#and i'm real tempted to headcanon that he triggers the ring after the Caed Nua Destruction one
queen-scribbles · 4 years
#fic rec #omg theyre so cute #i love them #also xoti is fantastic #and the image of adi on rekke’s shoulders is priceless (captainofthefallen)
I mean, what’s a girl to do when she can’t see and one of her best friends is literally twice her height? It is a wonderful mental image, and I love it so much. Rekke’s a very good sport about it; she’s used that method to read things carved high on walls/reach things taller than her a few times in the Deadfire(she did it with Kana in the Dyrwood).
She and Heodan are SO adorable and I love them and all the fluff they bring with them. They’re only slightly less fluff than Ederity and it’s great. (slightly less bc I have detoured into hurt/comfort with them) I’m ridiculously glad I ran with this whole Stars Rewritten AU bc it’s the best.(And Xoti. Ooohhh my girl Xoti is so fricking fun to write. I love her too.)
#oh gods I love them so much! #I know I say that about all of your babies but I mean it about all of them too! #and the lover's light rings! #kai and aloth wear them too I adore them #I wish they'd come back in the second game but that's what headcanons are for (haledamage)
heehee, thanks! I love my babies, so I’m glad other people do, too! :D Heodi’s my only pairing with those rings,largely bc I don’t often get that adventure, and I’ve had some fun with them. Starting with Sagani’s faux-innocent smug af “Here, Watcher, think you can use these...?” all the way through this. Part of that’s my added headcanon that you can’t just swap endurance; you can tell when your... ring-mate(?) is hurt, so you know you need to swap endurance. :3(technically, that might be included in-game, but it’s not clearly specified, so I”m considering it headcanon). And I didn’t see an effective range or anything on the wiki, so I’m figuring that means there isn’t one.(if there turns out to be one, I”m ignoring it, I’m committed to this now)
Which means Heodan felt, from a distance and what would seem completely out of the blue, with nothing he could do:
The initial destruction of Caed Nua + her effectively dying(there’s a reason he’s so relieved when she writes to say “I’m okay even if Caed Nua isn’t”)
That one naga with infuriatingly good aim on Hasongo
Her handful of close calls with rotghasts/nightmare sigils/shades in the Old City Ruins
The two KOs during BoW(dragon fights are nasty and wizards are not terribly tough; I’m braced for her to Not Have Fun)
Various other brawls/battles/ambushes/environmental fallout, let’s call it during quests
Everything that lays a hurtin’ on her in Ashen Maw
That One really awful ship battle she’s still to traumatized to let me write
etc etc 
And the poor guy’s stuck in Aedyr cuz he’s helping his family and he can’t just leave(and what could he really do if he joined her; he’s still not terribly useful in a fight anymore), but he’s worried about her.. >.> And no wonder he writes Adi 3/4 of the way through and is like  “Everything’s fine here, I can come join you if you want me to? Please want me to”(but she says no bc she doesn’t want him getting hurt and he doesn’t mention the rings at that point bc he doesn’t want her overthinking things and potentially increasing the odds of her getting hurt). So yeah. Very, very stressful year for poor Heodan. :D
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