s magic
3D art
Smithing & armour maintenance *
Swimming & diving **
new courses
Potions for beginners ( he’s definitely up to no good here... )
Drawing & Painting *
Modern Dance **
* smithing & armour maintenance he only ever picked cause it was something familiar in a new environment, comfort taken in already having knowledge of this one thing at least and being able to absorb more in as well-- which lead to him realizing it’s definitely not what he wants to actually do when trying to plan his future. this leads to him picking up drawing class bc that is also something that he’s already familiar with, to a lesser extent and kept as a hobby so far ( beside using it as another tool for visioning his smithing projects ) but he wants to try if there’s any spark there to go deeper into the arts.
** long story short he used to live with these guys back in Seoul before coming to Vighulir of which two were dancers and one thing led to another Deni spent a lot of time hanging at their dance studio and eventually that and a sum of many things led to him accepting jobs as a stripper. He might argue it’s for semi-professional self improvement but reason lies somewhere in between that and why he took swimming & diving classes-- bc it seemed like easy fun and exercise and allowed him access to the pools. also it certainly was a plus to see classmates in.. less clothes. yep. he’s that guy.
anyhooo I still don’t see him joining any clubs -- esp with this line up, nothing against it but not his scene uwu *nudges yall* bringing to life a new one or two would be fun ey? ofc with admin’s approval. slips a notion about deni and @kimhyolyn-ia orchestrating a kink club somewhere there
that out of the way the rest of this is gonna be more of informative pointers what’s happened recently in his life and the people who affected that, or are doing so currently, and also a small list about.. well, things to maybe take into consideration with interactions and also a reminder to the rest beside all new and those old members who I maybe haven’t gotten to bother with this muse yet but you’d want me to ouo
lets talk a bit about his relations in IA verse and how your muse is more than welcome to take note of them as it’s not really any weird rp magic, this is most in the knowledge of the population of the school, who care to observe others at least.
he’s got a new roomie again everyone should go poke him yes @yamaken-ia
with @rxelizabeth‘s departure he has more time for other people, but she will still be very much part of his canon and their friendship is still a thing and she will be mentioned here and there in threads. you can deal with that however you like, sometimes it’s ofc easier to pretend the muse was never there but at the very least if your muse has been aware of either of them it would make all the sense to note a missing presence, as he went a good 6 months basically attached to hip with her and I refuse to erase what was a huge part of his time in the academy
while he has people he considers sort of friends he will mostly be seen with @ravan-ia now, someone he considers one of his closest friends and may or may not latch onto now that.. rest have left.
it’s no secret him and @kimhyolyn-ia are banging and they own zero subtlety in public bc who needs that lmao feel free to mention that if you want I assure neither of us or the muses care
his schedule wont change much, or the locations deni generally hangs out in but a short summary to make everything easier for yall in regards of plotting and where to catch him at what times ( this isn’t fixed by any means, but more to give direction of his typical week, excluding visits to certain other parts of the academy grounds or trips to Vighulir )
Beside taking forever and after to get ready in the mornings, from waking up to the end of the school day not a whole lot of deviation can be made, tho he might skip sometimes, rarely, it happens. class projects are always a fun thing to thread winkwink.
lunch however is spend at wherever he feels the need to go, and with whoever happens to be closest so he can bother them.
library is a place he does spent some amount of time, either right after school to deal with homework or for research, or the last few hours of the day which usually are spent less looking for books than people.
randomly goes to the academy roof
the common room/roof garden in Sol Solis dorm is a location he absolutely still goes to ( used to hang there with Eliza ) even by himself or dragging someone else along. or trying to be sneaky during free nights to smoke weed there. or get drunk. a favourite pastime >_>
Ignis dorm is another he frequently spends not only hours of a day but some nights in as well, thanks to Ren’s hospitality ( as in Deni just pretends it’s half his room now cause damn have you seen that shit so much nicer that what he was left with )
do I even need to mention Luna dorm for obvious reasons. It’s not the bar. Though he’s an occasional fan of it yes.
This said he honestly doesn’t spend much any time at all at his own room in Aqua dorm, beside other reasons he’s simply always elsewhere with someone, or if he does happen to be present he’s very rarely alone.
This leads to; Deni works at the casino in Pidvone Misto during weeknights, monday--thursday but not always every night. Which means he is usually unavailable from late evening to 3am ish at what time you may catch him returning to the dorm. usually sober but, it’s not too uncommon to witness the opposite either
free nights are a roll of a dice but if he’s not catching up on sleep like he probably really should be, or got nothing else going on best believe he’s out there clubbing and drinking all that hard earned money into oblivion
about 90% of weekends he spends in Seoul, working at one of two clubs he gets assigned between. That covers his nights. days however are generally free beside the side job he’s got. Namely dealing and doing drug runs. Coincidentally for the same people who own the nightclubs. That’s a thing yes. though someone’s stirring their spoon in this mess soon stay tuned ;>
probably forgot something but this covers the essentials already so.
