#and i've been doing really poorly in general lately and my therapist is away this week and it's just shitty timing to have to do that
honeysuckle-venom · 1 year
About a week ago part of the wall in my shower broke. Several tiles came crumbling down, leaving a scary hole in the wall, revealing weird gross space and pipes and stuff. We've been covering it up with lots of plastic and tape, and today the maintenance guy finally came to fix it. Except turns out the reason it crumbled is it wasn't built correctly in the first place, they didn't put a board behind the tiles (hence the scary hole) and now they can't fix it without redoing the whole thing and ordering a liner thing that will take several days to arrive. And in the meantime we're not allowed to keep covering it up bc the space needs to dry out so it won't rot. Which means my bathroom is now terrifying and unusable and I have to stay in a motel room or something until Tuesday. This sucks.
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