#and hey hector's deadbeat dad (and his mom) has a name now!
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blackjackkent · 3 months ago
OC Codex Prompts: 3, 8 and 17 for Hector? c:
(OC Codex Prompts) for Hector Carlisle!
3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor
Notes from the diary of Enric of Trielta, Silverlight Monastery, 1449 DR Gavin Carlisle's boy turns ten this week. I must confess, Moonmaiden forgive me, that I resented the responsibility of caring for the child when Gavin abandoned him on our doorstep, and certainly did not expect that, ten years on, I might take such pride to see his progress. Let this be yet another proof that no emotion need be given more credence than it warrants. Hector is, as always, an attentive student, calm and polite; he takes our guidance to heart regarding self-control and the introspection which worship of our Lady requires. He does begin to show a certain restlessness, as is perhaps to be expected at his age, when he has grown up with only a single set of four walls. In light of this, I think it best that we begin to expand his activities despite his youth. He has expressed interest in exploring the library and has been deeply excited during his chaperoned visits to pick out books; I believe that training as a scribe would serve his curiosity well - and the monastery, as well, for Brother Kendrick grows very old indeed and his sight is beginning to fail. Best he take an apprentice at once while the Moonmaiden's light still shines on him. Should he wish it, I will also recommend that he be allowed to join Brother Ventiss occasionally on his trips to the city market for supplies. While I would not generally wish Ventiss's company on anyone, I believe Hector would do well to experience a taste of the city air on occasion, that he may compare it with our own rarefied atmosphere and draw his own conclusions, whatever they might be.
8. your OC’s doctor/healer talking about their injuries
"He'll be fine," Shadowheart mutters. "You're sure?" Karlach shifts her weight restlessly from foot to foot. "Sorry. Fuck. I know you've got so much other shit on your mind, but I just-- you're sure, yeah? That bone motherfucker cut him up real bad..." Shadowheart lets out a long slow breath and, with visible effort, wrestles herself out of the swirl of dark thoughts consuming her. "Hector will be fine," she says more firmly. "Not that it wasn't touch and go there for a minute. Myrkul's attacks..." A pause. Gods, she's tired; the words come slowly, reluctantly. "It's called bone chill. A necromantic effect. It prevents healing by magical means, and it takes time to wear off." "Ah. Right. Okay." Karlach looks relieved. "Yeah - I felt that too, I think, when I got up too close. And when something makes this old girl feel cold--" she thumps at the glowing metal under her breastbone with one fist "--you know it's serious." She manages a slight, rueful smile. "You've seen it before, then?" Shadowheart hesitates. "It's... not unheard of as a tool among Sharran agents," she finally says carefully. Karlach squints at her thoughtfully. "Right," she says. "So he'll be fine?" Shadowheart can't help it - she smiles, very slightly. It's something; she'd been starting to feel like she was never going to be able to smile again. "Yes," she repeats gently. "He'll be fine, Karlach. I promise. His back will scar pretty badly, I suspect, since I couldn't heal him at once, but that's the worst of it." Karlach grins, her indomitable good humor reasserting itself at once. "Ah, well. Not so bad then," she says. "Thank the gods." "Some of them, at least," Shadowheart murmurs.
17. a description of your OC’s family by a future historian
The identity of Hector Carlisle's mother is still something of a mystery. His father, Gavin - a monk at the Silverlight Monastery northwest of Baldur's Gate - provided no information on her when he left his infant son on the monastery's doorstep in early 1439 DR and vanished into the night. The note attached to the basket holding the boy read simply, "I leave you the fruits of the peak of my folly. - G Carlisle" An unwanted fifth son of minor nobility in Baldur's Gate, Gavin Carlisle was summarily dispatched to a monastic life at the age of eighteen and never took to it particularly well. Records of his time at the monastery are fraught with reports of sneaking out, carousing, arrests in the city, and general debauchery; it is clear that the disciplinary practices of the monks had little effect on his tendency towards hedonism. Given the relatively wide casting of Gavin's proverbial net, it is impossible to make a precise assertion as to the identity of the mother of his child who would one day go on to save the city. The most pervasive theory, however, gives the role to Florence Beaumont, daughter of a milliner in the Lower City. No records exist that specifically connect Florence and Gavin romantically, but there is record of Florence dying of a nebulous "fever of the lungs" around the time of Hector's birth. She is also recorded in her father's diary as having striking bright blue-grey eyes, a feature which is also mentioned repeatedly among contemporaneous accounts of Hector's activities. Hector himself never expressed particular interest in learning of his family history. In his own eyes, the monks of the monastery - and, later, the adventuring party he became more directly associated with - were his true family.
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