#and it is did. Shinichi is indeed Yukiko's son.
mikanandpotato · 4 months
Man, got an au idea of genderbend, amnesia, and travel au idea.
You know the basic of where Shinichi is gone ten years ago. The Kudo family is searching for him all over the years until Yusaku falls into sick and Yukiko have to stop looking for their only children.
Ran continued to follow her mother step to be lawyer. And also there are Haibara Ai too that often visited Ran.
One day, an suspicious all black, cool glasses, wearing leather jacket, biker lady shows up on Ran's office. She tried to takes Haibara or as she called it "Sherry". Ofc, she run and Ran kick the lady out.
She is taking Ran instead.
Ok, so here is the premise. The suspicious lady is Vermouth apprentice.
Which is already suspicious.
The lady herself seems hold many secrets eventhough she have no actual recollection of who she was before the organization.
The lady is actually Shinichi.
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autumn-foxfire · 29 days
Imagine if Shinichi being able to play the violin isn't a very known fact at all. He never really tried with music at school because the teachers were usually off put by his lack of singing talent and so assumed he had no talent. Instead he practised in his own home with Yukiko, who was happy to help Shinichi learn.
Ran only knows because she once walked in on him practicing the violin but he asked her not to tell others. Rumours of him being tone deaf had already spread like wildfire in his school and among his peers and he'd rather not be pestered to play something for them like a zoo animal when they learned that he did indeed like music and could play an instrument.
It was the little fact about Shinichi the world didn't get to know. Being the son of famous parents, his life had always been broadcasted for the entertainment of their fans. It was a piece of himself he wasn't willing to give up to them.
His music was for those he cared about.
So when he first brought Kaito to his home, as a friend with the hope of becoming something so much more, he took him to his small sanctuary where his violin rested and, much like Kaito has done so many times for Shinichi with his magic, dedicated a performance he designed just for him.
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letitrainasunnyday · 6 years
Akai and Akemi are cousins?? When did that happen?? What the hell??
Once upon a time, Aoyama said that two mothers were going to be sisters, and the fandom, as we do, honored our dearest Shinichi Kudo and started investigating and speculating non-stop. 
People from around the world came together to figure out the answer to Aoyama’s riddle. Some argued it was Mary –who hadn’t yet been revealed to be Akai’s mother but everyone assumed was– and Yukiko, and so then Shinichi and Akai –and Sera– were cousins and how cool is that!! The two most badass babes in this story and they’re actually related!!! Well if Kaito and Shinichi weren’t somehow family, at least we got Akai and Shinichi huh!!! Fun stuff!!!!!! 
Other people argued maybe it was Mary and someone else, like Eri, or it wasn’t Mary and anyone at all, but rather two other characters. 
And then, it happened. People started raising their hands like heyyyyyy, I think it may be Mary and Elena!!!
And we all said NOOOOOOOO, HOW COULD THAT BE??? IF MARY AND ELENA ARE SISTERS, THAT MEANS AKAI AND AKEMI –whose tragic love story we shipped despite Akemi’s death, who we loved and cherished and cared for beyond words– WOULD BE COUSINS AND AOYAMA WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! IT CAN’T BE MARY AND ELENA!!! THERE’S SO MANY CHARACTERS, WHY WOULD AOYAMA DO THIS TO US??? IT CAN’T BE!!!!!
And then Aoyama started dropping hints. Haibara with makeup looked eerily similar to Mary and Sera. Sera was suddenly half-English instead of half-American. “It could be that their father is the English one!!!!” we shouted, desperately. And then it was revealed it was Mary who was English. 
And then people, again, were like…. guys…. listen…. not to burst your bubble but like….. it’s Mary and Elena…. it’s gotta be….
So people went into a frenzy. Miyano-Akai family trees were made, timelines were torn apart and then put together again. Maybe Akemi is Atsushi’s daughter but not Elena, which would explain why Haibara looks foreign but Akemi doesn’t!!!! Maybe it’s Akai who isn’t really Mary’s son!!!! Maybe they’re like adopted sisters!!!
And then, one terrible, obscure, dark, tragic day, Aoyama went to Singapore. And a valiant fan, with a quivering voice and the determination to set the record straight once and for all so we could start living with the Luke-Leia sin of our story, asked him if Akai and Akemi were, indeed, cousins. 
And Aoyama, who had driven us crazy for months, even years, had the audacity to say, 
“Yes. Akai and Akemi are cousins.” 
And I still have not recovered, to this day, almost two years later, from the news. Every once in a while I’ll wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because Akai and Akemi are cousins. I’ll be eating lunch on my own and I’ll remember that Akai and Akemi are cousins. I’ll be doing chores and I’ll remember. 
Akai and Akemi are cousins. 
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Toichi knew his son would be a magician who surpassed even his own feats once day and he was eagerly looking forward to that day. Having picked up Toichi's tricks as quick as he did breathing, and crawing, and walking, and escaping his play pen-Kaito was going to grow up to be a force to be reconned with.
Toichi hadn't realised how on the nose that would be until a simple breakfast when Kaito was five.
He had been taunting his son with trick spoons, pretending he could bend them with his mind and seeing if his son could pick up on the trick he was using when Kaito showed Toichi a trick that left him speechless.
