#and i didn't get a lunch break yesterday so i was truly running on empty for an 8 hr shift lollll
angelmush · 1 year
lmao i wish i didn't have 2 spend all my days off work recovering from working LOL it's def better w my current job than it ever was w dog training bc my current job is wayyyyy more lowkey but i still just feel kind of exhausted :(
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notthecutesttrash · 1 month
Grey (Pt. 2)
Warnings: Verbal + physical bullying, angst, language
Word count: 5.9k
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In the morning you're about to run out before you see a little note next to a sweetly wrapped bento box on the kitchen table. It read, "I hope he likes it (: - Love mom."
God, that is so embarrassing.
But If your lies truly made her that happy, then fine, you didn't have the heart to stop it. You're just going to have to suck it up and wipe food out of your hair later.  
Atsumu gazes longingly at you the moment you tread in carefully. He's even more smug looking then usual, if that's even possible. Worse is remembering that he's going to be coming by your house after practice. The nervousness spreads at the thought. You hope it runs late, or maybe he'd change his mind and decide it was weird. 
Or maybe he could just ditch you and leave you with all the work. That idea didn't seem so bad anymore. 
Why didn't you say Saturday or even yesterday? You had more than enough time. 
The bell rings signaling a break. You grab your lunch and sigh.
The group of girls pass and Kiyoko sends you a grave scowl as if threatening what she'd do to you if you didn't follow. You stand up and exit the classroom, tailing behind them.
With a serious expression Atsumu observes their movements until you all leave.
Kiyoko leads you to one of the bottom floors no one goes to and signals a motion with her head. "Storage closet, now." You open the door for them, head lowered to the ground. 
How pathetic. You're practically giving them an invitation to bully you.
You're slammed into the wall causing a topple of brooms and mops to fall at your side. Kiyoko holds you by your collar, and you still have your lunchbox clutched hopelessly in your hands. One of the other girls pulls it from you. There's a laugh when they share a gaze at the wrap. 
"How cute. Your mom gave this to you?" One of them remarks, and you hesitate when the lid snaps open. 
"Must've been. It looks disgusting." 
Your back lifts then is slammed again, your head bouncing and hitting hard against the wall. Your knees collapse beneath you and an instantaneous sting is felt on your cheek after being slapped. Kiyoko's foot slams into your side and you hiss at the pain. 
Just like that, your mom's sweetly cooked meal meant for your nonexistent crush pours over your head.
"And to think your poor mom is wasting her time cooking for you, what a waste." 
The noodles are squashed into a mush at your scalp, mixing into your strands. Another kick hits your knee hard and you instinctively clutch it with a groan. A laugh erupts, and the empty box is slammed to the side. The door opens and they speak one last phrase to you that has you flinching. 
"Just go die already."
Kiyoko scoffs when you say nothing, and the door closes. 
A numbness swallows you whole. 
You cried all your tears already, it wasn't anything new. The handle of one of the brooms falls into your lap, and a slop of spaghetti falls onto your shoulder. You glimpse up at the flickering ceiling light. 
You'd usually take a few minutes to mull over the state of your life before you'd eventually get up, dust off your skirt, and go to the bathroom. 
Cleaning the mashed noodles from your hair was as rough as cleaning out bits of wet rice grains. One by one, you pick it out, all while being forced to stare at your reflection. You hate how you look, and you wish you didn't have to see your pitiful face every time you went through this process. 
Cold water pools into your hands and you splash it against your face. Wiping the sweat and grime off your skin was probably the only refreshing feeling that came of this, even if it was still pathetic. Your stomach growls. 
"Yeah, I know.." You mutter to yourself, grabbing your bento to rewrap the cloth just as it was. All pretty and nice so your mom would never know how mistreated it was. Slapping your cheeks, you forcefully bring yourself to reality before going to class. 
Your hand presses against your cheek, memorizing the glass window next to you. The trees are swaying, and it hurts a little that nothing in you even cared anymore.  
"Why does she always smell like food every day?" A whisper is heard behind you. You sigh. 
Thank god it was Friday. Even if 2 days at home didn't change anything from this reality, it was the only small escape you had.
Lazily waving, you greet your coach and the captain before starting practice. Lucy is the only one nice enough to grin at your arrival. You put your knee braces on and warm up. Your body is sore but you're still determined to stay on the team. This is the last hope you have to prove everyone wrong, you don't plan to mess it up now. 
You take your position in the back and try to remember what Atsumu taught you. Knees bent at this angle, arms showing the front more, hands positioned like this, and you got it. When the whistle sounds you glue your vision to the volleyball. It flies over the net and you sidestep towards its direction. 
Holding onto your breath, your arm touches the ball and sends it flying into the air. Lucy gasps and woo's, “Nice receive (Y/n!)" It takes you a moment to remember the game is still in play, but you're smiling happily. Miyu sets the ball and Angie spikes flawlessly against the blockers. A gleam sparkles in your eye. 
"Don't get all excited, it was just one receive." Angie huffs, turning to you. You nod and get into position again. Lucy is serving, and hers are always difficult. Still, you don't back down, and you achieve your focus on the direction of the ball. It appears it's going to hit the side. Quickly it swerves towards you instead and you manage to bump it. Angie is blocked by two on the right, the left is covered by 1, and the center is in the back. Miyu jumps and eyes the left which makes the center switch direction. 
With a thud, the ball falls to the ground. The whistle blows, pointing to your side, and the other groans. 
"Seriously, a dump shot!?"
"I'll say, you even had me fooled." Lucy giggles, stepping to the next rotation. 
Serve after serving you're effortlessly receiving the ball, and the excitement in your legs keeps up with the action. The adrenaline was making your heart stammer. You jump high to receive. Another spike is slammed your way and you dive, hitting the ball only with your wrist to send it shortly in the air. "Sorry! Cover!" 
Miyu runs to your side and smacks it with her palm to send it up. It’s a little high, but Angie manages to spike it from the back, scoring a point. You throw your hands up in the air, wooing. Angie shoots you a small glare, annoyed, but not as harsh as the other days, and Miyu has a barely noticeable tug at her lips. The coach crosses his arms, seeming pleased. 
You finally are back into your game. You aren't going to be the black sheep any longer. 
Arms receiving a hard spike, the ball returns to the other side and Lucy spikes with all her might through the hands of 3 blockers for a perfect line shot. You run just in time and you attempt to receive it but it hits your side and bounces off. Combined with the kick Kiyoko sent you, it hurt a little more than you would've liked. A hiss escapes. Of course, just in time for Lucy to serve as well. 
The volleyball is set in the air, and Lucy jumps to smack it down. It’s so fast your arms miss by a second and it flies past you. They score a point, and you breathe deep and concentrate. Lucy repeats the action, but you're there just in time for the ball. As you receive it, the force pushes you back and you hear a crack in your foot as it bends to the side. Groaning in pain, you clutch it desperately and the coach calls for a timeout. 
"Are you okay (Y/n)?" A few teammates ask and you nod forcefully, pushing yourself to stand only to fall again. Lucy holds onto your hands to help you up and the pressure on your ankle cries out. 
The coach has you sit on the bench. "It's just a sprain, no worry. Sit out for today." 
There's a deep frown on your face. Fear and disappointment cascade on you. You're definitely going to be kicked off now. 
The coach turns to you while you're lost in thought, wrapping your foot. A mind deep down a rabbit hole. 
"You did well today." His tone is firm, but you know he means it. Surprised, you fixate on him and he's staring at the game ahead. A blush dusts your cheeks and you continue wrapping the sprain, a happiness blooming in your chest. 
When practice ends you timidly apologize to Lucy who is walking your way. She pats your shoulder, "You did good today, don't worry. By Monday you'll be brand new again." You nod, blushing at the compliment.
Comfortable silence falls, and you're just about finished wrapping your foot. All the girls left already, and you test your steps carefully, lightly applying pressure to your foot. It didn't hurt as bad with the cover which was good enough for you to walk home. You start humming happily while packing your things, completely lost in the clouds. 
"Ready to go?" 
The sound makes you squeak in fear. Your hand presses to your stammering pulse, and you see Atsumu smirking at your surprise. 
You already forgot that was today, and you nervously shift your tone.
"Oh.. yeah.." 
He waits for you to be a step in front of him so you can lead. God, why did you choose this option again? Yeah, maybe the girls would've been at the library, but they wouldn't do anything if he was there. You made the wrong choice. Ugh.
The walk is painfully awkward. it's silent, and feeling him at your side alone makes you incredibly nervous. He's pretty big and muscular for a normal volleyball player. 
You perk to the sound of leaves swaying in the wind. Softly smiling, your hands grip your bag. You did something good today, the coach said so himself.  This gives you the courage to speak. But.. mainly because the silence was becoming unbearable and you'd rather small talk at this point. 
"How was.. your practice?" You shyly ask, and he appears a little surprised at the question. He snickers, and you pout. You knew it was a stupid question.
Great keeping the conversation going (Y/n). It felt more unpleasant than before now. 
He has that usual smirk, but his face looks relaxed. He takes his turn to speak. 
"Heard you been receiving good now." 
How fast does word get out? Sheesh. It must've been from one of the girls who hated you.
You scoff. "Let me guess, Miyu talks to you. Angie maybe?" 
"No. Lucy. She seemed happy for you." Your face switches to shock. "I'm surprised honestly. Expected you to get kicked off the team. But I guess with my advice you made it hm?" He's annoyingly arrogant, but you're so caught up in the thought of Lucy being genuinely happy for you, her speaking to others about it, that you can't even notice. Your skin turns pink and warm. 
"Yes, thank you."
He stops in place, and you're still walking, trapped in a daze. 
"Hey." His harsh tone is enough to fearfully draw you out. You rotate to him, scared. Is this the time when he remembers who you are and bullies you? 
Unexpectedly he pulls you close and his fingers graze your damp hair. You flinch at the contact, nervous, blushing at the closeness. He wanders beneath the layers as if searching for something. You're nervous, but you ease at the softness. You don't know what he was doing, or why, but it felt quite nice. 
He swiftly pulls away and you blink up at his index and thumb that holds a piece of smushed-up spaghetti. You go blank, and he's staring at it the same.
He opens his mouth to speak. "Why do you have food in your hair?" 
This was just about your luck. 
