#and i can't even leave my apartment today for prolonged amounts of time
katierosefun · 1 year
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 7: An oxidising world of a dream (Part 5)
Warnings: angst
Author notes: yes, I do consider that this part is heartbreaking enough to put angst as a warning... Do tell me if you think otherwise! (or another smart way to ask for feedback...)
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I waited behind the door of the familiar infirmary, my arms crossed and my look focused onto the carpet beneath my feet. I had been ordered to stay there until Dazai came out, while he had sent men and Akutagawa to the art museum of Yokohama for a mission. If at first I had wondered if he was punishing me for my previous failure during the casino mission, I had soon realised that this raid to the museum was pointless, and clearly a trap Mimic had set for us. However, the squadron had been getting impatient, lately, and their desire to fight overcame any trace of reason their consciousness held. The most stupid of all had to be the "dog". He exposed himself to danger without further questioning, only to prove our superior he was worth his praises. He could not understand that the executive did not expect such things from him... And he would never listen to my advice.
"Odasaku is awake." The door opened behind me.
"It is good." I cracked a discreet smile "Do you need me to do anything?"
"Come in, and try to convince him." Dazai sighed "He wants to go and save Akutagawa..."
"Akutagawa...?" I narrowed my eyes, following him inside the infirmary "Well, he is an asset for the Mafia, after all... And you will not pretend you are ready to toss his power aside, will you?"
"So you agree, Ogawa?" Oda asked me upon seeing me.
"I am glad to see you are better, Oda." I smiled "And I do agree that helping Akutagawa out would be better. However... I could go myself. You have just woken up and many things occurred. You need to rest."
"Resting..." He hummed "I don't need it. I feel as though I owe someone, so I can't stay there doing nothing."
"Owing..." Dazai sighed "The one you owe doesn't even remember what he'd lent you..."
"But I do." He shrugged "Besides, it is absolutely out of question that you go, Ogawa."
"I have not been ordered not to go." I defended.
"Dazai, order her."
"Why would he...?" I frowned "I can —"
"A consequent amount of shops and warehouses of the Port Mafia has been bombed while Odasaku was asleep." My superior cut me "And you took care of every single case without my assistance. You too, need to rest."
"You'd rather send your sick friend off than your lieutenant...?" I argued, holding onto Oda's sleeve so he would not leave "I am your subordinate, I appreciate that you care about my safety but... It is my duty. Oda needs to rest, he was poisoned heavily and no matter how strong he is, he is still weakened from the —"
The executive grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him, until my forehead rested onto his shoulder. The effects of No Longer Human were immediate; the thoughts of my surroundings faded away, and my eyelids felt heavy with the need to sleep.
"You can't..." I protested, trying to pull away but finding myself too weak to do so "You can't..."
"You haven't slept, the other night... I order you to rest now..." He said, rather softly.
"But your friend... He... Will..."
"Odasaku will be alright." He reassured me "I trust him, I know he will not put himself in danger."
I heard footsteps getting away and deduced the man had left. He had resolved himself to let Oda go... Fatigue took over and my knees buckled under my weight, brusquely. His arms wrapped around my waist to support me and my hands gripped onto Dazai's coat as I fought not to fall asleep just yet, but I could not deny my body needed to doze off, for at least a few hours. I hated being so useless...
"I... Am of no use to you..." I murmured, my voice muffled by his coat.
"Being exhausted makes you say idiotic things." He retorted, suddenly picking me up to lay me down on the bed "Why are you still trying not to fall asleep...?"
"I heard you... Praising Akutagawa..." I refused to let go of him "Even if he is dumb... He has power... Everyone... Around you is so strong... And I..."
"Stop saying things you know I have never thought about, Ogawa... Comparing you with Akutagawa is impossible, comparing you with Odasaku is unbelievable as well." Dazai stated.
"... Am I an incompetent...?"
"The one who said that must be blind."
"Akutagawa has a good sight..." I closed my eyes, but opened them before surrendering to sleep "I am... Incompetent... Unsuited to be by your side... I don't want to sleep and be useless..."
His hand landed onto my forehead, pushing my bangs away from my eyes and making contact with my skin.
"Being useless is the last thing I think about you..." He assured me "I'd appreciate it if you had some sleep before going back to work."
"I'll leave you alone..."
"I'll bring you to the office as soon as you close your eyes, then. I swear, so now, do not torment your mind with such thoughts anymore and only think about resting well, to assist me afterwards." He cracked a smile, clumsily running his hand across my head.
