#and i swear i didn't plan for ylva to get with ravi (zane)
gay-nidoking · 3 years
An Eventful Week
In a final bid to decide which man to marry, Ylva decided to meet Ravi’s family. It probably should’ve been a sign that it never occurred to her to meet Jabari’s. His mother wasn’t entirely impressed with him bringing home a pregnant woman, but Ravi assured Ylva he would defend her should it come to that.
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While in the area, Ylva decided to visit that strange realm again...and this time she walked away a changed woman.
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When she returned home, still dizzy with the rush of magic, Ylva couldn’t put out of her mind the decision she had to make...and really, already had made.
The next morning, she called Jabari to meet her in the town square, in a secluded corner away from any prying ears. With their wedding looming only weeks away, he awaited her anxiously...but what she had to say wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
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She returned home, miserable, and feeling wretched. As far as she knew, this was the father of her child, and she had broken their engagement to be with a man who, for months, hadn’t even given her the time of day.
But she knew this was the right decision. Not only for her--Ravi was the perfect match for her, he could hold her interest and her conversation, yes...but she was alone in the world without prospects, and Ravi’s family was unbelievably wealthy. Surely the trauma of moving to another country and learning a new language would be worth knowing her children would be cared for for generations.
All she had to do now was propose...
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She wasn’t surprised that Ravi accepted, but she was unprepared for the depths of his feelings, and how he pledged to care for her child despite knowing full well it wasn’t his. They eloped immediately, marrying in a small private ceremony even his family wasn’t told of. He returned to his estate with her in tow. Ylva sold her small abode, bid farewell to her chickens and cows, and brought her faithful Friend across the sea to live with the Cobriana family.
Quite contrary to their first meeting, Ravi’s family was extremely friendly to her now. While it took a while for her to become fully used to this lifestyle--not having to forage for her food or clean an entire house on her own--Ylva found herself settling in happily. As she entered the third trimester of her pregnancy, Ravi’s love and excitement for her only seemed to grow, and hers for him in turn. The guilt of how she had gotten here began to fade, ever so slowly.
Didn’t she deserve this, after a life of strife and struggle?
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