"Oh look, my house is around here. My mom probably cooked dinner, I don't want to keep her waiting." Walking fast, you ignore him and keep your bag tight against you. He catches up to your speed promptly, silent, and your teeth grit against one another. You ignore him and fixate on the ground until you reach your home. 
You stop in front of the home and bite your lip when your hand hovers above the doorknob.
Now you had to worry about your mom and dad embarrassing you even more. 
You exhale a shaky breath. You just needed 1-2 hours, maybe even 3 and that was it. This would be done with, and the shame will die with you.  
"Don't look so worried. I'm pretty good with parents." Atsumu has almost a relieving confidence in his voice 
You nod and open it, instantly being greeted with a warm light. Your mother’s back is facing you, and she's at the stove, cooking. Your father wasn't home yet, he typically didn't come back till later. 
"I'm home!" 
You already know the moment that she turns around she's more than excited. Atsumu trails behind you, wearing a fake pleasant smile, and her eyes go wide.
"Miya Atsumu, a pleasure to meet you." He bows and your mother gasps. 
"Oh, my-" You send her a quick glare that says don't you dare say anything bad. When Atsumu rose you fell into a smile again, giggling awkwardly. 
"Come in dear, make yourself at home. You two must be starving." Your mother was already preparing the plates at the table.
You wave her off. "No Mom, really it's okay, we're fine." 
She huffs, "nonsense. Come Atsumu, sit." Your brows knit together, and you open to deny the second time before Atsumu interrupts you.
“Actually, Miss (L/n) I am rather hungry, may I ask what you're making?" Atsumu walks ahead while you're stuck dumbfounded at the doorway. You scowl as he cozies up to your mother, and he returns your look with a smirk. 
“I'm so glad you asked! It's one of my favorites actually." Your eye nearly twitches as he sits down, acting as if he's so intently listening to your mother ramble.
"It's rude to gawk (Y/n), sit down." She draws you out of the daze with a more serious tone. Yet you swear she's giving you the same smugness as he is.
You grumble incoherently, forcing yourself to sit down. Your mother stirs the food a little longer and then switches the heat off. Across from you, Atsumu is snickering quietly and, you're responding with a hardened glare. Once your mother turns, both of you are quick to politely beam as she sets the food on the table. You all share a pleasant thanks then begin serving yourself. 
As awkward as this was, the moment the food touches your tongue, you're buzzing in delight. Your empty stomach greatly appreciates this.
"So tell me Atsumu, did you enjoy her lunch today?" Your mom chirps in. 
You cough out, almost choking on a few grains. Your mother is smiling sweetly, completely oblivious. Here it was, this facade is going to be destroyed now. 
"Yes actually. The spaghetti was wonderful." Your eyes widen as you fixate on Atsumu. He's mimicking that kind expression to your mom. and she's reveling in the fake news. 
"You're going to catch flies if you keep gasping like that (Y/n)." She scolds you out of nowhere and he chuckles politely. You force yourself into normalcy, clearing your throat and eating, Truthfully you're greatly appreciating the lie Atsumu told.
You watch in your peripheral as he cracks a small joke that sends your mother chortling, a little too much. Although embarrassing, it was pleasant. He seems strangely at home and comfortable.
Atsumu offers to clean the dishes when dinner is finished and your mother waves him off politely. "No no, I couldn't ask you to do that. Don't fret dear, you two go upstairs and work on that project." 
He nods, his tone filled with sugar. "If you need help at all, call me."  It'd be convincing if you hadn't known how conniving he was.  
"Oh my, what a nice kid." She nearly fangirls and you cringe. Once he rotates to follow you off to your room, that smug expression returns. 
He lets out a tired sigh once the door closes, like being that fake was exhausting, and his eyes quickly turn serious. Admittedly, the thought of having him sit this close with you in your dimly lit bedroom, all alone, makes you feel.. sort of strange. You sit at your desk and take out your notebook, signaling for him to do the same
You're about to talk about the project details until you turn to see his darker expression. His tall stature or muscular build only aids in the way you shrink in comparison. 
"Want to tell me why your mom asked me that?" 
You still, mouth agape as you thought of what to say. Anything you'd say would only sound more pathetic than what he already thought of you. What could you think of that was better than your current situation? Gnawing at your bottom lip, you struggle to come up with a good answer.  An awkward minute passes and you're still silent. 
He slumps down next to you and sighs.  "Fine, don't tell me." 
You underestimated the space he took with the chair placement and his knee brushes up against your own. You pull away instantaneously, clearing your throat. His arm is nearly caressing yours and you shift uncomfortably.
“Um.. so, what part do you want to do?"  
Atsumu ignores you to stare at your little pink standing pencil holder. His view then shifts to the stuffed animals on your bed, the color of the sheets, and the pink or rainbow pens you held. He stifles a giggle, and you turn a dark shade of red.
"Didn't think the teacher’s pet would be this type." 
You shyly twirl your pencil around as you meekly ask, “What type?" 
He leans back and smirks. "Pink, rainbows, little animal prints, you know, sort of the type to fangirl and go crazy over stupid things." 
You mutter, annoyed. "Well, I’m not… I just like cute things."  
"Good." He yawns obnoxiously, and you huff.
He is clearly getting way too comfortable, way too fast. If you didn't work on this now you'd have to do this weird meetup again. You peer at him expectantly. His hands cradle his head, elbows pointed out to opposite ends of the room. "Right." He remembers casually. "The project." 
You nod. Yes, back to the topic at hand, finally. 
"I already finished my side." He smiles and you blink in shock. 
"Did it after practice yesterday, you know the day you were out "sick." He emphasizes that in a knowing way. 
"Then..." You trail off, unable to find your words. 
"I wanted to see if I was right about you. I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised. I expected neutral colors, not even a speck of dust, and zero decorations. I guess you're not as stuck up as I might've thought." He arrogantly speaks, and you're barely able to wrap your head around the situation. He acted like he wasn't done with his side, came over to your house, ate your food, cozied up to your mom, and entered your room, all to.. see your personality? 
You ogle at him like he has 4 heads and he laughs. "Relax, it wasn't all for that, I'm not here to stalk you. We still gotta work together, it's not like i'd just be here for you alone." That comment kind of offends you but you ignore it.
It's quiet for a moment, and you straighten your back against the seat. "So.. what do you think I am then?" 
He hums, then smirks. "You're a good girl. Sweet, and hardworking." 
That shouldn't have made you blush like it did, and you avert your attention back to your work. Don't forget this is the man who made you cry only 3 days ago. He's just here to do minimal work and bully you. 
"So.. do you want to merge our parts? Maybe you read mine, I read yours?" 
Atsumu shrugs and takes out his notebook to slap it down in front of you. You give him yours and you open up his to find multiple pages, back and front of written work. He really worked hard on this. 
He snickers at your shock. "Did you forget I have more skills than just volleyball too?" He taunts, reminding you of your previous comment. You frown.
"Sorry," you mumble. 
You read from the top, and a few sentences in you're hooked to the way he writes so eloquently. The style is neat, and for being such an arrogant jerk all the time, he paid attention.
"It's not bad." Atsumu regards yours while flipping through the pages. "But you can work on your voice a little more." 
You're visibly confused, and he further elaborates. 
"This sentence, "if he was going to be out all day, then maybe he would-" it's too much over-explaining. You're losing the point in your nervousness." That is true.
"Just write "He is going to be out for the day." You glue to his words, nodding absent-mindedly. You lean to your notebook that's positioned closer to him, your arm brushing his unknowingly. He quietly fixates on you, and you point to another sentence. 
"So.. like here, if I got rid of the "practically" or "really," then it will make the sentence more clear in this case?" You look up at him, eyes twinkling with some sort of excitement. He gazes for a little too long, and after a few seconds, he clears his throat.  
You ah, but then slump. 
"I like saying really's though. I feel like it puts more emphasis on something. Like if I were to say... I love ice cream! I'll say I really love ice cream, so they really understand how much I do." Your tone is energetic in a way he's never heard, and he can't help but smile. 
"They'll know you do, just saying love is enough. Really, makes it a mouthful. Just make it simple. I love ice cream." The way you listen so intently to him has his eyes softening. You move to erase and rewrite, your lips pursing a little in concentration. 
"Does that sound better?" You point your pencil to the new sentence, and he leans down to read it. 
You giggle a little and he gleams.
You blush and nervously fidget when you realize how hyper you're being. Your tone is a little more timid now, but it's eager as you point to another sentence.  "Does this work together?" 
"Try removing the "therefore." 
Nodding, you hop back and forth between his writing and yours. His wasn't flawless, but you admitted, it was really good. He was so clear when he spoke, so to the point and confident, whilst yours was all muddled and scared.
You point at his sentence and compare it to one of yours. Erasing, you rewrite a sentence and shift the words around. You're so focused one would think he wasn't even there. 
He's smiling and it begins to be a very pleasant exchange all up until he had to go.
Yet, after the exchange on Friday, no texts were exchanged with one another. You completed the project and that was that, no more communication.
There's a strange disappointment lingering in your chest. You wanted that, so why did it actually kind of hurt? Your mom even left you another nice lunch covered by a pretty wrap with a note nearby saying "packed extra for you and Atsumu to share (:" Shaking your head, you force yourself to move on to more important matters. All you need to focus on now is avoiding the group of bullies.
The bell rings, forcing you out of your thoughts. Rotating your head, Kiyoko catches your eye, and she grins evilly. She begins to remove herself from her desk. Here we go, you sigh.
You expect any minute for her to pass your desk, but she doesn’t, and you turn around, confused. 
Kiyoko’s mouth is open in a gasp, and she’s paused, eyes glued to something moving. You follow her frantic view only to swiftly mimic it.
Atsumu was walking to you, directly to you. No, there was no way, right? That had to be wrong. He pauses a few inches from your seat, his hand holding his lunch. “Figured we’d polish our projects before tomorrow.” 
“O-Oh, yeah of course.” You pull the notebook out that you had just packed up, and as you do that, you shoot a glimpse over to Kiyoko and the girls. She glares back at you a fit of fuming jealousy that knits her brows tight together. You’re relieved sure, but the fear of what they’d do to you once the period ends and you have 0 protection sets a pang of discomfort in you. But.. at least just for today, you can eat your food and not have to return to class with wet dirty hair.
