#and i think it's partially bc i'm emotional about that and it's kind of bleeding into my hobbies
devourcr · 26 days
today is my friday!! which means i might be able to catch up with things.
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*chinhands* Mercymorn plsssss
Why I like them: she's insufferable and ridiculously intelligent and hates everything and has spent ten thousand years despising herself while simultaneously being better than everyone else and she KILLED GOD???
Why I don’t: genuinely I don't think there's anything I dislike about her. everything she did was correct and justified and I'm so sad about her all the time
Favorite episode (scene if movie): every scene she's in is my favorite. acid jail. knocking out all of Augustine's teeth but respecting his request that she not make him bleed on his white dress shirt. pity-killing Harrow. every time she uses an exclamation point.
Favorite line: why would you make me CHOOSE. no but here's where I started crying and then didn't stop until the book ended like forty pages later: "You never loved him as much as I did. This is the moment. This is the chance for unlovable Mercymorn--critical Mercymorn--to show she is most capable of her name [...] Watch me, Augustine. I am the second saint to serve the King Undying. I will teach you a lesson in forgiveness."
Favorite outfit: the Leyendecker thirst trap outfit is simply incomparable.
OTP: ahaha you already know. Augustine. I just think the horrible old people with millennia of baggage should stab each other and kiss about it, what of it
Brotp: it seems like she and Cytherea probably had a nice friendship :(
Headcanon: prior to the resurrection she wore reading glasses. absolutely no reasoning behind this except it makes me smile imagining her furiously scrubbing at the lenses with the hem of her shirt and getting those funny dents in the bridge of her nose
Unpopular opinion: idk what's popular/unpopular bc I avoid the fandom writ large like the plague. uhhh. I think she's a lot more complicated than some people portray her. like yes she has some great comic relief moments but her entire identity is built on this kind of bone-breaking grief that she can't even really address ten thousand years later... I imagine the explosive anger and high-strung attitude is at least partially a result of the thousands of years of emotional repression in that regard.
A wish: Mercymorn the First pleeeease come back and kill God again and then marry me I mean what. who said that
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I trust the author not to do this but the "babies ever after" ending would literally be both my nightmare and hers. at least she's dead so that can't happen probably yayyyy
5 words to best describe them: laser-deadly, tightly-wound spring.
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