"Do you know how I did it, Kaito?" he teased as he placed the bent spoon in Kaito's eager hands and let the small boy study it, chuckling as that cute little frown of concentration appeared on the boy's face.
"Are you taunting Kaito again, dear," Chikage called from the oven, turning around with a large stirring spoon in her hands and pointing it accusing at him.
Toichi stood up with a flourish, wrapping an arm around his lovely wife's waist and dipping her low, "I'm just teaching him some more magic, my love," he replied airly, "I could show you too-" he whisked the spoon in her hands away only to have it snatched away from him immediately.
"You've destroyed enough of my cooking utensials for a life-time, Toichi," she chided as she placed the spoon back into the soup she was cooking.
"I've always replaced th-"
"I DID IT!" Came the excited cheer of their son who was waving a spoon, not the one Toichi had handed to him but rather the one that Chikage had placed on the table for Kaito to eat his breakfast, that was indeed bent in half.
Chikage shot Toichi a displeased glare.
Toichi quickly released his wife and walked over to his son, "Kaito, did you bend that with brute force?" he asked, "You know your mother doesn't like us breaking with her cutlery."
"I didn't!" Kaito protested with a pout, "I used magic like you!"
Toichi was unconvinced, the spoon he had showed Kaito was created specifically to feel like a regular spoon but if held at the right angle be able to bend like butter with the simple push of a finger. A trick not very easy to replicate with the stainless steel that made up normal spoons.
"I can show you!" Kaito huffed and snatched another spoon from the table. He glared intently at the spoon while holding his breath, his cheeks puffing out and face turning red from the effort as he did.
Toichi was about to tell Kaito to breath when he saw it.
The spoon began to bend backwards. It began to bend backwards without Kaito even touching it.
When the spoon was bent until the round metal was touching Kaito's own hands, Kaito released his breath and thrusted the spoon towards his now pale father, a wide grin on lips.
"SEE!" he cheered.
Toichi delicately took the spoon, studying both it and his son, sharp eyes trying to find anything to explain what just happened. Wires, heat, anything to make the spoon bend the way it did.
He found nothing.
Yuusaku's parenting had been called to question quite a few times as he brought his son from crime scene to crime scene but Shinichi had never seened bothered by the sight of death so Yuusaku never bothered to ring Yukiko to pick him up and look after him while he solved the umpteenth murder he happened to stumble across.
In fact, Yuusaku could say with pride that Shinichi sometimes provided more help in solving the murders than some of the officers who were brought to investigate. His son had a knack for finding clues that most overlooked.
Never Yuusaku though, but he did have fun waiting to see how long it took Shinichi to find a clue after Yuusaku had found it. He was getting quicker every time.
That said, even Yuusaku had found himself curious when Shinichi had pulled on his arm just moments after the poor woman had been declared dead and said with all the confidence of a man who knew the truth that her closest friend who was currently breaking down in the arms of one of her friends was the murderer.
"That's quite bold of you to jump to conclusions like that, Shinichi," he gentle chided, "We haven't even found any evidence yet that could tell us she did it."
Shinichi looked frustrated, his eyes flicking to above the body of the woman, to Yuusaku and then to the floor.
"...She told me," he mumbled so quietly that Yuusaku almost didn't hear him.
Yuusaku's eyes narrowed, "Who told you this, Shinichi?" he asked so he could relay it to the police when they arrived.
Shinichi continued to look above the body, his face pale. Yuusaku followed his gaze but found nothing but an empty wall across from them and a quick sweep told him that it held nothing of interest. Was Shinichi nervous of the body? He had never been bothered by the sight of one before and he had seen much more gruesome sights than a woman who had died from poisoning.
"Miss Hana did," Shinichi finally answered and Yuusaku felt even more confused.
Hana was the name of the victim. When did she tell Shinichi she was going to be murdered by her friend? Hana and her friends had been seated at a table quite far from Yuusaku's family and they had only just arrived when the woman collapsed.
How could Shinichi and Hana have talked? Perhaps Shinichi had encountered the woman before?
Pushing his son's behaviour to the side, Yuusaku continued his investigation. It quickly came apparent to him that the closest friend had indeed murdered Hana and he gathered all the evidence he needed to expose her.
Said closest friend had another breakdown when the police walked forward to arrest her, crying over how Hana had blackmailed her to get her to break up with her boyfriend so she could date him instead.
"I don't get it," Shinichi mumbled after the woman's words turned into sobs, "You two said you saw each other as sisters, you both said so on her birthday, how could you kill her?"
The girl looked startled, as did everyone in the room "H-How did you know that..." she whispered.
Yuusaku frowned, "Is that when Hana told you she was going to be killed?" he asked.
The woman looked fearful, "T-That's impossible," she whispered, "We were alone when we said that-we weren't even in this country! Hana wasn't blackmailing me back then either so how could she know I would have killed her?!"
Everyone looked at Shinichi with a mixture of curiosity and alarm.
"Shinichi, how do you know that?" Yuusaku asked once again.
Shinichi turned back to look at where the body had collapsed, again not at the floor where she had laid but just above it.
"Miss Hana told me," he said simply, "Just after she died."
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