When you’re not looking, Atsumu eyes the girls and they jump, their expressions changing from scowls to fear. They swiftly turn away. 
“Here.” Atsumu places his bento on your desk, and you blink, confused. 
There’s his smug smile, but it was softer strangely. “We wouldn’t want to disappoint your mother.”  
You blush. Right.. that was true. He picks up yours in the cute cat wrap and chuckles at the pattern. Those were also now softer, and you hated to admit that it sent you the right kind of anxious butterflies. He unwraps the box and opens it, finding just enough food for 2. He is taken aback, yet eases quickly after, smiling sweetly. The sweetest you’ve ever seen, it's like you weren’t even meant to see it. 
You shyly unwrap his and before opening it you nervously look at him. Opening your mouth to speak, his hand gestures to you. “Don’t ask if I’m sure or not, just eat it.” Although his tone was firm, it wasn’t as harsh as it always was either. You nod timidly and open it. 
The smell of fried shrimp, sushi, and rice hits your nose. It was delicious looking, and after not having a good lunch for about 2 weeks, tears nearly protrude from your eyes. 
“Thank you!” You hold your hands together and grab the chopsticks greedily. You slept late again. The dread of going to school last night kept you up enough to not be able to eat a proper breakfast again, so this was heaven-sent. 
He takes a bite of your food and then pauses when he sees you scarfing up his meal like it was your last. Eventually, you catch him staring, and your face goes red. Bowing your head you shout, “Sorry!” and nonetheless, continue aggressively eating. He snickers to himself. 
A few women in the class are almost frozen, their eyes deep-set in hatred and growling.
“He refused the lunch I made for him..” One girl mutters sadly to her friend who is also sunken. 
“She’s eating his lunch.” Another girl across the class whispers. 
“The nerve of her. He probably cooked that with all his time and love, and she’s inhaling it like a monster!” You’d think tears were running down this one’s face, she was that dramatic. 
You clear your throat and place the cover onto the empty bento. The embarrassment is only now rushing to you when you realize Atsumu is only halfway done. 
“Um.. thank you.. for sharing.” 
He hums in acknowledgment while chewing on your mother’s cooking. “Tell miss (L/n) I loved it.” You blush and nod. 
“I will..” 
Kiyoko was practically twitching in a fury. She would get you back for this, whether you liked it or not. 
Usually, you take your time to pack up your things once class ends for the day. You were always the last one out, but that always gave you some peace of mind. The hallways had a few students aiming around for who knows what, and there were no noisy bells or chatterers. 
Today is a good day. Your stomach is happy, and you’re able to bring home a realistically empty lunchbox to your mother. No lies are to be created about how you shared it when you truly didn’t. Your hair is perfect, your clothes are clean, and you have a dull ache in your chest as you think of Atsumu sitting by you and eating. Why? You aren’t sure. 
But you’re humming joyfully, feet walking slowly as a smile stains your face. Your foot is healed now, so you’ll be able to play. With the advice he gave you, you’re receiving plenty too. Prancing outside, you take a turn, making your way towards the gym, now nearly skipping in delight. The trees are wavering again, and the smell of sweet grass pierces your smell pleasantly. 
You’re about to take another turn until you hear a voice that makes you stop dead in your tracks. 
“What is taking so long?”
“Are you sure she didn’t take another route? Or go home for that matter?” 
“She’ll be here, relax.” 
Your heart speeds in your throat, and your feet feel anchored to the ground. They don’t see you yet, if you run they won’t know. Just turn back now, quietly, and you’ll be free for today. Walk slowly and avoid them.  You silently rotate your legs, afraid even the dirt beneath you will make an obvious sound. 
Your eyes meet with one of the girls in your class, and you frightfully gasp. Her hands are on her waist and she’s smirking. Your shoulders are shoved hard and a yelp escapes as you fall to the ground. It’s enough for Kiyoko to see your figure, and that same devilish grin stretches ear-to-ear. Panicking, you try to scramble away only for one girl to step behind you and threaten any further movement. 
Kiyoko meets your terrified eyes, and she’s snickering, tilting her head. 
“What, you thought you wouldn’t get your treatment today because Atsumu-san sat by you?” she scoffs and you’re shaking your head desperately.
“You know he only is doing this because of the project right? Tomorrow it’ll be back to normal, he won’t care anymore, and you’ll be treated the same old again.” Kiyoko giggles, and you’re eyes are still wide in fear. 
Your shoulders are being held down by the girl behind you, and Kiyoko’s smile suddenly drops. A slap makes your chin turn from the impact, the sting burning into your cheek. 
“I thought of something fun today.” Her hands grab at something behind her, and there’s a sharp gleam as she fixates on you. She pulls out a pair of scissors and you flinch when she holds it up to your throat. She reaches around to pull your hair, angling your neck into it. You don’t dare gulp or inhale, and you’re gritting your teeth at the pain of her fingernails digging into your scalp. 
She angles her lips at your ear, whispering darkly. “I’m going to make you look more hideous than you already are. Then no one will look at you.” 
Her tight grip leaves. You breathe in relief before she grabs a fistful of your locks and opens the scissors wide.
It’s about to snap shut on your hair before she speaks again. “If you talk to him again I’ll-“
“You’ll what?”
Kiyoko’s fingers waver, and she immediately becomes as stiff as a board. Her breath hitches, and your view is blocked by her body until she moves to the side, her grip on your hair escaping. Instantaneously the pressure on your shoulders releases too. 
Atsumu is there, standing a few feet away from your forms, hands pressed to his waist. His eyes are serious and he’s not even smiling like he always is. You’re just as surprised, and you almost fall back to the ground without a stable grip on your shoulders. 
“Ah,” he hums, a fake unpleasant lightness in his voice. “I knew well this was going to happen after I disturbed your little lunch get-together.” He tilts his head to the side, the ending of his words darkening. “Didn’t I?” 
Kiyoko and the women are stammering, shaking, unsure of what to do or say. “A-Atsumu! I-I-” He motions his arm up, and his expression dulls coldly as he makes a closed fist. They mutually shut their mouths like they're being trained.
“To think you squealing pigs made me miss out on practice because of this.” His tone is low, an unquelled irritation bouncing in each syllable.  They flinch, unexpecting him to sound so harsh. He sighs, slumping his form. It’s silent for a few seconds until he looks up again, a grave darkness shifting in him.
“You disgust me. Now get out of my sight.” His words come out like a screech in the silent atmosphere, and their breaths halt in their throat. 
The one behind you instinctively dashes on her heels and sprints fast. Another near Kyoko does the same, a third following her until she is the last remaining. She stands peering at you and him, and he’s glaring as if prepared to rip her to shreds.  
A frustration boils in her face and she forces herself to throw the scissors onto the ground, making you flinch. She can’t even muster a sharp glare as she looks at you. Instead she seems frustrated, ashamed, and hesitant. Her fists ball and clench tight before evidently leaving.
You’re still stuck replaying the horrific scene, and a terrible silence erupts. Atsumu’s glower disappears, and he’s suddenly above you, holding his hand out to you. 
Pathetic… you're so pathetic. 
You smack his hand away and his eyes widen. 
“I don’t need your help.” 
You pull yourself to your feet even if it hurts, revealing your back to him.
Anger. Embarrassment. Sadness. Disappointment. When you would go home today, you’d Slam your bedroom door shut, curl into your sheets, and weep into your pillow.
But for right now, your soles remain anchored to the ground, adamant on showing him that you aren’t just going to be a baby and cry, even if tears are threatening to escape. 
You spoke as firm as can be, your voice cracking a little. “Just go away.” 
It takes a moment before you can hear him finally walking away. All you can imagine is that his uncaring smirk is back like nothing happened.
A minute or two passes, and when you’re sure he’s gone, tears stream down your cheeks. You wipe them with the end of your sleeve, sniffling helplessly.
You just want to go home. 
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aliasimagines · 4 years
It Was You All Along // Dave Lizewski
requested by a lovely anon 💕
Can u write dave x fem!reader where reader Always had a crush on him but he kinda ignored reader bc of Katie but then someone popular asks reader out and he gets jealous and y/n dresses up super hot and he realizes he fucked up
word count: 1809
a/n: i hope this is close enough! ❤️ (i couldn't think of a different title but this one reminds me of Agatha All Along xd)
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"Hey, Dave! My folks are gone for the weekend and I thought we could have an X-men watch party. Wanna come?" 
"Sorry I can't, I'm hanging out with Katie." 
"Again?" you ask a bit louder than intended,causing a few people to look at you in the hallway. You continue with a lower voice "Aren't you like, tired of all the lying? Like, what if she finds out that you're not actually gay, hm? Cause you know she will, eventually." 
"Why do you care so much?!" Dave says, clearly frustrated. 
You raise an eyebrow. 
"Oh why would I? Maybe because we have been best friends since diapers, you stupid asshole!" you say not caring if some students hear you or not, anymore. "But you know what, you are right. I shouldn't care. Go play pretend with Katie but don't come to me, crying when you end up getting your heart broken." 
"Don't worry, I won't." he snaps back. And you turn around and leave but not before flipping him off. You felt the angry tears rolling down your cheeks as you zigzagged between the chattering teenagers. 
You couldn’t  believe how Dave could be so blind! He only had eyes for Miss Perfect. Whom by the way, is a real bitch and would go back to ignoring Dave or calling him a freak if it wasn’t for his little gay act. 
Somehow you made your way over to the restroom and locked yourself into one of the booths.
Dave couldn’t even see you as a potential “love-interest”. Eventhough you were the one who always were there for him, you were always there when he called, running to him like a lost puppy. And he couldn’t even care less. And you hate him for it. But you hate yourself more for still liking him. 
It’s not like you can do something about it, if you could, you would have. But that’s not how it works, so you are just crying your guts out on the toilet trying not to think about Dave.
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In all honesty, you have no idea how you made it through the day. You almost cried during biology but you caught yourself after a few lonely tears. You could feel Dave’s gaze on you but there was no way you would look at him. As soon as the last bell rang you were out of school, hurring past Tod and Marty, not being in the mood for them either.
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The next day wasn’t any different, you didn’t hang with Dave, Tod and Marty like you normally do. You didn’t sit with them at lunch, instead walked over to the only empty table you saw and placed your tray there. You mounched on your food, completely unaware of your surroundings until you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. You look up to see Matthew Greendale, resident hottie of the school sit next to you. 