extra special section!
with the arrival of another two-seventy ( at last do you hear me crying tears of joy ) @kangjun-ia I do need to mention this lil thing about Deni still keeping it a tightly guarded secret what he actually is. As it stands, no one who absolutely should know ( to his knowledge ) is aware of this and he’d prefer to keep it that way. With the exception of our late-dropped Seline & Hongbin. and other exceptions to this rule being if your muse is some type of necromancer/exorcist OR is an ancient fart and you think they would be able to tell, then ya go ahead and make it so! I’m fine with it as well if your muse has been in contact with another one of their kind in the past and would be able to pick on that particular aura.
now, development will happen of course and beside having my own plans for this entire matter I’m always down for exploring that side of him but it’s a slow burn and I’m totally fine with that tbh. if Jun is going about telling people it would make sense that your muse starts seeing/sensing the connection as, well, we do have plotted they will be acquainted so ouo put my muse in an uncomfortable spot I dare you.
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Your thoughts on Daemon "I'll marry and murder my way to the Iron Throne" Targaryen? Another "Gerold the Goddamn Darkstar"? (Why do I like that tag so much? must be the God-damn) The guy seems nothing but an adrenaline driven man who is simply way too competent at being evil, but no special circumstances behind it like Euron who is the rogue protegee of that crow (besides y'a know, dragon family). What villains barring the Lannisters, LFinger-er , Varys and Illyrio are well developed for you?
Well, Daemon Targaryen is a very interesting character. A “rogue” for sure, certainly villainous, kind of a douchebag, but also a remarkably charismatic and seductive one. Both within the story and to the reader… there’s a reason why this picture gets so many “ain’t nobody fuckin’ with my clique” responses, why his most frequent fancasts are Jason Isaacs or Alan Rickman (both famous for playing fan-favorite seductive villains). I wouldn’t say he’s “way too competent at being evil” because not everything he does is evil – the King’s Landing City Watch became far more organized and effective under his leadership, and ending the Triarchy control and eliminating piracy in the Stepstones was a very good thing. Also, if you lean Black in the Dance (as I do when I’m not “a plague on both your houses”, which is most of the time), then his strategy to take Harrenhal as a base in the Riverlands was an excellent and effective one and not at all “evil” (nothing brutal there at all unlike Aemond’s techniques), and also the battle over the Gods Eye was frickin’ awesome. (Also Aemond was a far bigger douchebag and I’m glad Daemon killed him.)
Re his relationships, I think Daemon really was fairly in love with Laena, not just using her – she was farther down the line of succession than he was – and I think there was also more to his relationship with Rhaenyra than just getting close to the throne. His relationships with Mysaria and Nettles were also pretty nice, considering their informality, and I can imagine he was fairly devoted and good to them while they were his lovers. (That Mysaria became Rhaenyra’s mistress of whisperers during the Dance is… kind of interesting to think about, mind you.) Also he helped raise some pretty darn good kids, especially the girls, which means he can’t have been all bad. However, his reported habit of deflowering maidens is creepy (thanks GRRM!), the (probably didn’t actually happen but still) reported sexual “training” of Rhaenyra is super-creepy (thanks GRRM!), and it’s a fact he treated Rhea Royce abominably. (A marriage that just should not have happened, ah well.) And there’s nothing whatsoever you can say in his defense re his “a son for a son” scheme to kill one of Aegon’s sons after Luke’s death. But, yeah, when it comes down to it, he probably would have been a fucking terrible prince consort – if the Dance hadn’t happened and Rhaenyra had succeeded as queen, I wouldn’t doubt there’d be another kind of Dance of the Dragons between her and Daemon’s parties some years later, probably with him using (his own son) Aegon as a proxy vs her support of (the obvious Strong bastard) Jace as the heir to the throne.
Personality-wise, Daemon strikes me as an Oberyn-type – physically adept, mentally quick, fierce to anger – albeit more far more ambitious than Oberyn and far less loyal to his brother, but gosh it would have been so much better if he’d been the viper to Viserys’s grass, no? And personality sorting is easy: ESTP, enneagram type 8 (7-wing), chaotic neutral, Slytherin. Also, some relevant creator quotes about Daemon:
“Rhaenyra’s second husband is probably the most remarkable, and maybe infuriating as well, Targaryen who ever lived since Aegon and his sisters. I suppose you’d call him an adventurer.” – Elio Garcia
“A rogue if there ever was one.” – GRRM
“Daemon was a bad bad boy but fun to write about.” –GRRM
And last but not least, I highly recommend this post for how I really feel about talking about Daemon Targaryen. ;)
Re developed villains that I enjoy reading about… um, there are many? (Especially if you branch out from GRRM.) In ASOIAF the ones you listed are a given, yes, but ask me again sometime, I don’t want to shift from the Daemon-focus on this post too much. (Though ftr I don’t believe in the Euron-as-Bloodraven-protégé theory, at all.) Anyway, hope this helps!
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