#and it's got 15k+ words atm
moeitsu · 4 months
fanfic update! + sneak peak
I'm making good progress with Ch.15, it's up to 8k words now and I got through a major milestone in the story! Not to spoil anything, but Arthur has finally revealed his feelings for Kate :)
I'm thinking of breaking this up into two parts...I know I just did a 2-part chapter but I don't wanna overwhelm anybody if I suddenly drop a lengthy 15k words. I'm still not sure yet, guess we'll have to see. It's never my initial intention to make these chapters so long, but sometimes I get so carried away I just can't stop.
I still have so much planned for the rest of the chapter, I'm trying to divide the events by "day 1" and "day 2" to give it some structure. Like I've said before, its still a filler chapter (filler as-in I am not following the video game plot atm) but its loaded with fluff and comfort. And just general relationship development. There's also going to be some hot and heavy moments, as well as some angst. Bc who doesn't love angst.
Anyways, here's a sneak peak of what's coming!
Needing an outlet for his swirling thoughts, Arthur reluctantly opened the journal, the pages heavy with memories. He flipped through drawings, entries, and little notes, each one a fragment of his life. Portraits of Kate mingled with sketches of flowers and scenery, their delicate lines capturing moments of fleeting beauty.
His fingers paused on one particular page, the image stretching across both sides of the journal. On the left, a tender depiction of Kate laying in the grass, sleeping against her saddle. Her face was serene, her features softened by slumber. Lorena, her loyal mare, had her head nestled on Kate's chest, equally deep in sleep. The scene was a perfect snapshot of peace and companionship.
On the right side of the page, Arthur had sketched the familiar rocky shoreline of Clemens Point. The sun was setting, its rays kissing the horizon and casting a glow over the water. The waves lapped gently at the rocks, the rhythmic motion almost audible through the drawing.
In Arthur’s print, a simple note read: My world.
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
Heya, friendos!! Hope y’all are having a phenomenal day!! 💕
Got a little update for the blog!!
Yep!! I’m one of those people xDD Pleasure to meet your acquaintance!
As mentioned about a week or so ago, I don’t have a summer job atm, leading me to ultimately decide that I might as well try my hand at doing something I love!!What does that mean?? Well, it means I’ll be taking writing commissions for anyone who’s interested in helping a Pichu out!! These include short stories, poetry, and SFW fanfics! Once these writings are finished, I will send you the completed story/upload it here on Tumblr if given your permission! Pricing for these creative works will be listed below as well as on Ko-Fi <333 If there are any questions in regard to anything you see, absolutely feel free to chuck me a DM!! I’ll be happy to have a conversation!!
Thanks so much for everything, friendos ❤️ Stay awesome out there!!!
Pichu’s Writing Comms:
100-300 words (drabble): $3 flat
400-900 words: additional $1 per every 100 words
• 400w = $4
• 500w = $5
• 600w = $6
• 700w = $7
• 800w = $8
• 900w = $9
1K-1.9K words: = $10 flat
2K+ words: an additional $2 per every 1000 words
• 2Kw = $12
• 3Kw = $14 (this is prolly typical for me!)
• 4Kw = $16
• 5Kw = $18
• 6Kw = $20
• Up to 15K words ($38)
Poetry of ANY kind: $10 flat
✅ Violence/blood to any degree
✅ Humor
✅ Angst
✅ romance/snuggles/kissing <3
Will NOT do:
❌ NSFW/sex/suggestive content
❌ Inappropriate relationships
❌ ANYTHING that can be taken as offensive or derogatory; I will be the judge of this!
These commissions are 110% voluntary!!!! Writing is my passion and I will never lock myself from doing it behind a paywall. Shenanigans will resume as normal + requests via asks are always open for free ❤️ This is solely if you are comfortable/willing/able to. I do not expect or beg for a single buck from anyone here. Really, this is all bc I got nothing to lose <33
Annnnnnnd that’s all from your neighborhood Pichu!! Take care now! 💕
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remedyturtles · 1 year
death wish facts/stats
entirely complied for my own amusement lol
first of all, this is how long i was actually working on death wish, saved in 5k increments:
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now i didn't track my stats for the whole time but here's an example of how much that translates to daily writing. this is some of july:
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here's the final count from my word doc. i do my final edit in the ao3 browser so i guess some got cut:
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here's the stats of my planning doc:
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whatever you're imagining my planning doc to look like, it's probably not that. it's kinda a huge mess, actually. i've shuffled things around constantly bc i boot the 'used' plot points into a giant pile and they get all messed up. it's a shame i didn't save more versions of this honestly bc it probably would've been fascinating. behold the inside of my brain:
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to go even further back, mid-may i was left alone at work for like two hours to do a course and ended up scribbling the FIRST ideas i had for death wish on a piece of paper. whited out are unused/irrelevant things:
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wild to me to realize which of those lines were literally from my absolute first thoughts of this fic LMAO
at one point i had to track how many days it had been in-story since the invasion bc i lost count. by the end of the fic i believe it had been 25 days, with 10 days at the beginning of leo being not-present. so 155k for 15 days hahahahahaha
i made a death wish playlist at one point and listened to it non-stop while writing. here it is:
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it's all so incredibly loud and rosyln were on repeat for the iconic chapter 29 and it makes me so emotional
however then for chapter 30 for some reason my brain only wanted the kim possible theme song on repeat. you know how it is.
when i first decided on most plot points and began writing i said to someone it would probably be like 100-150k. i was right, though i'm surprised to be on the top end for sure. i would not expect this again, it was definitely a perfect storm. i normally do like ~40-80k.
i knew exactly how the fic would end before i wrote a single word. as much as i love and there is a place for wish fulfillment (eg future!donnie gets to come back, sensei gets his own body) my thing was that i knew people reading it would relate to the story. and i want to have... hopeful realism? like, if you have experienced grief and you related to sensei, i don't want to say 'haha your loved ones are actually alive!!!' ... i want to say, bad things happen, you will find other reasons to live. and for anyone who related to sensei and leo's situation (eg DID) i felt like magically giving sensei a body wouldn't be fair, bc that won't happen. instead they can work together and get through. if that makes sense LMAO
i have three side fics planned atm. two of them will be probably 2-5k each, the third will be like... idk. 15k? i haven't started yet i promise i'm still taking a rest hahahaha
thanks for reading hah
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velvet-apricots · 3 months
Midra x Nanaya fic is almost finished. Its got angst, fluff, smut, erectile dysfunction, all the good shit. Just need to fill in a few parts. Looking at six chapters plus a short epilogue. Currently at 10k words so it will probably be about 12k?