"Hey, sorry, it's not a problem if I sit here, right?" he asks. You eyed him suspiciously. 
"No, it's fine." 
It's fine?! You mentally scold yourself. You never even spoke to this guy, outside of literature in first year. Why would he sit next to you? 
"I didn't want to sit with all the other "popular jocks" he answered you unspoken question while taking a bite of his canteen-hamburger. “They’re fun and everything but it’s nice to get away from them sometimes.”
You think of your friends who are sitting a few tables away and you can’t help but agree with Matthew.
“Yeah, I feel you.” you say without thinking.
“Hey..We used to sit next to each other in freshman year, didn’t we? It’s y/n ,right?” 
You nod with a smile, honestly being surprised that he remembers you.
“I haven’t really seen you around a lot. But when I do you are always hanging with those comic book nerds.”
“Hey! Comics are great.”
He puts his hands up in a defense.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean it as an insult. Some comics are good, my little brother made read one last month. It was actually great.”
“What comic was it?”
“Oh, uhm..It was about some kind of blind dude in a devil costume.”
“Daredevil?” you ask with a giggle.
“Yes, that one!” he laughs too.
The two of you continue talking until the end of lunch break. He is surprisingly fun to talk to and he even offers to walk you to your next class after lunch. You had such a good time you didn’t even think about Dave, heck, you didn’t even notice him literally glaring daggers into Matthew.
“What’s up with you, dude?” Tod asks snapping Dave out of it. 
“Yeah, Dave. What the shit is going on with you and Y/N?” Marty asks too.
Dave forrows is eyebrows. Yes, what the shit is going on with the two of you? Every since yesterday's 'fight' with you he can't stop thinking. About how he spends most, if not all of his time either with being Kick-Ass or, rather with Katie. It used to be different. He spent every second with you and he just threw you away so he could maybe get laid. And sure, Katie may be hot as fuck but she is.. Well, she is not you. 
"We had a fight, yesterday. I.. And she was right." he explains with a grimace. "But why the fuck is that Greendale asshole is with her?" 
"You jealous or something, dude?" 
"Wha- Of course I am not jealous! Why would I be? You guys are nuts." 
Jealous… The word rolled around in his mouth like a new flavored milkshake he never tasted before. 
Could he be… Jealous? He never thought of you that way, you were always his best friend. Just that. But.. The more he thinks about it the more he can't stop that twist like feeling in his stomach. 
That night he can't focus on crime fighting. All his thoughts are tied to you. Whether he likes it or not, memories of you keep popping up in his mind. How didn't he notice your beautiful smile before? And your laugh? It's like a beautiful melody. And… Gosh! When did he become such a sappy teenager? Oh and another thing.. He kept trying to think of something else, anything else like Katie for example but he doesn't care anymore! 
Dave goes home early with a frustrated growl. The remaining hours of the night he spends with tossing and turning and daydreaming instead of sleeping. 
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(the next afternoon, Atomic Comics) 
Dave bangs his head against the wood table once again. A tired groan leaves his lips when he hears Tod almost choking on his iced coffee. 
"What the tunk, Tod?" Marty and Dave ask almost at the same time. The dirty blonde haired boy keeps pointing outside the huge window that they are sitting next to at Atomic Comics. 
"Is that fucking y/n?!" 
Now all three of them look outside the shop and see you, all dressed up nad seemingly waiting for someone. 
"Holy fuck!" Dave whispers. He stares at you, with his mouth a gap before jumping up from the booth they were sitting at and rushing outside the store. 
"Y/n! Y/-" he yells almost tripping on thin air. 
"Dave?" you question, quickly turning towards him. Damn, you missed him. No! Yeah, you did… "What do you want?" 
"What do I- What, can't I talk to you?" 
"If you wanted to talk you would have in these past days!" you say. Yes, you might have missed him, but it's not like you're gonna show it. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I am waiting for my date to show up." 
"Your.. Your what, now?!" 
"My date" 
"You can't go on a date!" 
"And why is that, Lizewski?" 
"Lizewski? Really, you're calling me by my surname? Are we in such a bad place right now?" 
"I don't know, you tell me. Are you going to tell me what i can and can't do, hm?" 
"I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"What, it's fine when you say it but when I do it with you about Katie I'm the bad friend?" 
"No,it's just-" 
"Sorry. Matt's here." you point to the street across the road where you saw the boy walk towards you. "I gotta go." 
You start walking away but Dave grabs your wrist. 
"Please, don't." he mumbles. 
"Why not?" you snap at him but your expressions soften upon your eyes land on his saddened face. 
"I- because I don't want you with him. O-or anyone." 
You raise an eyebrow. 
He took a deep breath before looking around. Matt was waiting patiently by the traffic light so he could cross the road. Dave quickly began explaining. 
"You were right. About Katie. I was such a dickhead, I am so sorry, y/n. I am sorry for ignoring you over her and and.." from the corner of his eye he sees the traffic light turn green. "Shit! I don't want you to go out with Greendale cause I.. Because I like you. Like really fucking like you. And oh my god you look so fucking hot in this outfit, not that you're not always hot but holy shit. I know we are just friends and you don't think of me that way but I ju-"
"Oh my god! Do you ever shut up?" you yell before pressing your lips to his. Dave stumbled back a little, but quickly recovered and kissed back. Your hands cupped his face and his hands grabbed your waist in response. You both tilled your heads, deepening the kiss earning loud knocking from Marty and Tod as they watched the whole scene through the window. Not that you noticed any of it. You didn't hear the passing by car honk at you nor the yells or whistles. You also did not notice Matthew walking away with a sad smile after seeing the two of you. Your touches intertwine and you're pretty sure you heard Dave moan slightly which causes you to giggle into the kiss. You both pull away gasping for air. You look down at your shoes, hoping to hide your flushed cheeks. Dave scratches his back and looks around nervously only to see his two idiotic friends making kissy faces. He lifts his middle finger for them before clearing his throat. 
"So.. Khm.. I guess you like me too?" 
You let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I do." you say looking at him with a smile.
"That's.. Fuck. That's great." he replied genuinely happy. "Wanna get out of here?" 
You nod and you take off. You take Dave's hand and he intertwines your fingers with a smile. Maybe he is truly a superhero. He helps people and he gets the girl of his dreams. The happy ending. 
Dave Lizewski taglist : @sethcohenluvr @your-hispanichufflepuff
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Warnings - Swearing
Genre - Angsty Fluff (gn reader)
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Ever since Changbin met you in high school, he always admired how selfless you were. You were always the one who did all of the work in group projects, even if no one thanked you or treated you right. You gave up your lunch to skemien hungrier, and it seems as though everyone else wacame before you.
He still remembers the first time he truly got to know you.
Changbin was walking down your unfamiliar street, having to work on the newest biology project with you. You both were in multiple classes together but never talked to each other or even had the chance to.
"You must be Changbin. Please do come in." Your mother greeted, nearly hugging him before she stopped herself.
"Where's y/n?" He asked politely, his voice much more quiet than it usually is.
Your mom pointed upstairs to your bedroom, glancing as Changbin rushed up the stair case with his seemingly heavy and full backpack.
Once he opened the door to your bedroom, he noticed that you brought up some snacks and drinks for breaks in between the project. Leaving more snacks and drinks for Changbin than you left for yourself.
"Baby, do you think I'm selfish?" You questioned, hurt glossing over your eyes from the words of someone else.
Changbin nearly choked on his drink, trying to comprehend why you would ask this and who planted that thought inside of your head.
He had suspicions that it was your co-worker Chaewon, but he wanted to hear the whole story and comfort you before he made any decisions on what to do.
You recently got this job as an assistant, Chaewon was your competition for who would be the more favored one. And she played with your head ever since you stopped through those doors, trying to make you look unprofessional at your job.
"I overheard Chaewon and Wonyoung chatting about how selfish I am. How Chaewon worked so hard for this position and I am taking it away from her." You answered, tucking your head into his shoulder.
"You are the total opposite of selfish my love. You nearly gave up all of our groceries to a homeless man before I had to step in yesterday. Your co-worked are just trying to get in your head because they are stupid bitches." Changbin reassured, making you chuckle silently at his harsh nickname for them.
The reason you were so selfless is because of your extreme anxiety, worrying too much over what people thought of you and making it so that you did everything you could to help those in need, even if they couldn't be fixed.
Changbin always thought that the world would be better place if there were more people like you on it, but people just see the closest thing to an angel as just a fake persona you put on.
You were sobbing in one of the stalls in the women's/men's restroom, currently drenched in nacho cheese and fruit punch.
You noticed a classmate of yours seemed upset, so you offered them company. You persisted the idea once before they completely snapped on you, calling you a fake slut and throwing nacho cheese and fruit punch all over your prom outfit which you worked for months to save up for.
Your best friend Changbin stopped dancing with his date once he saw what had happened, he wanted to take you originally but he chickened out each time he got close to asking the question.
He sprinted after you, slowly creaking the stall door open. His heart shattered at the sight of you crying, someone so bubbly and part of the reason he smiled everyday was sobbing and extremely disappointed.
Changbin ripped off a few pieces from he roll of toilet paper near your head, gently dabbling your tears away. He even rubbed soem tissue over your nose for the small drops of snot running down.
"You're always so nice to me." You whined, implying that you don't deserve this treatment.
"That's because you're a loveable angel." He defended, angling your face until you were directly face to face.
Your noses were brushed against each others, lips only inches apart. You could feel the heat rising in both of your bodies, the heat increasing as he began to lean towards you.
His lips were gentle and soft, as if he'll break you if he kisses you too hard. You never expected your first kiss to be with your best friend in an empty stall on prom night. But at least it would be easy to remember.
Changbin was still ranting on about how disrespectful your co workers were and how your boss should be more aware of the situation going on. His eyebrows furrowed, and veins bulging form his neck. If you didn't calm him down now, he may explode.
You shut him up with small pecks on the lips, waiting til he gave up on trying o continue through out the kiss.
"I just want to make sure no one hurts you." He sighed, realizing he went on another protective rant.
"I know I won't get hurt if you're by my side." you whispered, letting him embrace you as close as he wanted.
