#and it's been a while since I've watched Thundermans
multifandomsimagine · 8 months
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Imagine Jake and Max competing for your affection
"Though most of you did well on the test, there are some of you who need to study a bit more." Mrs. Villalobos announces as her eyes look around the room. The bell rings and the whole class wastes no time to stand from their seat and make a break for the door to lunch. That does nothing to dissuade the Spanish teacher as she makes sure to call out as you all leave: "We have another test next week so please use the weekend to brush up on your notes."
You step out of the room with Jake and Max by your side as you make your way to the cafeteria. Paying no mind to the other students who ran past you three in an effort to be one of the first in line. "How did you guys do?" You ask.
Jake is the first of the two to speak up. With a sigh, he reaches into his back pocket and takes out the folded-up test. Unfolding it, he passes it to you. Though it's fairly crumpled up, you - and Max who looks over your shoulder - can clearly see the C+ written in bright red ink at the top of the paper. "I thought I had studied enough but when I saw vosotros, I knew I was done for."
"A C+ isn't bad." You say in an attempt to comfort him. "You could definitely get an A for the next one."
Max has the opposite reaction, making no effort to hide his snickering though he stops when you hit his shoulder and give him a glare.
Jake gives him a hard stare. "Well, what did you get?"
"An F."
"That's worse than my grade and you're laughing at me?!"
The Thunderman boy shrugs. "Yea but I don't care about my grade unlike you."
Before an argument can erupt between the two, you speak up. "I can help you study. We can meet up and study in my room." You're looking at Jake so you don't see Max's eyes widening in surprise and the glare he gives him.
Though Jake was not undeterred by this instead took please in the other's displeasure. "That would be really helpful. Thank you [Name]." He stops walking and pulls you into a hug. You happily returned the gesture and so you don't see the smug look Jake is giving Max. Despite the fact that he doesn't want to be a villain anymore, there are some moments where his mischievous nature comes out and he can't help but rub it in Max's face as he nuzzles the crook of your neck.
"Okay that's enough," Max says with a hint of annoyance, pulling the two of you apart and pushing Jake a bit too roughly and maintaining a grip on his shoulder. . "Could you help me study too, [Name]?"
"I thought you didn't care about your grade." Jake raises an eyebrow.
Max's grip tightened, tilting his head to give Jake a tight smile. "Well, I changed my mind." Facing you, he gives you a more relaxed and genuine smile. "When is this study group going to meet?"
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v0rd1g4n · 6 months
The Thundermans Return
All right, I've finally watched the movie and just like old times, I have to give my honest opinion.
But first things first. It's been 6 years since the finale was aired and I must say I was so excited when Kira shared on her Instagram account, that they were making a movie and she was executive producer.
Since there was practically nothing filmed back then, I thought it was going to be for teenagers or adults, just like the revival of iCarly or Zoey 102, but I was wrong.
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After watching the trailer I realized it was for kids, just like the original show, which wasn't that big of a deal and I watched the movie two days after the day of its release on Paramount+ and here are my thoughts.
The movie starts with the family saving Metroburg from a meteor shower, using every one of their powers, something Hank could've easily taken care of, but still, it was pretty cool though.
And I have to say, those suits were awesome. They remind me of those kind of tactical suits wore by a few characters from TV Shows like Arrow or Supergirl. It was good to see the whole cast together after one more time. Also, those who were kids back in the day, looked like different actors, after only 6 years.
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But anyway. After that, the title rolls and the family gathers in the headquarters, ready to spend a family night, but all Phoebe wants is to keep saving the day and is implied that she and Max have been doing that for quite some time.
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They find a crime in progres but instead of letting other supes to handle for that night, the twins force their family to go stop a villain from robbing a bank.
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They all teleport to the crime scene but things don't go as they expected, and due to Pheobe's orders, they end up injuring one of the V-Team members, as the other two stop the villain and save the day.
I don't know know they lost control of the situation like that. 7 supes against 1 villain, that's just too much. This is something Max and Phoebe could've screwed up by themselves, but well.
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Soon, President Kickbutt shows up to inform that due to the injuried hero, they are gonna be replaced by the V-Team as well as get kicked out of the Hero League, which brings them back to Hiddenville.
And this is when we learn that the Thunderman family have been working as the T-Force at Metroburg for solid 3 years, leaving their old lifestyle behind.
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Now everyone try to fit in their old town again. Max goes to his lair and finds Dr. Colosso having a tiki party with his furry friends. They talk about what happened and then Phoebe shows up to speak to him and they both seem to agree on using their powers for good, to which Dr. Colosso just laughs at them.