Gideon x Fyra x Radagon x Marika fic is kind almost finished? I need to link more parts together before I know for sure (may need to think of more filler stuff but we will see), but I think its getting there. (i also need to add more to the smut part its not smutty enough). Looking to be possibly 6 or seven chapters too. We will see. its at 15k words atm.
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curseofdelos · 2 months
starcrossed au??👀
This is the Big project I'm working on atm!! It's a solangelo longfic in which they have a star-crossed lovers plotline <3 going to keep the circumstances that's keeping them apart to myself for now since this one is going to take a while to finish, but I'm having a lot of fun with it <3
The early stages of their relationship of this one is so fun to me. Idk if this counts as enemies to friends to lovers because I'm just not convinced that 'enemies' is an accurate descriptor, but there are Vibes for sure. Will is trying SO HARD to defeat Nico, but Nico is unbothered and vibin' it's a fun dynamic <3
Also it's already SO LONG I'm 15k words in and I'm only now just getting to the 'friends' stage. I hope you like 40k+ oneshots because this one is going to be Up There 🙃
A snippet:
Nico looked him over, taking in his stance and the way his fingers were wrapped around the hilt. “Do you even know how to use that thing?”  “Yes!” Will snapped. “Now fight me!”  Nico seemed unsure about Will’s latest tactic for bypassing him, but he drew his sword anyway. Will got the impression that Nico was humouring him more than anything else. He wasn’t cocky in how he approached Will, but he carried himself with a quiet confidence as if there was no doubt in his mind that he could win this, and that going through with the fight was nothing more than a formality.  Somehow, that bothered Will more.  With a yell, Will charged Nico and stabbed at him with his dagger.  Nico easily caught the blade with his sword, and twisted it until Will was forced to release his grip and the knife clattered to the ground.  Nico raised a brow at him in silent amusement. Will’s cheeks burned in embarrassment.  “That was a lucky shot,” Will grumbled and picked his dagger back up. Nico didn’t even try to stop him.  “You know you’re at a disadvantage with that thing, right? Your dagger doesn’t have the reach my sword does, and you won’t be able to get close enough to hit me.”  “I’ve been practising against a sword fighter. I can do it,” Will said firmly, despite his internal lack of confidence.  Nico didn’t seem convinced, but he waved for him to try again anyway. 
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mxstellatayte · 3 months
hey hey question!
i know i haven't posted a fic in a WHILE and i have an explanation!
my lewis fic (one hell of a view) is taking a LOT longer than expected. i'm not going to lie to you guys, it's going to be a very long fic (probably upwards of 15k words, i'm only 5k in atm and things are just barely getting saucy.)
would you guys rather i take longer on "one hell of a view" and post other fics and requests that i've got in the wip folder right now or focus on "one hell of a view" until it's done?
let me know :)
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asmfic · 1 year
Still working on my current chapter, but i've got roughly 15k more words of ASM done atm
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
i'm so conflicted as to which fic i should finish first since i've only got a few days left with my break. should i post another bucky fic which is a grumpy x grumpy trope or finish the steve harrington fic which is essentially a whole rom-com movie-ish that's upwards 15k words atm. i could go for the fic which is closer to being finished, but, thing is, they're both the same in terms of the progress bar so idk aslkaslkas
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anthemxix · 3 years
whumpay bonus: deleted scenes
my final offering to you for the month~ :)
there were some prompts i started to write but didn't finish, and a few instances where i began a prompt, decided it wasn't working, and then completely started over. i have no idea if these scraps will interest anyone, but it seemed like a shame for them to go to waste. so i hope you enjoy :) thank you <3 <3 <3
day 4, part 2 (fire) - first attempt
“Can I just say again that I really don’t like this plan?”
Wind groaned. “We know, Captain. You’ve been saying that every five minutes.”
“Because it’s a terrible plan!”
Scowling, Wind shuffled back from the impossibly massive archway he’d been peering through. “Look, we decided on the plan hours ago, so just give it a rest already.”
Sky cleared his throat. “Well. I’d like to say that I don’t like this plan either.”
“Oh, how nice of you to contribute that, Sky,” Warriors growled, rounding on him. “Couldn’t have said anything before the literal last minute?”
“Hey, I’ve dissented to this idea the whole time,” Sky retorted, holding his hands up defensively. “Not just because it’s dangerous, but because it’s not our place to meddle in local political affairs.”
“Agreed,” Warriors said. “We’re putting that whole town at risk. It’s not too late to turn back.”
“Since when do you run away from a fight?” Wind goaded.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Time said. Five heads turned his way, expectant, tense, and he sighed in resignation. “The Sailor is correct. We discussed the merits and drawbacks this morning. We’re committed to this plan now. I’m sorry, Captain.”
Wind smirked triumphantly despite Warriors’ heavy frown. “Great. I’ll see you all later then.”
He offered a sloppy salute and turned towards the archway, only for Warriors to grab his arm and spin him back around.
“Ugh, now what?” Wind griped. “You heard the Old Man! The plan is a go!”
The Captain grasped both of Wind’s shoulders and ducked to his eye level, his expression all hard lines. “Listen. At the first sign of danger, you get out of there. This is not worth sacrificing your life over.”
Wind defiantly tried (and failed) to wiggle out of his iron grip. “I’m gonna be fine, Wars! Why don’t you trust me? I’m the most skilled thief we’ve got!”
“I do trust you, and I don’t doubt your skills in the least,” Warriors said. “It’s just…” He hesitated, swallowed. “Tell me you’ll get out of there as soon as there’s trouble. Don’t be reckless.”
The somberness and sincerity (and was that fear?) in Warriors’ tone was sobering, and Wind finally conceded, “I will. I’ll be careful. Promise.”
Warriors’ hands lingered on his shoulders a moment longer, and Wind was surprised to find he missed their weight when they were gone. He didn’t dwell on it, though, nor did he look back as he deftly slipped through the stone archway and disappeared over the ledge.
The Captain crossed his arms, not bothering to conceal his concern as he watched Wind go, and Legend murmured to him, “Hey. You don’t do anything reckless either. Got it?”
“Of course.”
They all knew he was lying.
The chamber Wind had entered was more astronomical than any he’d ever seen—it must have filled the entire berth of the mountain, he thought—and even more wondrous still, it was jam-packed with mound upon mound of shimmering rupees, jewels, armor, weapons, vases…treasure. The most extensive treasure trove in this or any era, surely.
Wind grinned to himself. Tetra and her crew would never believe this. Maybe he could smuggle out a shiny little gift for them.
He picked his way across the hills of treasure, disturbing them as little as possible, and stopped near a colossal column. Steadying himself on it, Wind peered around the enormous chamber, and, for the first time since they’d departed the lakeside town that morning, felt a flicker of dismay. He had, of course, expected that locating one specific gemstone in a vast hoard of treasure would be difficult, but he’d underestimated the task. Like kind of, really, severely underestimated the task.
