#and ik from like past experiences she would be more upset if we’d gone ‘no you’ll def get in’ and she didn’t because it’d be like we lied
ween-kitchens · 2 years
something I Hate is when i’ve told someone that I don’t know what you’re feeling unless you tell me, I don’t know what tone you’re conveying half the time unless you tell me, then that someone getting annoyed because I didn’t know they were upset/didn’t know they were being sarcastic and acting like I should have known despite me telling them specifically on multiple occasions
#an irl friend was saying a couple weeks ago how she wanted to audition for a drama thing but didn’t wanna get rejected#so we were like ‘you don’t have to go if you don’t wanna’ and she was like ‘but I wanna go’ so we told her to go#‘but I don’t wanna get rejected’ so don’t go!#it sorta went back and forth for a little bit before she got mad and walked off and later was annoyed at me for not knowing she was upset#and for saying the wrong thing#I have told you??? so many times??? that I do not know when people are upset???#she didn’t even like tell me what I should have said#I found out from a friend that I should have told her she wouldn’t get rejected but like. that’s always an option#it’s unlikely in this case but that’s not like a definite thing that’s not gonna happen#and ik from like past experiences she would be more upset if we’d gone ‘no you’ll def get in’ and she didn’t because it’d be like we lied#and I don’t wanna make her upset!#but I mean like. I did#idk i’m just very bad when it comes to helping people#it’s really annoying#and I didn’t even know she was upset! like I couldn’t tell so I didn’t try to make her feel better because I didn’t know she felt bad!#I don’t understand emotion! I can’t figure out my own half the time and i’m the one experiencing them!#idk it was like a couple weeks ago but i’m still kinda mad#because I *keep* telling her that I don’t know what to say when ppl are upset I don’t know how people are feeling unless they say#and she just acts like I *do* know and am just being a dick on purpose#idk it annoys me a lot#autism#actually autistic#vent cw#cw vent#vent tw#tw vent
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
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Full name
Nakajima Fujita  (Breathing form: Breath of Art)
Preferred name/nickname
Generally referred to as
The one with the brother complex HAHAHAHAHAH
Sex: Female
Height: She’s gonna kill me for this but she’s 5 flat :’)
Weight: Somewhere around 55-75 kilos hehe
Build: She used to be thin but when she became a slayer, she started developing curves.
Hair: Her hair is long, it reaches up to her waist and is jet black in color. Maria (another OC from this universe) once suggested she should cut her hair but she refused because her brother likes it long. HAHAHAHHA
She used to bun it at all time but it becomes a hassle during missions so she buns half of her hair instead, the rest on lose.
Skin: Described as ‘porcelain and smooth’ by Amida (another OC from this universe) and is prone to sunburn so she hates travelling at day which is inevitable lol.
Eyes: Her eyes are crimson red in color. Maris likes to joke that she has ‘bloodshot eyes’. As for shape, they are round, almost similar to a doll.
Mouth: Thin.
Hands: Smail and slim. They used to be very smooth but she started earning callouses the longer she is a slayer.
Feet: Small.
Scars: None.
Other features: None.
Noteable features: Amida, Maria, and Junko (the other 3 OCs) kept on saying she reminded them of Japanese dolls.
Accent: None
Verbal Ticks: None
Language: Let’s assume they speak Nihonggo.
Articulation: She loves to use poetic words. By poetic, we mean words that are not familiar to Amida just to piss him off. For some reason, explaining herself is a difficult task for her. She just expects anyone to immediately understand her.
Laughter: She mostly scoffs, especially when she mocks Amida and Maria (lmao she has no guts to mock Junko. I mean, who does?) for doing something stupid. But when she’s genuinely happy, she laughs so loud and it’s very contagious, she’d even snort.
Grump: None
Breathing: Fujita is usually composed but when she finds something new or interesting, you’d hear her gasp like a child and it’s cute.
Face: She squints her eyes as if she’s reading whenever she tries to think. Also, she always has this scowling face and Amida, Junko, and Maria are convinced that she’s just disgusted with everything. kinda true.
Hands: None.
Legs/Feet: None
Habits: She likes to run her fingers through her hair or to play with the tips of her strands. It’s a coping mechanism.
Posture: Very poised! ‘Lady-like’ the way she was taught to pose.
Walking posture: Very poised as well.
Sitting posture: Very well-mannered (especially in Japan’s way of sitting? Where your knees are folded?)
Personal space: She hates people who stand or sit too close to her...well, except her brother and her husband :))))
Spacial awareness: VERY MUCH AWARE! She’d flinch at almost everything she finds disgusting. A slight brush of your skin would send her yeeting!
Diet: Picky-eater. She loves sweets, tho.
