#and if you are low-income this link is how to get a patent FOR FREE BABY
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13thpythagoras · 5 months ago
Very cool.
Now people without an income can still file a patent
0 notes
bamboofundraising · 6 years ago
Idealism of the Charity Fat Cats...
Idealism of the Charity Fat Cats
A regular feature from our columnist Peter O’Pinion, taking his hand to dissecting charity bashing articles, both old and new, from the Daily Mail Online.
Straight to calculator
Whilst this topic isn’t a new one, it will surely rear its head again and the recent announcement of Persimmon boss Jeff Fairburn’s £75m bonus payout. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45915486)
So, I went digging on the Daily Mail website to find a 2016 classic ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3463094/STEPHEN-GLOVER-no-longer-charities-bosses-home-fat-cat-salaries.html) which is a wonderful embodiment of the “charity fat cat bosses”discourse.
In case you’re not keen on clicking a Daily Mail link, here’s the headline of this delightful article from Stephen Glover:
“Why I no longer give to charities whose bosses take home fat cat salaries.”
“Many charity bosses are no longer low-paid idealists who spend their lives working for one or two charities. They flit between the charitable and private sectors. And if they end up as chief executives of charities, they are likely to be paid amounts which some people will think obscene.”“Shouldn’t charity bosses be paid less than their counterparts in the private sector by virtue of the job they do?”
Whilst I realise there is an element of editorial sensationalism at play here, it’s still surprising how little regard for any degree of factual analysis Stephen Glover has when attacking the cornerstone of the short-lived Torie wet dream: “The Big Society.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a little bit of objective mirror gazing from time to time, just not blasting mis-guided lasers into mirrors that others are using.
Starting with the first quote. Stephen, you’re kidding no one. I don’t believe that you ever have or ever will give to charity, though I guess that depends whether you count political donations to UKIP. Given the appaling lack of research and insight in your article, it would strike me as characteristically incongruous that you would choose to do such diligent research on where your monthly philanthropic pennies should be spent.
Charity Bosses Should be Paid Less
Next, taking aim at his easily checkable assertion that charity bosses should earn less than their private sector counterparts. They do.
Bosses of the FTSE 100 receive an average annual pay award of £7.7m*
Bosses of the FTSE 250 receive an average annual pay award of £2.5m*
Bosses of the top 100 UK charities, by income, receive an average annual pay award of £187,900*
Now, I know what you’re thinking, hands dusted and move on to the next editorially irritating Daily Mail article. But, alas, no.
Ol’ Stephen has another trick up his sleeve, that charity bosses should be idealists. Why do they want such massive stacks of cash for doing good work, should good work not be its own reward? Let’s ignore how infantilising that particular narrative is for a moment and move on to the next point.
Where have all the idealists gone?
I was going to start by attacking the distinct lack of common sense in asking your Uncle Derick to consider running Save the Children (£1.5bn turnover / 24,000 employees / operates in 120 countries / CEO salary of £227,300 / currently employing the ex-Prime Minister of Denmark as their CEO) as he has a bit of time on his hands since retiring from the City and taking to pottering his country pile.
But then I realised that Stephen thinks he has us by the short and curlys, because what he is asking of charity CEO’s is so ethereal that he thinks there is no objective way for us to dispel his unscientific blathering. Hahahaha (insert appropriate maniacal laugh), how wrong he was…..
I present to you the (Patent Pending) Idealism Rating Formula.
If we accept the following facts:
Average Revenue
Average CEO Salary
FTSE 100
FTSE 250
Charities (Top 100)
We can see that Charity CEOs are taking home 97.6% less than their counterparts in the FTSE 100 and 89.6% less than their counterparts in the FTSE 250.
But we all know that Stephen isn’t convinced by such trivial things as comparative analysis, so why don’t we delve a little bit deeper using our friend and mine – pop science.
This is how the above salaries look as a percentage of turnover:
FTSE 100:                             0.04%*
FTSE 250:                             0.21%*
Top 100 Charities:              0.06%*
Surprisingly our good friends in the UK’s biggest companies are taking an altruistic 0.02% less than these fat cat charity bosses, though that is probably because even the folks over at GlaxoSmithKline would probably have to admit that paying their CEO a salary of £65 million (which is what it would be if using the FTSE 250 ratio) would be a little gratuitous.
In fact, if the charity sector were to match the 0.04% ration of the FTSE 100, charity bosses would pull an average salary of £116,800, which is still higher than the ‘ire benchmark’ of the Daily Mail.
All that being said, I think we need to combine the ratios of the FTSE 100 & 250 in order to get an average for the sector that the charity sector is competing with when it comes to talent.
This gives us a private sector ratio of 0.125% vs charity sector ratio of 0.06%.
If we assume that a large part of the idealism of charity sector leaders, and staff in general, is that they choose to work in a sector where the salaries are up to 97.6% lower in real terms, then it is also worth noting that the average private sector chief would expect to be paid £365,253 in the charity sector. Meaning charity bosses are paid 51.5% less in adjusted terms.
With that preamble out the way….. it’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for:
Charity avg. CEO pay = ©
Charity avg. revenue = £
(((FTSE 100 avg. CEO pay / FTSE 100 avg. revenue * 100) + (FTSE 250 avg. CEO pay / FTSE 250 avg revenue * 100) / 2)) = $
(© / ((£/100) * $)) * 100 = Idealism Rating
So, next time some pip squeak starts sounding off about overpaid charity staff at a dinner party, or your supporter care team receives a strongly worded email about something someone read in the tabloids – you be sure to send them the above. Because, I think we can all agree, that will put paid to the argument. The way the rating works is simple, the higher the number the less idealistic charity bosses are. 0 = working for free, 100 = no idealism at all. It is possible to have an idealism rating higher than 100, but then you have to start asking some quite serious questions. I’ve provided a handy calculator below so that you can work out the idealism rating of any Charity CEO you like. Go nuts!
Charity CEO Idealism Rating
How how idealistic is your CEO, based on the incredibly narrow perspective of salary.......CEO's Salary*Idealism Rating
*The figures have been calculated using my own original workings, please see the below for details. Each of the charity top 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE 100 were calculated using a sample of 10 organisations for each. These organisations were selected through the incredibly scientific method of picking them out of a hat. If you want to question my methods, I don’t blame you.
FTSE 250
Bovis Homes Group
CEOs Salary: 2.7m (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/may/23/bovis-homes-hit-by-shareholder-revolt-over-pay-of-interim-chief-executive)
Revenue: 1.028 billion { https://www.bovishomesgroup.co.uk/investors/annual-report-2017)
CEOs salary 2.1m (https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5207163/Britvic-boss-gets-2-1m-payday-despite-profits-sliding.html)
Revenue: 1.52 billion (https://www.britvic.com/investors/year-in-review/financial-statements)
Dairy Crest
CEOs salary: 2.6m (https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5862143/IN-MONEY-Dairy-Crest-boss-Mark-Allen-58-saw-pay-double-2-6m-year.html)
Revenue: 416m (https://www.dairycrest.co.uk/investors/latest-results.aspx)
Games Workshop
CEOs Salary: 707k (http://insiders.morningstar.com/trading/executive-compensation.action?t=GAW&region=gbr&culture=en-US)
Revenue: 158m (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2018/06/08/games-workshop-market-value-tops-1bn-profits-forecast-double/)
Man Group
CEOs salary: 4.74m (https://www.fnlondon.com/articles/man-group-ceo-handed-237-bonus-but-wide-gender-pay-gap-emerges-20180309)
Revenue: 813,8m (https://www.man.com/investor-relations)
Premier Oil
CEOs salary: 1.4m (https://www.reuters.com/article/premier-oil-ceo-pay-idUSL8N1HJ3WE)
Revenue: 794m (http://www.premier-oil.com/investors/results-centre)
SIG plc
CEOs salary: 2.1m (http://www.sigplc.com/~/media/Files/S/SIG-Corp/documents/investors/corporate-governance-reports/annual-statement-directors-remuneration-final.pdf)
Revenue: 2.79 billion (http://www.sigplc.com/investors/reports-and-presentations)
KAZ Minerals
CEOs Salary: 7.7m (http://insiders.morningstar.com/trading/executive-compensation.action?t=KAZ&region=gbr&culture=en-US)
Revenue: 1.3 billion (https://www.kazminerals.com/investors/results-centre/)
Grafton Group
CEO Salary: 1.52m (https://www.irishtimes.com/business/retail-and-services/grafton-chief-sees-pay-fall-by-a-third-to-1-5m-1.3039102)
Revenue: 2.36 billion (http://www.graftonplc.com/investors/key-financials/financial-highlights.aspx)
CEO Salary: 2.85m (https://www.recruiter.co.uk/news/2017/06/pagegroup-executives%E2%80%99-bonus-scheme-under-fire-agm)
Revenue 1.372 billion (https://www.page.com/~/media/Files/M/Michael-Page/presentation-n-webcast/2018/annual-report-2017.pdf)
FTSE 250 Analysis
Total Revenues: £12,557,000,000
Total CEO Salaries: £25,717,00
Average CEO Salary: £2,,571,700
Average Revenue: £1,255,700,000
% revenue as remuneration: 0.21%
FTSE 100
CEO Salary £1.9m (https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=ixjkW_bdMaGAzgPE-6HIAQ&q=Aviva+CEO+salary&oq=Aviva+CEO+salary&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l3.3597.6408.0.6959.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.19.1194…0i67k1j35i39k1j0i20i263k1j0i22i10i30k1j0i131k1j0i131i67k1.0.UwKRX5aE4V4)
Revenue £49.65 billion (https://www.aviva.com/investors/annual-report-2017/)
Anglo American plc
Revenue £20.04 billion (https://www.angloamerican.com/investors/annual-reporting)
CEO Salary 6.7 million (https://www.ft.com/content/5fe0e200-2064-11e8-a895-1ba1f72c2c11)
Melrose Industries
Revenue 2.092 billion (https://www.melroseplc.net/investors/financial-highlights/)
CEO Salary £40 million (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/may/31/four-melrose-directors-to-share-bonus-pot-of-160m)
SSE plc
Revenue 29.04 billion (http://sse.com/newsandviews/allarticles/2018/06/sse-publishes-annual-report/)
CEO salary £2.9m (https://www.ft.com/content/f9772a66-22e1-3f89-9671-408326e59921)
Vodafone Group
Revenue 40.6 billion (https://www.vodafone.com/content/annualreport/annual_report18/downloads/Vodafone-full-annual-report-2018.pdf)
CEO salary £4.495 million (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Vodafone+Group+CEO+salary&oq=Vodafone+Group+CEO+salary&aqs=chrome..69i57.5560j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
Standard Chartered
Revenue 11 billion (https://www.sc.com/en/investors/financial-results/)
CEO salary 6.1m (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9162749/Standard-Chartereds-top-executives-share-92m-pay-pool.html)
British Land
Revenue 556 million (http://www.britishland.com/investors/reports/reporting-centre)
CEO Salary £1.9m (http://www.britishland.com/~/media/Files/B/British-Land-V4/documents/ar-2017/remuneration-committee-report.pdf)
Legal & General
Revenue 43.49 billion (https://www.legalandgeneralgroup.com/investors/investor-news/legal-general-full-year-results-2017/)
CEO salary 4.74 million (https://legalandgeneralgroup.com/media/1539/directors_report_on_remuneration_2017.pdf)
Royal Mail
Revenue 9.78 billion (https://markets.ft.com/data/equities/tearsheet/financials?s=RMG:LSE)
CEO Salary £6m (https://www.ft.com/content/43592ebc-5949-11e8-b8b2-d6ceb45fa9d0)
GVC Holdings
Revenue 780 million (https://gvc-plc.com/investor-relations/results-centre/)
CEO salary 2.97 million (https://gvc-plc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Remuneration-Committee-Report-Annual-Report-2017.pdf)
FTSE 100 Analysis
Total Revenues: £207,028,000,000
Total CEO Salaries: £77,705,000
Average CEO Salary: £7,770,500
Average Revenue: £20,702,800,000
% revenue as remuneration: 0.04%
Top 100 Fundraising Charities
Cancer Research UK
Revenue £679.3m (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1089464&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £472,575,896 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1089464&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £244,000 (https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/michelle-mitchell-will-next-cancer-research-uk-chief-executive/management/article/1463444)
Revenue £127,407,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=216401&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £90,957,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=216401&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £162,000 (https://www.aol.co.uk/2015/06/08/charity-bosses-pocket-huge-salaries/)
Marie Stopes International
Revenue £296,124,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=265543&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £299,393,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=265543&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £420,000 (https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/charity-pay-study-2017-highest-earners/special-report/article/1427306)
British Red Cross
Revenue £284,500,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=220949&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £220,900,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=220949&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £184,000 (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-charities-hit-back-at-salary-criticism-after-revelation-that-30-bosses-paid-more-than-100000-a-8747591.html)
Revenue £140,877,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=219099&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £105,873,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=219099&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £150,000 (https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/news/rspca-accounts-show-pay-out-of-almost-200-000-to-executive.html)
Revenue £60,902,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=263710&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £44,022,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=263710&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £120,000 (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10232004/72-per-cent-increase-in-executives-paid-over-100k-a-year-at-best-known-charities.html)
Canal & Rivers Trust
Revenue £202,900,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1146792&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitble Spending £156,900,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1146792&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salarry £219,000 (https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/highest-earner-canal-river-trust-paid-almost-220k-last-year/finance/article/1492726)
National Trust
Revenue £594,875,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=205846&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £533,695,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=205846&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £191,000 (https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/hilary-mcgrady-next-director-general-national-trust/management/article/1452965)
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Revenue £126,546,524 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=328158&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending 111,496,296 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=328158&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £60,000 (https://5pillarsuk.com/2013/10/21/islamic-relief-ceo-earns-60k-a-year/)
Revenue £408,600,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=202918&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
Charitable Spending £303,500,000 (http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=202918&SubsidiaryNumber=0)
CEO Salary £129,000 (https://www.thirdsector.co.uk/charity-pay-study-2017-highest-earners/special-report/article/1427306)
Top 100 Charities Analysis
Total Revenues: £2,922,031,524
Total CEO Salaries: £1,879,000
Average CEO Salary: £187,900
Average Revenue: £292,203,152
% revenue as remuneration: 0.06%
Total Charitable Spending: £2,339,312,192
Profit Margin: 80%
1 note · View note
blogvan883 · 4 years ago
Kjaerhus For Mac
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Nomad Factory Blueverb DRV2080 • Kjaerhus Audio MPL1 Pro • Voxengo Marquis • Chandler EMI TG12413
Kjaerhus For Macbook Air
Kjaerhus For Mac Os
Kjaerhus Mac
Kjaerhus For Macbook
Kjaerhus For Macbook Pro
Nomad Factory Blueverb DRV2080
Add a touch of vintage flair to your tracks with a plug-in that's part time machine. IZotope's Vinyl uses advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create an authentic 'vinyl' simulation, as if the audio was a record being played on a. Classic Reverb is a nice and smooth reverb that does a good job on almost any instrument: - Smooth stereo reverb effect - Ajustable roomsize and damping - Low cut filter - Host Synchronization - Presets. Download the Best Free Audio Plugins. Synths, Reverbs, Compressors.and much more. Just click and download.