Well, no matter. He didn’t make it this far in his adventures by shying away from impossible odds. Besides, he felt he was graced with the goddesses’ favor today. He and the others had climbed up the mountain, strongarmed their way into the mines, and navigated the maze of corridors without one blip of trouble—and, best of all, there was no sign of the one major threat they’d been warned about again and again.
Wind smiled as he continued across the treasure trove, pausing to sift through some of it now and again. He just needed to be patient and deliberate and quiet, and then he could sneak back over to where the others were waiting and prove to them what a capable hero he was. Warriors said he didn’t doubt Wind’s skills, but he must, at least a little, or he wouldn’t have been so reluctant to let Wind do this.
The Sailor peered across the chamber towards the archway he’d come through. It was well above him now, as he’d descended from the peak of a treasure mound, although he was nowhere near the floor yet. The candle chandeliers suspended from the cavern’s apex offered a fair amount of light, which reflected brilliantly from all the gold rupees and splendid diamonds, but it was not sufficient to see any of his friends.
All the better, he thought as he continued his hunt. If he couldn’t see them, then neither could their enemy, whose other senses outweighed its sight—as he’d been repeatedly reminded by the others, who had all info-dumped him on this particular foe, as if he hadn’t dealt with any himself before.
Wind really did not understand what all the fuss was about. What made this different than any other dungeon, or any other enemy therein? Yes, this particular mission was complicated by the fact that they were helping restore some fallen regent and give him access to this treasure hoard without having all the details on the guy. Wind regularly operated without having all the details, even on missions as significant as this, and he suspected the others did as well, so he wasn’t too concerned about that.
But what was the big deal with the enemy? He understood that provoking this monster put the proximal town at risk, but didn’t that happen with every big baddie they faced? What was so different about this—?
Wind froze, thoughts cut off as he tuned in to the nearby jingle of tumbling rupees. He slowly turned his head, hand on the Phantom Sword’s hilt, expecting to see some stalfos or something emerging from the depths. There had to be someone guarding this treasure, after all.
He was not anticipating a stream of treasure would part to reveal the snout of a dragon sighing in its sleep.
Panic jangled Wind’s nerves, and suddenly he felt like he understood Warriors’ reluctance very clearly.
The tip of this dragon’s muzzle was utterly massive, with yellow, jagged teeth as tall as Wind protruding from its mouth. The rest of it, still concealed by treasure, must have been unimaginably gargantuan. Its steady breaths smelled ominously ashy.
Wind backed up a step, rupees clinking beneath his foot, and held his breath. Perhaps it was time to return to his friends…
As he began to creep back towards the archway, leaving the dragon’s snout a considerable berth, Wind felt a tug of magic. It wasn’t a variety of magic he recognized, but the sensation was unmistakable. His eyes darted around, scanning, until they landed on a strikingly sparkly gemstone, iridescent and oval-shaped and nearly the size of his head.
Dumbfounded, Wind blinked. That. That was the stone! It had to be!
It wasn’t too far from him, but it was downhill, i.e., in the opposite direction of his destination. But he was so close. He couldn’t give up now.
Wind threw a cursory look at the dragon snout before switching course and tiptoeing down towards the stone.
There was another rattling jangle behind him, and Wind paled as treasure shifted to reveal some of the dragon’s tail, ridiculously far from where the snout lie. He tried not to let this bother him as he reached the stone and carefully tucked it into his bag.
Acquiring the target item filled him with some relief, and he started the long trek up the treasure mountains to reach the archway, choosing his footholds cautiously.
He was halfway there when he slipped, smacking face-first into the rupee pile and backsliding several meters with an insufferably loud clanking from the treasure.
He froze, breath bated, heart slowed, as he gazed over at the dragon.
It didn’t move.
Releasing a soft sigh, he straightened up, prepared to resume his ascent, when the dragon snorted.
With dreadful slowness, it lifted its head from its beloved treasure, amber eyes flitting around its chamber as it swiveled its long neck around, searching.
Then it slowly rose, gems and gold cascading from its back, as its enormous, folded wings appeared.
Wide-eyed, Wind didn’t move. He couldn’t. This was, by far, the largest creature he’d ever seen.
The dragon inhaled a great snuff of air, sniffing, then another. Forked tongue flickered between menacing teeth.
And then it spoke, its baritone voice echoing off the mountain walls as it dragged out each syllable.
Wind couldn’t help the involuntary twitch of his hands. Some coins jingled, and the dragon gazed in Wind’s general direction. It didn’t see him.
“I know you’re here,” the dragon drawled. “I can smell you. I can hear your breathing.”
One massive, clawed foot rose from the treasure depths, smacking down on top of a pile.
Swallowing, Wind shakily began to climb again, with painstaking slowness, on his hands and knees. He was good at stealth. He could do this. Absolutely.
“I can sense your fear. Little thief.”
He faltered, hand twitching, but continued. Slow. Steady. Come on. You can do it.
The dragon lifted another foot, and its third and fourth, until it was fully free of the treasure, its tail swishing in its wake. It grazed against the high chandeliers, causing them to quiver and shoot strange fluttering shadows across the room.
“I do not have much patience for foolish little thieves.” The dragon drew a deep, rumbling breath, its chest beginning to glow a burning orange. Smoke began to filter from its nostrils. “Come out.”
Wind looked up. The archway was still so far away. He tried to move more quickly while staying as noiseless as possible. He had to hurry. He was running out of time. As soon as he got there, they could escape unseen—
“If you come out now, little thief, I won’t kill your friends quite so painfully.”
Wind tripped again, setting off a mini-avalanche of treasure.
The dragon’s head snapped in his direction, its eyes narrowing and lipless mouth curling as if in a smirk. It took a step towards him, and another, its claws clinking as the dangerous orange glow built up along its neck, up its throat, more smoke churning from its snout.
“Are you over there, little thief? I’ll give you one more chance. Come out. Now.”
Wind scrabbled, slipping again, sending more treasure tumbling, and when the dragon opened its mouth, its internal flame heating the room significantly, he lost all caution and tried to run.
When the dragon lifted its head, Legend wrapped his hand firmly around Warriors’ elbow.
As more and more of the dragon emerged from the depths, Four said quietly, “I think we need to prepare.”
There was a murmur of agreement, and Legend frowned. Reluctantly, he released Warriors’ arm and muttered, “Old Man, keep an eye on him.”
Time nodded, eyes already on the Captain, and Legend, Sky, and Four headed out for their destination.
Time pulled out his Biggoron Sword, watching the dragon take a step, its booming threats resounding around the chamber. He picked out Wind among the mountains of treasure.
