#and if elf ear surgery was like. safe. i’d do that
altherei · 6 years
Looking Up - Pt. 2
After Kal’s departure from the room (and hospital), Darsamane watched his daughter for a quiet moment, noticing how her gaze lingered on the doorway before returning to him. He smiled.
“... Ah.. I’m happy for you, my child. He seems a good man- and a good fit for you,” He tried to chuckle, but only managed to start up a brief coughing fit against ribs that had no interest in behaving themselves.
“Rest, Ann’da- you’re still in rough shape,” She urged him softly, pressing her hands against his arm, despite it being tucked under blankets. “But- .. yes. He is a good man. I’m.. blessed enough to count him among my friends and colleagues but.. far more blessed, I think, to have him as a partner.”
“I.. can see that- and .. I’m sure I.. look as rough as I feel,” Came his dry reply, and the young elf could only be quietly amused- if not chagrined- by his ability to find the time and energy for witticisms. Altherei went silent for a few moments, asking the question finally that had been nagging at the back of her head- perhaps Kal’s as well- since he’d first been hospitalized.
“Can you tell me what happened, Ann’da? I- they-” She paused, looking out to the doorway, then back to her father, “Nobody really knows much of anything. I was hoping you might..?”
Darsamane furrowed his brows, and a low rumble sounded from his throat in consideration. “I was.. going to meet my team.. Hillsbrad, they’d decided.. I wrote you, yes?”
“You wrote me, yes- I got your letter.”
“Good.. mmh. I set out to meet them.. I remember giving the ruins of Lordaeron a.. very wide berth.. just in case..” He spoke slowly, and while Alth had to fight the urge to rush him, she already found herself more concerned that a man normally so quick in the mind was now so slow to form a sentence. She stayed quiet, and let him continue.
“.. I remember getting through the archway and entering Silverpine.. uneventful.. but.. then…” He paused, and she could judge by the way his breathing picked up slightly that he found himself frustrated. For several long moments he was silent, desperate to find answers that no longer existed- just as Marne had told him.
“.. But then I just remember being here.” He finally said.
“You’re sure you don’t remember anything, Ann’da? Were you being followed, did someone come after you, anything like that?” She leaned forward, gently gripping his arm.
Darsamane could only shake his head, “My darling daughter.. if I could remember.. you would be the second person I’d tell- after the officials, of course.. but it’s.. not even blackness. Just.. an empty space.” He deflated, and so did Altherei. Her ears wilted, and despite the pain it caused him, Darsamane drew his hand up from underneath the blanket to take hold of her own. His grip was weak, but her fingers gingerly curled around his.
“I’m.. I’m sorry, Altherei.”
“Wh- no, don’t be sorry,” She frowned, “This isn’t your fault. And maybe you’ll remember once you’re better.. but.. there’s nothing to be-”
He cut her off first with a brief grunt, “Not.. for this- well. Yes. For making you.. worry, on your old man’s behalf.” She saw him smirk for a moment, but it was gone like a ghost. “For.. the things I said to you- the last time we spoke. For.. what I begged of you to do.”
Altherei was still then, teal eyes looking into teal eyes. She almost thought he might cry, had his eyes not been nearly swollen shut, still. Her own brows knit, and she shook her head again.
“No, Ann’da. You.. I know you said it out of love- and out of worry. That’s.. that’s a parent’s job, isn’t it?” She offered a little smile. “I know you want me to be safe- and I am. I have.. I have a lot of great people around me. I have Kal. We’re doing.. great work, and I know you’d enjoy seeing it.”
“I would.. but my dearest.. you could have a literal army.. to protect you.. and I would still worry.” His voice cracked, unused to speaking after two weeks of silence, but she could hear the soft humor in it. “But you.. forgive me?”
“Ann’da- there’s.. there’s nothing to forgive.” She replied warmly, “But if it will give you peace of mind all the same, then yes- of course I forgive you.”
“So much like your mother, still,” He grinned, uncurling his fingers from hers to pat the top of her hand with his own, “You may have inherited.. most everything else from me. But.. your ability to forgive.. mmh,” He closed his eyes, remembering the woman he loved so dearly, even after her death, “.. You got that from her, my child.”
Altherei’s ears flicked back softly- their family didn’t often speak of Lethelle- or Arathaer. Their deaths were remembered, and their memories honored, but unless brought up neither were terribly-oft discussed. That being said, Altherei had nothing but fond memories of her mother, and while the memories were now forever covered in a bittersweet haze, all the same they made her smile.
“So- mmf,” He paused, trying to make himself sit up but finding the effort required a price far too high for his ribs to want to pay, “.. Tell me.. everything. How.. how are -you-? What great plans.. do you have for the world..?” He grinned again.
And she told him everything she could recall. From the dreams of what she had for Haven’s current renovations, to her plans for the next month in the renovation of the Shelter. She told him about the folks who’d pledged their help- whether as service, guards, friendly faces, or the ones who’d taken the plunge to be partners and provide another level of aid to the Outreach. She even told him of the upcoming gathering hosted by the Sunreavers, a time for neutral guilds and groups to come together and discuss.. all manner of things. No doubt there’d be talk of the war and its effects on non-combatants and neutral organizations alike. By the time she was finished her eyes held a sparkle Darsamane found he’d missed quite dearly, and he chuckled anyway despite the pain of his ribs protesting.
“My.. what a busy bee you’ve been.. and will continue to be.” He grinned, letting out a slow breath. He could stay and chat with his daughter all day, all night, and well into the next- he had the will for it. However, his body was growing fatigued, and there was only so much time he knew he had before sleep would come knocking for him again (and sleep be damned, he felt- hadn’t he gotten more than enough in the past two weeks?).
“What about you? You’re awake now, so..” Altherei trailed off.
“They said.. I’ll be going in for surgery in a couple days- once I get a little stronger. After that.. who can say.”
Altherei’s ears flicked back once more. “If your surgery is in a couple days, I can take time off take care of you, and-”
She was cut off by a tut, “Nonsense. You have far more important work to do.”
“I can surely find someone to go to the gathering in my place, to help oversee the first week or so of renovating the Shelter and all of that..” She protested.
He tsk’d again, “No, absolutely not. I know.. I know how much family means to you, my darling. And I want you to know how much that means to me. But I will be here, and your people need you. You made commitments, and our word is our bond,” He reminded her gently, hardly a chastisement.