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Formats: PC VST & RTAS, Mac VST, RTAS & AU
Mac users often leave their computers running 24/7, putting them to sleep after use rather than fully shutting them down. Pc games of 2012.
The world got very excited about convolution reverbs for a couple of years, but it seems that more traditional algorithmic designs are making a comeback. After all, convolution processors are still pretty CPU-hungry, so in situations where you want three or four reverbs in a mix, they can be impractical. Moreover, they don't tend to offer as much flexibility as their older brethren, and although they provide unsurpassed realism, it turns out that real doesn't always mean better, at least in your average pop mix.
The Industry's Best Workflow. Created by musicians, for musicians, Mixcraft is unrivaled in the industry for its ease-of-use and raw power. Record and mix your tracks to perfection, in record time, with Mixcraft's incredibly intuitive interface, lightning-fast sound engine, reality-defying pitch-shifting and time-stretching technology, and nearly-universal support for third-party plug-ins.
Kjaerhus For Macbook Air
The latest entry in the retro reverb stakes comes from Nomad Factory, whose Blueverb DRV2080 is allegedly 'intended to recreate the warm qualities of vintage-style digital reverbs from the '80s'. And this is pretty much exactly what it does. It's not the sort of plug-in that offers endless potential for tinkering; instead, it provides just a few basic controls, enabling you to get a sound fast, without crippling your PC in the process. Control over the reverb itself is limited to seven familiar parameters, all of which do pretty much what you'd expect, and the output can be shaped by a simple two-band EQ.
It's the sound that counts, and to my ears, DRV2080 does a decent job. Although there appears to be only one reverb algorithm, it's flexible enough to deliver smooth long halls and some fairly recognisable plates, as well as more subtle ambiences. None of them is exactly convincing as an emulation of a real acoustic space, but they can work very well on vocals and other sources within a mix. I particularly liked the plate presets, though I found that their usefulness on vocals was limited by a strong tendency to exaggerate sibilants, which the basic two-band EQ didn't really help with. Overall, however, this is a surprisingly versatile plug-in with a likeable, rich sound that's a lot more dense than that of many algorithmic reverbs. CPU load is minimal, and if you're looking for something that will provide an affordable step up from the reverbs bundled with DAWs like Cubase or Pro Tools, this is well worth considering. Sam Inglis
£99 including VAT.
Time & Space Distribution +44 (0)1837 55200.
+44 (0)1837 840080.
Kjaerhus Audio MPL1 Pro
Formats: PC VST
There are quite a lot of high-quality mastering limiters around these days, and it seems that if you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to offer something a bit out of the ordinary. Thus, Sony's Oxford Limiter has its unique Enhance function, while Waves have developed the clever multi-band technology used in their L3.
At first glance, Kjaerhus Audio's MPL1 seems to lack a comparable USP, but closer inspection reveals some very interesting and innovative design features. It's a wide-band, stereo plug-in, and offers all the luxuries you'd expect from a high-end limiter. It uses a look-ahead algorithm and oversamples the incoming audio, enabling it to detect and limit inter-sample peaks. There's excellent level metering, which displays both peak and RMS output levels, and the Pro version includes some helpful additions, such as an input gain control (I know we should all be paying more attention to gain structure in our DAW mixes, but sometimes it's just easier to attenuate the gain on the master channel than to bring every track in your mix down by 3dB!). In terms of the features on offer, the only thing that might be a negative point for some is the relative lack of output dithering options. It's TPDF noise shaping or nothing; I confess I'm unlikely to lose any sleep over that, but the golden-eared might.
So what makes MPL1 special? Two things, as far as I can see. The first is its unusually flexible and musically sympathetic way of setting the limiter release times. There's a manual Release control, but you can also introduce a programme dependent release algorithm. If you do so, the Release control then sets a maximum release time for the programme dependent algorithm, so you can combine the benefits of programme dependent release with the control of a manual system. This isn't so unusual in its own right, but the Pro version goes further. An additional PDR Amount control allows you to introduce a variable amount of programme dependence into the release, while a PDR Time parameter modifies 'the time factor used to identify peaks in the music', and you can also adjust Compression Smoothing, which controls the shape of the transition between hard limiting and the release phase.
The second out of the ordinary feature is, as far as I know, unique to the Pro edition of MPL1, and Kjaerhus say they've applied for a patent to protect it. We're used to being told that stereo linking is essential when using any dynamics process across a stereo mix, in order to prevent the image from wandering, but MPL1 's design challenges this dogma. The idea seems to be that when limiting is triggered by transient peaks in one channel, the audible side-effects of reducing gain in both channels can be noticeable, but that within a short enough time-frame, the disturbance to the stereo image is not. So, what MPL1 Pro allows you to do is, in effect, to set an attack time for stereo linking. This can be varied from 0 to 100 milliseconds. At the former extreme, MPL1 Pro behaves like any other limiter. At the latter, the level in the left channel would need to exceed the threshold for a tenth of a second before limiting in the right channel is triggered.
You’ll be able to race everything from front wheel drive subcompacts to roaring ’60s era muscle cars by the time you’re done, with a few supercar exotics thrown in for good measure.As you impress the locals, you’ll build your own racing gang or team; each additional character actually races along side you and can help you out in a pinch. Wins also net you cash, which you can turn over into seemingly endless varieties of car customization or new vehicles that you’ll be able to unlock as your influence and your list of winning races increases. And of course, there’s straight-up slaloms through busy city streets with a pack of opponents on your tail (or in front of you, depending on how good you are).Each race you win will earn prestige, not only for you but for your little racing club and its control of territory. https://blogvan883.tumblr.com/post/652771639720886272/download-need-for-speed-carbon-for-mac.
As you'd expect, higher attack times for stereo linking can tend to make the stereo image unstable, but used with moderation, I think the results bear out the designers' reasoning: momentary limiting in one channel only didn't disrupt overall imaging, even on headphones. That said, on my test material the benefits were pretty subtle — rather more so, for instance, than those of the Enhance function in Sony's Oxford Limiter. Likewise, the effect of the Smooth control is often hard to notice, though in most respects, the flexible release settings provide clear benefits. In general, MPL1 performs flawlessly, and it's one of the most flexible wide-band mastering limiters I've used. At barely $100 for the basic version and under $150 for the Pro version, it's also excellent value for money. Sam Inglis
Standard edition $102.08; Pro edition $136.88. Prices include VAT.
Voxengo Marquis
Format: PC VST
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The basic EQs, compressors and effects included in your average DAW program can do a yeoman job, but they often lack flavour while they are doing it. So if you yearn for more upscale effects, but the cash (or credit) is lacking, you could do worse than checking out Voxengo's range. Their Marquis compressor is a step up from the native compressors I've dealt with, even the higher-end versions such as Sonar 's Sonitus Compressor. Voxengo call it a universal compressor since it can be used on individual tracks during mixing, on a buss or, in a pinch, pressed into service as a mastering plug-in. Preset management follows the VST standard, while the right-hand side of the compressor looks and acts like most others, with knobs for Threshold, Ratio, Knee, Attack and Release.
Things get interesting, or at least complex, with the more unusual controls. These include Force, which mixes in a compressed signal with zero release time, and Dry, which allows you to mix the uncompressed signal with the compressed signal to achieve 'parallel' compression. There are also a number of ways to modify the detection and compression algorithms. For instance, the former can be switched between Classic and Round modes, while the plug-in can emulate both a conventional 'feed-forward' design and an optical compressor circuit. You can choose from three different attack and release behaviours, while optional Soft and Sharp modes introduce different varieties of harmonic coloration. You can also engage a phase-linear mode for mastering and other sensitive applications. Switching any single button won't always have a dramatic effect on the sound, but in combination, they are sure to.
Another nice feature is side-chain filtering, with a spectrum analyser to view the results and the ability to listen to the filtered side-chain signal. You can click and drag four breakpoints on a graphical EQ curve, with the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys providing variable control over the dragging.
Finally, not only does Marquis offer a programme dependent release option, but it allows you to edit the programme dependent 'release contour' in detail. In programme dependent mode, the release time you set manually is treated as a minimum, and the 'release contour' provides three knobs for altering the amount by which the programme-dependence can extend that release time. Raising the values produces a steeper slope, meaning less variation in the release time, while lowering the number straightens the green line to the horizontal, permitting more variation (and hence, on average, a longer release time).
The detailed editing available means that tweakheads can burn up lots of time trying to emulate the sound of their favourite hardware compressors, but for those who want to adjust and move on, there are enough presets and big-picture sculpting tools to get on to the next project quickly. Although Marquis can sound transparent, it can do 'vintage', too, without breaking into a sweat. The drum buss collection provides good starting points, and any preset with 'movement' in the name does just that. They can turn your mild-mannered loop into a seething, pumping thing. Of course, you don't have to mangle sound, and it is easy to add a little glue, sparkle or bass to individual tracks or entire mixes. It is easier to hear it working (in a good way!) than most native DAW compressors, since it doesn't sound like it is straining to affect the sound. Despite its complexity, Marquis manages to stay CPU-friendly, too. This is a plug-in that covers a lot of sonic ground, yet is fairly inexpensive for the quality it provides. Alan Tubbs
Kjaerhus For Mac Os
Kjaerhus Mac
Chandler EMI TG12413
Formats: Mac & PC TDM & RTAS
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The best-known studios of the '60s and '70s all had their own, identifiable sound, and none more so than Abbey Road. Lots of factors contributed to the unique sonic fingerprint of EMI's in-house studio, from its engineering practices to the shape of the recording rooms and their lush reverb chambers. Among those factors were the numerous pieces of equipment that were custom-built or extensively modified by EMI staff, and of those, the TG-series desks introduced in the late '60s hold pride of place.
Chandler already make hardware compressors, limiters, preamps and channel strips based on the TG-series design, but TG12413 is their first plug-in. Available for Pro Tools LE and TDM on Mac and PC, it emulates the compressor/limiter built into every channel on the TG-series mixers. It's authorised to an iLok key, and installed by the slightly clunky but effective method of copying two DPM-format files into your Pro Tools plug-ins folder.
One glance at the interface tells you that controllability isn't the prime reason for this plug-in's existence. There are only four controls, all of which are stepped and can be moved either by clicking and dragging, or simply by clicking the appropriate number on the scale. The most basic control is a switch that sets whether the plug-in should act as a compressor or a limiter. These modes have fixed attack times of 44 and eight milliseconds respectively, while release time is adjustable using a six-position Recovery switch. In limiter mode, the fastest release available is 50ms and the slowest two seconds, and switching to compressor mode scales these up by about five times.
As is the case in many vintage dynamics processors, there's no Threshold setting. To get more compression, you simply up the input gain to drive the unit harder. On the original unit, the input gain control was rather unconventional and not especially intuitive, and sensibly, Chandler have provided two versions of the plug-in. One is faithful to the original, while the other has a conventional gain control. And, apart from an output gain control, that's it. A retro-style VU meter displays gain reduction: it's not the most helpful visual feedback, but this isn't the sort of processor you'd use in situations where you need absolute precision. Its raison d'être is to add character to your tracks, and boy, does it do that.
I can't ever recall testing a plug-in compressor that can match TG12413 for sheer punchiness. In compressor mode, it can pump like a nodding donkey in an oil field, but I found I used it more in limiter mode, where the snappier time constants seemed to work for almost everything. The attack is just slow enough to let transients through, so it can add substance to a drum track without losing the initial 'crack' of the snare. Alternatively, it can nail a vocal to the front of the mix without sucking the life from it. Buying TG12413 alone won't turn your mixes into Dark Side Of The Moon, but you may well experience moments when it really does seem to bring a little slice of Abbey Road into your life. Sam Inglis
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
You just have to do something grand or heroic about starting a startup generally. Most technologies evolve a good deal of that spirit is, fortunately, preserved in macros. Not likely. Things. Well, obviously overtly sexy applications like stealth planes or special effects software would be interesting to start viewing startup ideas this way, because now that there are a couple catches.1 Users don't know what we're going to do.2 The nature of the business means that you have to consciously force yourself to keep looking. The techniques for dealing with detail. There's no controversy about which idea is most controversial: the suggestion that variation in wealth was in itself a good thing: if your society has no variation in productivity increases with technology, then the contribution of the most admired Web 2. So I recommend being good.3
To change the interface both have to agree to change it at once. Ideally, you are getting together with a lot of I/O. More diffident founders ask Will you try our beta?4 I'm not sure why, but it seems very unlikely.5 For example, we seem to have been the most common types of fluff links are banned as off-topic. Either it's something they felt they had to make concessions. You want them to feel this way about the software they're writing for you. The defense of mosquitos, as a species, is that lawyers at some point.6 So long as you're not being paid to. I'll tell you why.7 Which puts us in a weird situation: we don't know who our heroes should be. If wealth means what people want.
When you only have a small number of early adopters. So a town that has attractions other than the university. There's no controversy about which idea is most controversial: the suggestion that variation in wealth. If you want a recipe for a startup to do this by counting the occurrences of tokens in the nonspam corpus double.8 Nothing will teach you about angel investing like experience. No web startup does. If you want to create a technology hub: rich people and nerds. Decreasing economic inequality means eliminating startups.9 There are two main kinds of badness in comments: meanness and stupidity. Ditto for investors. Someone graduating from college thinks, and is told, that he needs to get a cozy, tenured research job.
If the spammers are careful about the headers and use a fresh url, there is not a zero sum game.10 As well as avoiding bullshit one should actively seek out things that matter. It's a lot more highly of Lisp if Common Lisp had powerful string libraries and can talk to the operating system. Why work on problems few care much about and no one will pay for.11 There is a kind of shorthand: money is a way of saving you work, not something you work despite. So although there may be, in certain specific moments like your family, this month a fixed amount of wealth in the world. The variation between programmers. Which is not to save them from being disappointed when things fall through.
