#and i also will be the FIRST to say it would've taken signifigant like- couple's therapy lmfao
bcofl0ve · 1 year
Ppl gettin worked up...over an unfollow ☠️ they were coworkers and maybe hooked up, shes nt obligated to keep on following him. No need to make it Olivia vs Kaia, one is an upcoming actress and the other is a model who has a famous mom, Kaia has a leg up regardless
lolll i knew when i posted it that the usual anons who don't like her would come, which i mean- whatever. at the end of the day i am a gossip blog and here to provide gossip just as much as i am fan content. and objectively, this whole debacle is gossip at it's finest! there's theories! there's petty! there's taylor swift!
no one has to tell me that olivia is a) kinda a nobody and b) a messy person who can be petty on purpose. i know both of those things. i don't put my faves on pedestals i don't want them to fall off of and that goes for everyone (kaia, austin, taylor swift, elvis, riley, priscilla etc)- but olivia very much included. i don't like her because she's perfect, she's not!
but i prefer my like, two civil anti olivia anons who accept my opinions for what they are to whoever the fuck was sending me 5 anons per 120 seconds last night barking up my ass about it all and saying i "turned on austin". if olivia posts agitates you that much you might benefit from simply muting her name. i had to mute a bunch of jonas brothers words on twitter bc i could feel myself getting agitated by things fans of joe were saying and didn't want to keep feeling pissy everytime it came on my timeline. you gotta do what you gotta do to find your peace on the internet!
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