#and i'll headcanon in some more rumbelle babies while i'm at it
violetfaust · 7 years
raisedbyanother replied to your post “emospritelet: I really wish I could enjoy looking forward to ep 7x04...”
Yeah. Pretty much everything people say makes me more nervous than reassured about the episode. GM and AS being in it, the actors and writers using words like feels, moving, touching…I hope that doesn’t translate into Belle getting a tear-jerking death scene after raising Gideon to adulthood or something along these lines. Fingers crossed the rumor of Disney not allowing A&E to kill off Disney Princesses are true after all.
So ever since the spoiler that the ep would be about Belle’s life before and after SB, I’ve thought we were getting this:
The prologue from Up, aka what’s been called the best five minutes Pixar ever made. (And also if you ever need to work up tears within a few minutes, this should be your go-to.)
And since the spoiler/clue from Ausiello about “time” I’m guessing that Belle (and possibly even Gideon) dies of old age or some other reason, and Rumple’s quest this season is to change the past to bring them back, leading him somehow to cast the HH curse. It would be typical that after giving Rook/Willy Rumple’s sympathetic motivation from the early seasons (finding his lost child), they would give Rumple Emma’s selfish codependent asshole, I mean epic love story from S5 about endangering everyone to get one’s love back. Except that I’m very sure that all those who were crooning and creaming about how beautiful Emma’s love was won’t think the same about Rumple, and that it won’t end with some god breaking all the rules and poof!ing Belle back into existence. Adam implied that by the end of the season we will see why CY back in SB never noticed that Henry and Regina disappeared for twelve years, and a closed time loop would explain that--but I think we all know that it will somehow backfire on Rumple.
But I will enjoy my tearjerker and deal in much the same way I have with Neal’s death--there are plenty of canonical shenanigans to work around it. As soon as Bobby leaves the show I’m going to headcanon that Gideon finds some way to bring both his parents and brother back so they can all have their happy endings.
That is the great thing about having such a brilliant fandom--no matter what happens we will find ten thousand ways to fix it.
Of course maybe we’re all wrong and the big twist at the end of Beauty will be Weaver going home to his little bungalow that we’ve never seen and being greeted by Belle and child Gideon who ask if he’s gotten anyone to wake up yet. And then the rest of the season we get an Emilie cameo every four or five eps just to let us know that Belle and Gid are still there behind the scenes helping Rumple try to save everyone.
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