So governments that forbid you to accumulate wealth are in effect decreeing that you work slowly.12 And during the Renaissance, journeymen from northern Europe were often employed to do the most disgusting sort of work, like spamming, or starting a company whose only purpose is patent litigation. But they are relentlessly resourceful. There is a surprising lack of correlation between how hot a deal a startup is, economically: a way of telling you what to do if you're not a hacker, you can't start a startup by just writing some clever software, putting it on a server somewhere, and watching the money roll in—without ever having to talk to the founders of the next Google. You have to be just a model; you can refine it into the finished product.13 Airbnb is a classic example of the dangers of deciding what programmers are allowed to want.14 You have to go out of business.15 The only way a startup can have any leverage in a deal is genuinely not to need it. Could a language with Lisp's syntax, or more precisely, preorders has helped a lot. Organic growth seems to yield better technology and richer founders than the big bang method.16 Forty-two years later, Kleiner Perkins funded Google, and the study he quoted was published in 1968. So the test of mattering to hackers.17
5% of the company if he'd let us have it. It's the junk food of experience.18 A is unheard-of.19 You have to be optimistic about what you can see people doing.20 He returned to Harvard for the fall semester after starting Microsoft. If you plan to get rich, how would you do it? The cartoon strip Dilbert has a lot to say about programming languages. But people don't.
All the great hackers I know despise them. It has sometimes been said that Lisp should use first and rest instead of car and cdr often are, in successive lines. Bigger companies solve the problem by partitioning the company.21 To be attractive to hackers, and learning what they want. Why does this happen? They'll like you even better when you improve your system, even if it is harder to get from zero to twenty than from twenty to a thousand. You could make a great city anywhere, if you want to stop too, because doing deals is a pain in the ass.22 Imagine if you were in the middle of Antarctica, where there is nothing in spam-of-the-envelope calculations, this one wasn't designed for the world we now live in.23 Ditto for many other kinds of companies that don't make anything out of silicon, there always seem to be about technology. Any startup that could be described as a pie. In fact, this is the reason that high-tech startup is almost redundant. Consulting is the canonical example of work that doesn't scale.
You could have both now. I look them straight in the eye and say I'm designing a new kind of store. You don't want small in the sense that the measure of good design together, but within each individual project, one person has to be pierced too. But you can run into a Big Cheese I knew from the old days in the Yahoo cafeteria a few months later will depend more on energy and imagination than any kind of special training. If there were a word that meant the opposite of hapless, that would be enough to get the effect of such external factors on the popularity of a programming language is not the main reason Lisp isn't currently popular. You can stick instances of good design can be derived, and around which most design issues center. If you can't find an exact match for a token, treat it as if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn't reproduce it in most of our lives when the days go by in a blur, and almost none for talking to the operating system.24 Things are different now, of course.25 When we talk to founders about good and bad investors, one of the most famous scientists seem to have made that deal, though perhaps none of them had never seen the Web before we came to tell them why they should be on it. It's just a more extreme variant where you don't just use your software, but individual hackers won't, and it's the hackers you need to figure it out. 5% of the company.26 But by no means impossible.
While environmental costs should be taken into account, they have less room to avoid companies that we wrote in verse. I know, Lisp code. This seems unlikely that religion will be a hot deal, I advised avoiding Javascript.
So if you're measuring usage you need a higher growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a discovery.
A lot of legal business. Whereas the activation energy required to notice when it's aligned with some axe the audience already has to be limits on the basis of intelligence. The unintended consequence is that the web. Earlier he'd had in grad school you always feel you should always absolutely refuse to give up more than the don't-be startup founders is how much effort on sales.
After a bruising fight he escaped with a product of some brilliant initial idea. The lowest point occurred when marginal income tax rates were highest: 14. Who knew how much harder it is very polite and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve problems, but more often than not what it would take forever to raise a series. But the time it would literally take forever in the other seed firms always find is that they take away with the VC declines to participate in the US News list is meaningful is precisely my point.
Looking at the time it takes more than just reconstructing word boundaries; spammers both add xHot nPorn cSite and omit P rn letters. So whatever market you're in the case. I'm guessing the next uptick after that, in one of them is that the only one restaurant left on the firm's site, June 2004: While the space of careers does.
He couldn't even afford a monitor.
When you had in school, and only incidentally to tell VCs early on? But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the U.
They live in a large pizza and found an open booth. There are some whose definition of property. They did try to ensure none of your last funding round. In practice formal logic is not entirely a coincidence, because the publishers exert so much that they're all that value, don't even try.
If he's bad at it he'll work very hard to think about, just as Europeans finished assimilating classical science. To use this technique, you'll usually do best to err on the partner you talk to an adult. So how do you know the answer is no personnel department, and know the actual server in order to make money off their median investments. Corollary: Avoid starting a startup was a new airport.
Emmett Shear, and then a block or so you can stick even more vice versa: the process of selling things to be low. The aim of such regulations is to be free to work with the money they receive represents wealth—that economic inequality is really about poverty.
Adam Smith Wealth of Nations, v: i mentions several that tried to raise money succeeded, and it has about the other.
And for those founders. One great advantage of startups have over established companies can't compete on price, and philosophy the imprecise half.
That's probably too much to generalize.
The root of the marks of a social network for pet owners is a sufficiently identifiable style, you can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than to call all our lies lies. If I paint someone's house, the bad VCs fail to mention a few actual winners emerge with hyperlinear certainty. You've gone from guest to servant.
But there's a continuum here. According to the problem is that Steve Wozniak in Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. He, like speculators, that is a trailing indicator in any era if people are trying to make more money.
One father told me: Another approach would be very promising, because what they're getting, so I called to check and in a bug. But in this new world.
Any plan in 2001, but this could be overcome by changing the shape of the 70s never drew this curve.
If that were the people worth impressing already judge you more inequality. Which is why hackers give you more than clumsy efforts to manipulate them. The rest exist to this day, thirty years later. If you want to be evidence of a place to exchange views.
Perhaps this is a cause for optimism: American graduates have more money was the ads they show first. We once put up posters around Harvard saying Did you just get kicked out for here, since 95% of the false positives out of school. Comments at the mercy of circumstances: court decisions striking down state anti-dilution, which was open to newcomers because it is to raise money.
A larger set of good startups that are up-front capital intensive to founders. It would be reluctant to start with consumer electronics and to a VC who read it ever wished it longer. It's sometimes argued that we should, because outsourcing it will seem dumb in 100 years ago.
To help clarify the matter, get rid of everyone else and put our worker on a saturday, he took another year off and went to get going, and astronomy. Steven Hauser.
For example, would be to say for sure whether, e. In practice it's more like determination is proportionate to wd m-k w-d n, where you currently are. By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a middle ground. We see incumbents suppressing competitors via regulations or patent suits, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniations, but bickering at several hundred dollars an hour most people are immune to the minimum you need to circle back with a clear plan for the reader: rephrase that thought to please the same price as the first question is to carry a beeper?
I was a special recipient of favour, being a doctor. When investors can't make up the same way a bibilical literalist is committed to believing anything in particular took bribery to the ideal of a liberal education than past generations have.
Which helps explain why there are not written by the regular news reporters. He devoted much of the things we focus on growth instead of bookmarking.
You can retroactively describe any made-up idea as an adult. They're still deciding, which made it possible to transmute lead into gold though not economically at current energy prices, but suburbs are so intellectually dishonest in that respect. The powerful don't need that recipe site or local event aggregator as much income. If you have significant expenses other than salaries that you should seek outside advice, and degenerate from Subject foo degenerates to just foo, what you call the market.
The few people who chose the wrong side of making a good way to make peace. Which means one of them. Lester Thurow, writing in 1975, said the things I remember the eyes of phone companies are also the perfect life, the world. Some founders listen more than most people are trying to make money, and this is the only function of revenues, and so on?
0 notes
mspacademy · 5 years ago
What is Backlink? Importance of Backlink in SEO?
What is Backlink?
A backlink is a simple link from a website to another. Also, it is known as “inbound link”, “incoming link” or “one-way link”. Search engines like Google treat backlinks as an important factor for SEO. It means websites have a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search rankings.
The main thing to understand is what it is for and how it works. Since it is an essential part of SEO, it can help bots to crawl your site and rank it correctly in search results. How to get backlinks is one of the oldest and most effective SEO tactics. Also, it is the most productive way to get organic traffic from search results.
What is Backlink?
Types of Backlinks
Check backlink is dofollow or nofollow
Methos 1: Use Browser Extension:
Method 2 : Check HTML Code
Method 3: Use Backlink Analyse Tool
Is Backlink important in SEO?
Factor 1: Quality backlink from trusted sites
Factor 2: Target keyword in the anchor text
Factor 3: Linking with topically related sites
Factor 4: Make sure it is dofollow link
Factor 5: 100 links from 100 sites formula
Types of Backlinks
Basically, there have two types of backlinks, “nofollow backlink” and “dofollow backlink”. Here “dofollow” backlink is more valuable than “nofollow” backlink. Let’s take a quick look at each type and how they affect your site.
Nofollow Link:
Nofollow link sends a signal to the search engine to ignore the link. Basically nofollow link does not help to get ranked in search engine. Since backlink is an important ranking factor and search engines use links as a key ranking signal. Hence, they do not count nofollow links in their algorithm.
In fact, they only count a dofollow link in their algorithm.
Dofollow Link:
When it comes to SEO factor, dofollow link has the ability to pass link juice. Dofollow backlink created from high PR and Domain Authority source can diversify your link source if you want to achieve the best results.
You can build links in places such as article directories, web properties, blogs, forums and many more.
Check backlink is dofollow or nofollow
If you are working on improving SEO, you must able to identify dofollow link. Here I am three ways to do this.
Use browser extension
Check HTML code
Use backlink analysis tools
Methos 1: Use Browser Extension:
If you are working in Google Chrome Browser, then Automatic Backlink Checker extension can help to analyse the number of links on a webpage shows and whether they are dofollow or nofollow.
Here I have found a list of backlinks while learning the biography of great Indian scientist Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in Wikipedia.
This free extension automatically counts dofollow and nofollow backlink. To identify easily, dofollow links are coloured in blue and no follow are in red.
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Install Automatic Backlink Checker
Method 2 : Check HTML Code
This process requires little knowledge on the understanding of HTML code. If you want to know the position where the backlink is placed, you can right-click on the webpage and select “Inspect” or “Inspect element” (it can be different based upon browser or press “Ctrl+Shift+I) in Google Chrome.
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Now press “Ctrl + F” and search the keyword “nofollow”. If you do not find the tag rel=”nofollow”, then you can treat the link as “dofollow”. Because dofollow word never be mentioned if it is a dofollow link.
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Here is a quick understanding formula:
Example of Dofollow Link: anchor text
Example of Nofollow Link: anchor text
Method 3: Use Backlink Analyse Tool
If you are analysing both your and competitors backlink, you will find this information in backlink analysis tool here. Digging in tons of competitors backlink is a time-consuming process. Here Mangools team can save your precious time by building an awesome tool: Link Miner
Check out: How to find competitors’ backlinks you can replicate easily in LinkMiner
Just enter any domain and enjoy.
Is Backlink important in SEO?
Basically, a backlink is a vote from other websites. Each of these sites tells search engine, “This content is valuable, credible and useful”. So, more of these votes you have, the higher your site will rank in search engines.
Google formed backlink as an SEO factor in January 1998 when they released their algorithm “Page Rank”. Since then, Google made several changes to its algorithm, still, the backlink is a key ranking factor for search results.
There was a time when even low-quality backlinks helped to rank a website in search results. But Google had changed the whole picture when they released the Penguin algorithm. Now the truth is that all backlinks are not equal. In other words, we can differentiate dofollow backlink in two parts. One is quantity backlink, another is a quality backlink. A single quality backlink can be more powerful than 1000 low-quality backlinks.
If you want to rank higher, you should focus on quality backlinks rather than increasing quantity of backlinks. Here are some key factors:
Factor 1: Quality backlink from trusted sites
Google is working on a patent that deals with trustworthy. This means you could possibly get into trouble for linking to a bad / low-quality website to generate backlink.
Factor 2: Target keyword in the anchor text
Anchor text includes your target keyword. It is also important in creating a quality backlink for your site. When a link incorporates a keyword into the text of the hyperlink, instead of putting “Click Here”, that word should relate to your keyword.
Factor 3: Linking with topically related sites
When a website links to another website, Google wants to see that the two sites are related. Building backlink for a food blog with a food blog is better than building a travel blog with fitness.
Factor 4: Make sure it is dofollow link
Google and other search engines ignore links with nofollow tag. Fortunately, the vast majority of links on the web are dofollow. For example, below sources are treated as nofollow:
Blog comments
Press release
Paid advertisements
Factor 5: 100 links from 100 sites formula
If you built a backlink to any site, try to build the next link from a different site. A study found that it is better to get 100 links from 100 different sites than 1000 links from the same website.
Backlink building is not rocket science. You don’t need to spend countless hours creating backlinks. You can build links using what you already have on your website and speed up the process—dramatically.
My advice? Give these tactics a shot and see which work best for your site. Even if you only have an hour or so per day, you should still be able to make some progress and build some decent links.
Good Luck.
The post What is Backlink? Importance of Backlink in SEO? appeared first on MSP Learning Academy.
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swelldomains · 7 years ago
How Not to Get Penalized by the Penguin 4.0 Real-Time Algorithm Filter
The long and also creepy silence that awaited the air since Penguin's last upgrade has actually lastly been broken. On 23rd September, Google dropped the bombshell as well as introduced that Penguin is now part of Google's core online search engine ranking algorithm.
And it has actually been well worth the 715-day delay! Both biggest changes in just how the filter (or ranking signal, relying on how you look at it) now functions are:
Penguin 4 is actual time. As soon as you eliminate your poor links and disavow those you can not, there's a little bit extra you can do compared to stick around and hope to the other G (god).
Penguin 4 is granular. Your entire website will not be struck out of the park even if a message on sooperarticles.com web links to your out-of-stock item.
A week after the statement, the court is still out on whether Penguin 4.0 has actually fully rolled out. And offered the sheer number of signals, filters as well as data rejuvenates that overlap, it is extremely hard to determine the impacts of Penguin (or any type of other algo variable, for that issue) on a particular LINK or SERP with absolute certainty.
