#and it just doesnt match his vibe at all its very much a first draft name that never went away. same with dia whose name im also reconsider
vaugarde · 11 months
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2023 - 2021 ^^
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beeapocalypse · 7 years
since nobody is talking about the very important subject of chaos knight and abaddon i will take it upon myself because i love these boys,, 
edit: take thsi gross ass thing from my drafts take it i cant believe i typed all of this without somehow dying my love for these two fucks kept me alive
Abaddon is generally avoided by the rest of his team because he has that ~spooky mist aesthetic~ going for him but he doesnt really notice ever because it was much the same at the house avernus. For him all that he’s really there to do is destroy the enemy ancient and keep his team from dying so while everyone might be wary of him they can appreciate his dedication to the cause and his no-nonsense attitude (and the dozens of shields and mist coils that keep them alive probably shdsk). Keeping with his ‘not like the other kids’ kind of vibe Abaddon doesn’t join in with any festivities after a victory (or defeat, if the other team is generous and his gracious) and spends most of his time tending to his mount, reading (he’s secretly got a thing for Poe-esque poetry and the odd romance), or walking throughout the woods aimlessly as he ponders deep mysterious mysteries of the mist. Nobody has seen his face and he intends to keep it that way (under his helmet and all of the mist that just kind of naturally pools out of his skin he looks surprisingly human, with a dark angular face and faint scars from his life of protecting the font, but his glowing piercing eyes and strange echo-y voice reveal his true nature). While he wields his weapon with his right hand, Abaddon is ambidextrous and tends to write with his left. He’s got a soft spot for kids and shows it off in his own weird gruff brand of kindness (making sure they’re getting enough to eat, maybe slipping them a few coins). The mist is chilly?? like if you touch it you’ll probably shiver (being encased in an aphotic shield or hit by a mist coil is REALLY cold and feels really unpleasant and slimy too) and since the mist comes from Abaddon’s skin he himself is like a little popsicle. Besides the fact that he distances himself and most people avoid him, his team doesn’t go out of their way to do stuff like pat his back or whatever because the cold is only amplified by their metal armor (Rylai has remarked on how chilly he was, and is the hero most open to small touches because she doesn’t mind the cold. Lina jokingly offered to hit him with a laguna blade to see if THAT would warm him up a little. Abaddon very politely refused before riding off into the woods to sulk). 
Chaos Knight, or Nessaj, on the other hand is the boisterous life of the party once you get a couple of flagons in him. Eons of existence hunting down the Keeper of the Light has left him with quite a lot of stories and a whole lot of experience, and he’s happy to share it with anyone who asks. Even when you don’t ask sometimes, since he has a habit of talking if he thinks its too quiet and awkward. Nessaj admires prowess on the battlefield, especially if someone can match him. His horse Armageddon is unbelievably pampered (think those little chihuahuas that ladies carry around in their handbags and get claw pedicures for) and he goes out of his way to interact with any other horses he sees on his team, or the enemy’s after an ancient is destroyed (despite his love for the beasts he isn’t the best at discerning any other animals from horses as shown by how he CANONICALLY ASKS BAT RIDER IF HE TAUGHT HIS ‘’’’HORSE’’’’ HOW TO FLY AND CALLS MIRANA AND LUNA’S CATS ‘AN UGLY HORSE’ UFCK). Nessaj is a stickler for any games of chance and betting on the most random of things (like along the lines of betting Slark a clarity that sometime during the match he’ll get killed because he tripped over his own feet. Slark, being the awful criminal fishman that he is, will always accept and then focus the entire match on NOT doing that instead of actually paying attention to his surroundings or whatever). Whenever he summons the other versions of himself from different planes, it feels like getting the wind knocked out of him and he feels mildly off balance for a bit even after they leave again. He smells vaguely like burnt cinnamon and smoke and is REALLY WARM (like a furnace kind of,, if you sit too close to him you’ll start to feel gross and sweaty and he can make a room warmer when he steps inside of it but he personally never feels overly hot?? just kind of like how you feel when you put on clothes that just got out of the dryer. He’s never felt really cold in his existence and Rylai is the only one who’s ever been able to make him shiver). Nessaj is like a bottomless pit when it comes to eating (he knows lot about food too, since he’s been hunting down the Keeper of the Light for a LONG time and thus travels from plane to plane a lot) and has been challenged to competitions to Pudge before. 
The first time the two of them meet, its during the start of their first match of being on the same team. They’d both heard of each other before (with Nessaj being impressed by Abaddon’s long history of combat and the abilities granted to him by the mist, and Abaddon noting the Elemental’s presence and his fabled skill among the rest of the rabble of heroes with little interest before moving on), but Nessaj was the only one who was really interested in meeting the other. It was he who suggested that the two of them lane together, and they make for a surprisingly good team. Abaddon keeps up his doom and gloom attitude for the time but still pays attention to Nessaj’s chatter and keeps him safe whenever necessary. He occasionally comments on a story or adds in his own commentary without thought, opening up as time passes. Something about the two sided knight, both deadly on the field and personable by his side, not ever seeming to be wary of him because of his off putting appearance and attitude, set Abaddon at ease. It was Nessaj who, when the match ended in their victory and the rest of the two team set off to be holy terrors at the nearest bar to celebrate, got the misty horseman to come along for the festivities. While Abaddon ends up spending most of the night (and the eventual early morning- when the teams party, they go all or nothing most of the time and party HARD) sitting alone at the table furthest from everyone else as they give him the occasional odd glance, being their and watching everyone else have fun and be happy makes him happy. Nessaj drifts between the two teams and the lone horseman throughout the night and, while he doesn’t really tone down his voice or general excitability, its the thought that counts. 
As their friendship progresses Nessaj becomes a kind of?? link between Abaddon and the rest of the team. What started out as going to post-match celebrations and sitting on the sidelines slowly becomes joining the rest of his team regularly for meals when Nessaj is there and sometimes joining in on conversations. He becomes closer with other heroes as time passes, from discussing weird prophetic mist visions with Nerif to swapping stuffy timeworn literature with Lanaya (he Ostarion and Phoenix probably form a ‘Just Try To Kill Us’ club at one point and meet up to talk about how cool it is to be so hard to kill hdfksks). 
uhhhhh FUCK i have more i want to say about this but i cant think right now so take this mess,, nice
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