“You are far more important than those commitments, Ann’da. I couldn’t possibly just leave you here,” She replied with a huff.
“You can- and you should,” Came his reply, simple at first. “These commitments came first. And I insist you honor them. There are not enough people doing good work in this world yet- go, and show them what is possible.” His voice was firm, yet there was a lovingness in how he spoke. He would hear no arguments, and while one of the many things Altherei had inherited from her father was her stubbornness, she’d also learned over her century and then some to know which battles were worth fighting- this was not one.
“.. Fine. But then you’ll have to deal with me until you’re well enough to not need it anymore,” She replied, a teasing warning. Gentle footfalls behind her alerted her to Celeste’s presence- Darsamane needed to rest. She knew. Slowly, Altherei stood, offering her father’s hand one final squeeze. “And Kal will insist on cooking you something, I’m sure,” She grinned warmly, “We can even set up a trip to Haven once you’re up for it, and you can see all we’ve done.”
“I look forward to that more than you can imagine, my child. But for now.. you have work to do. And.. if I don’t get rest, I fear our delightful nurse may get quite cross,” He laughed softly, and allowed Celeste to tuck his arm back in and adjust his blankets and pillows while Altherei moved out of the way and to the door.
“Ah- but, Altherei?” He called to her.
Stopping in the doorway, she turned back. “Yes, Ann’da?”
He offered to her the warmest smile he could manage. While she couldn’t see much of it behind the swelling and bruises, she knew the expression well. Not for what she could or couldn’t see, but for how it warmed her heart.
“I love you, my sweet. And.. I am.. so very.. very proud of you.”
Her own warm smile pulled at the corners of her lips, and she wandered back in long enough to give his forehead a sweet kiss before withdrawing. “I love you too, Ann’da. I’ll see you soon enough,” She offered softly before rising once more, nodding her thanks to Celeste. She exited the hospital room and met back up with Kal. Her worries, largely, had been laid to rest. After all, what was there to worry over now that was truly of consequence? Kalomar had returned, safe and sound, just as he’d promised. Her father, while still in a most sorry state, was awake and recovering.
For the first time in recent memory, Altherei truly started to feel that things were looking up.
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wickedsingularity · 7 years
There's One Thing Those Legendary Hands Can't Do [drabble]
wickedsingularity’s Christmas Stories 2017 Masterlist
Fandom: Star Trek Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Female Words: 781 Warnings: A suggestive comment, fluff, stubborn doctor.
Summary: It's Christmas, we're on shore leave, and Leonard is insisting to do a chore for me.
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It was a rare occasion that shore leave came around the same time as Christmas. Even rarer, that a ship was near Earth when it happened. But the Enterprise was scheduled for a few weapon upgrades and a mini re-fitting so she docked at McKinley Station right before Christmas, and all her crew were getting a couple of months shore leave.
Leonard and I were assigned one of the one-bedroom apartments that Starfleet had in connection to the Academy and Headquarters. While we could have stayed with his family in Georgia or mine in California, at least until over Christmas, we wanted to have the luxury of being able to leave and go "home".
This temporary home is where I currently enjoyed an old classic Christmas movie called Elf. I was curled up on the couch, blankets all around me and a mug of hot chocolate lightly spiced with pumpkin spices in my hands. The movie had just begun, and I was waiting for Leonard to come join me, I had hot chocolate waiting for him too.
After a little while, I heard him come out of the bedroom. I turned my head around to smile and beckon him over, but his arms were overloaded with wrapping paper, ribbon and tape, and several bags were hanging from his hands. It was a balancing act and he stumbled a bit on the edge of the carpet, and was just about to drop it all, but made it to the table just in time to load it all onto it.
"Len? What on earth are you up to?" I asked, smiling bemusedly.
"Figured I'd wrap our presents while you enjoy your movie." He sorted the paper and the bags, organizing everything.
"I told you I'd do it later today."
"I want to, darlin'." He sauntered over and picked up his steaming mug. "You rest and watch your movie, I know you need to watch it every Christmas. I'll wrap everything up, and have you and the elf as background noise." Then he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "Mmm, you taste like chocolate."
I settled deeper into the couch, snuggling it instead of my boyfriend. Very soon, I became engrossed in the movie, even if I had seen it twenty times before.
It had been maybe a quarter of an hour when something caught my attention. There was a clunk, a sloshing sound, a few curse words, and then the scraping of a chair being pushed backwards and toppling over.
I snapped my head around and looked over the back of the couch. The cup had fallen, spilling its contents all over the table and Leonard was frantically shoving things out of the way.
"What happened?!" I stood up hastily, paused the movie and rushed over.
"I knocked it over by accident," Leonard mumbled, pressing paper towels onto the table. "The presents are safe, love. Go back to your movie."
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you?" I looked at the only present he had managed to wrap so far, and it didn't look good.
"I'm sure. See?" He held up the now light brown paper towels before tossing them over into the sink. "I just can't use this roll of paper." And that too joined the paper towels, to recycled later.
Hiding the scepticism, I nodded and smiled encouragingly before turning around to snuggle myself on the couch again. But this time, it didn't take long before the crinkling of paper and huffs and puffs and muttered curses reached my ears, distracting me. I tried to ignore it, but it got more and more annoying until I turned off the movie and walked over to the table.
"Len, sweetheart." I glanced around at the mess. He was about to wrap his left hand into the gift, he had ribbon in his teeth to try and tighten the knot, and... was that a piece of tape in his hair? "Let me help you."
"I'm fine!" As he spoke, the ribbon fell out and he cursed again.
I walked around the table and carefully pulled the tape out of his hair. Then I slid my arms around him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Your hands are so talented, Doctor McCoy," I spoke almost seductively near his ear. "They can do the most complicated surgery, expertly stitch up wounds, make me come so beautifully... But they can't wrap a present to save your life."
He didn't say anything, just stared down at the hand inside the wrapping paper, the ribbon with his bitemark on it. Then he snorted. "Please help me, darlin'."
"Move over, I'll show you how."
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Permanent tags: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @geeksareunique @iguess-theyre-mymess @neeadinghugs Star Trek tags: @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @dirajunara @feelmyroarrrr Experimental tags: @yourtropegirl @outside-the-government  
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The Sleeping One pt 4
Dwalin/Dwarf!Reader. Your name is Geisli, the golden-haired barmaid of the Woolly Bear Inn.