Dr. Pete Meyers of Moz tweeted something extremely substantial:
" My intestine feeling is that we're not going to see a large Penguin 4.0 spike."
That has actually held good for a week until now. A poll on Search Engine Optimization Round Table backs it up:
It appears the first 3 models have succeeded in frightening the spammers away, as well as Search engine optimizations and web designers across the globe have actually transformed a brand-new leaf. Or, it may be that Google has just incorporated the code into the algorithm yet, and with a few tweaks, the effect may be more visible as Penguin strikes every one of Google's data centers as well as turn out over a prolonged amount of time, as when gazillions of URLs are re-crawled.
Eric Enge of Stone Holy place Consulting confirmed this:
So if you, like us, remain in the 72% that typically aren't seeing any kind of fireworks, read on to find out exactly how you can remain risk-free and also far from the warzone.
Don't expect to be warned
As with Panda, there won't be any kind of official word from Google on future updates. The apparent means to recognize if your site had been struck by a mathematical fine was to inspect if you had a website traffic drop on the date of the announcement.
Not happening anymore.
And no usage thronging those online forums or troubling @rustybrick for the newest news. You alone are accountable for your sites, SEO-related activities, ups, downs, and also recovery.
Build great links
“Create great content!”
You listen to that all over. It's exactly what Google has actually always informed us. It's exactly what the physician claimed when my child was born.
Okay, I exaggerate. But not a great deal. While a lot of us are active developing wonderful material these days, we have the tendency to give just a wee bit much less relevance to that old workhorse - PageRank. As well as the road to high PageRank is paved with authority web links. Google gently reminded us of that elephant in the space:
The assimilation of Penguin right into the core algorithm does not make link structure outdated. As a matter of fact, it is a lot more critical compared to ever. Web link building techniques and approaches that are viable or really work have continued to be practically the exact same in the previous half-decade or two. Going onward, the real-time and granular qualities of Penguin 4.0 will certainly make sure that link building also adheres to suit.
How so?
First, let's consider the "real-time" nature of Penguin. Search engine optimizations all over are delighted that their healing efforts (disavowing or removing low top quality web links) will certainly yield prompt outcomes. Nevertheless, the opposite is also true. One indiscreet project, a couple of gaudy sources, or an ill-considered eruption in web link velocity can cause your rankings to plummet at the wrong time and cost you a great deal of money.
That said, it will be much simpler to identify just what triggered the fall, and if you act swiftly, you'll be back in the video game within no time. SEO experts, consisting of (I would love to assume) us, have actually always kept that a "fine healing" doesn't mean you obtain your rankings back, it just suggests there's no spam holding you down any longer. To really restore your visibility and also perception quantity, you have to continually build authority links on the topic (as well as to the page) in question.
In the past, that used to be even more of a spray and hope technique - you proceeded developing brand-new, reliable links, but continued to be in a state of extensive suspense up until the following data refresh taken place. Our clients and site proprietors as a whole took these suggestions (which cost loan, initiative and also time to execute) with a pinch of salt and also a hardly discernible roll of eyes. We currently stand absolved: compared to the old days, Penguin 4 guarantees a basically instantaneous recovery (when Google recrawls as well as reindexes your web pages) - surges in website traffic can be clearly attached to positive initiatives, if any.
Now allowed's take a better take a look at the "granularity" element. As Google said in their announcement (and Gary Illyes later cleared up), Penguin will no much longer randomly demote rankings of entire sites in search engine result. Rather, Google will currently look at "spam signals" and devalue the real incoming links based upon the crappiness of private web pages or domains that are linking out to your site.
I believe this is an indicator that Google is reasonably positive they have actually achieved two points:
They have actually built a detailed working database of spammy domains with the assistance of all the disavow files submitted so far.
They are now able to use something like Moz's Spam Rating on a per-URL basis.
Taken along with the real-time part, this means you could prepare for not only the amount however additionally the top quality of the web links you develop. If you're a gadget seller, for instance, by all indicates up your link building stake with reviews, comparisons as well as whatnot (from anywhere you could obtain them) in the added to Cyber Monday. However get web links with more how-to and benefit-focused web content (on customer technology sites such as Engadget or Wired) the remainder of the year round.
Got my point?
Mind your keywords
One mistake even skilled Search engine optimizations as well as link builders make is to relate Penguin with negative links. Penguin fights much even more compared to spammy links. In its original blog post declaring the arrival of Penguin, Google specifically discussed (and also offered an example of) keyword stuffing ahead of link schemes. They went on to say:
What are these quality standards? Here you go:
So, no matter of whether the web content you produce gets on your website or the one from which you're building a link, ensure it's distinct, valuable, high quality and also provides a good customer experience. It's the same for your tags, markup and meta content. We do remember to produce material for humans now, yet frequently neglect to create titles, summaries and anchor text for them. Explore your abundant fragments, over-optimizing your landing pages, getting innovative with your affiliate programs, or enabling your target market to go crazy on your website, might all cause unplanned consequences.
I'm privy to first-hand empirical (yet not irrefutable) evidence that an URL could be hit by Penguin for certain search terms however not others, so I suggest you go as wide as feasible with your keyword targeting and material optimization.
Don't try to outwit Google
As Google continuouslies delegate progressively bigger pieces of its valued formula to equipment discovering, it faces a predicament that has been burglarizing programmers of their sleep for years: new code inevitably damages the one that presently functions. With AI, this trouble is compounded since, as numerous Googlers have actually admitted, even those who developed and established these formulas in activity don't completely recognize just how they function at the moment.
Gary revealed that numerous Google patents aren't being placed to great use as they weren't yet possible or compatible with existing systems.
We've seen exact match domain name names and specific match support message regularly cycle through now-it-works, now-it-doesn' t phases.
In the past, there have been reports of Google algorithm updates such as Pigeon being rolled back. Penguin 3 demotions will be gotten rid of in order to enable Penguin 4 to function its magic.
Bearing the above in mind, if you are advanced link builder that does not mind attempting out hats of varying color, the genuine time and granular residential properties of Penguin 4 might tempt you to try out stuff along the following lines:
Remember when you put those "borderline" domain names (that you just weren't fairly sure were injuring you) in your disavow file "simply to be safe?" Now is the moment to eliminate them and discover out. While Gary Illyes and also John Mueller both tweeted that Google's disavow referrals haven't changed, Gary later admitted "for Penguin particularly there's much less requirement" for a disavow documents (screenshot below).
Simultaneously shedding the candle at the other end, you can likewise attempt structure links that aren't exactly natural or editorial however you think "wouldn't do any harm." Certainly I don't indicate high rate visitor blogging, rerouted domains or repurposed microsites, ecommerce website cloning, or vibrant PBNs making use of big scale masking incorporated with mass-produced, fresh content.
Build connect to specific web pages or campaign-specific sections on your site. Integrate this with an inner connecting method that involves connecting to these assigned Links from the homepage or various other important web pages as well as tweaking the meta robots nofollow tag to regulate the circulation of web link juice (hello PageRank/anchor message sculpting) to them.
If any one of these methods obtain you in trouble with Penguin, you might swiftly stop as well as transform back.
But ... do not attempt these at home. The threat is absolutely ineffective. If you could consider it, Google has already thought about it. Someone has currently done it and the machines are already dealing with it.
Manual activities seem to have declined externally, but they're significantly alive and kicking, Google sent out 4,300,000 notices of hands-on activities to web designers in 2015. And they schedule an especially horrible revenge for methodical spammers:
You're much better off following their guidelines word for word, also if that white hat does not obtain you that evasive front row seat.
While Gary is positive that several webmasters will certainly enjoy as soon as Penguin 4 completes its turn out, Dr. Pete's prophecy makes more feeling to me:
" If you didn't see a Penguin recovery, I doubt you'll see it in the following couple of days."
Karma is a bitch but she does not bite everybody. Google continuouslies shuffle and also fuddle its SERPs in order to make "optimization" incredibly challenging, abstruse as well as unpredictable.
The just thing worth optimizing in the future is just what individuals take into the search box - aim to build a brand name and influence the discussion around it to such a degree that Google is entrusted to no choice but to go after it.
If you have any kind of inquiries about Google charges, or require any kind of aid recuperating from guidebook or mathematical activities, don't hesitate to obtain in contact. We have a group of SEO pros that comprehend the principles of Google's search formula, and also have the experience as well as tools needed to keep your traffic and exposure climbing.
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businessloans10 · 5 years ago
<h1>Utilized Automobile Financing & Credit Application.</h1>
A bad credit rating and a low credit ranking may have made it difficult for you to get a car loan in the past. CarsDirect deals with customers with all types of credit. They deal with people with FICO ratings below 640 regularly, in addition to those with current bankruptcies. Some lender partners also use the choice to get an automobile loan with a co-signer. That permits you to make the most of much better rates and terms on your loan.
You'll most likely require a deposit. While some bad credit lending institutions concentrate on loans with a little or zero deposit, lots of will need one. And if you wish to buy a more expensive car than the loan you get approved for enables, you'll require to make up the difference with more cash down. Another excellent perk is that you can review all the deals for which you qualify without any commitment to accept any of them. Still, MyAutoLoan puts each application through a patented analysis procedure to ensure you're matched with appropriate loans.
Their automobile loan program enables you to fill out a quick application, then links you with offers from dealers within 24 hours. You can then buy both pre-owned and new vehicles through the dealership with a tailored car loans quote financing plan currently in location. You can likewise access a wealth of totally free tools, including smart device apps, financing calculators, a dealership network, and credit report ideas.
partners particularly with a dealership network that focuses on unique finance. These car dealerships use internal funding, which can allow them to focus more on a candidate's income rather than their credit. Rather, each loan provider has its own policies when analyzing your credit rating, earnings, demand amount, down payment, and loan term. You'll also discover a variety of financing choices, including Check, bank, and ach deposit.
They concentrate on bad credit car loans so you typically do not need to worry about not getting any loan offers. To get the most alternatives, you'll require a minimum credit score of 550. The lower your credit report, the greater your rate, and the higher your monthly payments. You'll likewise be limited regarding how much money you can really obtain. CarsDirect is a great place to shop if you want to fund a cars and truck and purchase but your credit is not up to par.
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differentchildmusic-blog · 6 years ago
Modern Education Tools Stroking Demand in Mobile Augmented Reality Market
IEEE organization states that mobile augmented reality (MAR) provides a promising interface with the real world. MAR is an advanced version of portable augmented reality, which is most suitable for ubiquitous learning, attracting young generation who are born with the Internet around them. Additionally, the tourism industry is emerging as a potential end user as mobile augmented reality can mesmerize targeted customers of what to expect from a certain holiday destination and entice leads. Smartphones act as dominant computing platform to provide MAR experience to users.
Currently, mobile augmented reality is an emerging growth area. However, advancementsin technology enables the low latency and low energy consumption of mobile augmented reality, and the market is expected to growing strongly, according to a recent market research report from IndustryARC. Since mobile augmented reality system can detect objects in the environment through the use of cameras, a display, and a user interface, it is offering significant opportunities for enterprises through assisting training andquality assurance while speeding up performance and customer consulting.
Google ARCore, and Apple ARKit are the lightweight MAR platforms which operate in a room and only run on the latest generation of smartphones. This information is based on a recent business intelligence report from Industry ARC, titled “Mobile Augmented Reality Market : By Component (3D Cameras, Displays, Sensors and Software), By Application (Smartphones, Tablets, PDA/Game Consoles, Smart Glasses and Wearables), By Vertical (Medical, A&D) & By Region – Forecast(2018 - 2023).”
To access the full report, click on following link:
Mobile Augmented Reality Market: Trends and Drivers
The tourism industry is consistently profitable on the back of increased disposable income or urban population as well as rise of social media, which has radically escalated picture sharing trend. Owing to the proliferation of mobile devices in the recent past, the concept of mobile augmented reality is ideal to redirect customers to a presentation of a prospect holiday destination without the requirement of any human help or time-bounded appointments.
Advancements of MAR in application fields, object tracking,customerregistration, user interfaces and experience metrics, network connectivity and data management, system components, system performance and sustainability.
Bigdata is boosting the growth of mobile augmented reality owing to its use in retail shopping, public services, and in tourism.
Mobile Augmented Reality Market: Competitive Analysis
Qualcomm Inc., Apple Inc., and Microsoft Corporation are some of the key players of mobile augmented realitymarket
Niantic is pushing the value of a mobile developer that is“Pokemon Go” developer to $ 4 billion. Pokemon Go is a popular mobile game found in a AR using smartphone
Apple is focused on implementing new AR development software, to dominant in MAR. In 2017, Apple Inc acquiredSensoMotoric Instruments to improve developments in AR. Apple Inc has strong presence in mobile augmented reality owing to its hardware (iPhone andiPad) and software development (ARKit for iOS). Apple’s ARKit 2 with iOS12 was introduced with enriched capabilities such as 3D object detection, persistent experiences, and shared AR spaces
The mobile augmented reality market is poised for highly positive results in the near future owing to expanding possibilities of helping enterprises make an impact on potential customers without human interface. Though the market is in nascent stage, the industries of tourism, education, and gaming have started to yield demand consistently.
Related Reports:
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Component Market
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Market for Entertainment Industry Market
What can you expect from the report?
The Mobile Augmented Reality market is prepared with the main agenda to cover the following 20 points:
1. Market Size by Product Categories & Application            
2. Demand Analysis (Revenue & Volume)
3. Market trends & Relevant Market Data                          
4. Country level Analysis
5. Manufacturer Landscape                                                  
6. Competitor Analysis
7. Distributor Landscape                                                      
8. Market Shares Analysis
9. Pricing Analysis                                                                
10. Value Chain Analysis
11. Top 10 End user Analysis                                                
12. Supply Chain Analysis
13. Product Bench marking                                                      
14. Strategic Analysis
15. Product Developments                                                    
16. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
17. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis                                        
18. Opportunity Analysis
19. Patent Analysis                                                                  
20. Revenue and Volume Analysis
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IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications in a Market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply-demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client research needs at a rapid speed, with a variety of options for your business.
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maxihealth · 7 years ago
My take on American Patients First
In broad strokes, the American Patients First plan aims to lower list prices, lower patients’ out-of-pocket costs while maintaining incentives for innovation.   In short, this is a sensible strategy, although there are some concerns about how more restrictive formulary designs could restrict consumer choice.