“I need you to know,” the Captain started, drawing Time’s attention, “that I cannot live with myself if he…”
Time nodded, even though Warriors wasn’t looking at him.
“If he goes down, I’m going to save him or die trying,” Warriors said. “Those are the only options.”
“I know.”
Warriors looked at him grimly. “It’s been an honor fighting by your side again.”
Time put a hand on Warriors’ shoulder, and left it there until the dragon opened its mouth, and Warriors jumped down into the pit of gold without another word.
Warriors aimed for the dragon’s amber eye, but hit its cheek instead. The arrow bounced uselessly off the impenetrable scales, and Warriors doubted the beast could even feel it; yet the dragon, to his relief, turned towards him.
Warriors nocked another arrow and shot again for the eye, but the dragon simply lowered its head, bringing it close to the Captain, heat radiating from it.
“Another little Hylian,” drawled the dragon. “Where did all your little friends scurry off to, hm?”
day 10 (screaming/silence) - unfinished
Distinguishing night from day is impossible in these woods; the opaque fog that consumes them occludes both sun- and moonlight, perpetually casting a bland grey pall across the trees. It’s disorienting, and Time has entirely lost his grip on the passage of his namesake. He has no conception of how long he and Sky have been wandering around this forest, searching for an exit, and that disconnect disturbs him, prickles beneath his skin.
When Time spots an x carved into a tree trunk, he stops and drags his hand through his hair with a sigh.
Lagging several paces behind him, Sky, too, pauses. “What is it?”
Time points to the marking. “We’ve been here before.”
It takes Sky a moment to register what he’s being told, and then he visibly wilts like an underwatered flower. “Great. That’s great.”
“I can’t keep track of this place,” Time confesses. “It’s as if it’s…shifting.”
“Or we’re getting shifted,” Sky says. “Wild said the fog in his Lost Woods can move him.”
“That’s…unsettling, to say the least.” Time glances skyward out of habit and frowns in annoyance as he’s reminded that he can’t see the sun here. “How long do you think we’ve been walking?”
“I…I really don’t know.”
The elder hero side-eyes Sky, who, alarmingly, appears considerably more ill than he did before. Some time ago, the two of them had stopped to sleep, certain they’d meandered the day away, and Sky woke up dizzy and pale. He insisted he was fine to continue—for what other option did they have?—but he had been growing more and more sluggish as they walked. Now he grips his sailcloth, pulling it tight around his shoulders like a blanket, and looks as colorless as the fog, swaying slightly where he stands.
“Do you need to rest?” Time asks.
Immediately, Sky shakes his head. “I’m fine.”
“…Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I just want to get out of here.” Sky releases his sailcloth to scratch behind his ear, something Time has observed him doing on multiple occasions today (tonight?).
“You keep scratching,” Time says, gesturing towards his own ear.
“Your ear. You keep scratching there.”
“Oh…” Sky removes his hand and clutches his sailcloth again. “I dunno. It really itches for some reason. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Time steps towards him and brushes Sky’s hair aside to see a small but very red bump. “Looks like an insect bite. You should leave it alone.”
Sky hums in acknowledgement. “Let’s keep moving.”
Unsatisfied, Time chooses a direction for them to proceed in. He thinks they’ve taken a different turn than the last time they crossed paths with this tree, but he can’t be certain. Before they leave the area, he pulls out a knife and marks the trunk with a second x.
Time has no idea how long it takes, but eventually, they wind up back at the same damn tree.
His eye twitches as he scrubs a hand over his face. “Okay. We need a new plan bec—”
“Uh, Time?”
He looks behind him to see Sky holding one hand out, blood smudged across his fingers. “What—?” Then he spots the blood trickling down Sky’s neck, staining his hair.
Time moves closer and brushes Sky’s hair aside again, causing the knight to jump a little. “What are you doing?”
Substantially more inflamed, the insect bite behind Sky’s ear has split open. Worse, now that Time is up close, he can see that Sky’s hands are shaking and his pallid cheeks are blemished with feverish pink blooms. “You scratched the bite so much that it’s bleeding… Let’s clean it up.”
He steers Sky beneath the contemptible tree and sets to work washing the bite. It’s worryingly hot to the touch, but what really dismays Time is that the bump, which he expected to feel malleable, is hard, as if there’s a stone beneath Sky’s skin.
“Sky, are you allergic to insect bites?”
“No… I don’t think so? I don’t know, really.”
As soon as Time finishes bandaging the bite, Sky is reaching up to scratch it. Time grabs his hand. “Sky. It is imperative that you do not touch that.”
“But it—” He makes a throaty, frustrated sound. “It itches so badly.”
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do about that.” Time looks around, as if he’ll magically spy an exit from the woods that he somehow missed before.
“Okay. Okay.” Sky grits his teeth and clenches his sailcloth until his knuckles turn white.
day 17 (phobia) - first attempt
For half an hour, rain had been falling in a steady, serene drizzle so light that Sky hardly noticed it until a stray droplet snaked beneath his tunic collar, slithering cold and uncomfortable down his spine. Absently, he scratched at his collar, as if that would alleviate the remarkably unsettling sensation, just as the rainfall picked up.
He blinked up at the sky, which brimmed with plump, grey clouds, promising wet weather for the remainder of the afternoon.
“Guess there’s no point in waiting out the rain,” he commented over the downpour’s soothing heartbeat.
Beside him, Legend swept his damp hair away from his eyes, minutely scowling. “Yeah, let’s just keep going. The sooner we meet up with the others, the sooner we can track down some suitable shelter for the night.”
Sky hummed his agreement, hoping that in scouting this new area they’d been dropped in, some of the others had found a town. He and Legend had discovered an overgrown trail and followed it for most of the morning, but their efforts were fruitless, as the path seemed to stretch endlessly through uninhabited wilderness.
Minutes later, a resonant boom of thunder rolled across the sky, followed swiftly by a flickering tongue of lightning in the near-distance. All of Sky’s muscles locked up so suddenly that he awkwardly stumbled, only staying upright because Legend’s hand shot out to catch him.
“You okay there, bird boy?” Legend asked, eyebrows arched.
“Yeah, of course,” Sky murmured. “Tripped. That’s all.”
He reached back and grabbed a handful of his sailcloth, pinching and rubbing the silken fabric as he tried to ignore Legend’s scrutinizing stare boring into his temple.
day 25 (goodbye) - unfinished
Dinner is eaten, the dishes washed and packed, and the campfire doused, all in dreary silence. As the last of the fire’s smoke dissipates, Wind speaks. “What happens if we don't go through them? Will they disappear?”