Sleep: She sleeps early! Her maids always made sure she slept early so it became a habit.
Excercise: Nope. She hates physicaly activities despite being a demon slayer.
Activity: She does not like to move a lot. She even lets Maria do the chores. She expects everyone to work for her, similar to how the maids work for her all the time. Ik it's weird because she's a slayer, she's supposed to be very active but nah
Cleanliness: SHE HATES GETTING DIRTY. Which is a problem since she slays demons for a living.
Odour: Amida once said she smelled like home :’))) Maria said she smelled exoensive and Junko said she smelled like water.
Medical drugs: None
Narcotics: None
Addictions: None
Illness: None
Injuries: None
Parasites: None
The Past.
Introvert/Extrovert: I would say an extro. She’s from a wealthy family and is very confident on everything she does. In fact, she approached Amida and Maria first (the reason why they became friends)
Optimist/Pessimist: in between? She doesn’t really care of what happens.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She knew she was straight. Then she met Amida, a bisexual. And that...kinds of blow her off to this day. 
Romantic: She’s never tried it and she feels like she would never. bUT SIKEEEE she is now married.
Memory: Depends. If it’s about her brother, then yes. It’s sharp. But if it’s about her friends, kind of sharp. But if it’s about things she doesn’t give a fuck, no. Her memory sucks. If it's about her husband, though...she remembers every little thing about him which I find cute.
Planning: No. She goes with the flow most of the time. Maria and Amida does all the planning in their missions (they do missions together).
Pensive: No. But if the actions has been done...she’d overthink of it whether if it was too much or stuff.
Intuition: Kind of...good of making right decisions at the same time no. She’s very spontaneous, I can’t tell.
Insecurities: None. She’s ‘perfect’.
Achievements: She killed the demon who killed her brother. Well, we’d like to think of it that way. She raided the demon den where her brother was assigned to raid and she killed every single one of them successfully.
Anxiety: Back when her brother was still alive, she’s always anxious if his letters during missions wouldn’t come. But know, she's afraid of losing her friends, especially that they separated ways after the defeat of demons.
Overwhelmed: During her brother’s death, she felt everything was too much she actually ran away from her own home. She was also very overwhelmed when a cErTain sOmEonE asked for her hand in marriage
Self-help: Dealing with her own problems, she kinds of let the others do it for her :))) (she used to order Amida around and she’d pay him with her money lmao)
Comforts: Her brother. Unfortunately, he’s gone. But now, she finds comfort from Maria, Junko, and Amida (especially Amida).
Philosophy: OOOOH I haven’t thought of that.
Triggers: Mention of her brother, death from demons, demons, Amida getting hurt (this is rooted to the fact that she kinds of see her brother on Amida or something) and her friends getting hurt.
She also thinks it’s very important for her, Maria, and Junko to marry someone wealthy after they retire which Maria and Junko objects as they had their experiences with men. She'd eventually take this back though as no rich man has given her the happiness and contentment Amida was able to offer.
Parents/Guardians: Her father is old but is very supportive of his children. She’s very close to his brother so when she found out about his sudden death, she did not take it easy. She ran away, swearing that she’d kill the demon who killed him.
Along the way she found Amida, Maria, and Junko. Spontaneous as they can be, the four became demon slayers and they had to return to her home for temporary refuge.
School: No. But she was pampered well by her household.
Adolescence: She actually tried to shape herself into someone her brother would love.
Leaving home: She swore she’d kill the demon who killed her brother, resulting to her suddenly running away. Though she came back months after, wounded, along with Maria, Amida, and Junko as they came from a bloody mission and they needed temporary refuge. Her father was surprised and somehow upset but was more glad that he finally knew what has happened to his daughter.
Further education:
Life events: She ran away from home, went to different villages and she eventually met Amida (I’m not gonna describe too much since this is a huge event for Amida), she eventually met Maria who is a Demon Slayer which enticed her to join as well.
Worst day of their life: When demon slayers went to her household, bringing along with them his brother’s blood and torn uniform.
Lessons: She learned that though her brother would never come back, she can at least avenge him.
Looking back: She never regretted the things she did. She never regretted staining her hands for the sake of her brother.
Family: Redundant but her brother is very important to her but now, she gained new friends she consider as family. As for Amida, she finds him very special. It’s either because he reminded her of her brother or it’s because of how Amida looked like when they first met.
In the future, Fujita would return home after the demon's defeat and she'd have surprise visits from Amida who was looking for "solace". These visits became something she anticipates, almost similar to the feeling when she awaits for her brother's letters. And before she knew it, she grow more fond of Amida each visit. She fell in love.
Friendships: She had lady friends from different household but she never felt the sense of friendship not until she met Maria, Fujita, and Amida.
