#and inkadia is a neighboring nation like the beanbean kingdom rather than part of the kingdom itself so the agents can't get in
duckapus · 5 months
Finally approaching the Waluigi Arc in my rewatch/the list of episodes I'm adapting in Squid Memes and it's always been weird to me that The Mario Carnival was broadcast before Mario the Scam Artist when the latter was an immediate follow-up to If Mario was in...Saw. And I can't remember off the top of my head but I think the actual Waluigi Arc playlist puts them in chronological order instead of upload order, plus there's a line or two in Carnival that allude to the ending of Scam Artist so...yeah I'm putting Scam Artist between Saw and Carnival where it should be.
And yes I'm including the whole arc...well, apart from Fishy Boopkins plays VR Chat but that's only just barely relevant thanks to the very last scene anyway.
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