#and it might not be! i got ''spoiled'' about Diego having a kid in S3 and i was so mad about it
sharkneto · 2 years
For Anon who sent me the question about TUA S4 content spoilers but also everyone - Please do not send me info/ask me about production or filming things for S4! Outside of official promos and trailers and whatnot, I do not want to know about it! My goal is to go into S4 as blind as possible. I want to have no expectations so I'm not coloring my watch with what I think is or isn't going to happen.
Am I going to be successful in this endeavour? No. I'll see some spoilers for sure as they pop up on my dash and on Insta and Twitter and whatnot. But I'd like to limit it, if I can. I watched S1 and S2 without a scrap of prior knowledge of the show and had so much fucking fun, and I was relatively successful on avoiding anything too big on S3. I'd like to maintain that with our final go around, if I can.
I have the TUA S4 tag blacklisted right now, and you can do your part, too, by tagging and not asking me about it!
Thank you :)
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