Friends in need: Fun fact: When she saw Amida for the first time, she was horrified and so, she treated him with good clothing and good food.
Annoyance: Dealing with arguments, expect Fujita to SCREAM a lot. She wants to prove her point. She wants everyone to understand her and she thinks screaming is the best way to extend her thoughts.
Romance: She liked the thought but dismissed it anyways as she cannot imagine herself living the rest of her life with someone who is not her brother. She does see herself marrying someone wealthy once she retires.
Marital problems: None so far.
Adversaries: -
Enemies: DEMONS. And anyone who hurts her friends and brother.
Strangers: She does not hold back when she’s with strangers so people who do not know her think she’s actually very arrogant (which she is) and bitchy. It’s just her personality, though.
Fun stuff: SHE LOVES PAINTING, HENCE HER BREATHING FORM (BREATH OF ART). She likes Haiku and paintings!
Dating: None because she's married.
Best friend: Amida, Maria, and Junko
Love: She considers her brother her love of her life. Whether it is romantically or not, I have no clue. This was her thinking not until she fell in love with Amida.
Respect: She respects no one but her friends and her brother. Especially Maria, she respects her so much.
I’m not gonna include Life ‘cause most of it don’t apply to them hehehehe
Mingling: She does not go along with others well due to her personality.
Comfort levels: She does not feel anxious or bothered when talking to people. It should be the other way around. How dare they bother her-
Physical: No she doeesn’t like affectionate actions.
Group: She’s fine with groups. She doesn’t feel anxious. It should be the other way around.
Jealous: She’s jealous of those who still have their brother on their side.
Temper: SHORT. She likes it when she annoys others but annoy her once, she won’t hesitate using her breathing form on you.
Empathy: She surprisingly empathize to those who lost their loved ones from demons. 
Affectionate: She shows her affectionate like a tsundere would do. She’d be subtle and like, defensive when caught in the act HAHAHAH
Distaste: I know that she use to emphasize how she is disgusted with Amida but it’s her Tsundere self kicking in. When she really dislikes someone, she’d ignore them completely.
Responsibility: The only responsibility she knows is keeping herself alive and keeping her friends safe. That’s all.
Self-esteem: HIGH. VERY CONFIDENT. You can say she is the spokesperson of the group.
Honesty: She’s very honest with her thoughts. But if you want her to speak of something personal, now that’s difficult. But surprisingly, she opens to Amida very easily.
Leader or follower: Follower. She admires Maria and thinks Maria knows what’s best especially on missions.
Praise: She loves praises! She likes it when people point out her well-done hair, her beautiful clothes, her beautiful breathing form. But let Amida compliment Fujita and you’d see her blushing as she tries to diss him >=}}}
Criticism: She will only accept them if they came from Maria or her brother.
Insults: She takes it hard! She’d think of that all the time and she’d try to prove it to you that you’re wrong. She’s basically a royalty! How dare you insult her?
Embarrassment: She takes compliments well....if they aren’t from Amida or his brother.
Flirting: This is a lowkey Tsundere, Ma’am. We know no flirting!
Attention span: Very short lived if she does not take interest in it. But let Maria speak and she’d be all ears.
I know no one asked but I have 4 OCs from Demon Slayer universe and I'd love to create this with them but I'm confused on which OC do I make one first.
So pick a number between 1 and 4 :) (Number 4 is out-)
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beowulfs-booty-call · 7 years
Looking back at how an old friend from High school forwarded me how he’s doing and some other associates are, I’m starting to glean a little more on the whole melee toxicity and on Smash as a whole. It’s a bit of a read, so, I’ve put it under a read more
So, when I was high school, and, as a kid, I never heard of the series at first. I had a friend, we’ll call him M, who introduced me to it as one of the ways he and another friend of ours, C, would always play to relieve stress and just have fun. Now, the prospect of a fighting game that had characters from nintendo in it seemed a bit farfetched to me, but, c’est la vie.
C and M played the games together every now and again, personally, I never got with it because M and I, while we were best friends... We were at odds with each other. M would get angry that I simply liked other characters, like for example, Amy Rose, while he wanted me to read the comics to learn about Sally Acorn and why she was “much better than” Amy for whatever reason. Normally, this isn’t much to really be at odds about, but M really did this with a lot of things I enjoyed. I like Sonic heroes, he sang the song of Sonic Adventure 2, I liked Pokemon, he claimed the competitive strategies were contrived compared to “real” video games. 
It came to the point in our friendship where, while I was “still” friends with M as a sophomore going to junior year in 2015/4, we weren't as much friends as we were “yeah, we talk during lunch but we wouldn't really be friends.” C was our third friend who M and I would hang out with, and seeing him and M get together without me, of course, made me feel left out. It was C who brought up the idea, before M hitched on and decided it was a good idea. I got the ropes, picked up the games, and played it for some time as Ike before learning how to play Peach on my own.