No one answers for a moment. Eventually, Legend says, “We have to go through, small fry.”
“I— I know,” Wind stammers. “I’m just asking, like...what if we didn’t? What would happen?”
“Hypothetically,” Hryule offers.
“Yeah! It’s hypothetical.”
“There’s no reason to consider hypotheticals,” Legend says.
“There’s not,” Wild agrees bitterly. “Don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
He stands, gathering his belongings with a scowl as he adds, “As a matter of fact, we should get this over with.”
“Wait!” Wind jumps up, practically vaults across the now-damp firewood to grasp Wild’s arm.
“No, there's no point in stalling any longer,” Wild says, even as he involuntarily leans into Wind’s touch.
“Of course there is,” Wind argues, eyes wet. “Any more time I can have with you guys is worth it. Even just one extra minute.”
Wild looks away from him as he lightly pulls out of Wind’s hold.
Legend stands now, too, eyes averted. “You’re just making this harder, kid.”
“Goodbyes are always hard,” Four says quietly.
Another moment of silence lapses, until Time stands, plates of his armor shifting.
day 29 (lies/terrible truth) - first attempt
In the lean privacy of a secluded clearing, Twilight offered his confession without pretense or embellishment, a simple statement of facts. He didn’t appear nervous as he spoke, like someone who had been caught off-guard might; rather, he seemed resigned, his words rehearsed, as if he’d known this conversation was an inevitability.
Wild expected—hoped—he would glimpse some relief on Twilight’s face when the confession was done, but that wasn’t the case. He seemed sorrowful, ailing, but not relieved to be rid of the heavy secret he’d burdened himself with. Not remorseful for his wrongdoing.
The oddest thing about this moment, Wild thought as Twilight looked squarely into his eyes, was the quietness. How could the moment feel so still and calm, even as it decimated him? Even as it violently impressed its place into his personal history as a pivotal event? Even as it cleaved his life into a clear before and after?
Through Wild’s cluttered, confused thoughts floated a memory. Not a century-old, faded memory, the kind that abruptly flickered to life in the deepest fathoms of his subconscious and dragged him into catatonia. No, this memory was recent, crisp, bright. He could still feel this memory, could still smell its scents and hear its sounds. It replayed over and over, an inescapable loop, as he stared at the man who only minutes before had his unshakeable trust, his highest admiration, his purest love.
Wild broke eye contact and shook his head, trying to clear it. “You’re lying. You have to be. This makes no sense.”
He only looked back to Twilight when he heard the unmistakable sound of a sword being drawn. He came face-to-face with Twilight’s blade and reflexively jumped back, hand flying to the hilt on his back.
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icaruskey · 2 years
Hey so uh... how'd you get started on getting paid for writing? Any tips for someone who'd like to start? I don't wanna full time or anything, just maybe a little extra money would be nice.
Well I write smut right now, so there's a big market for it. Or... easier market.
Biggest thing is researching where you want to post. Amazon is actually the best smut place to post, especially if you post in Kindle Unlimited where people pay monthly subscriptions to read and you get paid pennies for each page read. If you go KU you can't publish wide.
I don't use Amazon rn because I don't like them as a business (Bezos) and my stuff is too dark for them. So I publish on Smashwords, which is a different beast entirely.
I got my main patron from looking through r/EroticaSells and hitting it off. I negotiated my payrate too so that was doubly nice. I've been pretty miss on other patrons, though I may be getting a second soon.
So I guess for me it's a combination of luck and trying to consistently publish 15k words a week (5 shorts at 3k a piece, which is the lower range of writing).
If you don't want to do smut/romance I can't really help atm.
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dragoneggos · 3 years
Fanfic Year in Review
@captain-aralias thank you so much for these questions!! this was so much fun to do, and such a nice way to end off my first proper year writing fic! <3
my fics from 2021:
-          A Thousand Words- Teen, 15k
-          A Dream is a Wish- Teen, 17k
-          The Last Four Years- Teen, 5k
-          We’ll Go From There- Teen, 17k
-          Initial Impressions- Teen, 6k
-          Meet Me in the Middle- Teen 4k
-          Oh Those Summer Nights- Teen, 5k
-          Soft Skin and Scarlet Skies- Teen, 4k
-          The Fabric of Scars- Teen, 4k
-          i grew up at the top of a tower. with you.- Teen, 3k
-          Draw a Line in the Sand- Teen, 5k
-          door to door (please let me in)- Teen, 2k
-          constant as the stars above- Teen, 27k
-          as long as you love me so- Teen, 36k
so it seems every single fic I write I class as teen, which honestly is probably slightly overcautious as a couple of these could probbaly be classed as lower- if I didn’t swear so much anyway. what I mostly love to write atm is fluffy soft fics, so this makes sense.
14 fics, with a grand total of 152,482 words. Wow.
Best/Worst Title?
maybe because it’s still fresh in my mind, but I still have a massive soft spot for my Carry On Countdown fic, because the name fit so perfectly and didn’t take me an age to think up. every time I hear that song now (which has been a fair amount over the last week), i feel all warm thinking of snowbaz, and that’s been so lovely. I do also like ‘Soft Skin and Scarlet Skies’, mostly just because I’m proud of myself for coming up with something pretty and alliterative.
worst is probably ‘Draw a Line in the Sand’ because on reflection it doesn’t really make that much sense, except being a beach reference. Or ‘door to door’, mostly because I feel like it’s too clunky.
Best/worst summary?
worst is definitely ‘A Thousand Words’- I feel like it’s obvious how new I still was to fic writing and it just doesn’t work well. it doesn’t really fit the fic and it just feels awkward and out of place.
most of my summaries now just take my favourite written lines from the fic because it’s easy (cop out because I hate writing summaries), but my favourite is probably ‘A Dream is a Wish’. I think I picked a pretty quote and summarised the whole thing fairly well, which is what I mostly struggle with when doing summaries.
Best/worst first line?
I think my blunt ones are probably my best- ‘Oh Those Summer Nights’: Simon Snow is standing outside the Mage’s office and I also have a soft spot for ‘The Last Four Years’: My drink tastes like shit. I like starting with a bit of a punch, and I think these ones probably worked the best.
Reading it back, the worst feels like ‘Meet Me in the Middle’: The bed is too small for us both, my legs are all tangled with Baz’s, and Baz is taking up 90% of the duvet for himself, but despite this, I’m deeply asleep when Penny bursts into our room at seven o’clock on a Saturday morning. Which is a shame because I like the imagery, but I just think there’s too much going on at once.
