#and i don't have a skadi or quick support caster!!!
viinaten · 2 years
me: i just want a good Rider with an aoe buster NP!!!! brother: you want francis drake me, so sad and thirsty: i...i want francis drake
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nemrut · 2 months
So, playing FGO again and there is a summer event going on. My Servant situation is a bit weird. I am not totally unlucky, although there have been more than a few Servants that I quite wanted but never got, I do have a good enough selection of them.
The thing right now is, I have Caster Skadi, Castoria, Caster Tamamo and now most recently Koyanskaya of Light, so my supporter set up is mostly geared toward Arts and Quick but I don't really have the Servants that can take advantage of that?
As to quick, I mostly use four stars such as Astolfo, Summer Scathach and Atlante, although I also have the Valkyries and Bradamante that aren't fully skilled/built yet.
Similarly, my only Arts loopers are Summer Jeanne and now most recently Space Ishtar, barring the two four starts Nitocris and Saber Nero.
As such, while I kinda like the kit and character, I don't think rolling for Lady Avalon would be worth it for me, although I guess it would unlock the immortal combination for me since I do have Castoria and Morgan and she would be replacing Merlin in that.
At the same time, due to Space Ishtar, I don't think Summer Inuki would be worth it either. She seems to be a solid arts looper and it would be neat to have a berserker of those, but I do have Morgan and Arjuna Alter who may not be Arts but are still AOE Berserkers.
So, I think Summer Skadi would be the best option there, because while she might support Quick Servants a bit more than Buster Servants, she still supports Buster Servants and I have a few Quick Servants to use her with, next to my rather big Buster line up.
That's how I am planning things, at least. No idea if I will get Summer Skadi, though she seems neat.
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trashybugs · 2 years
After seing Ruler Skadi's skillset, there is literally no reason for Oberon's skills to have ANY demerit. I don't care lore reasons, just take them away. 70% charge is very valuable, but it's only that, big NP damage (with some buster support) and some stars. That is little compared to what Rule Skadi provides: quick support, good buster crit suport, provides lots of stars to ensure said crits, NP charges and she herself can dps and loop well. She even powercrept her caster self for fuck's sake.
alright i just checked on ruler Skadi's skills for the first time and hmm she seems to be a crit buster support than anything, interesting hybrid support, i guess she'll work for quick servants that have 2-3 buster cards (Xiang Yu)😂
but i do agree the demetrits on Oberon's skillset fucking suck, his skill effects ain't even that impressive, his "crazy new gameplay" gimmick is just a one turn mega buster NP big peepee damage that would put your servants in a wheelchair in the next turn.
idk why Nasu sabotage his "favorite" character this badly like that when Melusine have gamebreaking NP switch and Spishtar can change her NP effects but oh Oberon having a 70% NP charge is too much?
i hope this is just an excuse for Nasu to give him a rank up interlude in Road to 7 so therefore more content for him
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shuttershocky · 5 years
What kinds of supports would you make that aren't Casters? Boudica and Fionn could have had support skills and NPs but they're jokes. Anyone other than low star Ruler Mikiya? Honestly they don't need to be Merlin tier but more supports would be nice.
I can't really answer this question beyond "just take some caster skillsets and put em on other classes, adjusting numbers accordingly"
Boudica for example, would have been really good with better stats and team buffs as a cavalry alternative to Mash.
The problem is that it makes sense lore-wise for the majority of supports to be Casters; that's how Casters work in-universe. The problem is this does not work well with the class advantage and disadvantage system they set up (which I never agreed with tbh. I can see why they did it, but now people actually think a Lancer would find it impossible to beat a Saber storywise and that's not how things work), since now everyone brings along casters in battles and if there's even a single high leveled Rider that glares at them too harshly then your team is fucked.
The ideas behind the big four: Waver, Merlin, Skadi, and Tamamo are all good, diverse takes on supports. Merlin emphasizes Buster's strength of burst damage. Skadi accelerates her team with her massive NP charge skill and Quick ups allowing back to back NP spam and star generation. Tamamo slows the game down with her drain while pumping out heals and charge for a very controlled and consistent play style. Waver is Waver and fits in anywhere since he provides attack, defense, crit and charge.
But they're all casters.
If you could spread out these ideas across the 7 main classes and not have important stats such as star absorption be determined by class but by individual servant just like NP gain (a Rider support for example really sucks since they hog all the stars), you could better balance FGO.
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