#and it's assumed that psychotic people don't interact with the public and aren't aware of how you talk about them :)
mythicalcoolkid · 4 years
Hey can we stop throwing psychotic people under the bus? ESPECIALLY when we talk about politics? Every time you make fun of "crazy people who believe in conspiracy theories" and talk about trying to "out-crazy" them, every time you talk about how stupid anyone would be to worry about being tracked - ESPECIALLY every time you "counter" it with information on how you actually are being tracked through your cell phone or whatever - every time you use psycho or delusional or paranoid or schizo or insane as an insult, every time you present "evidence" that a politician or bigot has x mental illness, you are furthering the stigma against psychotic people and making it harder for them to seek help
"But what if I think they really ARE delusional?? Why can't I call them that?" Guess what? Not only are you not qualified to armchair diagnose someone, but even if you are right? You still shouldn't make fun of psychotic people! Psychotic people are everywhere! They're your coworkers, friends, family members, classmates. They're people you never would have guessed experienced psychosis. And they can hear you every time you record the "crazy homeless guy" on the bus or make fun of people for being scared of "vaccine microchips." You are sending a very clear message that they are, at best, ignorant and laughable, and at worst, evil and beyond help
If you absolutely NEED to say something about it for whatever reason? Don't imply that the people saying those things are mentally ill or that they're stupid. Don't say things that could further a delusion by adding onto it (like that "the Chinese government is using anti mask disinformation to weaken US citizens" post. You're not funny or helpful, you're potentially making someone's life far worse). Don't reblog posts that do that. Call it what it is: repeated strong exposure to propaganda and disinformation campaigns. Yes, it's a bad thing and harmful to others. Yes, it's upsetting to see it so widespread. Yes, something needs to be done. But harming psychotic people who already face so much harm and discrimination not only won't change anyone's mind, but it's not a remotely okay response. It's ableism, and it's dangerous
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