When I first played smash against my friends, it was tough... M would always beat me of course because he had played since Melee, but would give insults to me about my gaming choice and character usage. C was about the same, but more subtle to it, though, it seeped into me and while I wasn’t throwing controllers by any means, I was definitely more angry and Salty when playing because I wasn’t taught much besides the basics. I didn’t know about Peach’s float  until I picked up myself or Ike’s armor when using Aether.
And that’s when I broke off later on, the game became too much for me, it was past the end of Brawl’s wifi usage, and we had to mod our games using an SD card in order to have it play with friend codes. But I never touched the game as much because of C and M’s influence on me. Later that year, I wasn’t best friends or friends with either of them anymore. They introduced a new friend and in the halls, would blatantly mention playing smash with them so as to incite me, but it never worked. That was then the time I got into Skullgirls, and boy oh boy I could sing its praises all day. I played with people who were courteous and tried to teach me better when I was stumbling trying to do a simple combo, and someone went far enough to teach me a bread and butter combo I stick with on Squigly to this day, and even when I lost, there was no insults... No “Git Gud or you have no future”. It was, “hey, you did good! But here’s what I’d do in the next round...” and we’d discuss from there. It was a disappointment to lose, of course, but I always learned from it.
But, that’s not the point. M and C later dumped that same friend under the context that he wasn’t a good enough player for them to compete with. They had wanted to go pro.
Pro as in Project M and Melee contests.
I watched from afar, and played Brawl casually when allowed in my high school’s smash com. (though, it was very small because many people only wanted melee and no one really had the money much less the controllers or console to actually play it.) As the cultural club president, it was I who had to make events based on the ideas of the students, and what did you know, Smash Melee was the top voted game, though, with no one to actually bring a game console or controllers.
That was when M came up again, debuted that he’d bring in his own console. For old times’ sake, he said, though I’d never play melee with him. I agreed, but only on the pretense that he brought a good number of controllers and if need be, whatever he needed to boot up the console and such. You didn’t need much when you get a game going in front of high school boys in an All Boys High School. Emphasis on all boys.
The contest came and we were swamped with kids coming in from all ages, making a good 3-400 bucks all together with entrance fees and people buying food from the school and such. But what stood out to me, was the players.
There was the insults, the name calling, the taunting.
It flashed me back to when me and M and C would play.
Then the losing parties would rage, throw and kick the controllers and some of us had to personally remove them from the scene, but it kept with me that day. I just stared.
One kid threw his controller at another kid’s face because he was upset that he lost only because Marth was broken or something amongst those lines. 
Another kid was angry at M because M “spammed” the same move over and over again. M remarked, “It’s not my fault you’re just a brawl player.” and the kid left with a few tears in his eyes and stomped on his controller outside.
I got into playing the game again, a casual match with M this time, “for old times’ sake” was my excuse, but he wanted to money match me on Brawl just to prove he was the best of the community. Mainly so I would have a repeat of Link using his Up B whatever on Peach and I’d have to hear her scream “No...!” again, probably.
But, I played, used float correctly and effortlessly knocked him out of the game with three stocks much to his and my surprise.
The kids were ecstatic, I was just gawking, and M was furious. So furious in fact, he called me out for playing some “shitty game” and I was “fucking annoying playing Peach all the time.”
It hit me how bad the game really affected us, and I offered him a handshake regardless, but he smacked my hand away and left in a huff.
He later texted me and cursed me out because I wasn’t “there” for him and so on, and continued even when I never answered, but I personally showed the disciplinarian I was being harassed. But it stuck with me how badly Smash was impacting me back then, and how it currently affects people now.
I was lucky enough to get out of the whole thing before hand, but I lost a couple of friends due to the competitive scene that I’m not interested in anymore. Call it what you will, but the games itself, the intense need to win and the “salty” spotlights on losing... It doesn’t make it anymore healthy as it does broken and toxic. There was elitism in who you played as in my experience, and I came a long way of trying to asses myself from the competitive community than I do in Skullgirls and say other games as well.
That’s just my slice of life so to speak on Melee and the other games, and it’s personally why I don’t show up to the competitions or the scenes, but you’ll still find me playing against the best of them in my college campus’ game room. Games are meant to be fun. They’re not a lifestyle for you. They’re not meant to lose people over digital characters smacking each other around.
They’re games meant to have fun and enjoy some time away from daily life. I’m personally disappointed that it took me a while to see that now. But, I’m proud of myself for learning that revelation as time has gone on. 
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