American Patients First in brief
To maintain manufacturers incentives to innovate, the plan insures that if manufacturers of brand-name drugs do lower their prices, they will keep a larger share of this price through a reduction in mandatory government discounts, such as the 340B program. Further, the government aims to incentivize other countries (outside the US) to increase their drug prices to incentivize innovation.
Consumers will pay less as well because any rebates received would be credited to their cost sharing, some/all Part B drugs would be moved to Part D, and there would be an out-of-pocket maximum.  Further, the administration is considering $0 cost sharing for generic treatments for low-income seniors. Additionally, approvals for low-cost generic and biosimilar products would be expedited and Part C/D plans would be able to substitute generic onto their formularies mid-year.
Why would list prices fall?  The American Patients First blueprint would allow Part D plans to negotiate similar to drug plans in the private sector.  Further, the administration is considering limiting cost increases to inflation after brand names launch.
Defining price/cost/what we pay
The first quotation from President Trump in the American Patients First blueprint is the following:
One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States.
Clearly drug prices/cost are important here.  However, you will note a number of price/cost related concepts: price, cost, what we pay.   Let’s take each in turn:
Price: I’ll define this as the list price for a drug
Cost: Health plans rarely pay the list price.  Through negotiated rebates with manufacturers, government mandated discounts (e.g., the 340B program; Medicare best price), and other factors, health plan’s costs is much less than the list price manufacturers charge.  Conversely, one could say that manufacturer’s do not keep the full price.  One study from USC found that manufacturers keep only 41% of the list price, an amount similar to the amount intermediaries keep.
What we pay.  This is patient out-of-pocket cost.  This varies by insurance plan, type of drug (oral vs. injectable), but out-of-pocket costs include coinsurance, copayments and deductibles.
What should we be paying?  In an ideal system, prices would be high to incentivize innovation, but patient out-of-pocket costs would be low to maximize use of high value treatment.  A paper by Lakdawalla and Sood (2013) argues that this two-part price mechanism is actually accomplished though the health insurance system.  Health insurance increases dynamic market efficiency.  Since most of the cost to develop a drug is R&D and production costs are relatively low, economic theory says that price and marginal cost should be equal implying that patient out-of-pocket costs should be low.  This is exactly what health insurance does (or is supposed to do).
Key components of the American Patients First Plan
Incentivizing innovation
A key argument in American Patients First is that manufacturers should keep a higher share of the list price.  The President’s plan would consider eliminating the ACA’s “excise tax [on brand drugs], an increase in the Medicaid drug rebate amounts, and an extension of these higher rebates to commercially-run Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.” Additionally, the administration seems to want to limit the scope of 340B discounts which would result in more revenue in the hands of manufacturers.
The administration also wants to raise the price that other countries pay. This proposal echoes a recommendation from the Council of Economic Advisors. Life science firms R&D decisions depend on their expected global revenue.  As prices in non-US OECD counties are much lower than the US, the US consumer is footing most of the bill for innovation.  In short, non-US developed countries are getting a great deal at the expense of US consumers.  The Trump plan would “assess the problem of foreign free-riding”, however it is not entirely clear how the US would incentivize/compel other countries to increase reimbursement for drugs.
On the downside, the administration would facilitate introduction of generics and biosimilars.  These would include faster regulatory approval and fewer “loopholes” that branded product manufacturers could use to delay the introduction of generics.  While this is good for current consumers, it would drive down life sciences revenue and could be an impediment to innovation.
Despite the threat from increased generic competition, on net this is a sensible approach.
Moving toward value-based payment
The administration is also considering novel approaches that link prices more closely to the value they prescribe. Some drugs are used to treat multiple diseases, but these drugs may be more effective for one of the diseases than another.  The Trump plan would consider the use of indication-specific pricing whereby high-value treatments are paid more.  Outcomes-based contracts would also be considered as well as value-based insurance design.  In fact, there is already a value-based insurance design pilot study in Medicare that began in January 2017.
These approaches make sense as high-value treatments would receive higher reimbursement.  This would incentivize life sciences firms to focus on developing high-value innovations
Lowering patient cost
This would occur through increased access to generics and biosimilars and an out-of-pocket maximum on Part D drugs.  Generic manufacturers would have easier access to brand samples.  It appears that the FDA would ease the path for biosimilar regulatory approval.  A report from my former colleagues at Acumen explores the impact of moving some Part B drugs to Part D (and vice versa).   The plan calls for lowering patient cost-sharing for 340B drugs.
Additionally, if rebates that lowered drug costs were applied to a patient’s coinsurance, this would lower out-of-pocket costs as well.
Sharing the actual list prices more readily would help consumers better know treatment prices.  The administration would also update “…Medicare’s drug-pricing dashboard to make price increases and generic competition more transparent.”
Lowering list prices through increased competition (and government mandates)
The administration would allow drug plans more negotiating leverage with drug manufacturers.  As stated in American Patients First, they are looking to reform Medicare Part D in order to “…give plan sponsors significantly more power when negotiating with manufacturers.”  For instances, some Part B drugs could be moved over to Part D and Part D plans could negotiate prices.  In addition, plans could negotiate when there is a single drug available.  The proposed plan would “…require a minimum of one drug per category or class rather than two.”  The additional negotiating leverage would drive down prices, but it also could severely restrict patient access.
Another provision in the President’s FY2019 budget would establish “an inflation limit for reimbursement of Medicare Part B drugs.”  While this restriction would add predictability to drug prices, and would lower prices mechanically; manufacturers may respond by increasing the list price at launch.  Thus, the inflation limit may result in higher drug prices at the start of a drug’s patent period but lower prices towards the end.
My take on American Patients First posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
0 notes
realselfblog · 7 years ago
My take on American Patients First
In broad strokes, the American Patients First plan aims to lower list prices, lower patients’ out-of-pocket costs while maintaining incentives for innovation.   In short, this is a sensible strategy, although there are some concerns about how more restrictive formulary designs could restrict consumer choice.
American Patients First in brief
To maintain manufacturers incentives to innovate, the plan insures that if manufacturers of brand-name drugs do lower their prices, they will keep a larger share of this price through a reduction in mandatory government discounts, such as the 340B program. Further, the government aims to incentivize other countries (outside the US) to increase their drug prices to incentivize innovation.
Consumers will pay less as well because any rebates received would be credited to their cost sharing, some/all Part B drugs would be moved to Part D, and there would be an out-of-pocket maximum.  Further, the administration is considering $0 cost sharing for generic treatments for low-income seniors. Additionally, approvals for low-cost generic and biosimilar products would be expedited and Part C/D plans would be able to substitute generic onto their formularies mid-year.
Why would list prices fall?  The American Patients First blueprint would allow Part D plans to negotiate similar to drug plans in the private sector.  Further, the administration is considering limiting cost increases to inflation after brand names launch.
Defining price/cost/what we pay
The first quotation from President Trump in the American Patients First blueprint is the following:
One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States.
Clearly drug prices/cost are important here.  However, you will note a number of price/cost related concepts: price, cost, what we pay.   Let’s take each in turn:
Price: I’ll define this as the list price for a drug
Cost: Health plans rarely pay the list price.  Through negotiated rebates with manufacturers, government mandated discounts (e.g., the 340B program; Medicare best price), and other factors, health plan’s costs is much less than the list price manufacturers charge.  Conversely, one could say that manufacturer’s do not keep the full price.  One study from USC found that manufacturers keep only 41% of the list price, an amount similar to the amount intermediaries keep.
What we pay.  This is patient out-of-pocket cost.  This varies by insurance plan, type of drug (oral vs. injectable), but out-of-pocket costs include coinsurance, copayments and deductibles.
What should we be paying?  In an ideal system, prices would be high to incentivize innovation, but patient out-of-pocket costs would be low to maximize use of high value treatment.  A paper by Lakdawalla and Sood (2013) argues that this two-part price mechanism is actually accomplished though the health insurance system.  Health insurance increases dynamic market efficiency.  Since most of the cost to develop a drug is R&D and production costs are relatively low, economic theory says that price and marginal cost should be equal implying that patient out-of-pocket costs should be low.  This is exactly what health insurance does (or is supposed to do).
Key components of the American Patients First Plan
Incentivizing innovation
A key argument in American Patients First is that manufacturers should keep a higher share of the list price.  The President’s plan would consider eliminating the ACA’s “excise tax [on brand drugs], an increase in the Medicaid drug rebate amounts, and an extension of these higher rebates to commercially-run Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.” Additionally, the administration seems to want to limit the scope of 340B discounts which would result in more revenue in the hands of manufacturers.
The administration also wants to raise the price that other countries pay. This proposal echoes a recommendation from the Council of Economic Advisors. Life science firms R&D decisions depend on their expected global revenue.  As prices in non-US OECD counties are much lower than the US, the US consumer is footing most of the bill for innovation.  In short, non-US developed countries are getting a great deal at the expense of US consumers.  The Trump plan would “assess the problem of foreign free-riding”, however it is not entirely clear how the US would incentivize/compel other countries to increase reimbursement for drugs.
On the downside, the administration would facilitate introduction of generics and biosimilars.  These would include faster regulatory approval and fewer “loopholes” that branded product manufacturers could use to delay the introduction of generics.  While this is good for current consumers, it would drive down life sciences revenue and could be an impediment to innovation.
Despite the threat from increased generic competition, on net this is a sensible approach.
Moving toward value-based payment
The administration is also considering novel approaches that link prices more closely to the value they prescribe. Some drugs are used to treat multiple diseases, but these drugs may be more effective for one of the diseases than another.  The Trump plan would consider the use of indication-specific pricing whereby high-value treatments are paid more.  Outcomes-based contracts would also be considered as well as value-based insurance design.  In fact, there is already a value-based insurance design pilot study in Medicare that began in January 2017.
These approaches make sense as high-value treatments would receive higher reimbursement.  This would incentivize life sciences firms to focus on developing high-value innovations
Lowering patient cost
This would occur through increased access to generics and biosimilars and an out-of-pocket maximum on Part D drugs.  Generic manufacturers would have easier access to brand samples.  It appears that the FDA would ease the path for biosimilar regulatory approval.  A report from my former colleagues at Acumen explores the impact of moving some Part B drugs to Part D (and vice versa).   The plan calls for lowering patient cost-sharing for 340B drugs.
Additionally, if rebates that lowered drug costs were applied to a patient’s coinsurance, this would lower out-of-pocket costs as well.
Sharing the actual list prices more readily would help consumers better know treatment prices.  The administration would also update “…Medicare’s drug-pricing dashboard to make price increases and generic competition more transparent.”
Lowering list prices through increased competition (and government mandates)
The administration would allow drug plans more negotiating leverage with drug manufacturers.  As stated in American Patients First, they are looking to reform Medicare Part D in order to “…give plan sponsors significantly more power when negotiating with manufacturers.”  For instances, some Part B drugs could be moved over to Part D and Part D plans could negotiate prices.  In addition, plans could negotiate when there is a single drug available.  The proposed plan would “…require a minimum of one drug per category or class rather than two.”  The additional negotiating leverage would drive down prices, but it also could severely restrict patient access.
Another provision in the President’s FY2019 budget would establish “an inflation limit for reimbursement of Medicare Part B drugs.”  While this restriction would add predictability to drug prices, and would lower prices mechanically; manufacturers may respond by increasing the list price at launch.  Thus, the inflation limit may result in higher drug prices at the start of a drug’s patent period but lower prices towards the end.
My take on American Patients First posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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anitapetersonsw · 7 years ago
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2EgnU7e - Discount Anker SoundCore Bluetooth Speaker with 24-Hour Playtime, 66-Foot Bluetooth Range & Built-in Mic, Dual-Driver Portable Wireless Speaker with Low Harmonic Distortion and Superior Sound - Black -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 7535 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0yNMT-8RF4NwSfPnKmqugA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount Anker SoundCore Bluetooth Speaker with 24-Hour Playtime, 66-Foot Bluetooth Range & Built-in Mic, Dual-Driver Portable Wireless Speaker with Low Harmonic Distortion and Superior Sound - Black Smaller than I thought and the bass is not as strong as some of the reviews stated; overall I think this is a great little speaker. The charge seems to last forever and the sound quality is good. (I would never say great as I have some more expensive speaker that sound quite a bit better) If you want a portable speaker with good sound and long battery life this the one for you. I will update my review after a few months of use, but as of now I really do love this little speaker! ... Reviewer : Jimmy Mc I like the design since it's very inconspicuous. It's smaller than I was expecting but can still be plenty loud. Its battery is also very long lasting and charges with microUSB, so that's good. The buttons are sometimes a little finnicky, but you don't have to deal with them that often. Bluetooth pairing is easy and works well. Sound-wise, as the volume is cranked up, the bass starts to get pretty distorted. Other than that, though, I have no complaints, although I don't have very high standa... Reviewer : Brian DiGiorgio Click http://ift.tt/2EgnU7e to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. SUPERIOR SOUND QUALITY: Experience your music in full-bodied stereo realized through dual high-performance drivers and a unique spiral bass port (patented). Less than 1% total harmonic distortion ensures enhanced clarity and fidelity. INCREDIBLE BATTERY LIFE: 24-hour / 500-song playtime powered by a built-in high capacity Li-ion battery and Anker's industry-leading power management technology. BLUETOOTH 4.0 TECHNOLOGY: Compatible with all Bluetooth-enabled devices. Instantly connect to your smartphone or tablet from up to 66 feet away. SoundCore reconnects automatically to the last device used. Built-in mic for hands-free calls. WHAT YOU GET: Anker SoundCore Bluetooth speaker, Micro USB charging cable, welcome guide, our worry-free 18-month warranty and friendly customer service. I have been using my Anker Soundcore for over half a year and I love how versatile it is. My (old) car doesn't have Bluetooth available, just the radio and CDs, so this speaker fills my car with sound when I can't take any more of the local radio stations or I can't find my CDs. The best part is that the music doesn't stop when I turn off my car lol. I also used to ignore incoming calls while driving, but now this also makes it possible to take those calls, even on the highway. It's the perfect ... Reviewer : Narwhal Click http://ift.tt/2EgnU7e to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0yNMT-8RF4NwSfPnKmqugA See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0yNMT-8RF4NwSfPnKmqugA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Anker, #Anker SoundCore Bluetooth Speaker with 24-Hour Playtime, 66-Foot Bluetooth Range & Built-in Mic, Dual-Driver Portable Wireless Speaker with Low Harmonic Distortion and Superior Sound - Black This is a review video for : B016XTADG2 Manufacture : Anker Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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trendingnewsb · 8 years ago
How Echo Look could feed Amazons big data fueled fashion ambitions
This week Amazon took the wraps off a new incarnation of its Alexa voice assistant, giving the AI an eye so it can see as well as speak and hear. The Echo Lookalso contains a depth sensor thats being used, in the first instance, tocreate a bokeh effect for ahands-free style selfies feature that Amazon is hoping willsell the deviceto fashionlovers, by making their outfits pop out against the bedroom wallpaper, and making themmore eager to socially share.