Chapter [1] [2] [3] [4]
word count 1764
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You woke to a world of agonizing fire, shouts you did not understand and strong hands holding you down. Something was poured down your throat, but you spluttered it back up rather than swallow, retching as the hands that had been holding your down turned you on your side.
“Stop it!” Dwalin roared, watching Geisli choke on whatever medicine the elf was trying to give her. Pushing the long-limbed fool out of his way, he picked up her smaller form, turning her face into his chest. Geisli whimpered.
 The agony continued, but now you were being lifted rather than held down, and you recognized the smell of Dwalin’s tunic, overlaid with the acrid scent of fear and the metallic smell of blood, but still Dwalin. You clung to him, trusting him to keep you safe, protected, so far beyond caring about anything but making the fire stop burning that you did not know what words you were whimpering into his throat. Your fingers – you could feel you hand again, which seemed odd, for some reason – twisted in the fur that covered his shoulders. A hand was stroking your hair.
“Geisli, you need to drink the medicine,” he whispered, “please. It will make you feel better.”
The effort it took to open your eyes, to stare up at his worried – Dwalin was worried about you? – face, was nearly overwhelming.
“Med’cin?” you slurred. He nodded. “Hol… safe?” you hardly had the wherewithal to find the words, but somehow he knew what your mumbled syllables meant.
“I promise, you’ll be just fine. I’ll be right here, the whole time. Drink the medicine and go back to sleep, Geisli, hear me?” He whispered, his eyes wide and a little frightened, which made you frown. Dwalin was never frightened. Not even when he came in during the brawl of ’24, which resulted in four deaths, had Dwalin ever been frightened. Angry, yes – furious, rather – and capable of punching a dwarf through a wall, but never frightened. You nodded; you meant to, anyway, but your head never made its way up again, simply resting against the warmth of Dwalin’s chest. When he tilted your head for you, your mouth fell open though you struggled with swallowing the oily mixture that tasted like a mixture between the colour green and what you imagined Bofur’s socks would be like after a long day in the mines.
  Dwalin watched her eyes flutter closed once more, her breathing steady, before he turned his full glare on the Elf.
“Hold her steady, Master Dwarf,” the Elf said, completely ignoring Dwalin’s scowl in favour of cutting off Geisli’s boot, revealing a foot so dark and swollen Dwalin knew Óin would have recommended amputation before gangrene set in. the Elf tutted to himself, sliding the blades of his scissors up Geisli’s leg until Dwalin’s growl stopped him. “I need to see the injury properly. Her leg is broken, and her ankle could be too – in fact I’m almost certain it is – and we need to set the bones quickly.” He kept cutting, moving the supple leather aside to reveal Geisli’s well-turned leg – well, it resembled Dwalin’s worst nightmare at the moment, but normally Geisli had very beautiful legs, he’d always thought, ever since he’d caught sight of her masterfully kicking a Dwarf in the gut during the infamous Woolly Bear Brawl of ’24. The bone of her lower leg had snapped, but not pierced her tough skin, which was a blessing. The black and purple foot revealed that there was some obstruction of blood-flow, which was not a blessing. The Elf frowned. Running his fingers lightly along the injury with his eyes closed – was this Elvish medicine??? – he hummed thoughtfully. Dwalin stared. The elf began chanting something in that bird language of theirs – Balin knew some of it, but Dwalin had never bothered – as his fingers moved with surety. Suddenly, there was a loud crack as the Elf pulled the leg bone back in place with a snap. Dwalin winced, looking down at Geisli’s serene face. Whatever else you could say about Elves, they had effective drugs, for sure. Dwalin didn’t think even poppymilk would have let her sleep calmly through that. “That was the easy part, master Dwarf,” the elf said, looking up to catch Dwalin’s questioning glance. His quick hands were splinting her leg with a few narrow iron rods wrapped with cloth, and then he turned his attention to Geisli’s foot.
“Can she keep it?” Dwalin asked. In his experience, injuries like that did not have good odds. He remembered Dáin’s foot after Azanulbizar; it had looked quite similar, and the healers had taken it off after three days of constant agony when it became clear that the limb was already rotting.
“She may never walk normally,” the elf cautioned, “but I believe it is not too late to save her foot…”
  Thorin was pacing; the rest of the Company had taken up silent vigil outside the healing room where the Elf-Lord had brought Dwalin. When Geisli’s screams of agony abruptly cut off, Ori began silently weeping. Dori and Nori flanked him on either side. The Thief looked pale, holding hands with Bofur – they knew Geisli best of the assembled Dwarrow after all – who was trembling. Fíli and Kíli’s arms were tight around each other, and Thorin joined them with a slight rumble of sound intended to calm – them or himself, Thorin did not know, having recognised the look in Dwalin’s eyes when he almost attacked the Elf in the courtyard. Geisli was the warrior’s One, Thorin had no doubt, and he did not want to think about what might happen to his best friend if she died.
  The horrific injury had been hidden beneath yards of bandages, leaving Geisli unable to move it while her bones attempted to fuse back together. Her foot, the elf had explained, might always turn a little outward; some of the smaller bones had been shattered into fine powder, and there was no way to remake them. Dwalin preferred not to think of the hour-long surgery they had performed. Mostly, he had kept his eyes glue on Geisli’s sweet face, watching her for any sign of discomfort. Her hand was lax, but still pressed against the fur above his heart, and he hardly dared move for fear of jostling her.
“I’ve sent for some of the ladies to bathe lady Geisli and dress her in clean clothes,” the elf said, touching Dwalin’s shoulder lightly. “While they take care of her, perhaps you might like a bath of your own?”
“Promised to stay,” Dwalin croaked, the first words he’d spoken in hours. His hands tightened.
“I swear your wife will be right here waiting for you when you return.” The words made Dwalin look up, surprised by the sympathy in the elf’s ancient eyes. His surprise stole the denial from his lips, his protest that Geisli was not his wife.
“She won’t wake up alone?” he asked, feeling near desperate to stay, but knowing he ought to take the elf’s advice – and report to Thorin, if nothing else.
“I’d be surprised if she woke up at all within the next day. Her body needs the rest, and so do you. I’ll have another bed brought in here…”
“No, I want to hold her,” Dwalin heard himself say. The elf nodded, the smile on his mouth giving away the fact that he had expected the offer would be denied.