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[Flower .3]
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"Let's see... These should do nicely!" A young woman with red headed hair claps joyfully. The woman had dark red locks that curled at the tips of her hair. Her blue eyes showing excitement.
The female next to her nodded along with her friends antics. "You always have a knack for picking pretty flowers, Ms. Addington." "(Y/N)! I may about to be a married woman but I'm still your friend."
(Y/N) chuckles at the pouting girl. "I know, I know. But I still can't believe your getting married already. It seems like only yesterday you were a single woman with no thoughts on being hitched. Now look at yourself Rosette, your about to be wed and ready for a new life ahead."
The red headed woman could feel big fat tears falling down her cheeks. "(Y/N)!!!" Rosette wails loudly like a toddler. Running over and glomping the flower shop owner in a hug. With her tears staining her friends shirt in the process.
(Y/N)'s taken aback by the ssudden contact, regaining her composure she heaves out a sigh and pats the woman's back in comfort. "There, there. Dry your tears, it's alright." "No it's not. I used to be a simple middle class woman, now I'm going to marry a noble?! It's all so sudden, what if-"
(Y/N) pulls the woman away from the hug and holds her up right. "Now see here Rosette, don't second guess yourself. You met the man your betrothed too before. You keep chatting on and on about how lovely and kind he is. Have faith in yourself, hun."
"I do, but what if he never intended to marry me? My father only owns a few shops, my family has nothing to our names." (Y/N)'s eyes lower a bit, true her friend didn't have riches or power. But she didn't want her dear friend to despair, so the only thing she could was to feed her friend false hope that everything will be okay.
"Well-" "*ding!*" Once the chime of the bell was heard. Rosette quickly straightnes herself up and makes herself presentable. The shop door closes and a man steps in.
His green eyes immediately flicker to the pair of (e/c) orbs he wanted to see. "Ms. (Y/N), Madame." Albert James Moriarty tips his hat at the females then taking it off completely. "Hello Lord Moriarty." (Y/N) crusties in a polite greeting. Rosette follows her friends lead, stuttering a small hello.
"Anything I can help you with?" "Not at this particular moment, I'm just here to look around if that's alright." "It's not a problem, please go ahead." The noble nods, strolling around her little shop. (Y/N) continues her discussion with Rosette.
"Back to what I was saying, all I can do is give you this. You care for him, correct?" Rosette nods her head hurriedly, her curls bouncing up and down as her face turns warm. "Then, that's a start." Rosette stares at (Y/N) with uneasiness.
"But-" "You don't have to believe my words." The (h/c) haired female stated simply. "Yet you should at least try and let yourself decide on how you feel." (Y/N) said with evident wisdom to her words.
"I-I see.."
Rosette gratefully hugs (Y/N) once more. "Oh how I wish you would come to my wedding, truly I do!" Rosette mood seems to damper as she goes on. "But I don't think Earl Addington or my father would ever agree to my request.." (Y/N) could only give her a friend a sad smile.
"Don't worry about it, just visit my house after your honeymoon is over. We can talk over tea on how your wedding and honeymoon night went." The female responded with a rather teasing grin. Rosette turns flustered and her arms started to fly about like a bird. Chirping out barely eligible words.
(Y/N) happily laughs at Rosette's current state. Her loud melodious giggles bringing a smile to Albert's face. Rosette finally controlled herself and bids (Y/N) farewell. The (h/l) haired female almost had forgotten Lord Moriarty was in her shop if it weren't for the feeling of his eyes gaze at her back. 'How strange...'
"Is everything alright, Lord Moriarty?"
(Y/N) called out to him. Albert's eyes leave the sight of her and towards a pot of daisies. Turning to face the shop keeper with a confused smile. "Yes?" "Just checking in, you were as quiet as a mouse. I almost thought you left, but I guess I was mistaken."
(Y/N) said awkwardly, decideding to leave the conversation at that. But it seems Lord Moriarty didn't want it to end there. "It's quite alright, if I may say. I overheard you and the woman you were with talking about Earl Addington. Do you know of him?"
"I do not, personally. Rather, my friend Rosette does I believe." (Y/N) gave him a short answer, not wanting to talk about her friends personal affairs to Mr. Moriarty. Even if he was good natured fellow for a noble. Much better than the ones she's met before.
Albert drops the subject without any words needed to be spoken after. But he still wanted to converse with young woman. His ruby eyes catch sight of a humble little flower pot on her counter. Albert walks forward to get a closer look at it. "It's empty?"
(Y/N) throws a pitting glance at the pot. "I haven't found the right flowers to plant into it." Lord Moriarty gaze didn't waver as he studied it. Two small letters were carved into it, "R. A?"  (Y/N) could feel a cold needle strike her heart.
Gulping a bit of saliva down her dry throat. (Y/N) gives a small explanation. "Robin Anisley, he was the man that gifted it to me." "The two of you must of been close then." The once cheerful gleam Albert had known her for, was gone in a matter of seconds. Almost like he blew out a candlelight.
"We were, he was quite a entertaining fellow to be around. But we aren't close no longer." (Y/N) pauses as her (s/c) fingers trace the top of the flower pot. "He's dead." She responded bluntly. Before Albert could apologize for his unchecked words. (Y/N) placed a smilling mask on her lips.
(Y/N) turns her attention to the clock on the wall. "It's lunch time already!? I've completely forgotten!" She yelled with surprise, quickly turning to Albert she asks him if he would like to accompany her to lunch.
"There's a small restaurant near here, they have the best bread for sandwiches and soup. Would you like to join me?" If Albert James Moriarty was like any old stuck up noble, he would of declined her offer with a disgusted glare.
Instead, he gave her a closed eye smile and a small nod. "That would be lovely." The spark in (Y/N)'s eyes ingintes as she pulls off her apron and gloves. Patting her skirt down for any crumples, she moves away from the counter and walks ahead of Albert to the door.
The brunette didn't even notice how she was already at the door. Holding it open for him with a mock bow. Albert stared at her with uneasy eyes as he steps out of her shop. (Y/N) closed the door and takes out a key and locks the door. Putting her keys in her skirt pocket.
The two head off to the little restaurant that (Y/N) had recommended. They walk inside and the customers pay no mind to then at all. Clearly focused on their lunch or colleague they came with. (Y/N) and Albert choose a both and sit down. A younger woman with dark as night hair goes to their both to ask for their order.
"I'll have a (sandwich of choice) and a glass of water." The waitress nods and asks Albert for his orders. "I'll have what she's having." "Okay then, your order will be out in a few minutes." The waitress leaves seconds after.
(Y/N) smiles at Albert, who's back straightened up once she did. Lord Moriarty starts to converse with the flower shop owner. Asking her questions about her likes and interest. The female asked him some of her own, though he only answered a few. But the two did enjoy talking with one another.
When their food arrived they ate in silence. Listening to the loud chatter of the other patrons. "Can you believe this, just imagine being that crazy to steal from a noble. And in public no less?!"
"Your right, you must have guts if you did something like that!" "Whoever did this is either stupid or asking for a death wish!" Albert stares at the men with confusion before looking back to his food. A satisfied smile was on (Y/N)'s face as she chugged down her glass of water. Already finished with her meal.
The waitress comes over and asks if they're are ready to pay. Albert was about to say yes and pull out his wallet. But (Y/N) pulls out some money and pays for the food before he could. "Ms. (Y/N), you didn't have to pay for me. I could of paid for myself-!"
"It's quite alright."
"What? At least let me pay you back."
"It's alright, my lunch break is almost over." "Then at least let me escort you back to your shop." Albert starts to get out of his seat, but a lending hand was in front of his face. He looks up to see (Y/N) stretching a hand out towards him to take. He wanted to take her hand, honest to god did he want to.
But he could feel eyes burn the back of his skull. Judging him, staring at him with curiousity, waiting for his move. Lord Moriarty clenched his fists tightly, he gets up without her help. (Y/N) pays no mind to it, she pulls her hand back. 
The flower shop owner leads the way back as Albert slowly trailed after her. (Y/N) closes her eyes and hums a little tune. A nostalgic smile crossed her lips, with a day dreaming look on her face. Albert just watches her like a love stricken fool. "That's a very lovely song Ms. (Y/N)."
(Y/N) stops singing, "really? Why thank you, it's a song I remember way back when. Can't remember who sung it though." "I see. What a pity.." "Not really," (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she stops walking.
Lord Moriarty stood in place, confusion on his face. Turning herself around (Y/N) stares at Albert with a calm gaze. "It's merely a melody that will never will be known and will stay with me until the end of my days."
Lord Moriarty opens his house door and takes off his coat and hat. His younger brother Louis greets him once he enters. "Brother Albert, welcome back." Albert placed his hat the rack by there doorway. His eyes were clouded while his thoughts run ramped. Remembering his brothers greeting, he replies back.
"Ah, Hello Louis. Is William back yet from the college?"
Louis noticed right off the bat that his older brothers mind was elsewhere. "Is something wrong?" Louis questioned Albert, stopping his task of watering the plants immediately.
"No, I'm alright Louis. Just a little side tracked from today's earlier events." "Did something happen?" "Yes, I had a pleasant lunch with the woman who runs the flower shop down the way."
"Ms. (Y/N)?"
"Yes, she's doing quite well. She told me to say to hello to you and William. I can see why you and William are fond of her so. No wonder you visit her often when you go out for groceries." Albert chuckles lightly as Louis almost lost his footing at the mention of her name.
(Oof, I think the last installment will be part four. It will be a master piece of this so called series I hope. Thank you for reading!)
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seraphanangelica · 4 years
I Hope You Suffer
Bakugo x Fem! Reader Angst
Feat. Midoriya
I wrote this a LONG time ago, and I’m posting it on here for nostalgic reasons. It’s also on my Wattpad 😂
Warnings: Violence, language, Bakugo being a prick
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I stared hatefully at the two pieces of paper that laid all alone on my otherwise empty mahogany desk. Two letters, to be precise, were from him, the one person who I absolutely hated right now. Right when we were getting serious he just had to make me look like a fool. He just had to try to weaken me.
With an enraged scream, I shot a beam of fire at the papers that tore my heart in a million pieces, making them turn to ash instantly, same for the desk. For a second, I stared at the pile of ash with a blank expression on my face, a split second of emotionless behavior.
