#and i think im about to get shoot for them but its just my thoguhts
emptymasks · 2 years
i guess it’s that time of year again where everyone says good omens is queer baiting because crowley and aziraphale haven't expressed physical affection and desire and so it’s that time of year again where i mention how much this representation means to asexual and aromantic / aspec people and saying that having two characters (i refrain from saying men as crowley is confirmed genderfluid by the way, which people tend to ignore, i don’t know how you can call a show with genderfluid and non-binary characters ‘nothing but queerbaiting’) have to kiss or have sex to be queer is actually pretty hurtful to people in your own community. crowley and aziraphale not kissing doesn’t make them less queer, also he hasn’t confirmed that there won’t be a romance and keeps saying ‘wait and see’ because 1. he doesn’t want to spoil the show 2. he  likely cannot spoil the show legally without getting into trouble
every time i think the fandom is past this, you’re not. and i understand, i understand what it would mean to have a show like this have two leads played by actors of the same gender kiss. but a lot of the fandom who throw around the queerbaiting term (which means something was set up and not followed through on which isn’t true by the way, there’s plenty of room to interpret aziraphale and crowley as platonically in love) always seem to ignore the aspec people who talk about how much this representation means to them and there’s even less aspec representation out there and queer-platonic-partner representation in mainstream media than there is gay romances. and unless some kind of deal with amazon prime is stopping him, if anyone watched gaiman’s other show this year, the sandman, i think it’s safe to say he doesn’t care about cramming as many gay, lesbian, bi and non-binary characters as he wants into his shows. perhaps if he’s not putting a romantic/sexual relationship with aziraphale and crowley it’s because he doesn’t feel it’s right for those characters to express their love that way, they are his characters after all, and maybe they are in love romantically, but they’ll never have sex, or never want to kiss, but they’ll say their i love yous in season two.
it’s a little silly to accuse a show of queerbaiting when the show isn’t out yet, we don’t know what will happen, and containing accusations of queerbaiting and homophobia towards neil gaiman because of good omens despite the release of the sandman tv show and the representation in that show. i understand the want for more on screen queer kisses, but i don’t think it’s accurate to accuse the show of queerbaiting. maybe use that term for shows that have actually done that and had harmful representation, homophobic representation, transphobic representation, shows that have actually caused actual hurt to real lgbt+ people, not just shows that have made you really want two characters to kiss and then disappointed you even though the characters have still been confirmed to be in love, just that love works differently for them than it does for us, and that at least one of the characters in canonically not-cis and the other might be as well. the first show with genderfluid representation that yes could have been more explicit but god it could have been actively transphobic like a different fandom show, the first main fandom show i’ve seen to have characters with they/them pronouns, with neopronouns, just.... i get that good omens means a lot to people, it gave us a lot of hope, but this isn’t he show to go cancel culture on because it hasn’t let the two characters having the slowest long burn of history be ready to kiss yet, or even have to kiss to prove they’re in love
this is just my opinion as a gay trans aspec person who definitely relates to aziraphale taking thousands of years to realise he’s in love and decades later still not be ready to kiss the person he’s in love with. i love my partner, we’ve been together close to a year, and i’m still not ready and comfortable to engage in kisses nor sex yet, and some aspec people will never be ready for that or never want that at all, so yes aziraphale and crowley can be in love and not be ready to smooch yet and it doesn’t make them any less in love. it will say i would like the i love yous to be said i the show and not just on twitter, but then again maybe they’re not ready to say it out loud yet.
queerbaiting would be if he said ‘yes omg they’re gonna be so gaaayy’ and then the show comes up and they aren’t gay at all. kinda like idk some big superhero franchise keeps doing. that’s actually queerbaiting. but if doesn’t say they’ll be any romance between them and then there isn’t... that isn’t queerbaiting. subtext and setting love up between them in season one, doesn't mean it has to be romantic or sexual love and i know so many hurt lgbt+ people got their hopes up that this ship would kiss on screen but.. them not kissing.. doesn’t make it queerbaiting, because we weren’t promised that, it just seemed more likely than in other shows given that we know gaiman is alright with putting queer characters in his media... and given we know that idk how anyone can call him a homophobe of transphobe
but who knows. i don’t. and you don’t. because the show literally isn’t out yet. so perhaps given that it isn’t out yet, we can’t and shouldn’t accuse it of anything until it’s actually out otherwise we run the risk of looking very silly
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