“Just don’t jostle her leg, master Dwarf.” He admonished, before ducking out of the doorway. The space was soon taken by a pair of bustling she-elves, bringing in a wash basin and several pitchers of steamy water, as well as a bed-robe which was surprisingly Dwarf-sized. His cheeks aflame, Dwalin placed Geisli back on the bed, leaving with a brief nod in the direction of the two elves who gave him kind smiles in return.
  “Geisli will walk again,” he reported, to great sighs of relief, when he appeared outside and realised that the Company had all but camped outside the door. “The Elf thinks she might even keep her foot.”
“Can we see her?” Nori asked. Dalin shook his head. The Thief’s face fell.
“They’re giving her a bath, Nori,” Dwalin explained, his ears glowing again. “We’ll be allowed to visit briefly before dinner. I have been told we ought to bathe in the meantime, so we don’t drag dirt into a sickroom.” Dwalin had obviously been told no such thing, but if he was going to be getting naked in this Elven place, he’d certainly not be doing it without someone there as back-up. There was a smattering of agreement as the Dwarrow rose to their feet.
“This way, masters Dwarf,” a slip of a she-elf said. Dwalin caught Thorin’s eye, sharing one of their five-sentence-shrugs and followed, his oldest friend falling into step beside him.
  “She’s your One,” Thorin said quietly, sitting beside Dwalin in the lukewarm pool they’d been offered for soaking. Dwalin stiffened, his blush reaching from the tip of his ears to the middle of his hairy chest at the words.
“How’d you…?” he protested half-heartedly. Thorin gave him another speaking look.
“Well, the elf told me that as her husband – Dwalin, honestly – you would be allowed to stay in Geisli’s room, but the rest of us would be bought to the guest chambers.” Thorin whispered, exasperated. Dwalin’s blush intensified.
“He said that, not I!” he claimed, scowling at Thorin’s impudent grin.
“Not like you put up much of a fight though, was it?” he winked, ducking out of the way of Dwalin’s meaty fist. Dwalin groaned, hiding his face in his hands.
“What do I do, Thorin?” he moaned.
“Wait for her to wake up,” Thorin offered, sagely lighting the pipe he had fished from his gear. Dwalin stared enviously. His own pipe had been in his saddlebag when his pony ran off with it. Thorin sighed, offering him a drag.
“And then apologise and hope she’ll understand it was an accident!” Dwalin smiled, suddenly feeling lighter.
“I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Confess that you’re an idiot who is in love with her and ask for permission to court her’,” Thorin replied drily, stealing back the pipe. Dwalin groaned again. “She’s at least reasonably fond of you,” Thorin added philosophically. “Didn’t put up near any fight at all the night she woke up on your chest.” Dwalin punched his arm.
“Sometimes, I hate you, Thorin.”
“Likewise, Dwalin,” Thorin puffed once on the pipe before handing it over, “likewise.”
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argonapricot · 7 years
All of them
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Right now? Japan. Just. You know. Because
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Someone with nice and positive energy, who is not super dependent on me but also values me a lot. Someone who has passions and hobbies! I’m usually attracted to how people animate themselves, rather than individual features? A violist musician, maybe. Someone who will listen to classical music with me, and share awesome non-classical jams with me! Someone who likes cats. Someone whose name starts with U.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
On average, none. For special events, or events that I am very anxious about, I might put on concealer/foundation. I kind of use the two interchangeably. And then maybe a Bit of eyeshadow and maybe a Bit of brown eyeliner, if I’m really feeling fancy. 
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
A vampire? Seems easier to control. And also potentially less painful. And hotter. Also I wouldn’t get my period anymore because I’d be undead sign me up.
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
Once upon a time my school orchestra was corralled into the most mortifying gig on a radio show recording session to ever happen. I don’t think we were even invited, our conductor just made us show up. Only only half the orchestra did and it was the worst. thing. to ever happen.
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
Oh god, I’ve had a lot of weird dreams. I feel like I’m currently blanking on the weirdest. Surely I’ve already told you some good ones?
waves: favourite season and why?
FALL because the weather is nice and the breeze is nice and the smell is nostalgic and the trees are beautiful and aaaa there’s nothing like an autumn breeze
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
I mean. Yeah.
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
You, me, the squad, a beach. Ideally featuring me beating Hannah at something.
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
I mean possible as in “safe” or “legal” or “practical”? Like. Snow leopards are gorgeous and big cats can be pretty catlike but I don’t think they’d be very happy in closed quarters.
sunlight: least favourite song?
Clarissa’s stupid bear song on the piano
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
I don’t think I’d ever go through with it? Sometimes I’m just like “wow my skin sucks imagine getting fake skin that wouldn’t betray me like this”, but idk if that’s even possible. Other than that I’m… actually pretty happy with my facial features.
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
I’ve been told that I have an Adorable Nose. I’ve also been complimented on my eyebrows, and also sometimes my eyes, but uh. I think the most Compelling part of my physical appearance is just like. The way I emote. Idk. Anyone care to cast a vote?
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
As in… on myself? On other people? In the context of sexual attraction? I have my ears pierced, and other piercings can look really good on other people. So can tattoos! But I don’t really think I’m likely to get either.
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
Um. I would be… a cream puff. Because I deflate easily.
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
I like both! For a living space of my own, maybe modern.
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
The opening sequence to the Uzuki Files
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
Why can’t I be a rogue warrior mage tho. 
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
My skin! If it could just  be clear, all the time, I would feel honestly so much better about myself.
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
Oh gee, I don’t know. Nice weather, and maybe some nice pastries, and maybe outdoors somewhere with some nice conversation? And maybe some handholding or cuddling or little cheek kisses.
brine: gold or silver?
Depends on the application! But my Inner Aesthetic dictates silver.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
Uh. I mean I think that depends on the mood my personality is filtered through. 
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
You! Also, elves. Also, nice weather.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
Uhh. Living in an apartment in Massachussetts with you and Emma while you two get graduate degrees in engineering and biology or somethings. I will be freelancing art and graphic design even though I will have been able to major in neither. Idk.
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
Tall iced mocha with whipped cream. 
voyage: what are your favourite names?
We made a giant ass spreadsheet of our favorite names, I don’t know which to select for the purpose of this ask meme! Um. Nikolai, obviously. And……. I’ve always loved the name Lyla. 