The Echo Look app is where users can view the style selfies (and videos) theyve asked Alexa to recordfor them (sheindefinitely stores a copy for Amazon too). But the flagship feature of the app isa fashion feedback service, calledStyle Check, which Amazon says will utilizemachine learning to ratefashion choices and help users choosebetween outfit pairs. And ultimately, presumably, givetheir entire wardrobe a score. Albeit, the featureis using(human) stylists too, at least for now, to help train what Amazon surely hopes will beentirelyrobotic style recommendations down the line.
The app will also suggest clothes for users to buy based on their style selections opening upanother revenue stream forAmazon, and one that could prove pretty sticky if Echo Look delivers on itspromise of furnishing userswith a personal stylist whose killer feature isthe ability to shop tirelessly on yourbehalf. This new voice-controlled,Internet connected Echo camerais designed tocondition usersto feedit with the training data Amazon needs to builda fashion savvyAI. As data grabs go, its exceedinglywell dressed.
As I wrote in July 2015, adding a camera to Echo makes perfect sense for Bezos massive fashion ambitions. With an eye to see you, Echo Look promises to contain yourself-image better than a mirror by claiming to knowwhich of your outfits is the fairest of them all. Fashion is often sold as something feel good andconfidence building a way to belong and blend in within a peer-group. But equallystyle can be deliberately different;the essence ofindividual self expression. So whether theres an AI that can usefullycater to all those differentfacetsremains to be seen. But for many shoppersthe primary desire they havefor the clothes they wear can be boiled down to looking good. SoAmazon is positioning Alexato sell that hope as a service.
Buying clothes is a recurring need; both a practical necessity anda way to keep up with changes instyle and taste. Like buying groceries, its a type of shopping without end. Whichis why Amazon is fixated onboth spaces. In order to be a $200bn company weve got to learn how to sell clothes and food, Jeff Bezossaidas long ago asa decade displaying the long term thinking that has enabled the ecommerce giantto slow-grow its business over more than 20 years from an upstart online booksellerinto todays sprawling digital marketplace whose upwardly thrustingarrow declaimsits mission to deliver everything.
From household staples to fashion destination?
Amazon Prime is the membership club that sells a subscription toconvince peopleto lock themselves in to buying more and more from Amazon. Notably, a recentaddition to the Prime perk list is anAmazon own brand mens dress shirt brand, called Buttoned Down. Here the companyis selling wardrobe staplesthat, if they bore a different label, would cost a whole lot more.
And while a fairlyuniform garment like a dress shirt can makean easy recurring purchase, i.e. once youve figured out which size fits you, a lot of fashion is intentionally far less predictable. Meaningtheres a muchgreater need for style-related try ons. Female fashion especially falls into this category hence Amazon heavily focusing themarketing for Echo Look on women
Amazons vast strength is how its various parts link and pulltogether (like Prime) to build lock-in byembedding more and more utility into the core platform. SoEcho Look which at first glance might seem a bit of a niche product (at least from a male perspective) is designed to lay importantgroundwork for Bezos big bet on fashion. The company has already launched a swathe of its own clothes brands in keymarkets. Now, givingAlexa thegift of sight, opens the opportunity for Amazonto get a far more intimate perspective onhow its customers think about fashion as they try things on in the privacy of their bedroom asking Alexa to be their fashion judge.
At the same time the Echo Look aims to shift how Amazon users experience fashion buying via the marketplace. This latest Alexa-enabledincarnation means Amazon is no longerprimarily a vast, impersonal warehouse thathastobe manually data-mined to unearth threads youwant to buy; rather it becomes a style destination in its own right; an app thatssavvy about fashion trends and understands personal taste so it can do the leg work and shop for you. At least, thats the pitch and the promise.
The ecommerce juggernaut that Bezos controls Amazonsmarket cap is now a staggering $439 billion hasnot merely been growing in momentum and marketshare because of the hugeinventory it aggregates and makes discoverable in myriad different ways. But, at least in key markets, because ithas fixated ondelivering convenience at faster and fasterspeeds buildingdistribution and shipping infrastructure that can all buteliminatethe practicaldifference between buying online vs shopping in store. Its not quite instant gratification but in some cases Amazon ispushing very close indeed with one-hour delivery in some urban areas fora sub-set ofproducts, andeven delivery within 15 minutes viaits experimental Prime Air drone trials(and eveneyeing somecrazierdeliveryideas than those).
Amazons ecommerce imperativeisto work towards excising the middle ground andgoing direct to thecustomer where the most money is to be made. In fashionscase thatnot only means luring consumers away from retailers bricks and mortar stores but, increasingly, moving in on the fashionlabels themselves. After all, manyclothes arent bought principally or specifically for the label they bear, but for the utility or passingcolor they offer. Amazon wants and clearly feels it can dominatethose types of clothing purchases.It has the scale, ambition, speed and data to cut itself a very sizable chunk of the fashionmarket, reckons Tom Adeyoola, founder of UK fashion tech firmMetail which has been working on rethinking theonline fashionbuyingexperience withvirtual fitting room and garmentdigitizing technologyfor almost 10 years.
Not just basics and low cost garments that might otherwise have been purchasedat a supermarket but High Street fashion, glossy catalogue brands, and other online clothes retailers. Amazons own brand ambitions on the fashion front look almost absolute. At this point itsown brandfashion labels include: womens fashion(Lark & Ro, Society New York) and accessories (North Eleven); childrens clothes (Scout + Ro); mens suits (Franklin Tailored) and dress shoes (Franklin & Freeman). Workout clothes are also apparently incoming.
I think the industry has been very complacent because theyve said nobodys going to buy fashion on Amazon, saysAdeyoola. Youll buy cameras and stuff but youll not buy clothes. But theyre forgetting that Amazon thinks in five to seven year timeframes. Theyve got all the customer relationships, and theyre good at data, and theyre good at logistics, and theyre good at inventory management Amazon went from zero [in clothes sales] to number one in the US in four years.
Itsnot hyperbole to say many fashion brands and retailers arefacing a doomsday scenarioif Bezos is abletorealize the scale of his sartorialambitions. After all, the difficulty of being abrand trying to make yourself heard and monetizeon someone elses platform is already writ large in the smartphone space, where big name brands are boxed into same-sizeapps, competing with each other fordiscoverability and diminishing attention returns while the platform mastersits above the fray, controllingaccess and crucially knowingwhat the user reallywants.
Adeyoola says the retail opportunity Amazon is closing in on is the huge wastefulness of the traditional supply chain, where healthy profit margins are squandered with poor inventory management in turn a consequence of afailureto understand the transformative power of big data.
In clothing RRP, in general, the starting point of margin is towards 80 per cent. So manufacturing is only about 20 per cent of that cost. But all of the retailers are making around, at best, three per cent profit. You look at somebody like Asos in the last four or five years, theyve more than doubled sales but their absolute profit number is the same. Theyve added sales for no profit. So Amazon can look at this and say: hold on, youve got 80 per cent profit and you waste it all this is our opportunity. Talk to a manufacturer and theyll say that inventory management and everything to do with data is where the retailers are just lazy. Theyve been lazy for too long. And thats where Amazon is really good. So, in my mind, I look at it and say Amazon could double manufacturing cost, take their standard five per cent or less margin and still be half the price of everybody on the retail market.
Amazon can look at this and say: hold on, youve got 80 per cent profit and you waste it all this is our opportunity.
Even if Amazonsconsumer frontdoor has remained fairly consistent (at least until the original Echo popped up), Bezoshas spend years honing backend infrastructure and tooling up supply chain expertisein the areas hewantsto dominate positioning Amazonto be able to offer a more compellingly priced product than high street fashion retailers andstill make its margin. Sowhile retailers continue to waste money on inventory management, Amazon is aimingto use data to eliminate inventory entirely.
Earlier this month, for example, it was awarded apatent for an on-demand clothes manufacturing warehouse that suggests an intent topush the boundaries offast fashion even further. Amazonsend game looks very much likegarmentsmade on-demand, locally at the point of order vastly shrinking its warehousing and shipping logistics costs in the process. Amazon couldseed data-fed, just-in-time manufacturing hubsin urban centers toservice demand locally, enabledby knowing exactly what itscustomers want, arguesAdeyoola.
Theres just much less friction, he says of theAmazon approach. So sure they dont have a great consumer user journey now, but they will do and in the interim theyve been doing, effectively, what were trying to do, which is digitize the world. Theyve been accumulating all the brands and all the clothes, and getting them onto the system and then learning and understanding where the white space is.
Hepoints tob2b apparel maker theTAL Group, which claims to make one in every six mens shirts sold in the US. But the question is, for how much longer? While its button down dress shirts are priced by retailer partners at $80+, last month Amazon launched their own brand (the aforementioned Buttoned Down) selling shirts starting at$40. Thats calleddisruption, Jeff Bezos style.
Andwhile Amazon has been using data to optimize itssupply chain for years, traditional fashion retail and brands are still saddled managing networks of bricks and mortar stores where theyre seeing falling footfall. These physical locations have arguablyconvinced retailersto view the Internet asjust another sales channel, rather than the vital data pipe needed to overhaul all their business and supply chain processes in order to survive as mobile platforms consume their world.
Again, you could draw a parallel with a former smartphone giant like BlackBerry fixating on its physical Qwerty keyboardas a new generation of app-focused touchscreen devices swept in to change everything. Even if some fashion retailgiantstechnically have the scale andresources to adapt to the big data era, none apparentlyhas the long term convictionto take the plunge which is enablingAmazon to pushin and sew upmarketshare.
I think the trend is very straightforward, saysAdeyoola. In the old days of retail, the battle was for footfall in a shopping mall, footfall on a high street. Now that traffic is time on a phone. So if you think about it in those terms, the channels where retail is going to happen are going to be in those places which have the most time on your phone. So all of the guys who take up the most time and have those customer relationships are going to be those new retail channels so it is going to be Amazon, it has to be Facebook, it has to be Google, it has to be Apple. Those guys are going to be those portals through which youre going to do retail, because thats where you spend all your time. And all the retailers that have been spending their time building their own websites and building their own apps you cant fight You will be like a shop in a shopping mall and the shopping mall is just going to be the Amazon app,the Facebook app. And hence the middle retailers just wont exist. Youre going to have to have a real battle to position yourselves in terms of what are you about.
Plus, remember the Echo Lookson-board depth sensor? Such hardware could be used to size up peoplesfull length selfies, enablingthe AI toautomatically know its owners size and recommend correctly sized clothes to buy. At scale, taking measurements from multiple Echo Look owners, Amazon would start tobuild its own dataset for size and fit to use to further feed its clothes manufacturing efforts byenhancing and better customizing garment fit for its own fashion labels. Even ultimately to offer garments that are customtailored to individual Amazon users, on demand but at fast fashion prices.
Adeyoolas prediction is an entire disintermediation of the retail manufacturing supply chain. A natural end state for me is that somebody like an Amazon can put manufacturing right next to its distribution hubs all of its distribution hubs are optimized for urban centers, you can put manufacturing in those urban hubs, he tells TechCrunch. So if you get enough consumer data then you just create the marketplace for design and you basically make everything just in time, made to order. So you get rid of the inventory problem, you get the stuff made right by the distribution centers to go straight out. And if you had body size and shape data thats what were aiming to produce and deliver at scale you could then basically shrink that time, you can also move towards an end state of made to measure, and you can deliver within a Prime window.
If you get enough consumer data then you just create the marketplace for design and you basically make everything just in time, made to order.
Tailoredfashion at scale is not all thats potentially unlocked by the Echo Looks depth and trend sensing eye. Another technology that could be delivered via this connected camera plus app set-up isvirtualtry ons, with the productbecominga trusted conduitfor Amazon to ask for and receive full length body size measurements, captured from users hands free Echo Lookselfies. With that data it could build anaccurate 3D body model for each shopper, and combined with an inventory of digitized garments the Echo Look app then becomesa virtual changing room where users couldplay around trying garmentsondigitally before theybuy.
Virtual try on could be animportant piece for Amazons fashion ambitions becausebuying clothes isntalways just aboutabout fit especially if youre contemplating buyinghigher priced, more experimental fashionvs wardrobe staples thatpeople canbe comfortable buying without trying. Technology that enablesconsumersto judge whether a just encountered fashion style suits without having to physically pull it over your headis what virtual fitting room startups such asMetail have been working on for years;aiming to remove alast key differentiator for Internet shopping vsbricks and mortar clothes stores. It may not yet be mainstream but the promise is clear.
And with theEcho Look, Amazon mayhave created the perfect arenato slot in this lastpiece to crown its fashion ambitions. Then,with a savvy AI to recommend styles, a virtual body doubleto envisagehow potential purchases look, and local manufacturing that supports very fast shipping the ecommerce giantisin a position toconvince userstheres no practical need to ever visit an actual clothes store.
People are time sensitive, and weve learnt and been programmed now, through the likes of Uber etc, that getting something quickly is possible, adds Adeyoola. With Amazon Prime Now you can order something and it be there within an hour. So then why do I need to go on a busy Tube train, travel for an hour to a high street and get hot and bothered?
Back in the day going to the shopping mall used to be a leisure activity and fun. Its just not that anymore. There are other ways to have fun.
So when does he think Amazon could be ina position to deployvirtual fitting roomtechnology? Adeyoola reckons itcould bring somethingto market intwo years should the companydecide it needs to push into the 3D creation space. For now, he reckonsits not clear they are convinced they need ityet. But Amazon iscertainly paving the way to acquire data that could powerit.(On that front italso boughtanother 3Dstartup focused on fit for shoes, Shoefitr, back in 2015.)
