#and i'll forever be pissed off by her erasure!
aquadestinyswriting · 9 months
Hi Aqua! Happy 2024! ✨ If your characters were to make New Year's resolutions, what would they be?
Hi philosophika. Happy New Year to you too! Thank you very much for the ask. I'll answer for my two main OCs as they're the only ones I think I can make "resolutions" for as I can't get into the others' heads quite so easily.
Selene: Selene will try to stop overtly correcting people as they're speaking. She developed the habit early on in life, and is only now realising it annoys the hells out of people. It's especially grating to her eldest adopted daughter since said daughter was raised by a dwarven mother for the first seven years of her life and the 'corrections' are actually unintentional erasure of that culture. So it's now become an issue of not doing that please and thank you.
Meredith: Merri's not one for making resolutions as such since she's not really about setting goals just for one year. However, were she to make one, it would likely be to make more of an effort to not piss off the Fangthane nobility that make up that part of the City Council. They're now essentially her colleagues and pissing them off makes meetings take forever and tends to mean she's even more ignored than she already is despite her position as High Inquisitor.
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Now, I have  c h o i c e s . I  w a n t  t o  f i g h t   in the  s h i e l d w a l l .                              I am  n o t  d e a d .  O r  really  a l i v e .
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