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
mkay so we have:
Riava - a wreck, a mess, stammers a bunch, very timid and wishy washy in the face of death and torture, has no legs,  a badass girlfriend who you hate. Possibly also in a relationship with the badass girlfriend’s twin brother Randy.
Ayra - a Badass Amazing CalmTM paladin knight lady with an overprotective streak and a lot of Really Cool Skillz. She works very hard and takes things very seriously, and doesn’t have time for boys. That aren’t her brother/adopted puppy Destian.
Caslyn - A lot more capable and level-headed than Riava, but also kind of a mess? Does magic and ships. Basically married to a lovey competent ship’s captain. Probably going to end up kicking Hannah’s crying rear-end.
Steph - a de-armadillo’d armadillo person who is good at quests and swords and Inner Conflict. Passed up an amazing and gr8 and not-evil sword Silverlight for the alternatively Super Evil And Powerful/Super Clueless And Convinced Tat My Mom Is Pregnant Darklight. What a wild ride
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
As in like, a predestined perfect love that happens automatically and sustains itself without effort? Nnnnah. All relationships take work and attention and trust. I believe in very complete, genuine love, but that doesn’t mean infallible or inevitable.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Either french, because it sounds Good and Nice and kind of already know my way around the language a little, or Korean because I spend a lot of time listening to people speak Korean and the rhythm is really different from English and the idea of being able to understand it is really attractive.
Or yknow. Elf languages.
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
A spandex kilt over purple overalls, idk????? I don’t know how Fashion.
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
Introverted all the way. Which like. I wouldn’t say always makes me happy, because I suffer a lot, but I’m… kinda proud of it. Tis the way of my family.
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
Sometimes I eat raisins and pretend that the raisin box is a pack of cigarettes, and I’m, uh… smoking? Them? Eating some drugs? Don’t ask me how that works, I’m too lame.
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turkey day in the desert
Hey friends! How are you? I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend. I can’t believe it’s Monday. The days have all blurred together and I feel like I’m finally crawling out from festivities, shopping, and mountains of pie. It was the best ever.
Today is a travel day and we’re headed back to Valdosta. While it’s hard to be away from everyone, I’m hoping the new family memories and belly full of real Mexican food will hold me over for a little while. It gives us something to work towards, and I’m crossing my fingers we’ll be back for good sometime in the next couple of years.
While we were in town, we enjoyed so many fun adventures.
Black Friday shopping with the fam,
drinks with friends,
the movie Coco (the animation was mindblowing, the few songs were beautiful, but the storyline wasn’t my fave. Also, if you take small kiddos, P was NOT into the Olaf mini-movie beforehand. It was really long and spent a majority of her valuable attention span –  not much was left for the actual movie.)
a beautiful baby shower for my cousin Ashley,
and lots of time hanging out at madre’s with the fam over. She rented a jumping castle for the weekend so all of the cousins could jump outside instead of being cooped indoors. Needless to say, it was a huge hit. 
Even baby Everly got to *jump* a little bit, and the girls all loved it.
While we were in Tucson, we tried to hit up as many Tucson faves as possible. We had Calle Tepa the second we left the airport,
(bowl with chicken adobado, guac, lettuce, salsa, beans and rice)
Beyond Bread with friends,
(this is the Molly’s Crisis with turkey, hummus, mayo, lettuce and tomato on a gluten-free wrap with vinegar slaw)
crepes from the food truck,
the most amazing cheese board Kyle made when we went over to hang out with him and Meggie,
and of course, lots of Thanksgiving leftovers.
One night, the Pilot grilled burgers for everyone, and we enjoyed them with fries, salad and margaritas. It was perfect.
Workout-wise, I didn’t do a ton. I took an awesome Thanksgiving Eve Orangetheory class with Alexus, and Friday night, I caught a barre3 class. Before I take any classes, I like to give the instructor a heads up that I recently had surgery, but can modify as needed. This way, they don’t feel like they have to constantly give me individual attention or modifications, but at the same time, they’re not like, “WTF is she doing over there?” if I’m modifying for a particular exercise. The instructor only did super safe core work for the entire series! She was WONDERFUL. She even added in some rare treasures from Physical Therapy that I’d forgotten about (<— supine, taking deep breaths and squeezing a small ball in between your thighs as you exhale. This helps to rebuild strength in your core.)
We also shot the workout videos for Winter Shape Up! My friend Katie joined in the fun, so we were able to provide various options and modifications for all of the workouts. She also leads a Pilates video in the workout series, and Grant (the best ever!) filmed. I can’t wait for this years’ challenge, which will be headed your way in mid-January. 
I hope you have a great day and I’ll see ya back in Georgia.
Cyber Monday is here! It’s a great chance to cross off holiday gift lifts (fitness gift ideas are here!) and even stock up on the things you need. We usually order things we need for the house + clothes for the girls (who are growing way way too quickly). 
Some of the goodies I already hit up:
50% off at gap. The girls got a ton of new clothes in their next sizes, plus outwear and winter staples for this season. (P got some cozy bear slippers, too.)
40% off at Old Navy! More stuff for the girls – I can’t help myself – and some cactus pajama pants for myself because #necessary.
Ordered the infamous vacuum. It’s arriving early this week and I’m creepily excited to use it. Crumbs and Caro’s dog hair stand NO CHANCE.
New sheets for the master bedroom.
–Land of Nod: 20% off + free shipping. Since P has been sleeping in her big-girl bed (halp me) so she has new rainbow bedding on the way. 
A few holiday gifts – hoping to order the rest today – and call the list done.
More amazing deals:
The Instant Pot! If you don’t have one, now is your chance. It changed my cooking game and we use it all the time. 
50% off at Express! They have some seriously cute party dresses, casual button-ups and ruffle sweaters.
Livi’s favorite TOM’s low-tops are on sale. 
–J Crew: 40% off ENTIRE purchase. I love their men’s polo and button-up shirts for gifts. They also have great pajamas.
–Francesca’s is buy one, get one 50% off. They have the best stocking stuffers. I think we may need these elf drinking buddies.
-Our favorite bluetooth speaker is almost half off. 
–Shark steam mop
-Love this Tarte lip set, these Philosophy gingerbread sets, and mini goodies for stocking stuffers
-Athleta is 
–Madewell: 25% off (need this floral dress)
–Revolve: up to 50% off! This is my favorite store online right now and they have so many gorgeous dresses, accessories and tops for winter. My fave tassel earrings on sale for $39 here.