"SHIT!!!!" I screamed, sinking to the black stained carpet that was supposed to be white. I had burned so much stuff in this room that I gave up on trying to clean the floors. I buried my face in the palms of my hands, pulling my H/L H/C hair out of frustration.
How could he do this to me? What have I done to him to deserve this? They all warned me. They said it would end like this--ugly and uncaring.
"WHY?!" I slammed my fists on the floor, leaving marks of ash in the exact shape of my fists. My breath became ragged, the source of my air leaving. It was like the world was mocking me, disgracing my actions. But it wasn't me they needed to mock. It was him.
The next day at school, I didn't talk to anyone as I walked onto campus. I just wanted to get class over with. Right now, everyone was annoying, laughing and joking, smiling at their wonderful day. Whatever, it's not like they knew what happened. I can't just expect them to automatically know and come talk to me.
I walked slower than my usual speedy pace, not caring if I was late at all. Today, Aizawa could kiss my ass, as well as all the heroes here. knowing the person I dreaded to see would start something up, chances were high that I would break a myriad of school rules just to see him fall.
"Y/N!! Wait up!" Izuku shouted, running up to me and putting a hand on my shoulder to get my attention. "You didn't return my calls last night. I was worried that something was wrong." He said with concern, but with the ever-present smile on his face.
I smiled my best fake smile and nodded once, waving my hand in a dismissive gesture as we walked, still very slowly, towards 1-A. "Yeah, sorry about that, Izuku," I looked behind my shoulder, scanning the students until I saw a very familiar head of spiky blonde hair. "I was a little preoccupied last night." I scowled, venom on my tongue.
Izuku stopped smiling. After a second, he stopped walking. "I know you, Y/N, more than you think. That smile isn't real." He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at me worriedly. I just shrugged and continued walking, not waiting for Izuku, knowing he'd catch up to ask more questions.
Looking behind to where I was previously, his frown turned to slight anger. "Did something happen with you and Kacchan?" He glanced me look of pity, making me scoff.
"And if something did? Please don't pity me, I don't need it or want it. And don't do anything rash." I added the last part just as Izuku clenched his fists in attempt to not say anything. When he didn't respond, I knew he was most likely thinking of what he'd do if Katsuki hurt me again.
It was silent as we entered the classroom, sadly separating to go to our seats. I took my seat next to Todoroki, who as I was worried about, because he notices everything. Won't be long until he notices I'm not talking to Katsuki like I always do.
Sighing inwardly, I folded my arms on the desk and used them as a pillow as I hid my face, praying when Katsuki entered the room he wouldn't say anything. Did I just think Katsuki and not saying anything in the same sentence?
I could practically sense Todoroki looking at me curiously due to my odd behavior, but it's not like I cared. To be honest, who really does? I heard Todoroki sigh quietly, probably giving up trying to figure out what my problem was. I just wanted silence. Like everything I did, it was a wasted endeavor.
My head snapped up and I saw Katsuki yelling at Izuku as always. Wonder what Izuku didn't do this time. I didn't pay much mind to it nowadays since Izuku got his quirk, explaining it was late manifestation. But considering the circumstances from last night, things have changed.
Before Izuku could even open his mouth to respond, I stepped in, laughing my ass off. Of course the laugh was fake, but it was more convincing than my smile.
"THE FUCK YOU LAUGHING AT, L/N?" Katsuki shouted, his attention turned away from my best friend. I put my finger up for him to give a second as I was seriously struggling to get air, standing up so I could breathe easier. Katsuki looked shocked that someone told him to wait so they could respond - they would just cower.
"You just...need to.... One second." There were a few laughs from the other students as I continued taking deep breaths, once again putting my finger up, telling him to wait even longer. I quickly regained my posture and spoke with a smirk, "You just need to change what you say more often. 'Deku you bastard' is way too overused."
Katsuki returned my smirk, his darker and more cruel. "You know what else is overused? You calling me by my first name. It's Bakugo to you now." Silence consumed the classroom, a couple people gasped. By this time, the whole of 1-A knew we had broken up.
I clenched my fists and walked up to Bakugo so we were but a foot apart. "WHAT DID I DO, HUH?! YOU JUST DROP ME LIKE I'M NOTHING? THROW ME AWAY LIKE A FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH?!"
He rolled his eyes and scowled, something deadly that I might not survive. Well, there's nothing to live for now. "You're just an obstacle in my way, an extra. You are nothing," He pushed me lightly, making me stumble back. "You are just a piece of trash, something, as you said is so easily thrown away." By now he had me against the wall, his arm pinning me to it.
I tried to look calm and menacing, but my eyes gave me away, I already knew it. So, as I hated him, I tried to hit him where it hurts. More specifically, his pride. "An extra? Oh, please. You do know you're the only one here who doesn't think of yourself as one too? There are people more talented and powerful here than you, and they don't think of me as an extra."
"SHUT UP! I'M NOT AN EXTRA! THE ONLY REASON THEY DON'T CONSIDER YOU AS AN ONE IS BECAUSE THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU EXIST AND THEY COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT A PATHETIC THING LIKE YOU!"  Bakugo grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled off the wall just to slam me back against it, the impact making me shudder.
What happened next was like slow motion to me. My E/C eyes saw Iida shouting at Bakugo to sit down, just as Bakugo raised his fist that was surround by explosions at me. With shouts of rage, Izuku and Todoroki grabbed him and tried pulling him away from me. It deemed useless when Bakugo broke free of their hold, and turning back to me. Just as I was about to be exploded into bits, a familiar white/grey scarf captured Bakugo, and drug him away from the area.
I was frozen in place, my shock taking hold of my mind. I was numb to the world and frankly, I liked it. Two things he had said to me hung in my mind like poison. He had called me a thing. Is that really how he sees me? That, though, was nothing compared to what he screamed as he was dragged back to his seat by Aizawa. 'I hate you, Y/N L/N'.
Not caring who was watching, I sunk to my knees and finally cried, letting my tears fall in ugly and loud sobs, completely missing the quick flash of regret in Bakugo's face. He reminded himself that he needed to do what he did so he could become the best. Before  I could see the true feelings of Katsuki Bakugo, he went back to the profile of a heartless, broken beast.
"I-I just can't believe Kacchan would do that to you."  Izuku stuttered as we walked out of UA and headed to the nearest diner. I hadn't eaten lunch since Bakugo would be there, so Izuku insisted that he'd take me to get something to eat. Truly, I didn't mind as long as he pays; free food is free food.
"It's alright, really. He had a problem, and he got rid of it. Simple enough." I put my hands in my jacket pockets and slouched, a complete giveaway towards my emotions. I can't keep anything away from those who know everything about me.
Izuku surprisingly didn't even look at me as I said what I thought. Honestly, I've been telling myself I was just a problem and something in the way ever since I started attending UA. As much as Izuku and everyone else tries to tell me, I deny every time they do, I don't believe it when they say I'm worth it. Bakugo just confirmed my thoughts.
"You just called yourself a problem," Izuku shook his head. "But you're not. Why do you put yourself down like this?" By now, my green haired friend was fully convinced I was at some level depressed from the situation.
I shrugged as we approached the restaurant, reaching the door first and holding it open for Izuku. "It's the truth, I am well aware it hurts." I said simply, sitting at a random table by the window so I could at least breath a bit. Bored very quickly, I picked up the menu and scanned my eyes over the list of food.
Izuku sat across from me and frowned at the table, a truly sad and broken expression present on his face. I wanted to question what it was for, but decided against it quickly when he looked up, our eyes meeting, green to E/C. He sighed and shook his head again as if he were wanting to tell me something and was restraining himself before he could.
The waitress arrived then, and we ordered our drinks and food, avoiding eye contact with everything and everyone. She nodded and then left, scribbling the last things on her notepad. When she was out of sight, we continued the conversation.
"What happened yesterday? You and Kacchan seemed fine at school, and now you can't even speak his name." He said after a long couple seconds' silence. I stayed silent, looking at the dark brown table with sudden interest in the illusion of texture. "Tell me, Y/N." He pressed. One day, his caring too much will have big consequences for him- good and bad.
"Nothing really important. I was just walking home yesterday from what seemed like a good day with Katsuki- I mean Bakugo. Then a few hours later, my mother came in and handed me two envelopes written out to me." I paused, not sure I wanted to go on, but Izuku's interest made me continue. Blame him for all my good doings. "I Was excited, as anyone would be if they see something addressed to them on paper rather than text. Both letters were from Katsuki, the first one saying how much he loved me and that it was genuine, only for the second one to say that that's the exact reason he had to let me go. I was in the way of him becoming the best hero the world could get. I threw them on my desk and disintegrated the papers and my desk."
Izuku  portrayed something so despondent, it was hard to believe that it was him. "That's something you can expect from Kacchan... but that doesn't mean he has a right to do that to you."
The waitress came with out food and we thanked her, carrying on the moment she left. I hope she didn't think we were being secretive and I hate more than anything someone being suspicious of me. Then again, it wasn't her job to ask questions-it was her job to bring the food.
"Besides," He started, taking a bite of chicken. "He could be regretting it this very moment." His smile was so convincing, but I didn't believe it for a second.
"What was it you just said? The betrayal sounds like Bakugo, but regret doesn't even come close to him. You have more luck breaking the fourth wall then getting a smidgen of regret from Katsuki." I scoffed, picking at my food with sudden slight disgust. Izuku is going to pay for it, so might as well try to eat something.
Izuku nodded in understanding, then shook his head. "Kacchan has regrets. I've seen him regret many things before, and I'm sure he regrets this." The way he tried to lighten the mood, the amount of effort not to be angry at Bakugo, the self restraint he put upon himself was phenomenal. I would've expected at least one tear to fall by now, or at least some form of his anger to reveal itself. I knew Izuku was mad at Bakugo, but it wasn't his problem. What his problem was was making every single one his. It'll get him killed one day, I guarantee it.
I sighed and glanced out the window, eyeing the vibrant green grass field that was known as the park just a street across. When I was younger, that meadow of sorts used to be my haven, my way to contemplate life's complications, to release my anger if need be. But I couldn't do that anymore. When I did, the meadow was sealed off, giving me the advantage to incinerate anything and everything I wanted to. I'm pretty sure there was still the remains of an oak tree from a few years ago just sitting there, waiting to disappear like an apparition. Sooner or later, the stress from the life of UA would lead back there once again.