"Alright, then... If it is not a bother..." My eyelids fell and my body went numb.
"... How could that ever be a bother...?"
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Dazai had gone out with Oda. The two had some business to take care about, and my superior had insisted for me not to go. After the incident at the art museum, Akutagawa had come back safely, as well as Oda, and the matter was settled within hours. I leaned my head onto the bay of the executive's office. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon for a moment now, leaving only the darkness and a few stars to light it up. I noticed it was a night without a moon, and did not like it. When the world was too immersed in shadows, nothing good would ever occur. I feared this night was ominous.
"Come back safe, Dazai..." I whispered, looking away from the lights of the town.
Humankind had always hated complete darkness. Electricity had allowed us to tame the night and its fictional monsters so we could prolong our day as much as possible. But whether it was under the sun or a neon light, we could never run away from our own shadows, and I liked to think the evilness laying still within us was the origin of our tales about the night. The true monsters often — not to say always — had a human face.
Slowly, I walked across the office to take my coat before exiting it, without forgetting to close the door behind me. It felt so lonely, being away from his side... Everything seemed completely worthless if Dazai was nowhere around me, as if the reason I could live had been taken away from me. In a way, I was aware of the dangerous truth; I depended on my superior as much as I was addicted to morphine, perhaps even more, and I could not imagine once that we could be apart. He had given me a reason to be in this world which had casted me away mercilessly, and striving to stay alive was a feeling I had just started to embrace. I could go as far as stating it was a glimpse of happiness I was experiencing... I wanted to cling onto it with my whole being, sometimes forgetting that nothing was more ephemeral than human joy. There was nothing which would not be lost... And I did not remember.
I turned around upon hearing a voice calling my name. The second in command, Yamada-san... After how badly he had tried to take advantage of me, we had rarely interacted with each other. In front of Dazai, he acted friendly, but I knew he wanted to be ridden of me after I had humiliated him, the day I had killed my parents.
"What can I do for you?" I asked, poised.
"Actually..." He sighed "I have a pile of paperwork awaiting me, but... Today is my wife's and my anniversary so I did not want to go back late..."
"You are married...!" I exclaimed, astonished.
"I never wear my ring when in the headquarters... Not to trouble her, right? But I am. We even have the most adorable son." He smiled "I met her after that incident... I still can't apologise enough for that day."
"It is too late, now. But I can overlook it, for once."
For the first time, I felt sympathy toward this man I would usually be annoyed about.
"I'll take care of it for you." I smiled back "Please have fun."
"I'll make sure to." He nodded excitedly "Thanks a bunch, Ogawa-kun!"
A bunch...? Well... I watched his back walking away a moment before going into his office. The pile of paperwork was, indeed, a pile, threatening to wither and crash onto the ground at any moment, and I sighed heavily, bringing the documents to Dazai's office where I felt more comfortable. I had been supposed to wait for his return; he would kill me when he would discover I was working overtime... Oh, well... It had been a moment I had not had a warm cup of coffee, anyway.
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It was well-past midnight when the door of the office opened. The headquarters were most likely empty, except for the Boss and a few guards doing their night shift. On this floor, this room was the only one where the light was still on. I smiled at my superior, who visibly did not expect seeing me there, and took a sip of my fifth cup of coffee.
"Welcome back, Dazai." I stood up to take his coat off of his shoulders.
"Ogawa...? No wonder you were not at your place..."
He had stopped by, thinking I was waiting for him...? I almost regretted stubbornly staying there to help the second in command out...
"Forgive me for not telling you beforehand..." I apologised "There was still work to do..."
"This is not your job." He stated, taking a look at the papers.
"He..." I paused, thinking I could not reveal the truth about the marriage "... Had important things to take care of."
"Important enough for you to comply?" Dazai raised his two eyebrows "He surely lied to you to leave and have a drink with his friends."
"... Is that so...? My, I'm so stupid..." I did not want to argue and attempted to avoid the subject "Thinking I could have easily read his thoughts..."
"Whatever you are hiding, I'm not going to ask about it if you don't want to talk about it..." He sighed, resigned, and let himself fall onto a couch "To think you'd help him after what he has done to you... That disgusting jerk..."
I was dumb to think he would not find out I was lying...
"You seem especially exhausted, tonight." I noted, taking a seat in front of him "What happened...?"
"Nothing." He dodged the matter "Do you still have a lot to do?"
"There isn't much left..." I told him "I'll hurry so you can cancel my ability and have some sleep yourself."
"Please, do so..." He grumbled lowly.