–Loft is 50% off everything! Love this top and this dress.
–Banana Republic 50% off regular price.
The post turkey day in the desert appeared first on The Fitnessista.
from North Shore Outlet - Health and Fitness http://ift.tt/2A9vAWn via IFTTT
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altherei · 6 years
Looking Up - Pt. 1
((Author’s note: most of this story is comprised of in-game RP had with Kalomar’s player. This and Part 2, up later today, take place the afternoon of the 23rd. Enjoy!))
******* To not have knowledge and be helpless was one sort of awful. To have knowledge and be helpless was another entirely, and even after Altherei had visited her father the week prior, in the days that followed she felt only as if she’d traded one brand of misery for another. Instead of waiting to learn his condition (or if he still lived at all), she was now waiting for him to wake (if he did at all). Instead of worrying about whether he lived to her visit, she now worried over whether he’d wake- and then, would he survive surgery? And surviving that, would he be able to continue the work he’d done before? She was no student of medicine, but she knew the damage brain injuries could cause, even if only from a very basic perspective. The man who raised her, taught her, prided over her skills.. could very well not be the man that came out of that surgery.
But all those worries were quickly replaced by shock and excitement when she finally did receive a letter alerting her that he’d woken up. Eager to visit him, she and Kal took the first portal she could flag down in Silvermoon, sending them on their way to Dalaran. The portal left her feeling a little woozy by distance alone, but she was swift to push it out of mind and hurried toward the hospital.
The nurse from before- Celeste, Altherei had learned her name was- took the pair to her father’s room where she saw no real change in her father’s condition. The swelling on his face had gone down some, and the bruises had shifted from a malicious black and blue to take on more reddish and yellow hues at their very edges. His head was still bandaged, and he seemed to be sleeping still when Celeste gently tapped against his shoulder. Seeing him in such a state still gave Altherei pause, and her fingers briefly sought to wrap around Kal’s as he stood somewhat behind her.
“Mr. Darkwind? Your daughter- and .. ah, a guest- are here to see you.” Her voice was as gentle as always, and slowly but surely the older elf grumbled and stirred before attempting to crack his eyes open.
Altherei could barely make out the soft teal glow between nearly-closed lids. What he could manage of a smile, he offered to his youngest, and she wandered to his bedside and took a nearby chair to sit in, gesturing to an open one for Kal if he so chose. Celeste gave a nod, and stepped outside to give them a chance to talk.
While it was difficult still for her to see her father so injured.. this was good news. He was awake, which meant his treatment had been working. "I'm glad you're awake, Ann'da," She spoke quietly, and Darsamane's split lip slowly formed a grin. His teal eyes were still all but swollen shut, but his attention shifted to his daughter. "Hello, sweetling... I knew you'd be by." His gaze slowly shifted to Kalomar, "And who.. is your rugged companion?" His expression didn't need to change for the cheekiness in his tone to be made apparent. Even being beaten within an inch of his life hadn't robbed him of his humor- or the desire to quietly tease his youngest child.
Ever animated, the ranger couldn't hide his light surprise at what he was referred to as. Slight sways of his head came in tandem with a forward crane of his neck, prior to a smile pulling at his lips. "I'll take it," Therein, a full display of white teeth alongside miniscule fangs. "Kalomar Palewind. A pleasure, sir. I help your daughter with the Outreach and we've ahh..." Awkward as it was, the ranger let a chuckle sound out and speak for his nerves. "...become something of an item, over time. Hopefully that isn't terribly surprising for the first thing you hear from me." An ounce of optimism, likely bled into him from the woman at his side.
Altherei couldn't help but giggle at the description herself- not because it was inaccurate, but because this was apparently something she was used to from her father. Darsamane let out a puff of air as a laugh- and promptly regretted it with a wheeze against broken ribs. "Darsamane.. Darkwind- and the pleasure.. is mine," He gave a smaller grin, "Aaaaaha.. you're the one.. she's told me so much about.." He peered to his daughter, an almost-imperceptible wiggle of his brows coming after. "It is surprising- but.. a pleasant one. Good.. for you two. You must be.. quite the gentleman.. to meet her high standards," He replied proudly, and Alth just grinned.
"Honestly, I think she's lowered them quite a bit to put up with me. But I've heard I can be amusing every so often." Despite the jesting deprecation of none other than himself, those intertwined hands earned a quick squeeze. "How much were you told? The whole of the operation is a just one. Some don't particularly appreciate my dedication to security measures. Too strict, too many rangers around. But," His head bobbed left and right, apparently quite conversational on this particular afternoon. "Worthwhile to keep everyone safe. I'm told your quite the astronomer yourself, sir?" Anxiety and nerves had apparently been lost. That, or well hidden beneath his staunch display of enthusiasm.
"Nonsense," He tutted, casting a loving smile to his daughter, "I'm sure you're a.. a delight," He grinned, perhaps catching a glimpse of their locked fingers. "And.. mmh, what was it.. Head of Security, she called you..? That.. you keep them all safe.." His gaze hardened some, yet lacked malice. Instead it was stubbornness in his gaze, "Where my daughter.. is concerned.. there is no such thing .. as 'too strict'." His words were quite serious, "So know.. that I appreciate your dedication." His tone softened then, letting his head loll back to stare at the ceiling. "Taught her all I know.. and then.. she learned twice as much in her studies.. did she tell you.. how incensed her Minn'da was.. when I sneaked her out of bed  as a child to look through the telescope..?" He let out a softer, breathier laugh and Alth couldn't help but chuckle as well. Even with all his injuries, the way he spoke did far more to reassure her.
"You'll hear no arguments from me in regards to that strictness." The agreement was all too easy to speak, lips quirked upward by the upbeat demeanor of the injured man. Many questions crossed his mind and yet, he hadn't the heart to ask them. The flow of conversation was well enough left on its own, without his own warped determinations to cause it to stray. "That does sound like her. At least what I've learned so far. Though, really, I shouldn't be taking up your time. Please," Only a nudge of his head toward Altherei, neck twisted to allow his gaze to shift to the aforementioned nerd. Encouragement has hope to be bolstered through his smile, hand remaining idle and content within her own.