Best/worst last line?
best is ‘Initial Impressions’: I squeeze his hand in mine, and nothing else in the universe matters.
worst is ‘The Last Four Years’: And for the first time in four and a half years, I’m home. because for me looking back it feels slightly lazy, like I could’ve found something more meaningful if I’d spent more time on it.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
definitely way more!! I only started writing fic last year, and I never could’ve fathomed being able to write this much in the space of a year- it’s been crazy! but I feel very strange now when I’ve not got something on the go- I’m taking a short break atm after coc, and it already feels strange not to be working on something.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
oh easily all the Penny/Niall stuff. Which is admittedly weird. but also I do kind of love it. ( @meenawrites , I wrote it for us bestie). loved that I’ve now created that tag on ao3.
also probably the Barbie au too, though realistically that was probably more likely for me than the penny/niall stuff.
What’s your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
this is so difficult because I feel like I have so many answers.
my Carry On Countdown got me through December, and I had sO much fun with it. but before that, I also love Dream is a Wish, just because I’m so happy with how it turned out, and it ended up being so much more than I expected it to be.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
it’s now my Carry On Countdown fic!! As of this week! Which I’m so happy about because I really did love writing it.
for most of the year though, it was ‘Initial Impressions’ which always slightly boggled me as I don’t think it’s my best plot-wise. I am happy with a lot of the prose in it though, and I think I forget that looking back on it.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
for obvious reasons my least read fics were the penny/niall ones, which I completely get haha.
my Barbie/swan lake au also, because it’s so niche and strange sounding. which is a shame because I think it’s got some of my best writing in it, but also completely understandable because of how specific it is.
Story that could’ve been better?
I feel bad to keep picking on it because it was so early in my writing, but ‘A Thousand Words’. for me it feels kind of ooc, and I just see a lot of things in it that I wish I’d fleshed out more or just phrased better. it was my first ever attempt at a non-watford au though, so it was definitely a bit of a learning curve.
Saddest story?
probably ‘door to door’ because it feels like a raw issue that baz would actually having to keep dealing with post-canon, and not something that he or simon will ever be able to resolve. (thank you to everyone on discord who sparked the conversation that sparked the fic.)
Most fun?
‘constant as the stars above’- my Barbie au. I went into it knowing I could do what I wanted with it and it was just- so much fun to write. I just had a blast writing it, and coming up with prophecies and rhymes and baz’s chapter and barbie parallels, and I think the fun I had with it really shines through in the writing.
Story with the single sweetest moment?
I literally cannot pick between all my post-canon fluff, so I’m going with this from ‘A Dream is a Wish’ instead:
“You don’t even know who I am,” I muttered, though fighting seemed pointless now. We didn’t fight here; it had never been the place for it.
“I know enough.” His voice remained sure against my head. “I know enough,” he repeated, resting his chin on my head. And we remained like that, safe and wrapped in unconsciousness, for the rest of the night.
And somehow, when I woke up, everything seemed more okay.
Hardest story to write?
probably ‘We’ll Go From There’? only because I was writing so many new povs, and I cared so so much about getting them all right.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
other than what I’ve already mentioned, I think ‘Soft Skin and Scarlet Skies’. it was my first fic after awtwb, and my first ever attempt at post-canon, and I just felt like I had so much to write about and so much post-canon ready to pour out of me. I think it’s one of the reasons I love awtwb so much- the openness for fic opportunities.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
YES. ‘We’ll Go From There’ drastically altered my perceptions of some of the more minor characters, and is the first time I felt I properly understood Agatha. Before writing that I had a dislike for her, but- although she still isn’t my favourite character (sorry!)- I feel like I understand her much much more now, after writing her there.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote post-canon for the first time, and discovered it’s my favourite thing to write. other than that, probably nothing too drastic? I mostly just write what I want to read, and that’s what I love to do.
What are your fic writing goals for next year this year?
I have a couple more post-canon things I’d like to write- I have one I’ve been vaguely planning for a while, and something for Baz’s birthday I need to start shaping out (since we share the same birthday, I feel it’s an appropriate gift for us both).
I’d also quite like to participate in more events/fests, since I had so much fun with the Countdown this year.
(And I think I want to write an aftg fic, but we’ll see about that.)
Other than all that, I’ll just keep writing what I want to read!! (see: more fluffy snowbaz)
 Thank you for the most amazing year of fics!!
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[wip tidbit] it was only one night 10
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: E Ship: Lucathy Goal: 15K Words (Oneshot) TL;DR: Modern Setting + Lawyer Athy + IT Expert Lucas + Unplanned Pregnancy from a ONS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | x | 9 | [10] | 11
WC Progress: ~15k / 15k words
Note: this is all a wynter special //winkwonks
this is not a “yeah theres nsfwyn content” winkwonks that was a “hell yeah bitches you prob thought i was dead and so did i but its a christmas miracle and i got slugged over the head with some minor lucathy wintertime ideas” winkwonks
i’m still very much sucked into another fandom atm, but this fic is lovingly dedicated to the lucathy readers that followed for my wmmap posts and chose to continue staying for the memes. atm i’m still very much obsessed with my switch and my other fandom, but i’ll most likely be making my fandom focus switch soon
also. please know that i am still very much open to receiving one word prompts. feel free to even make the request that i write the prompt for the ONS au. chances are, it’s probably gonna be a scene that’s going to be directly in the completed fic
i can’t believe i’m over 15k words now and i’m Still nowhere closer to my goal of. actually finishing this
anyways, have a happy holidays!
prompt: cold
“For one of the smartest lawyers I know, you’re a downright idiot, Athena,” Lucas flatly stated, watching the young woman in question rubbed her hands together to keep warm as they waited of the law firm. “I know that we didn’t plan on being out of the house for so long, but I kept telling you that you should’ve worn more layers.”
Athanasia’s complexion was pale from the cold, but her cheeks were significantly pink. She wore a dark blue beanie and a warm blue-grey sweater beneath her coat. Briefly, he paused at this fact — when the hell did she steal one of his coats? While the blonde did, as a matter of fact, look good in any colour as well as in his clothes, she didn’t own any black coats. And considering the fact that they were both now in the process of moving in together? Well, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where she gained that black coat.
She puffed up her cheeks as she shot Lucas a glare — cute, he absentmindedly thinks. “It would’ve been fine if it didn’t start snowing, Luke,” she grumbled, frowning as she looked back down at her hands, trying to rub them to keep them warm. “He definitely owes me one. Do you know when Cabel’s gonna return with the car?”
“Last I checked, he was still in traffic several streets away. We could probably just walk over there at this rate,” Lucas stated, watching her shiver from the cold before heaving a sigh and making his move.
She glances at him, blinking in absolute confusion as he wraps his red scarf around her neck and moved to clasp his hands over hers. Her fingers were cold to the touch, frozen stiff from the numb cold, causing him to frown as he tries to warm them up with his hands. For a while, she was suspiciously quiet as he sets off on warming her up, only briefly glancing at her face.
