#and i should say this update is dumb and bc of it i can't cut posts so :
marimbles · 11 months
i started watching ouran tonight and omg i can't believe i'm watching this show. it's ridiculous but so fucking funny. i'm on ep 3 at the time of writing this but i've silently scrumpt about 10 times - eg when hikaru and kaoru saying them and haruhi should take french together and the immediate cut to tamaki sulking by a tree, and tamaki being self-aware that he and haruhi are the main characters + love interests. him loudly announcing "you boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" nearly killed me
i could do without whatever the fuck hikaru and kaoru have going on but everything else is great. thank you for putting this on my dash and i'm now seeing why this would be adrien's favourite show 🌹
FJDKDKDKD I’m so glad you’re having fun with it. it’s such a good time. I’m obsessed. Truly isn’t this the greatest screenshot in anime history
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Also it’s so funny to hear you call tamaki self-aware bc technically the declaration that he and haruhi are the main characters/love interests IS self-aware, but in like the least self-aware way possible. bc he spends the majority of both the anime and manga 200% convinced that his feelings for haruhi are “fatherly” and he loves her “like a daughter.” because of family trauma you will not learn about for a while but mostly because he’s the stupidest person who ever fictionally lived!!!! As proven in that same episode when he was so confident he could trick everyone into thinking he was haruhi by wearing a dark wig despite being like two feet taller than her. lmao
HDKDDKDK I feel u about the twincest angle but honestly it stopped bothering my after a while since Hikaru and kaoru are just pretending for an audience lol. they are successfully appealing to the Sam/dean shipping demographic 😂 They are both little trickster turds who are constantly picking on tamaki but also he deserves it bc he’s literally so dumb. And also they’d both die for him with no hesitation underneath their mockery. The twins actually have a really interesting character arc, even moreso in the manga, and they became my favorites after tamaki and haruhi! I love how they start as identical in both appearance and personality but as the show goes on you see how they’re actually very different people
Feel free to update me about your watch through whenever lol! Ouran is still very much on the brain and I’m excited to talk about it with anyone who is willing hehe
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