“Good, good. .. Smart man,” He cracked a wry grin. “And.. nonsense, nonsense.. anyone important to Altherei.. is important to me.. and.. I’m eager.. to get to know you better.” He nodded as best he could in his current state, peering to his daughter then. “But you have been.. rather quiet, sweetling. Surely you have.. things you can tell me, too?” He mused, and Altherei only laughed softly. “I didn’t wish to interrupt- you two were getting along so well,” She winked in Kal’s direction, shrugging lightly. “I suppose it depends on what you’d like to know. We’ve been renovating Haven, and that’s.. going fairly well, I’d think. We’ll be having a meeting next week to assess progress and.. see what else needs to be done.” Darsamane let out a low hum in consideration, “That is.. good to hear. And how.. have you helped in that, Kalomar? Or are you just security..?” His question seemed genuine, despite his constant grin. This man was nothing if not cheery.
"Well, I did plan to make us all dinner one evening, with Altherei's blessing. Something spicy." Wiggling brows came about for one reason or another. Silence, however, overtook the ranger as he let family converse. Falling from conversation never did bother the ranger. In fact, he was quite content to sit a listen in on all that was being said. His ears animated only briefly once he was called upon. "Oh. I haven't been back yet, since I just returned from deployment. But I did a few general repairs between ranges in the forests surrounding Haven. Nothing all that substantial." Rolling shoulders allowed a pause in his words just before the hefted upward for another lazy shrug. "I try to do what I can, really. That's about it."
“Already trying to win my favor?” Darsamane couldn’t help but tease, “Clearly she’s giving you pointers…” Another brief chuckle came from the elder elf, and Altherei’s laugh soon followed. “He does more than he thinks,” Altherei chimed in then, “Or at least, -I- think so. He.. was actually the first person to sign on with the Outreach at all. And he’s been.. an immense help to me since then.” Despite her taking a brief moment to brag about him, her gaze never left him- and the fondness in her tone was matched only by the fondness in her gaze. She didn’t say it just to brag- she said it because she meant it. And judging by her father’s smile, he couldn’t have been more pleased to see her so happy.
Kalomar turned his head in a motion that could have been perceived as sharp, were it not for his light-hearted demeanor. Face closer to the astromancer's, a faux threat is leveled between smiling lips. "Don't try to make me fluster in front of your father." Though it hadn't lasted long, there was a narrowing of his gaze.  He followed up with the elder Darkwind moments after. "I recommended it while deployed, actually. A bit inspired by the things they had in foreign lands. Dumb luck, we'll call it. And whether or not I win your favor should be left up to the fate of natural interaction."
In contrast, Altherei’s expression was purely innocent- what, make him fluster? She’d never do such a thing deliberately. She didn’t reply, but there was mischief in her gaze for all of a moment, as if to say why, is it working? Darsamane let out another low rumble of a hum, “I do enjoy.. spicier food. Strange as that.. seems.. to most everyone. You were.. deployed? Where… if you don’t mind my asking?” He seemed curious, letting out a breath of air in short order. “And bah- you’re.. already doing a fine job.. by keeping her safe. The rest is.. all a matter of time.”
Kalomar dared lean forward, as if this battle for teasing dominance was still ongoing. He mirrored that silent question with a gaze that read of intention to speak her own flustering into existence. Yet, conflict arose once questions of where exactly he'd been had come about. A blink passing by, the ranger's attention was pulled away from his partner. Knitted brows put his worries on display, followed by lips pulled inward. Still, an answer braved itself past his anxieties. "Darkshore, actually." Falling back into himself, his brow relaxes whilst his shoulders give the occasional twitch. "Not the best of places, but I'm happy to be back." Throat moistened by a swallow, Kalomar let his gaze pull back and forth between the elder and his daughter, several times over. "As all things are, sir. Though her safety has no place to be questioned in my presence. I can offer you that in absolution."
Altherei tried not to snicker too much in response to such a dire threat- after all, she knew precisely what Kalomar was capable of when he set his mind to being shameless. Talk of his deployment caused her ears to flick back briefly- her time spent worrying over his delay was not yet forgotten, and even if it had been she was as aware as her father that it was not a place to be. “Mmh.. I’ve only heard.. murmurings- from the other nurses, as they pass by.. it.. does not sound like a pleasant place at all. But.. you’ve survived it.. and here you are,” His grin returned, and his optimism came far more easily than his daughter’s it would seem. “Yes, yes.. you’ve.. made her assured safety.. very clear,” He said it to reassure, rather than to dismiss, and his tone was that of a man truly grateful, “Which is why.. I already know.. that you and I will get along splendidly.. once I’m.. off.. this damnable bedrest..”
Attention to her father or not, Kalomar hadn't lost his perception of the woman beside him. The moment any distress showed itself, his fingers offered a squeeze of her own. The gesture's end brought a now constant motion of his thumb encircling around her palm - his best attempt at inciting comfort over the matter. Joyfulness from the bedridden man ahead of him bled into his spirits just enough to keep him smiling. "Death has a hard time claiming me as its victim. What can I say?" The ranger was fully confident in that after three hundred odd years spent between warzones. Though the topic was not one for him to dwell on. "Once you're out, you have a dinner to attend made by your's truly. I've heard it runs in your family's blood to make simple mistakes in the process of cooking. Small burns, cutting yourselves by accident. Terrible, terrible fate." Wry nature overtook any other intentions meant to be shown. From that smile now evolved a smirk to be shared with both Darkwinds.
It didn’t take much to remind Alth of her worries- but on the other side of the coin, it was also blessedly easy to reassure her, and Kal seemed to have figured it out quite some time ago. She kept her fingers laced with his, smirking some at his confidence against death- a smirk that Darsamane echoed. “Be grateful for that good fortune- as I’m.. sure you are,” His smirk softened to a smile, “I look forward to that dinner very much and- what? Pah,” He scoffed, prompting a few coughs and rolling his eyes in jest, “That.. comes from.. her Minn’da’s side of things. Not.. mine,” He offered a wry grin, and Altherei’s own expression could only deadpan slightly in response. The elder Darkwind blinked slowly several times, drawing in and releasing a long breath of air before looking back to the ranger. “.. Ah- Kalomar.. would you mind terribly.. if I had my daughter’s ear for a moment? There are some things … I’d like to discuss with her privately- we won’t be long, and then.. I’ll.. return her to you.” He grinned slowly.