“Is something the matter?” he asked, finding amusement in the fact that her face was more red than before.
“N-nothing!” Athanasia stammered, looking away in a fluster. Clearly, it wasn’t ‘nothing’.
She sounded almost… disappointed.
“Were you hoping for me to warm you up in another way?” he teased, finding delight in the way she visibly jolts at his words, causing her to look at him in flustered disbelief. “Maybe when we go home,” he raised a brow.
“You are so effortlessly infuriating,” she immediately turned around, crossing her arms over her chest as she adamantly avoided eye contact.
He snickered, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back flush against his chest. “Was this what you wanted me to do?” he hummed, feeling her relax into his hold.
“Maybe,” she quietly muttered, sounding almost as if she was pouting.
prompt: santa claus
When he enters the house, he didn’t expect to see the two 6-year-olds caught in a stare-down in the middle of the living room, their crayon drawings abandoned.
His daughter, Aria, was the older twin with chubby cheeks that his grandmother loved to pinch. She had long, wavy black hair, with a small single braid off to the side. Her eyes were red, almost like his, but bordering on dark pink like Athanasia’s mother, Diana. The young girl had her cheeks puffed up in a pout, and immediately, he sees Athanasia’s stubborn personality being blatantly inherited by their daughter.
Their son, Elias, on the other hand, was the younger twin with similar chubby cheeks — and yes, his grandmother also loved to pinch them too. He grew out his hair to match his sister, often tying it into a ponytail, but like his sister, he had a small single braid off to the side. His eyes were blue, like Athanasia’s. He was frowning, seeming somewhat upset — which probably had something to do with their little stare-down.
Unfortunately, Elias, too, inherited Athanasia’s stubbornness. While it wasn’t overtly obvious in comparison with Aria who shared many similarities to their mother, Elias had managed to nail down Athanasia’s disappointed stare.
“Eli is smarter than this,” Aria says in a matter-of-fact tone — there was never any doubt, but it was clear that Aria was indeed his daughter. He wonders if the reason why Elias seemed to be friends with practically all the other kids in their class while Aria had none was because she inherited his asocial tendencies. He does recall thinking that the other kids were dumb when he was her age. “Santy Claus doesn’t exist. And if he did, then he wouldn’t be alive anymore. He was most likely someone’s grandpa who just gave presents to a lot of kids.”
“Santa Claus exists,” Elias stated back in response with a frown firmly planted on his face, reminiscent to Athanasia’s blatant disapproval. “He made my wish come true, Ari!” That sounded awfully concerning, but then Lucas remembered the fact that Claude existed — did Claude do something for Elias without him knowing? He would have to ask Athanasia about that later. “You’re just mad that he isn’t helping you get rid of the boys trying to tug on your braid.”
“I’d like to see them try,” Aria sniffs derisively. “I’ll just hit them back like mama and papa taught us to do if they’re being bullies. Make it hurt, let them know, and don’t get caught.”
Yup. That’s his girl, alright.
“Well?” Aria huffed, crossing her arms. “What happened? How did he grant your wish?”
“This!” Elias stated, holding up one of the crayon drawings with five vaguely shaped people-blobs. “Papa and mama,” he pointed at the two tall blobs. “Eli and Ari,” he points at the two smaller blobs. “And baby in mama’s tummy!” he pointed at the small blob that had an arrow pointing at what was most likely his drawing of Athanasia.
“Wait… what?” Lucas blinked, causing the twins to whirl around and look up at him.
“Oops,” Elias blinked, his eyes widening. “Eli wasn’t supposed to tell…”
Tagging: @ventibrainrot @lithium-15 @bloodredruby @deimmortales99
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thejilyship · 3 years
2021 in review: Fanfic Writer Edition
I've been tagged by a few friends! And I've taken forever to do this, but I appreciate the tags!
words written: I'm going to guess around 200k, since I have three fics that I'm working on that I haven't published yet and they're all between 10 and 15k words atm
words published: 171k words which is so many more than I thought
# of published one-shots: about 15
# of completed multi-chapts: 2
# of one-shots in progress: like wip one shots? I think I have two?
# of ongoing multi-chaps: 2? Everything is a guess rn lol
longest work: All This Time
shortest work: All or Nothing
most chapters in a fic: All This Time
highest # of kudos: It's Just Coffee
highest # of hits: All This Time
top 3 fics by kudos: The previous two and It's Never Enough
top 3 fics by hits: Same as the previous answer
most challenging fic to write: I had a hard time writing 'white lies' which is a soul mate au. It's the only soul mate au that I've managed to get through, but that trope always gives me trouble
fic that came easiest to write: 'we all want to kiss our friends sometimes' just flew out of me. I started writing this fic during nap time at work and couldn't really stop until it was done. It's got a lot of me in it
most true-to-the-outline fic: All this time actually did stay pretty close to the outline, and it's one of the only fics that I fully outlined before writing it
most unlike-its-outline fic: Heart of a Champion ended much differently than I planned for it too lol, but that was because some friends asked me to write the kiss
favorite reader freak-out: It has been a blast watching people freak out over It's Never Enough, but I also loved reading the comments that I got for 'we all want to kiss our friends sometimes' because people related with that fic a lot and it felt like a hug every time someone commented
most controversial scene: I wrote a one shot called 'the ache in you' and that had some reactions lol
hottest ask box topic of the year: Updates lol
most loved OC: I don't think I wrote any ocs this year, but the favorite side character was probably Mary (and Reggie)
most hated OC: Again, no ocs, and I didn't write anyone that pissed anyone off this year? Or maybe James' ex from All This Time! Camilla?
favorite things about writing our heroes: They are just so much fun. I love how much they love each other and how much they enjoy life.
favorite villain to write: ?? Maybe I need to write a little less fluff next year
favorite marauder to write: James
most I've cried while writing a scene: I cried while writing 'the ache in you'
most I've laughed while writing a scene: I always laugh when I'm writing Mary and Lily, I probably laughed the most while writing Mary waking Lily up in All This Time with Hamilton lyrics and nonsense about a friendship contract
smuttiest smut scene: Lolz
favorite jily kiss: The kises in All This Time! I really like their first kiss in James' car, but all of them are good. I struggled to write them, but I like how they turned out
easiest trope/thing to write: I love writing the trope that they're in love, but don't know that they other one has feelings for them. I think i wrote this trope the most this year
proudest fic moment: I'm proudest of my fic 'we all want to kiss our friends sometimes' I still love this one sm
any fic regrets?: I just write to have fun, I kind of regret falling off my schedule, but this year has been lax, and I'm not mad about it
2021 fic habits to break: I wrote and published almost everything in the first six months and then I seem to disappear at the end of the year, pop up for jilytober and maybe christmas. I'd like to spread things out a bit better so that I'm not stressing myself out so much
2022 fic habits to make: I have a lot of fics in the work and I'd like them to come out of the works and be seen by the people lol
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trailshome · 4 years
Another Progress Update
Long time no see (even though it’s only been a week?)! I have a small progress update and predictions for the word count of the next update!