I sat back at his desk and started reading the different reports. Dazai was not usually so grumpy and tired. Definitely, something was wrong about him, but I knew better than asking him directly. If only I could read his thoughts... I would have been able to tell what bothered him.
Minutes after, his breathing was regular, and I looked up at him, only to see he was gone in deep slumber. Soundlessly, I took his coat from the hanger and draped it over his body to protect him from the cold. Summer had installed itself in Japan, but the nights were still chilly, especially in an office freshened up by air conditioning. Many people had a peaceful face when sleeping, but he... He did not look appeased at all. On the contrary, it appeared sleeping brought his own monsters to the surface of his consciousness and tormented him... I decided not to do anything, judging he, no matter what, did need a good night of rest too. And if nightmares disturbed him, I would act accordingly to the situation. He had often made sure I was sleeping correctly before leaving — I could have felt it — so it was my turn to protect his rest.
I stared at him, leaning my chin onto the back of my hand. He had not budged at all and my paperwork had long been over. I did not believe Dazai could sleep so well; he was more the type to suffer from insomnia. I often wondered, when waking up, what he had been up to during the night. After granting me sleep, did he go back to his impersonal apartment? Or did he wander around Yokohama to have a few drinks? Did he bring women back to his place? The thought coated my cheeks in red and I quickly banned it from my mind. Whatever he did, I was certain he did not get much sleep. I shut off the lights, only to turn on the small lamp on the desk. The sieved light was more relaxing than the main one, and it bathed the room in a comfortable atmosphere. While my superior was soundly asleep, I took a random book from the shelf and started reading it. How to prevent accidental casualties. So this book did exist and he had truly read it. He had not lied, the other day... I felt bad for doubting him, but one had to admit discerning between his acts and his true words was a challenge. When was he serious and when was he playing around? Oda easily understood the shifts in the mood, but I... No, I could not think about his friend anymore. I always ended up frustrated when looking up to this amazing person. I had embarrassingly ranted about my uselessness again, earlier, I could not afford to ridicule myself anymore. I did not want him to look at me like a pitiful thing...
Suddenly, the coat fell from Dazai and landed onto the floor with a muffled noise. I put the book aside to readjust it over his body, but, as I did so, he forcefully grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him. His one eye was wide opened onto me.
"D-Dazai, you are going to cancel my ability..." I broke the silence, trying to free myself from his grip.
"... Isn't that what I am supposed to do...?" He asked, rather tiredly.
"You fell asleep, I was not going to take advantage of your ability while you were defenceless..." I said "Well, that's what I thought, but you are actually always vigilant about your surroundings..."
"Obviously..." He let me go to rub his face "How long have I been sleeping?"
"Two to three hours, roughly. You should close your eyes again; you were resting so well..."
"What about you? Are you done?"
"I am, don't worry..."
"Then, let's —"
I gently pushed him back to the couch and put his coat back onto him with a slight smile.
"I had some sleep in the afternoon... It's your turn, Dazai..." I declared.
"But your ability... Won't it be a bother?"
"I'll be fine, just think about yourself... Please rest. There are people counting on you to lead them tomorrow..." I told him.
His expression was unreadable, but he adjusted his position so he would be laying on the couch instead of sleeping in a sitting position. His fingers held onto his coat and brought it around his upper body, as though he felt cold, and his eyes closed.
"Goodnight..." I whispered.
"I saw Ango, tonight. We went to the bar." He interrupted my moves.
"Dazai, you should —"
"He was an undercover agent for the government, you know...? And a spy in Mimic for the Port Mafia too..." He chuckled, a bit bitterly "He betrayed us... He betrayed me..."
"I'm sorry..." I had no clue what to say "The three of you were so close as friends..."
"... Come there a bit..." He demanded.
I decided to sit down on the edge of the couch.
"I lost him..." He finally muttered, his voice muffled by the heavy black cloth "I lost Ango... I lost our friendship... I said I was prepared to lose everything I once owned... But I'm not... His loss left a hole somewhere in me... I don't know how to fill it... Am I not pathetic, showing you such a sight...?"
"Not at all..." I hesitatingly patted his shoulder "If anything, I am glad that you could tell me such a thing..."
"You are there... Odasaku is still there too, but for some reasons, I feel so lonely..." He confessed.
What could I do or say to soothe his pain? I did not know... I did not want to pretend I understood the gap he experienced, nor could I come up with classic lines; Dazai did not need them. Dazai did not want me to say "don't worry."
"... I'll always be there..." I reminded him.
But I was not enough.
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