Kalomar found himself joining in on the light bit of laughter. Request of dismissal was responded to in a typical militant fashion, one fist curled and pressed against his chest as his head bowed in a nod. Just as rise was supposed to come, there was a light reluctance. He peered over, lips thinning for nary a moment. There was likely some level of awkwardness in the few seconds it took him to actually speak up, hand gently uncurling from Altherei's own. "I'll see you outside." While that was all he had to say, the worries witnessed earlier compelled him to bring further reassurance. Once thinned lips lightly pressed to the astronomer's cheek and afterward, the ranger finally rose and took his leave. It could have very well been done to win that once silent war, too.
Altherei tilted her head, perhaps a bit surprised at her father's request. Whatever business he was interested in discussing- or felt the need to discuss- she couldn't imagine why Kal couldn't be present, but allowed him to leave all the same. She turned to look up at him with a little nod of her head. Her cheeks flushed lightly at the kiss offered there, and she gave him another nod and a smile. Reassured, yes. Flustered? Nope! Her gaze was still on the doorway when her father’s voice called her attention back.
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altherei · 6 years
What It Will Cost - Pt. 2
((Content warning: this story contains mild to moderate descriptions of blunt force trauma injuries and brain injuries.))
What had happened to her father didn’t seem real- not when she read the letter from the medics in Dalaran, nor any of the times she explained it to curious but trusted minds. It was like the worst sort of dream- not even a nightmare where she was the victim of some great atrocity left her feeling like this- so helpless.
He was unconscious when he’d arrived, and he’d stayed that way since. What he’d suffered- which hadn’t been specified beyond ‘serious injuries’- put him on a long and shaky road to recovery, not helped in part by his age.
And no matter how many times she re-read that letter, it didn’t feel real. It only started to feel real when she visited him. The nurse that she met outside his room made sure to tell her that he wasn’t a pretty sight- and that for the time being, he was being kept medically sedated. If it was a conversation she wanted with him, it would not be today.
She remembered what she said in reply as if she’d been watching herself from a distance: “I have to see it for myself.”
And see she did. His eyes were blackened and swollen shut. Cheeks bruised and cut, his nose swollen and crooked even after the medics’ best attempts to set it straight. His head was bandaged, and while they kept the rest of him warm with blankets, she was told his ribs had been made a mess of.
“How did this happen?” She remembered asking. The expression on the nurse’s face, a human woman in what had to be her mid-thirties, was what startled her.
“We were.. told.. it was a feral worgen attack..” She peered down at their patient, and her tone was obviously disbelieving.
“But?” Alth offered, brows knit together.
“But his injuries aren’t consistent with the sort of damage you see from a worgen attack- slashing and piercing injuries are far more common. While he has some scratches that indicate claws, they’re superficial and at worst would require a couple stitches. His injuries are more consistent with.. blunt trauma. The sort of thing you’d see in a mugging, or a brawl.” The nurse frowned, obviously displeased in knowing the information she’d been given was fraudulent. Those who gave it either didn’t know or, more likely, didn’t care to question what they’d been told.
Altherei’s ears flicked back sharply. Kalomar had been quick to remind her just a couple nights prior that mugging was a possibility, regardless of whether her father carried valuables- and certainly that his status as a scientist didn’t make him immune of it. That he hadn’t said, but she knew it herself well enough.
“You think he was mugged? He’d never get in a street fight, that’s for sure..” She asked, folding her arms uncomfortably at her waist.
“I couldn’t tell you, my dear.” Even if Alth had almost a century on the human woman, there was a sort of motherly nature to her- something Altherei appreciated in medical professionals, regardless of their age or race. She felt comfortable around this woman, assured that they really were doing all they could.
But so far, it had not been enough. At least, not enough to wake him.
“When will he wake up?” If was out of the question- she refused to consider the possibility, and the nurse let out an unsure hum.
“I couldn’t tell you that, either. Right now we’re keeping him under sedation in the hopes that the swelling on his brain will go down gradually- we’ve relieved what pressure we can with a shunt, but.. there’s only so much we can do. The brain is a delicate thing, for all its complexities. And given the extent of your father’s age, and his injuries.. a more extended surgery would only increase his risk of dying on the operating table, or shortly thereafter.”
“So.. what can be done then?” She asked, “I mean- assuming that the swelling does go down gradually.”
“If and when that happens,” The nurse, while it pained her to temper the blood elf’s optimism, had a responsibility to do so. Altherei knew that. Nobody wanted to have their hopes drawn up only to be dashed by the cold blade of reality, “We can bring him out of sedation, assess his needs and his abilities, and then proceed to surgery to correct what we can. But until then, we’ll keep him sedated and monitor the swelling.”
“And what needs to be corrected?” She followed up, peering at her father.
“Quite a bit. He’s suffered several broken ribs, a broken jaw, broken nose… not to mention there’s a lot of pressure inside his skull from repeated injuries to the head. Right now all we can do is continue to monitor that pressure and give the fluid a place to go so it doesn’t build up. But in order to minimize the strain his body is under, we’ll keep him sedated.” She looked over to the old elf, and it was clear in her expression that she cared for him, and felt deep sympathy for his condition.
“.. And you can’t fix that until he’s awake?” His daughter asked.
“Not safely, no. The risk that he’d die during surgery is too great. Should he wake up, though.. we’ll at least be over that hurdle, and can work on the issues that remain. But right now, it’s all very.. touch and go. We take things a day at a time.”
“And you’ll alert me if,” She paused, “When he wakes up? I’d.. I’d want to be able to see him before he goes into surgery- .. if that’s possible.” Altherei’s ears slowly fanned down, and she wandered to her father’s bedside to gently touch his shoulder.
The nurse nodded once, and mirrored the gesture to the elven woman. A hand was placed gently between her shoulders, her voice soft as she replied, “If there’s any change at all, we’ll be sure to let you know, Miss Altherei.”
Slowly, the astronomer withdrew her hand from her father’s shoulder. There was nothing more she could do today, she knew it. Perhaps that’s what left the persistent emptiness that settled in her chest. Everything was already being done- that was something she could be grateful for.
But there was nothing for her to do but wait, worry, and try to keep herself to some semblance of a normal schedule. She didn’t want to distract herself from the worry- Kal had made it very clear that she ought to let herself feel what she needed to.. and while she wasn’t precisely sure how to do that, she’d certainly try. But she also knew that she had responsibilities she had to meet- not just for her sake, but for the sake of others. There was a balance that existed between the two.. and while she waited, hoped, and prayed for her father’s return to consciousness.. it would be up to her to find that balance.
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