#and i originally put delle seyah on here but realized she's too tinyfandom to compete
vegaseatsass · 13 days
Pick your fave of my faves!
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favourite. (ty @ameliarating!) I was so excited to do this meme but I have so many favorite characters from so many different types of media so... because the BL bracket's "most unhinged" polls lit up my brain let's just do 5 favorite balls to the wall characters. (Absolutely do vote for your favorites, though, not who you think the most OTT is or anything. Trying to give Mishil and Ming a fighting chance)
No Vegas because I wish to sidestep the KPTS bias in polls, but I absolutely long to see him and Xie'er swap tactics and become atticwifing-their-dad besties. Tagging @turtlesocksv2 @toomoonfic @lugarn @returning-spring and @timetoboldlygo!
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