#and ik I've talked about this before but dndads season 2 made me physically nauseous but i cannot wait to see what they do after this
I followed you for DnDads, and even though you don't really draw for that fandom anymore, I still see your art style and recognize it immediately. The way you do expressions is lovely; something especially charming about the way you draw mouths.
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Oh man! There's something in the way how an art style is like a signature and I always certifiably lose my mind when someone says they saw my art randomly in the wild somewhere and knew it was mine. It makes my heart so happy??? Thank you so much; Dndads really captured my attention when they were doing the first season and it being an audio medium let me go bonkers on character design; I do miss it and I hope in the future they do another story/campaign that I can fall in love with :) Dndads is when I first started using golden lighting to shade and when I started to really use dynamic lighting for mood and it really changed the whole ballgame for me
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