#and i think bringing her back in s4 but not letting the firefam say ANYTHING bad about her or talk to buck about her
lovecolibri · 4 months
Unpopular opinion time maybe. But because I have BT shit blocked to hell and back and actively avoid seeing anything they're saying if I can help it, I seem to be having the opposite experience from everyone else? Because I keep seeing the "oh, T is getting praised and adored for things the female LIs were hated for. It's such a double standard! All those women deserve apologies!" And like, fair, that praising probably is happening? But from MY side? All I'm seeing is people hating T for shit they LOVED and still love and praise Tay Kay and L for. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Like, people are still out here claiming Tay Kay should come back because her and Buck would be besties and he needs someone to call him on his shit??? As though Hen, and Maddie, and Eddie, and Bobby, and Chim aren't all RIGHT THERE, loving Buck, and gently calling him on his shit when needed?? As though having someone who calls him "needy" around would be GOOD for him? As though that woman ever gave one single fuck about anything that didn't get her a leg up on the job? Like, you CANNOT complain that T is vaguely dismissive of Buck, and then claim to miss Tay Kay who was actively SO much worse to Buck and for Buck in every single way. And we all know the only reason the firefam wasn't allowed to actually say anything about her or mention Buck looking miserable all season 5 with her was because FOX shut down the planned storyline with bi Buck, gay Eddie, and Buddie and they needed to give Buck something to do and MW came cheap so they kept her on.
It's so weird to me that half of everyone is defending T for shit they hated with the other LIs and half are throwing T under the bus for things they actively encouraged from female LIs. Because I guess watching "strong" female characters "put Buck in his place" is okay and he needs to be brought down a couple pegs by them, but T is just a mean man and dismissive and poor Buck doesn't need that???
Sorry, but I don't enjoy watching a character like Buck who we KNOW has the issues he does be brought down, dismissed, and treated badly by ANYONE, regardless of gender. Sorry, I don't think it's funny and fun to watch women talk down to him and make him feel bad about himself. Sorry, I don't think dragging others down to pull yourself up makes you a "strong" female character. ESPECIALLY in a show chock full of ACTUAL strong female characters.
I am an equal opportunity hater and I will absolutely call T out for the same exact shit I called out other LIs for because I don't have a double standard, and that's my salt gremlin thought for today.
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