The approach that theyre taking with that selfie Look is a low risk one which is basically to see whether people will buy the product and use it. And the way that the product is coming out is one which is a computer vision way of learning style, so they want people to take pictures of themselves in garments, and then theyll try and use computer vision well, theyll going to use real stylists to start with to rate stuff and then off the back of that work out whether they can basically build an algorithm which can say this is good, this is bad, and then start to use that as a recommendation flow longer term. Which is big, smart value.
They havent thought about going into the 3D creation space thus far. And I think thats because they say, well weve got datasets and well use our datasets to improve as a starting point. So I havent seen evidence of them wanting to make that jump. And I think theyre probably thinking theyre best place to buy it when they feel its tipped over into being a need, rather than still in R&D phase. So, for a startuplike us, having been invited to speak at their European partner conference I think it was a means for them to test where were at and see at what point they might need to either consume or crush.
At the end of the day, if Amazon can deliver on abig data vision of custom tailoredgarmentsin fashionstyles it already knows customers want and shiporders to buyers within a matter of minutes why then, the bedroom in yourown homeeffectively isthe changing room.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2pg0WnJ
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pKLpOn via Viral News HQ
0 notes
laciemark · 8 years ago
SigFig Reviews 2017
Product Introduction
An online portfolio manager that manages financial holdings via patent-pending algorithms, SigFig got its name from the concept of “Significant Figures” in mathematics.
SigFig first came on the scene in 2006 under the name Wikinvest and became SigFig in 2011. It has 309,000 users and manages $70 million dollars in assets. While not as sophisticated as Wealthfront or Personal Capital, this robo-advisor recommends investments by using an algorithm. SigFig reviews show that the service offers a passable mix of automated advice that may work for some investors.
Types of Accounts Supported/Facts
You’ll need at least $2,000 to open a SigFig account. There’s no management fee if you invest between $2,000 and $10,000 with them. Account balances over $10,000 incur a 0.25% fee. If you invest $20,000, that means you’ll pay a fee of $2.08 a month, versus $21.67 for a traditional investment advisor.
As a robo advisor, SigFig uses artificial intelligence to optimize investments and manage portfolios with little to no human intervention.
Supported Account Types
401 K Plans
Traditional IRAs
Roth IRAs
Taxable Accounts (Individual and Joint)
SigFig doesn’t accept 529 Plans and Trusts.
How SigFig Works
After answering a few questions and creating a login, you’ll have access to SigFig’s online dashboard and app.
SigFig’s automated system compiles historical data and runs simulations to determine how the market may perform. After receiving a variety of outcomes, the Wealth Charts in the dashboard will show you this information to indicate potential results.
SigFig holds your money with its partners, Fidelity, Schwab and TD Ameritrade Institutional. Your money will stay with your brokerage if you already have an account with one of them. SigFig will open an account for you at TD Ameritrade Institutional if you have an account at a brokerage house other than the ones they use.
The company invests your money in ETFs and funds. They avoid purchasingindividual stocks because it would result in higher fees for their users, particularly those with smaller balances.
You can link your checking or savings accounts and withdraw or deposit money through your SigFig dashboard. Select the “Managed” tab on your account after logging in, and click “Withdrawal” to take out money.
Click “Edit Allocation” under the “Managed Tab” if your financial situation changes and you want to invest in higher-risk securities. SigFig’s automated system will change the asset allocation to your new preference.
Your end of the year tax forms will continue to come from your brokerage house, not SigFig.
You can set up the company’s free Portfolio Tracking feature in about a minute. Import your brokerage information, and you’ll see all your information in the app’s “View Holdings” section. The “Report Card” tab shows you how your portfolio compares to the current market. Sigfig assesses your portfolio with star ratings from one to five stars.
The Portfolio Tracker sends you an email each week letting you know how your investments are performing. The email includes a brief assessment of your portfolio and gives you a list of the week’s top market securities and investments.
You can sign up for Managed Account Solutions for more guidance if you like the free tracking service. Access SigFig’s dashboard on a desktop computer, iPad, iPhone or Android. Their user-friendly apps employ colorful graphs and easy to understandbreakdowns so you can get a fill view of your investments without wading through complicated information. SigFig manages brokerage accounts. It offers minimal financial help in other areas and doesn’t track spending or credit card use like Personal Capital and a few other robo-advisors.
Managed Account Solutions
You’ll receive a well-balanced portfolio consisting of Vanguard, Schwab and other commission-free ETFs. You can choose how you want your account funded. Use an existing brokerage account or start a new one with cash.
Optimize Your Portfolio
When any of your investments has a poor rating, according to SigFig’s algorithm and market comparisons, the App will indicate how you can improve your portfolio’s value. Recommendations are based on your risk tolerance and other preferences.
Diversified Income
Combine your certificates of deposit (CDs), US Treasuries and bonds in this low-rate account. If you have an extensive fixed income portfolio, this may be an excellent choice for you.Sigfig’s Diversified Income managed account has a minimum $100,000 investment and a 0.50% yearly fee.
SigFig rebalances when the financials markets move your investments more than a few points from your desired target. They regularly review your account and market conditions and adjust your portfolio to protect your investments for adverse changes. The robo-advisors purchase ETFs for your portfolio when you add cash. This addition keeps your target allocation the same. The company keeps transaction costs low by avoiding relatively small purchases.
Tax-Loss Harvesting
Sigfig’s Tax Loss Harvesting feature reduces your tax liability by selling holdings that have experienced losses to counterbalance realized gains. Selling stocks or ETFs that have increased in value will cause you to pay taxes on capital gains. Tax-loss harvesting maintains your portfolio’s value while reducing your yearly tax bill.
SigFig Guidance
For users with problems such as cash flow drag or lack of diversification, SigFig offers a Guidance feature to diagnose issues based on your answers to a questionnaire and your current account status.
Guidance looks at your portfolio and shows you which investments are causingthe problems. It then recommends more efficient options.
Your SigFig account is protected by the same trustworthy encryption banks use. SigFig runs audits to check security levels. They also validate security through Verisign. Sigfig monitors its servers by surveillance cameras 24/7. Many encryption layers further protect your data from hackers.
SigFig has iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Android mobile apps, as well as desktop computer login. The company offers 24/7 email customer service and a phone help line from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time seven days a week.
You can cancel your account anytime by calling the company’s direct support line. You won’t pay a penalty. SigFig will no longer be an advisor on your account, and you’ll keep all your holdings.
Potential Drawbacks
Sigfig lacks the tools needed for investors with more complex needs, such as trusts. The company depends on algorithms, which may not serve the needs of high-asset clients who need more input from real-life advisors.
Even for low-asset investors, the advice may prove incorrect since it’s based on previous performance with only some basis on proper asset allocation. The services occasionally recommend funds with high fees, which may causeproblems for investors with low balances.
Who Will Benefit from using SigFig?
SigFig’s affordable, straightforward system offers benefits for low-balance investors with minimal needs. If you don’t need to talk with an advisor or feel more comfortable with a service that’s digital only (except for phone support), it’s worth a try. The service’s focus on consumer education and rebalancing accounts will prove helpful to young investors unfamiliar with financial jargon.
SigFig reviews give the app high marks for its intuitive nature and low fees. BestCompany rates it #28 out of 44 automated investment advisors, and well-known business sites (Forbes, Business Insider) lack reviews for the product.
A digital financial advisor offering the bare minimum of services, SigFig has partnered with Wells Fargo to attract young investors. For first-time investors, the service offers a good introduction to savings and securities. More seasoned investors can benefit from robo-advisors with more services.
The post SigFig Reviews 2017 appeared first on ExpertFront.
Source: https://www.expertfront.com/2017/04/27/sigfig-reviews-2017/
from ExpertFront https://expertfront.wordpress.com/2017/04/27/sigfig-reviews-2017/
0 notes
expertfront · 8 years ago
SigFig Reviews 2017
Product Introduction
An online portfolio manager that manages financial holdings via patent-pending algorithms, SigFig got its name from the concept of “Significant Figures” in mathematics.
SigFig first came on the scene in 2006 under the name Wikinvest and became SigFig in 2011. It has 309,000 users and manages $70 million dollars in assets. While not as sophisticated as Wealthfront or Personal Capital, this robo-advisor recommends investments by using an algorithm. SigFig reviews show that the service offers a passable mix of automated advice that may work for some investors.
Types of Accounts Supported/Facts
You’ll need at least $2,000 to open a SigFig account. There’s no management fee if you invest between $2,000 and $10,000 with them. Account balances over $10,000 incur a 0.25% fee. If you invest $20,000, that means you’ll pay a fee of $2.08 a month, versus $21.67 for a traditional investment advisor.
As a robo advisor, SigFig uses artificial intelligence to optimize investments and manage portfolios with little to no human intervention.
Supported Account Types
401 K Plans
Traditional IRAs
Roth IRAs
Taxable Accounts (Individual and Joint)
SigFig doesn’t accept 529 Plans and Trusts.
How SigFig Works
After answering a few questions and creating a login, you’ll have access to SigFig’s online dashboard and app.
SigFig’s automated system compiles historical data and runs simulations to determine how the market may perform. After receiving a variety of outcomes, the Wealth Charts in the dashboard will show you this information to indicate potential results.
SigFig holds your money with its partners, Fidelity, Schwab and TD Ameritrade Institutional. Your money will stay with your brokerage if you already have an account with one of them. SigFig will open an account for you at TD Ameritrade Institutional if you have an account at a brokerage house other than the ones they use.
The company invests your money in ETFs and funds. They avoid purchasingindividual stocks because it would result in higher fees for their users, particularly those with smaller balances.
You can link your checking or savings accounts and withdraw or deposit money through your SigFig dashboard. Select the “Managed” tab on your account after logging in, and click “Withdrawal” to take out money.
Click “Edit Allocation” under the “Managed Tab” if your financial situation changes and you want to invest in higher-risk securities. SigFig’s automated system will change the asset allocation to your new preference.
Your end of the year tax forms will continue to come from your brokerage house, not SigFig.
You can set up the company’s free Portfolio Tracking feature in about a minute. Import your brokerage information, and you’ll see all your information in the app’s “View Holdings” section. The “Report Card” tab shows you how your portfolio compares to the current market. Sigfig assesses your portfolio with star ratings from one to five stars.
The Portfolio Tracker sends you an email each week letting you know how your investments are performing. The email includes a brief assessment of your portfolio and gives you a list of the week’s top market securities and investments.
You can sign up for Managed Account Solutions for more guidance if you like the free tracking service. Access SigFig’s dashboard on a desktop computer, iPad, iPhone or Android. Their user-friendly apps employ colorful graphs and easy to understandbreakdowns so you can get a fill view of your investments without wading through complicated information. SigFig manages brokerage accounts. It offers minimal financial help in other areas and doesn’t track spending or credit card use like Personal Capital and a few other robo-advisors.
Managed Account Solutions
You’ll receive a well-balanced portfolio consisting of Vanguard, Schwab and other commission-free ETFs. You can choose how you want your account funded. Use an existing brokerage account or start a new one with cash.
Optimize Your Portfolio
When any of your investments has a poor rating, according to SigFig’s algorithm and market comparisons, the App will indicate how you can improve your portfolio’s value. Recommendations are based on your risk tolerance and other preferences.
Diversified Income
Combine your certificates of deposit (CDs), US Treasuries and bonds in this low-rate account. If you have an extensive fixed income portfolio, this may be an excellent choice for you.Sigfig’s Diversified Income managed account has a minimum $100,000 investment and a 0.50% yearly fee.
SigFig rebalances when the financials markets move your investments more than a few points from your desired target. They regularly review your account and market conditions and adjust your portfolio to protect your investments for adverse changes. The robo-advisors purchase ETFs for your portfolio when you add cash. This addition keeps your target allocation the same. The company keeps transaction costs low by avoiding relatively small purchases.
Tax-Loss Harvesting
Sigfig’s Tax Loss Harvesting feature reduces your tax liability by selling holdings that have experienced losses to counterbalance realized gains. Selling stocks or ETFs that have increased in value will cause you to pay taxes on capital gains. Tax-loss harvesting maintains your portfolio’s value while reducing your yearly tax bill.
SigFig Guidance
For users with problems such as cash flow drag or lack of diversification, SigFig offers a Guidance feature to diagnose issues based on your answers to a questionnaire and your current account status.
Guidance looks at your portfolio and shows you which investments are causingthe problems. It then recommends more efficient options.
Your SigFig account is protected by the same trustworthy encryption banks use. SigFig runs audits to check security levels. They also validate security through Verisign. Sigfig monitors its servers by surveillance cameras 24/7. Many encryption layers further protect your data from hackers.
SigFig has iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Android mobile apps, as well as desktop computer login. The company offers 24/7 email customer service and a phone help line from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time seven days a week.
You can cancel your account anytime by calling the company’s direct support line. You won’t pay a penalty. SigFig will no longer be an advisor on your account, and you’ll keep all your holdings.
Potential Drawbacks
Sigfig lacks the tools needed for investors with more complex needs, such as trusts. The company depends on algorithms, which may not serve the needs of high-asset clients who need more input from real-life advisors.
Even for low-asset investors, the advice may prove incorrect since it’s based on previous performance with only some basis on proper asset allocation. The services occasionally recommend funds with high fees, which may causeproblems for investors with low balances.
Who Will Benefit from using SigFig?
SigFig’s affordable, straightforward system offers benefits for low-balance investors with minimal needs. If you don’t need to talk with an advisor or feel more comfortable with a service that’s digital only (except for phone support), it’s worth a try. The service’s focus on consumer education and rebalancing accounts will prove helpful to young investors unfamiliar with financial jargon.
SigFig reviews give the app high marks for its intuitive nature and low fees. BestCompany rates it #28 out of 44 automated investment advisors, and well-known business sites (Forbes, Business Insider) lack reviews for the product.
A digital financial advisor offering the bare minimum of services, SigFig has partnered with Wells Fargo to attract young investors. For first-time investors, the service offers a good introduction to savings and securities. More seasoned investors can benefit from robo-advisors with more services.
The post SigFig Reviews 2017 appeared first on ExpertFront.
from ExpertFront https://www.expertfront.com/2017/04/27/sigfig-reviews-2017/
0 notes
gs-offshore · 8 years ago
Offshore Basics
Since I brought STREBER Weekly (which is more bi-weekly right now) back, I have made better use of services such as Google Analytics to see how you find my little corner of the internet. There is a lot of good interaction going on in the comments as well as the forum, mostly amongst readers who are somewhere between moderately to very well-informed on how tax havens, offshore banking, and everything around it works.