- I’m going back over everyone’s introductions (and finishing them) plus the beginning of chapter 1 (part 1?) because the first version felt rushed. TBH I’m still not satisfied with it, but it’s fine for now.
- I’m thinking the word count for the next update will be around 15k but it may expand depending on if I decide to add things. I don’t think it will be less than 15k but I’m terrible at for sure’s and maybe’s, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
- I also threw out a few ideas to a friend and got some extra things planned to hopefully implement into the Trails! It needs to be fleshed out more, but I’m fairly happy with how things are going!
- I don’t know if I ever said this, but Trails has take a slightly different turn than expected and I’m thinking the story is going to focus HEAVILY on self-discovery and reflection (with some mystery thrown in probably). I don’t know how deep it’ll get but we’ll see soon hopefully!
- I’m once again fixing the stats because I’m not happy with how it’s laid out (I’ll forever mess around with the stats). Nothing is being added atm, but I’m just expanding sections and making them (hopefully) flow a bit better. I’m also going to fix the save system because oops! I think it broke?
- I’m also working on flavor text -- right now it only reflects the head vs heart stat but more will be added.
- Working on figuring out how buying things will work and what you can buy -- I have some items set in stone but it’s pretty bare-bones.
I’d also like to apologize for how late this update is! I aimed for March but never met that goal and that’s my fault -- I probably won’t announce a goal or deadline for updates to avoid stressing myself out and disappointing anyone waiting on the next update. ;D
I also hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there! <3
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zwouq · 6 years
i was tagged by amazing @imanes thank you so much!!
nickname: idk if it applies but kasim (a variation of my name in some way), koshechkin/koshechkov (it’s a variation of my surname and it’s very cute bc the root of the word is a dimunitive of “cat”)
zodiac: cancer
height: around 185 cm
last movie I saw: shoplifters by hirokazu kore-eda 
favorite musician: tough question bc i have too many but solange atm
song stuck in my head: juice by lizzo
do i get asks?: almost never but i’m satisfied with it bc i would have embarrassed myself here on a daily basis
other blogs?: i also have a studyblr that i created a long time ago but i don’t really use it anymore
following: i always forget what people mean by that (followers or people i follow) jsdjsk but anyways i follow 424 people and 1k+ follow me
favorite song?: alejandro by lady gaga means so much to me i cry every time i think about how it changed my life
amount of sleep? : i usually get around 5-7 hours of sleep, but in order to not doze off i must sleep for 9-10 hours
lucky numbers: i don’t think i have lucky numbers but let it be 4
what am i wearing: a hoodie and black jeans
dream job: at apple music
favorite food: i really don’t have any, i should try more food :(
instruments i play: my nerves
last book i read: the waste land by t.s. eliot
last song i listened to: sound of rain by solange
random fact: i have 15k songs in my library and i don’t know how i got there considering the fact that i’m picky about music
describe yourself as an aesthetic thing: the wind in a flower field
i tag @arltena @dullhoe and anyone who reads this and wants to do it
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Get to Know the Writer
So, @lilac-written tagged me in this. Guess I'll do it. Got nothing better to do atm.
Pens only, unfortunately. Gels if I care about handwriting and have the time to go slow. Ball point if I'm in a hurry.
The only time I'll use a pencil is when I don't care about anyone reading what I'm writing or if it's just some jargon I don't care about.
I'm left handed so every time I use a pencil, it'll smudge everywhere. So, it's a no no to the pencils.
No. Believe me, you don't want to see anything I ever draw. Drawing is one of the countless things I suck at.
Unfortunately, not so far. I'd say it's mostly cause there just haven't been that many powerful scenes I've written. I mean, there's two powerful scenes that stuck out at emotional but I listen ot music when I write so most of it is just replaced by Brendon Urie.
The most horrible (or probably beautiful depending on the features) monster ever. So, it'd be mix of Matt Bomer, Brendon Urie, Adelaide Kane, Eliza Dushku, Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris. With a few bits of Tom Ellis, Daniel Craig and Josh Dallas thrown in for good measure.
Most probably The Game For Power or A Year At The Opera (I'm still in the planning phases of the latter)
Well, I had a new idea for the ending of TGFP so I scrapped the last three chapters (setting me back about 15K words). But, its at 120K words atm. AYATO is still in the outlining and planning phases. I'm still sorting out the characters and plot. But I outlined two chapters of AYATO today. I had decided to go back to an old novel but I got the idea for AYATO a few weeks ago and it just got stuck in my head so I decided to put off the old novel.
Uh, yeah. Who hasn't? I had a very weird dream one night that I started to write a book about. I got about 10K words in before realising the idea was shit and it'd never work other than as a satire piece. It's in a folder labelled Story Ideas I Might Write One Day as of today (It was on Wattpad till two days ago).
8. DO YOU PREFER SILENCE, A LITTLE NOISE (some light music, fan noise, humming etc), A LOT OF NOISE WHEN YOU'RE WRITING?
Honestly, it depends. If I'm writing a chapter, or just about any scene I'm stuck on, I like a lot of noise. Heavy metal or just being in a classroom works. Some smooth jazz or maybe 50s music if I'm on a scene I'm excited to write. If I'm trying to come up with an idea about a part I'm stuck on, I like silence. But, if I'm outlining, I have a dedicated writing playlist that I listen to so my brain works and it's just amazing creative songs. (PM me if you want the list or something)
Not really. I do like to set a word count (a reasonable one like five hundred words) that I'd like to (don't have to) reach in that session. If I'm not writing, I set a very small goal that I'd like to do. If I'm outlining, I'll probably say to finish a character's POV. If I'm thought dumping, I'll probably challenge myself to complete two pages full of ideas. Just anything will do. It's fun when it works. Infuriating af when it doesn't.
No. But, I've done a version of it myself. So, back when I was working on my second novel, which will never see the light of day, I forced myself to not write anything for three months (just outlining, character Profiles or thought dumping was allowed)and then spend an entire month writing. I only did it the one time. I got thirty eight thousand something words in by the end of the month.
Top 10 Writeblrs:
@cogwrites @writings-of-a-narwhal @writingwithteacups @bellarosepope @brynwrites @grimmwrites @andiiwrites @delphwrites @riverlinden @three-seas-writes
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