"Possibly," I said softly, breaking out of my thoughts. "But we will see. I won't wait around for him to beg for forgiveness. If he can move on so damn quickly, so can I, and I will not let him get under my skin just to rip me apart. Again. I hope he suffers."
Izuku went pale, a glimpse of fear in his eyes. I, being one of the most powerful in class 1-A, have been proven to be very intimidating when angry, so no one really tries to get me even the slightest annoyed. All but Bakugo of course.
"Y-you don't actually mean that, d-do you?" He stuttered, his already big eyes wide with worry for who he thinks is his friend. One day, he'll realize Katsuki Bakugo had stopped being his friend years ago.
I just smiled, still looking out the window marveling at the beauty of what was about to be a pile of ash. I always smile when I'm angry, it's a huge giveaway if anyone's ever saw one.
"Oh, I mean it. He thinks he can just throw me away? I'll just keep coming back, and back, and back until he gets a solid message. He will suffer." With a wicked smirk, I waited for the right time I could tell Bakugo I was going to be his demise.
Tonight, all that we cherished together will go go down to ash.
Yeah... welp, there’s always room for improvement!
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boston-boy-cevans · 4 years
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Pairing: Professor Steve Rogers x Aus Reader.
Warnings: Language, Angst (I don't really write angst it's not my forte so bare with me)
Previous Chapters Here
As you both climb up the stairs to your shared home, Steve notices the front door slightly ajar
"You didn't leave the door open did you?" He asked going up the stairs ahead of you.
"No, you were the last out of the house"
Steve looks back at you, "stay here" you could hear the worry in his voice so you stayed put and watch Steve slowly and cautiously enter your home.
You don't take any chances and call 911 as soon as Steve is no longer in sight.
You hear a struggle upstairs near your bedroom, you go to run inside but the small kick in your belly stops you 'I can't risk it' you think to yourself.
You hear a car in the distance, then flashing lights, you calm down a little releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding.
The officer approaches you "you called about a break in?" He asked.
You didn't get to answer before the sound of running footsteps coming down the stairs
"Y/N watch out!" You hear Steve yell
All of a sudden a man you've never seen before comes running out of your home, he looks banged up like Steve got a few shot in and you scream.
The officer is able to stop him just as Steve comes running out of the front door.
"Steve what's going on?"
"I don't know" he says wiping the blood from his bottom lip "our house is trashed, and he was upstairs waiting in our bathroom" he walks towards you and makes sure you're ok before heading over to the police officer to give a statement.
You sit on your front steps, scenarios running through your mind 'what if the front door hadn't of been open?' 'What if you went upstairs to your bathroom without Steve?' you can't hold the tears back as you sob 'what did this guy want?' 'Did he want to hurt you?'
You've never seen him before in your life, why would he want to hurt you if he doesn't even know you.
Another officer comes over to take your statement.
"Who is that guy?" you asked wiping your tears away "why did he do this?" your breath is shaky as you try calm yourself down
"That's what were gonna figure out" the officer responds "we'll keep you updated" just then Steve comes over with worry all over his face, you stand as he hugs you tight "we'll keep you both updated, for now I suggest changing your locks and installing security cameras" the officer finishes, he gives you both a sympathetic look before walking back to his car.
Nat and Clint arrive just before the police leave, "what the fuck happened?" Nat asked as they rushed over to you both.
"Break in" Steve answers
You all head inside and you finally see the damage this guy did to your home, your sofa is torn apart, chairs broken and scattered around the room, plates and cups smashed
"Jesus fucking Christ" Clint mutters
"We'll clean up down here, you guys head upstairs" Nat ordered, she is always good in a crisis.
Thankfully upstairs isn't as bad as downstairs, a broken mirror and clothes thrown around the room.
You begin to pick up garments e were hen Steve stops you
"Hey, no" he says softly "you sit, you're not doing this, the situation alone to too stressful for you" you walks you over to an armchair that somehow escaped any damage and helps you sit "I'll make you some honey tea"
You watch Steve leave and you take a few deep breaths and you begin to relax into the seat.
"He was a lowlife thug, he was hired to attack you" the officer Lang says looking at you.
A shiver runs down your spine and you hold your bump tight, your eyes brimming with tears as your thoughts run wild at what this man could've done to you, to your baby. In that moment you feel Steve's warm arms wrapping around you.
"Did he say who hired him?" Steve asked
"Uh" officer Lang opens a file and flips through the pages "he didn't have a full name, just a first and last initials" he finds the page he's looking for "ah, M. C" he says looking up at Steve "don't worry Mr Rogers, we are doing everything we can to find this guy"
Steve's eyes widen and he looks at you.
"It's not a guy" Steve says looking towards the officer "we actually know someone with the initials M. C that has a rocky past with us" he clears his throat.
The confusion prominent on your face as Steve turns back to you
"You're gonna want to talk to Margret Carter, she goes by Peggy, she's an English teacher at the high school" he finishes.
Your own eyes widen with worry "I don't think she's capable of something like this Steve, I mean she's-"
"She almost to hit you with her car, she's assaulted you, she faked a pregnancy and she even told Nat that she thinks you stole her life, we don't know what she's capable of, what we do know is she has a personal vendetta against you and this guy was hired to hurt you"
You can see the concern on Steve's face, looking down at your hands you nod as tears roll down your cheeks as you both sit at the officers desk, you can feel the eyes of those near by watching you.
You take a deep breath and sniff before looking back up at Steve, then officer Lang "you should bring her in to question" you croak.
Sitting in the car outside the precinct, the realization of someone truly wanting to hurt you hits as you sob uncontrollably, Steve leans over to embrace you, to try comfort you in any way he can.
Your tears begin to soak the shirt he's wearing but neither of you care, you've been holding this in for the past 48 hours and everything has become too much.
When you get back to your house you stand in the living room, everything seems wrong, like this isn't your home anymore, this isn't a place you feel comfortable, you don't feel safe in here anymore.
"We need to move" you say softly not looking at Steve or anywhere in particular
"Ok" you hear Steve respond.
Over the next hour Steve looks for a new place as you shower in Nat's old bathroom, you haven't been able to step foot in your own since that night.
You've tried, but you barely make it over the threshold, Steve moved the bed into Nat's old room yesterday, you couldn't sleep, you would lay awake all night, tears rolling down the sides of your face.
When Steve woke up to your sobs and he comforted you, then told you to go downstairs and make a cup of teapot yourself.
He moved the bed that night, you're so thankful for him, he's been a rock for you and your emotional state the past few days, your pregnancy hormones weren't helping you at all.
"I found a place" he says on the other side of the bathroom door as you dry yourself "it comes furnished so we don't even have to take anything, we can leave everything behind" he sighs
You open the bathroom door, towel wrapped around your body, you don't say anything, you just pull him in for a hug.
"When can we move?"
A few days later you're both in the middle of packing clothes and other sentimental items you want to take with you in the move when Steve's phone rings.
"It's officer Lang" he says picking up his phone.
"Officer?" He says answering the phone putting it on speakerphone
"Mr Rogers, I have news regarding your case" officer Lang starts "we picked up Miss Carter, she denied everything" both you and Steve look unsurprised but both of you are annoyed knowing she's behind everything "we questioned her a little further, asked about the assault on Miss Y/L/N, the fake pregnancy, she came clean shortly after" you both let go of the breath you both were holding "she confessed, she hired the guy to trash your house and attack Miss Y/L/N"
You both knew it was her but hearing it confirmed by officer Lang made your stomach drop, she really wanted to hurt you and Steve
"We need to discuss what kind of charges you want on her, if you want any at all. It's best we do this in person, if you can come into the station tomorrow we can go over everything" officer Lang finished
"Uh, yeah, we can come in tomorrow" Steve says before hanging up.
You finish packing in silence, both of you busy with your own thoughts.
The next day, just after lunch you arrive at the police station, wanting to move things along quickly you both agreed to press any and all charges you can against Peggy.
You both want nothing more than for this nightmare to be over with.
Before you leave the station for the last time, you need to see her.
Officer Lang guides you to the interrogation rooms, he opens a door and the room is empty, with a 2 way mirror on the right side wall.
You walk in, Steve close behind you, your breath catches when you see her, she's cuffed to the desk, but she doesn't look sad or angry or anything, no signs of remorse or even humanity.
In that moment, you feel a sense of calm, like good things will finally happen, you look forward to tomorrow and you're future with Steve and your child.
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notyour-mariaclara · 4 years
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ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵍᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᵈʳᵃᵐᵃ, ˢˡⁱᶜᵉ ᵒᶠ ˡⁱᶠᵉ
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I woke up one morning without you by my side. Nothing new, really. Not until I sat up from the bed. I sniff once then twice, the familiar scent of bacon and pancakes is not present.
Maybe she went to work early. I thought to myself and prepared myself to go to work too. Pushing the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.
After fixing my tie, I grabbed my phone by the nightstand. No new message. It's not that we leave messages anymore if one of us leaves earlier. Not anymore. I sigh and headed to the dining to eat my breakfast. But the emptiness of the table welcomed me. That's when my gut feeling got stronger. Something is not right.
I hit the realization that you never went home last night. The house was empty when I got home, thinking that you just have to work overtime again. Which oftently happens lately but you always send me a message about it. I don't wait up for you 'till you get home because I always fall asleep.
My eyebrows met as I speed dial your number. It rang for few seconds then followed by a beeped.
"Hi! I might be busy as of this moment. Just leave me a message, I'll get back to you soon!" You giggled before the call dropped.
I stare at my phone, wondering when was the last time I heard you being cheerful.
<!-- more -->
"I'm home." I said as I removed my shoes and change into my house slippers. You welcomed me with your pout and arms crossed.
"What's wrong, love?" I chuckled because of your cuteness. 4 years of being together and I can't still get over you.
"It's Saturday and you left without me."
"It's too early for you to get up and I did text you, I need to drop by the office for the new storyboard." I pulled you closer as my arms snaked around your waist.
"But what took you so long?" Finally giving in and you put your arms on my shoulder.
"Because of this." I took a step back to show my bag.
"Yes, hun? That's still the same bag." You said in confusion.