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Then we see that Nora has finally outgrown from wearing bows and she makes it very clear by lasering the one Barb was holding for her. Then she and Hank see that Chloe is getting ready to go to the park while carrying a skateboard. They're scared something might happen to her, but let her go anyway, which makes them feel useless parents.
See the pattern here?
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In the meantime, Billy and Nora are now attending to Hiddenville High, which by the way, doesn't make Principal Bradford and his ponytail very happy.
It was refreshing to see Billy and Nora as teenagers. Just like Max and Phoebe at the beginning of season 1.
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As for the twins, Phoebe meets with Cherry at Splatburger, hoping to find a job soon and Max on the other hand, meets there too with his friends from the band, for old times' sake.
It was really cool to see all these funny characters once again. I had a lot of memories from "Never Friending Story", "Parents Just Don't Thunderstand" or "Exit Stage Theft".
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At the same time, we see the V-Team is visiting Metroburg Superjail and we find out that they're actually a group of supervillains posing as heroes; the children of King Crab, Strongdor, and Dark Mayhem.
Their plan is simple: create an army of supervillains with a secret object hidden by the Hero League. The old guys had a plan that only boomers would understand, but is discarted immediately.
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Later, Max and Phoebe are still trying to get back in the Hero League as the Tree Force, but then realize that their family doesn't want to fight crime anymore, so they're alone with this.
And man, this is always funny. I always liked all those jokes involving Max and Phoebe wearing costumes or disguises to go unnoticed. Not to mention that dweeb thing at the end of the scene xD
So much memories!
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Then, back Max's lair Dr. Colosso helps Max to find out who the V-Team members really are, as Phoebe does the same by herself. Now both of them are aware that the V-Team is a group of villains.
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And this is when Pheebs finally suits up as Thundergirl to go stop the bad guys alone. I wonder why they used the old suit, instead of the one with the skirt.
Who am I fooling? She looks good with both.
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Back in Hidennville High, Nora and Billy are trying their best to make new friends and they only succeed the moment they start showing off their powers in front of everyone.
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Leading to a small arguing between them, that ends with a tragedy for Bradford.
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Meanwhile in Metroburg, the V-Team is desperately looking for the object they need. Then we learn that Dark Mayhem Jr. has the same sadistic habit Nora has; to laser poeple willy-nilly, ever since he was a kid.
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Then Phoebe shows up, trying to enter by force in their old headquarters and stop all of them, but Max surprises her from behind and drags her back to hide from the villains, while watching them closely.
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However, at some point they screw it up and get caught by the V-Team.
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Back in Hiddenville, Hank and Barb are still worried about Chloe hanging out at the park with some new friends, so they ask uncle Blobbin a helicopter to go take care of her from the sky.
I never was a fan of uncle Blobbin, but it was cool this character was included for a small scene.
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And yeah, looks like Hank and Barb are going throught the same crisis they went, when Max and Phoebe decided to celebrate their birthday by throwing a party at Wong's Pizza Palace. Their victims back then were Billy and Nora, now is young Chloe.
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Anyway, they have a little accident (thanks to Cherry) and the helicopter crashes on the park. The two of them are fine, but all this makes Chloe realize that they've been spying on her all along and gets mad at them.
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At the same time, Max and Phoebe are being interrogated by the V-Team, tied up with their own capes. I wish they were shown losing a fight against the villains at least, because it is implied that's what happened off screen. Just saying.
To me, there's no way they could've lost a fight against those villains, not with their multiple powers. Frozen by freeze breath, knocked out agains a wall with telekinesis, electrically shocked with the twin power, etc. And these are only non-letal options, but anyway.
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Their goal is to get the Acacía Fantasticus, a very rare plant that can give people superpowers, either good (blue) or evil (red).
They mention that people from the past known for demonstrating superpowers had eaten the seeds of this plant, which is interesting, since they're finally revealing the origin of superpowers in the Thundermans world.
However, the way is gonna be presented seems like a terrible idea, but I'll talk about it later.
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Since the twins don't have any idea where the power plant is, they're taken to Mayhem café, Dark Mayhem's old lair with a special booth perfectly designed to torture every member of the Thundermans family.
They activate it, and this is when the Thundertwins die horribly ☹️
Nah, I'm joking 🤣
I'm gonna have to leave it here, since Tumblr has a new limit of 30 pictures per post, so here's the end of Part 1.
Stay tunned for Part 2.
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