#and honestly we didn't learn that much new from AOTV so i'm hoping this is the plan
For years, Louis' brand has been the under-confident artist who didn't know if he had the chops or support to go solo. That brand has been reported to death in mainstream news coverage and spinoff sound bytes, covered in every interview he's done since 2017, and reiterated in Louis' own tweets and output. It's been systematically documented in the record of life and the world.
But the takeaway from AOTV is that despite all his insecurities and the uncertainty about his future, Louis and his team now know it's all bullshit and there is absolutely a place for him in the industry.
So..........and I'm probably going to get a ration of shit for this..........can Louis and team please take this opportunity to put the underdog narrative behind us and move forward with a confident Louis who knows he's earned his place at the table?
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