I chuckled and tugged you towards the sofa to make ourselves comfortable. I pulled out 2 boxes from my bag and you gasped.
"Wh-what? But why? You don't have too." You said with a pout.
"Love, your phone will barely make it 'till next month. Your screen is smashed from last month's incident." I stated.
"Yeah, thanks to Bokuto-san." You rolled your eye but laughed.
"One for you and one for me." I said and you squealed.
"Thank you, thank you!" You threw your arms around me and showered me with kisses.
"Anything for you, love." I said and kissed your lips.
We both excitedly opened our new phones. That's how we spent the rest of our Saturday afternoon.
"Hello. I'm busy and I'm not sure if I can get back to you unless you're my husband."
I looked at you and you just flashed me your gummy smile.
"What was that?" I asked.
"It's for my voicemail." You said innocently.
I facepalm myself and shook my head at your antics.
"What will your officemate think if they hear that?"
"What? It's cute." You laughed. I scoff before laughing too.
"No, change it."
I whined and you refuse until I attacked you with tickles just so you change it.
"Stop! Stop! Okay! Okay! I will!" You surrendered.
I put my arms around you just to secure you that you won't run to hide because I know you well enough. You giggled at my action and started recording again.
"Hi! I might be busy as of this moment. Just leave me a message, I'll get back to you soon!"
You giggle and ended the record.
You looked up to face me and smile. I held you tighter as I snuggled my face in your neck. And traces some butterfly kisses.
"Now, it's time for you to pay back the phone."
"Ohhhhh, sir, I am more than willing to pay."
You said and we both fell into laughters.
It's been a year since you did that record. I sent you a message but I received none until I reached the office. Still no you. I can't help but to worry and be distracted the whole day. I'm already thinking of things, why you didn't come home and contacted me. Maybe, you slept over to some friends and your phone ran out of battery or maybe you suddenly went home to your family or maybe all of the hundred reason I thought of, doesn't make sense because you weren't careless like that and you don't want other people worrying about you.
That's when I started thinking of the worst that maybe you caught up in an accident. It was lunch time when I decided to go to your office.
"Good Afternoon, I just want to ask if she's in?"
I ask the receptionist. She's also your friend so she's pretty much familiar with me too.
"Eh? She's on leave for 4 days. It started yesterday. Didn't she tell you?" The lady behind the desk asked confusedly.
"I…" I was lost for words.
"Is everything okay between you two? She seems so distant lately and she's even the first one to go home every time." She explained
I can't mask my upset feeling bubbling in my chest.
"But she always works overtime." I stated.
"Overtime? Our company no longer extends our working hours due to our financial setbacks for months already. Surely, you know that we're considering to file bankruptcy, right?"
I was surprised because I don't know a thing about the bankruptcy let alone her lying to me about her overtime.
"Is boss there?" I heard some random staff ask the receptionist.
"Thanks." I said to her and walk my way to the exit but stopped when I heard her replied to the staff.
"Nah, boss is on leave too. As if the company ain't crumbling already." She scoffed.
My hand shakes and exited the premise. I sent a text to the office saying I have an emergency before trying to contact you for the nth time. My emotion is slowly rubbing in me, I lossen my tie. To no avail, I can't still contact you. Frustration slowly creeps in me. I drove home, my thoughts driving me crazy.
You said you're going to work yesterday but the thing is you filed for a leave since yesterday. You lied.
"She lied." I threw my briefcase without a care and crashed myself on the couch.
You've been working late recently, I can't even remember when it started but you lied. You're lying for some time now. Slowly, anger is penting up inside me. Inno Kei, your boss. He use to hit on you, is it only a coincidence he's on leave too?
I untangled the tie and whipped it on the floor. Unbuttoning my dress shirt because suddenly, I feel suffocated. I raked my hair, shaking my brain to reason out your action. I don't even want to think the worst. Because you're not like that but why does everything's falling into pieces. The possibility of you cheating on me, is no longer impossible.
The day went by, by me contacting your phone, I even called your family just to check but they don't know a thing. I even lied to them because I don't want them to worry. I called your best friend Kiyoko but she's not answering my call. I resorted into alcohol while waiting but still no traces of you.
The next day, I didn't go to work in case you come home. I tried to look to for you. Places where you like to go. Places I hope where you'd be. But still no you.
I don't want to think that you'd go to another man but I realize, these past few months after that incident. Everything changed, the cold shoulder, the emotionless responses, just everything. My chest starts to heave as I slowly see things clearer. Even if you do go for another man, I wouldn't blame you. There, I realize what truly is happening lately, how come I didn't see this sooner.
"Oh, God." I buried my face in my hands. Brimming tears of frustration, worry and sadness, consumed me. I don't want to lose you. It's all my fault. The day goes by, waiting for you to come home as I drown myself in alcohol and regret.
3 days since you've been gone. I plan to stay home to wait again but my team called because the pitching for the new book is today, as much as I want to be alone and wait for you, I can't risk other people's job. So, I went to work, still thinking of you.
"Hey, Love. Please come home. Let's talk, please or just tell me you're fine. That'll be enough for me. I love you. I love you, please." I sent my 18th voicemail to her number. 115 missed call and 84 unseen messages, still not enough for you to come home.
When I saw your shoes by the door, I don't know what to feel. Ecstatic? Anxious? I don't know. I quickened my phase inside our house. No signs of you in the living room and even in the kitchen. I went to our bedroom. My heart increased it's beat, nervousness is eating me the moment I saw the room empty but the closet was left ajar. I open it only to see most of your are clothes gone. My hand began to shake.
I went to the next room. My hand slowly reached for the knob. When was the last time I went inside this room? 3 months ago? I took a deep breath and open the door.
There I see you on the floor. Your body leaning on the crib. I felt my chest tighten and I took a step forward but you woke up. Fluttering your eyes open and snapped your head towards me. Your eyes widened in surprise. Your lips quiver.
"Keiji…" you call me breathlessly.
Why do you sound as if you're leaving me? I glance at your bag beside you. You followed my gaze and I heard you took a deep breath.
"Where were you?" I asked worriedly and took another step forward. You stood up.
"I…" You look on the floor looking for answers.
"I can't get a hold of you for 3 days. I was worried, Love." I enveloped you in my arms. Nourishing your scent that I miss for days, scent that I took advantage for months.
I hugged you tighter, feeling your warmth. Caressing your hair, letting you know how glad I am that you're back. You started to sob in my arms. After awhile you break off the hug and I swear I heard my heart break.
"Keiji," No, call me love.
"I waited for you for 3 days, where did you go? I got worried. I even went to places to look for you." I said pushing the stinging pain in my eyes.
"I was at Kiyoko-san's--"
"But I went to her apartment. She said you weren't there." I grab hold of her hand
"I told her to lie."
"I-Is there something you want to tell me? How come you didn't tell me that you're having problems with the company? When did you start keeping things from me?" I can no longer hide my frustration and pain.
She shrugged off my hand and took a step backward.
"I-how? How can I? I cannot even talk to you about our own problem. So tell me how, Keiji?" You said exasperatingly. Trying to conceal your emotions but everything can be seen in your eyes with welled up tears.
"Is that why?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I-Is that why you went to ano--"
"Oh my god!" She scoff and laughed bitterly while tears stream down her face.
She lost it. She went back further in the room. Putting good distance between us.
"You actually thought I was with someone else!? Tell me!?" She challenged. My breath hollowed as I brushed my hair due to frustration. My other hand on my hip.
"What do you want me to do!? I came to your office and found out everything. That you're lying about your overtime and you filed for a leave when you didn't said a thing to me. You grown distant and cold the passed months--"
"Did you just realize that in the past 3 days that I was gone? You just suddenly notice, just now!?" I shut my mouth because she's right. I only took notice of everything, too late. She started to cry harder. I took a step closer to reach for her but she moved back. She's hurting so much.
"What I want you to do? I just want you to see me again. To talk to me again like we used too. I want you to look at me without hurting. Without pain."
I tried to call your name but you only shook your head.
"You waited for three days? I waited for six months! Ever since…" you choked on your tears.
"Ever since I lost the baby, I lost you too." She look at me in the eyes. I can no longer control my tears .
"The first three months was bearable, because I know we're both mourning but it seems that we never got the chance to go back to each other. We got lost. I lost my husband." You sobbed.
"I was scared. It was my fault that I can't provide for the both of you. That you needed to work too because my salary is not enough. I-I should have insisted you not to work but I didn't. Then we lost our baby. I saw you broke. It hurted me so much because there's nothing I can do to take the pain. I fought strong in front of you but by the end of the day, I'm so weak. That's why I pretended as if nothing happened because I don't want to make the same mistake. I worked hard for the promotion because I know that will help us a lot. That promotion, is enough for us. Even if you stop working. I-I... didn't know this was the consequence." I explained with tears and shaky breath. Feelings from losing our baby came back again. But this time it hits harder because I might lose you too.
"You are by my side but I still miss you everyday. You slowly fell out. I waited for you everyday, waiting for you to look at me with love again. Until one day, I realize that I can't continue like this anymore. It hurts me to see you but I can't even feel you. I can only take so much pain, love. That's why I stayed late outside drinking or I'll crash at Kiyoko-san's. I was hoping you'll come through and ask me but you never did. I don't know what to do anymore with our marriage." You broke down and fell on your knees.
"I have my fair share of regret, love. We both struggled. There was never a day passed without thinking of our angel. I thought losing you was my consequence because I failed to protect our baby." I rushed by your side and nestled you in my arms. We're both on the floor. I held you tighter than ever.
"No, don't say that. I don't want to lose you. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault, okay? I'm sorry, if I hurt you." I buried my face to your hair, until you tangled your arms to my waist and cried harder. I shifted our position and cradled you in my arms.
"I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to push you away. I neglected you all these time when you needed me the most. I'm so sorry. Please, don't leave me. I beg you." I cried as I held your head to my chest.
You shook your head and look up to me.
"I won't. I-I can't. I love you too much."
"I love you too." I said as I wipe your tears away. I held your face as I brushed your hair away from your face and tried to dry your face but you kept crying. I place a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you so much." Then kissed your lips and you hiccuped because of crying to much.
"Let's try again. Let's fix our marriage, hmm? Let me make it up to you."
You nodded and I carried you to our bed to tucked you in bed and hold you all night.
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