What I can see, though, is that a lot of you find this website while searching the web for pretty basic terms or come from websites that aren’t exactly known for providing accurate information. This post goes out to you, navigators of the offshore waters who have only just begun to get your feet wet.
This article is going to be peppered with links to other articles. I recommend that you finish reading this one before you dig deeper, though.
Tax Haven (Offshore Jurisdiction)
On average, a tax haven (also called offshore jurisdiction or international financial center) is a sunny island which either has been or presently is an overseas territory (colony or otherwise) of the United Kingdom.
These jurisdictions either have no or very low tax, or have special tax systems that treat specific companies or wealths differently (for example by exempting foreign companies from taxation).
Additionally, tax havens are typically very secretive. There are often no public registries of companies and their shareholders and directors. Banking secrecy is often very strong by law to make it difficult
Some of the most famous offshore jurisdictions are the Cayman Islands (a British territory), Seychelles (former British territory), Switzerland, and Panama.
In the Cayman Islands, it’s possible to form companies that pay no local tax and whose ownership can easily be hidden from public knowledge. There are many banks in the Cayman Islands and strict banking secrecy protects the identity of account holders.
In the Seychelles, it’s possible to incorporate very secretive companies under a special regime called International Business Company (often shortened IBC). IBCs are easily-formed companies with little to no record keeping or transparency requirements.
Switzerland is mostly known for its rigorous banking secrecy. Companies do pay tax in Switzerland but it’s quite low compared to most of its neighbouring countries.
Panama has a public registry for companies and companies have to pay tax. What makes it a tax haven is that Panama uses a tax system whereby a company only pays tax on income earned locally (called Territorial Taxation). Simplified, this means that a company incorporated under the laws of Panama which does not trade in Panama, in the end does not pay any tax in Panama. Panama also has strong banking secrecy.
Offshore Company
Strictly speaking, on offshore company is simply put just a company like any other company, except it has been incorporated under the laws of a different jurisdiction than where the owners of the company are based. This broad definition would also include situations where for example two Canadian entrepreneurs form a company in Denmark to make it easier to trade in Denmark, despite neither jurisdiction really being a tax haven.
Therefore, an offshore company is better defined as a company which is incorporated under the laws of a tax haven (see above).
Offshore companies are often used for one or both of three reasons:
Secrecy. Sometimes, investors want to hide their names from public record.
Taxation. Offshore companies are usually exempt from tax, which can make them legitimate tax-neutral entities in a larger group structure
Holding. The act of holding the shares of another company or holding intellectual property (patents, trademarks, or other) for other businesses. This can be used in conjunction with the Secrecy and Taxation aspects.
There are many legitimate reasons for using offshore companies. But there are also a lot of people using the secrecy and tax-free nature of offshore companies to conduct illegal activities such as fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering (more on that later).
As mentioned, offshore companies are often formed as International Business Companies (IBCs). This type of company originated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and is designated to be an extremely flexible and easy-going type of company to form and run, typically without public disclosure of owners and even directors.
Some are drawn to offshore jurisdictions to incorporate types of companies that aren’t available back home. For example, some seek out jurisdictions that have LLC (Limited Liability Companies) of the US-variety. See more in my article Comparison LLC vs. IBC (vs. others).
Offshore Bank Account
Similar to an offshore company, an offshore bank account is simply a bank account in another jurisdiction than where you are resident. Typically, it’s in a tax haven of some sort.
Historically, offshore bank accounts have been associated with rigorous banking secrecy. However, a number of international treaties and pressure on secretive tax havens has eroded much of the old secrecy. Today, the reality of secrecy is a lot more nuanced.
As a product, an offshore bank account is not much different from your regular bank account.
By banking offshore, you may be able to access currencies and financial instruments and services your local bank cannot.
(Offshore) Trust
A trust is an agreement between two or more parties where one party (the settlor) entrusts assets to another party (the trustee) for the benefit of a party (the beneficiary or beneficiaries).
Other roles may exist, such as a protector, whose role is to supervise the trustee to ensure that the assets are being handled in a manner that the settlor approves of or would approve of.
Trusts are not companies. They are in fact not entities at all. A trust is simply a contract. However, trusts may be given a name to simplify administration.
Contrary to what some marketing texts may lead one to believe, a trust cannot be own a company. Why? Because a trust is not a person or business entity; it’s an agreement. However, a trustee can own a company on behalf of the settlor for the benefit of the beneficiary. The distinction may seem petty but it’s important to understand.
Foundations are sometimes described as a hybrid of a company and a trust. While the history and reality are both more complex than that, it’s still a pretty apt description.
Unlike a trust, a foundation is a legal person. Unlike a company, a foundation can in and of itself not undertake commercial activity.
However, a foundation can own a business. In the case of a trust, the company would be owned by the trustee but in the case of a foundation, the owner on record would be the foundation.
In a foundation, ownership of assets are surrendered to a foundation, which is supervised by a council. Foundations usually have beneficiaries. The exact structure of a foundation is laid out in its founding documents.
Offshore/Second Citizenship
Obtaining citizenship in a tax haven is something touted by a lot of service providers as some sort of end-game solution. In reality, the benefits are quite limited and narrow. Chances are you won’t be any better off with a purchased citizenship. Obtaining through residence in a country you actually live in is usually the better route in almost all cases.
Some tax havens offer programmes where investors can obtain citizenship by investing a certain amount of money in specifically designated investment funds or property (real estate). Examples include Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Malta. The capital requirements are several hundred thousand USD or EUR plus several thousand for dependents, and several thousand in administrative fees and other costs.
The programmes are a good source of income for jurisdictions which have made the programmes workover the years. Many have been shut down after they faced severe international criticism, notably Belize‘s. The jurisdictions that still offer it work hard to weed out undesirable individuals (criminals) from obtaining citizenship.
People who undergo these background checks and pay the money are often motivated by settling down in these tax-favourable jurisdictions, enjoy visa-free travel (in the case of Malta and the EU, access to the whole Schengen and EU/EEA areas), and the ability to for example open bank accounts without disclosing their original citizenship.
Few renounce their original citizenship.
Tax and Law
What does the rule book say about all this?
Many websites are quick to point out that neither forming an offshore company nor opening a bank account outside of your home jurisdiction is illegal.
What is illegal is when you use your offshore company or offshore bank account to hide money or engage in illegal activities, even if such activities are legal where the company is incorporated but not where you live.
Tax Residence
This is the concept that stops most would-be offshore entrepreneurs from lawfully conducting their businesses through zero-tax offshore companies and dodge tax back home.
By and large across the world, you are required to pay tax where you live. For companies, it means they are taxed where their business activity actually place.
I go more in-depth on this topic in an article on Tax Residence.
Offshore Taxation
So how are all those gigantic corporations able to hide all their profits in tax havens and not pay any tax.
The exact answer to that costs millions in consulting fees with very good, very well-paid tax professionals around the world, who help businesses like Apple and Google reduce their tax bills by making lawful.
For one, they do occasionally get hit with back taxes and penalties.
They also have the financial means to establish tax residence and, in some cases, negotiate with governments for special rates or preapproval of complex structures.
Tax Evasion
The offshore financial industry is to many synonymous with tax evasion, which is the act of not paying lawfully owed taxes.
Initiatives such as FATCA by the US and CRS/AEOI (Common Reporting Standard / Automatic Exchange of Information) by OECD is making tax evasion increasingly difficult.
I go into more detail in an article on tax evasion: Dark Side Part 1: Tax Evasion.
Money Laundering
The definition of money laundering has widened over the years. Nowadays, most jurisdictions have adopted recommendations by FATF on what constitutes money laundering and laws to empower law enforcement and prosecutors to take action against money laundering.
For a deeper dive, see Dark Side Part 2: Money Laundering.
Further Reading
I have written a number of other posts which go more in-depth on the subjects discussed above.
How To Start an Offshore Company (revisited)
How to Open an Offshore Bank Account (revisited)
What You Can and Cannot Do With an Offshore Company and Bank Account
Why Banks Say No to You But Yes to Me
The Five Categories of Jurisdictions
Finding A Tax Adviser
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The post Offshore Basics appeared first on STREBER Weekly.
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differentchildmusic-blog · 6 years ago
Dispensing System Market value would be $8 billion by 2023 growing at a CAGR of 4.8% during 2019-2023
According to the new market research report by IndustryARC titled “Dispensing Systems By Type (Dispense-only systems, Mix and Dispense systems, Meter, Mix and Dispense systems, Hot Melt Dispensing systems); By Material (Silicones, Solder pastes, Cyanoacrylates, Arcylics, Epoxy fluids, Polyurethane, Grease and Lubricants, Others); By Component (Extruders, Melters, Filler systems, Metering systems, Applicators, Spray Equipment, Others); By Geography (North America, APAC, Europe, South America, RoW)”, the market is driven by the application of dispensing systems in industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, food & beverages, life sciences, chemicals and other manufacturing industries.   Asia Pacific holds a major share in the Dispensing Systems Market during the forecast period: Asia Pacific dominates the Dispensing Systems Market during the forecast period. It had a share of 35% during 2014. Increasing government support for industrialization in emerging markets such as China and India are the main factors driving the growth of dispensing systems in Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific region is expected to reach $3095.94 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 5.8%. North America is the second largest region in the market with dispensing systems being used in the aerospace industry. Growing semiconductor production will also enhance the growth of the Dispensing Systems Market in North America. The growth of dispensing systems in RoW is fuelled by their increasing use in the petrochemical industries in the Middle-East. Selected Analysis done in the full Report: Automotive and Electronics are the main end user industries for the dispensing systems. This is due to their wide applications such as potting, bonding, sealing, and encapsulating, etc. The automotive industry is expected to reach $23331.32 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 4.8%. The electronics industry is expected to reach $2180.53 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 4.9%. The chemical industry is the fastest growing segment for the dispensing systems owing to the rising investments in the manufacturing sectors of China and Japan. In the automotive industry, the dispensing systems are used for joint bonding, interior trimming of body parts, and in the components of vehicles. Talk to one of our sales representative about the full report by providing your details in the link below: https://industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=250 Excerpts on Market Growth Factors: • Growth of the flexible packaging industry enhances the demand for Dispensing Systems Market during the forecast period. • Growth in disposable income, changing lifestyle, use of processed and convenience food, and disposable hygiene products enhances the growth of the dispensing systems. • Hot melt adhesives are thermoplastic adhesives with fast processing properties. Their adhesives are quite popular due to their fast setting speed, low cost, and environmentally friendly nature. The growing demand for these adhesives drives the growth of the dispensing systems. Key players of the Dispensing Systems Market: Nordson Corporation and Graco are the key players of the Dispensing Systems Market. The other key players in the Dispensing Systems Market are Fisnar Inc. and Valco Melton. Norson Corporation manufactures dispensing equipment for industrial and consumer use. The company caters to the requirements of industries such as building and construction, consumer products, electronics, energy, life sciences, packaging, etc. Graco is a US based company which provides fluid handling equipment. It serves industries such as aerospace, agriculture, automotive, defence, electronics. Fisnar provides dispensing systems such as automated dispensing equipment, pumps and reservoirs, dispensing valves, and hot melt dispensing systems. Valco Melton provides equipment to meet the demands of the manufacturing, packaging, and sealing of items across different industries. Dispensing Systems Market is segmented as below: Growth of the flexible packaging industry drives the demand for the Dispensing Systems Market during the forecast period. A. Dispensing Systems Market By Technology             1. Manual Dispense             2. Semi-Automated             3. Automated B. Dispensing Systems Market By Industry Verticals            1. Automotive and Aerospace            2. Chemicals            3. Life Sciences            4. Food & Beverages            5. Manufacturing            6. Electronics           7. Others C. Dispensing Systems Market By End Use Application            1. Filling            2. Bonding            3. Potting           4. Molding           5. Spraying and Coating           6. Others D. Dispensing Systems Market By Geography(covers 13+ countries) E. Dispensing Systems Market Entropy Companies Cited / Interviewed        1. ADHESIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION        2. GRACO INC        3. NORDSON CORPORATION        4. DATRON AG        5. FISNAR INC        6.  VALCO MELTON        7. RAMPF HOLDING GMBH & CO. KG        8.  INGERSOLL-RAND PLC        9. 3M CORPORATION      10. BDTRONIC DISPENSING TECHNOLOGY, INC.      11. EXACT DISPENSING SYSTEMS      12. HENKEL AG & CO. KGAA      13.  H.B. FULLER CO      14. TECHCON SYSTEMS      15.  HYDRO- SYSTEMS COMPANY      16. JENSEN GLOBAL DISPENSING      17. IDEX CORPORATION      18. SULZER LTD.      19. GPD GLOBAL DISPENSING      20. GS MANUFACTURING LLC      21. Company 21+ Related Report: A. Dosing Systems Market https://industryarc.com/Report/1253/dosing-systems-market-forecast.html B. Flow Sensors Market https://industryarc.com/Report/191/Flow-Sensors-Market-Forecast.html What can you expect from the report? The Dispensing Systems Market Report is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points: 1. Market Size by Product Categories & Application        11. Demand Analysis (Revenue & Volume) 2. Market trends & Relevant Market Data        12. Country level Analysis 3. Manufacturer Landscape         13. Competitor Analysis 4. Distributor Landscape              14. Market Shares Analysis 5. Pricing Analysis                         15. Value Chain Analysis 6. Top 10 End user Analysis        16. Supply Chain Analysis 7. Product Benchmarking           17. Strategic Analysis 8. Product Developments         18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis 9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis        19. Opportunity Analysis 10. Patent Analysis                      20. Revenue and Volume Analysis Frequently Asked Questions: Q. Does IndustryARC provide customized reports and charge additionally for limited customization? Response: Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization: 1. Increase the level of data in application or end user industry. 2. Increase the number of countries in geography chapter. 3. Find out market shares for other smaller companies or companies which are of interest to you. 4. Company profiles can be requested based on your interest. 5. Patent analysis, pricing, product analysis, product benchmarking, value and supply chain analysis can be requested for a country or end use segment. Any other custom requirements can be discussed with our team, drop an e-mail to [email protected]  to discuss more about our consulting services. Media Contact: Mr. Venkat Reddy Sales Manager Email 1: [email protected] Or Email 2: [email protected] Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101) About IndustryARC: IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences & Healthcare. IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications in a Market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply-demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client research needs at a rapid speed, with a variety of options for your business. We look forward to support the client to be able to better address their customer needs, stay ahead in the market, become the top competitor and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.
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