#and here I was like oh man I'll be kinda ok this month lmao NOPE
imwritesometimes 2 years
my heater has once again started to act weird so I guess no heat for tonight lmao fml 鉁岋笍
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saraminia 9 months
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @apothecarose 馃挒
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. Although my mom's called Riitta so it's kinda similar.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday when I looked at this picture.
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So basically I cried about Noah and how much I love him. Seems to be a nearly daily occurrence nowadays. 馃様
3. Do you have kids?
I have two. My son is 17 and my daughter is 14. And they're the best kids in the whole world.
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(yes, I have their permission to post their pics freely and I'm a proud mama so why not)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Sadly I never played a sport. (I was never into sports or exercise when I was a kid. Really not until after my daughter was born. That's when I started HIIT training and I did it really intensely for several years. Up until my mental illness put a stop to the training. I hit rock bottom with depression and could hardly even get out of bed. I've been mentally in a very good place for a few years now, but sadly haven't managed to pick up training again.)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I mean.. yeah? Not intentionally, but I'm sure I do.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm extremely unobservant unfortunately. I can meet someone and after five minutes not remember anything about them, especially about their appearance. But I think a really radiant and/or warm smile is something that gets my attention.
7. What鈥檚 your eye color?
Greyish green.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but happy endings are lovely.
9. Any talents?
Nope. None. lol
10. Where were you born?
In Finland. Same town where I'm currently living. I've been here and there and lived away from here for like fifteen years, thirteen of which in Sweden, but I returned home about eight years ago.
11. What are your hobbies?
No time for hobbies really. Gotta tumblr for several hours every day lmao. I mean, I write, but not very well. I take walks, often in nature. But mostly I just study and work.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have cats, two old ladies called Mimmi and Simba. They're both girls (despite the name) and both 11 years old. I've had them since they were six months old. They are from the same home, from two different litters, born five days apart. So different mothers, father(s) unknown, so they could be sisters. Either way they have always been together.
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13. How tall are you?
164 cm which is about 5'4"
14. Favorite subject in school?
Maths and English (as a second language)
15. Dream job?
I don't think I ever had one. I am studying health care and will be a public health nurse when I'm done, but I wouldn't call that a dream job. It's just a job. I gotta do something so that's what I chose so I at least know there's always going to be work for me. But tbqh if I won the lottery, I would never work again. I'm not sure I'd even finish my studies, since I already am a nurse, it's only the specializing studies I'm still doing.
Oh man, am I supposed to tag fifteen people? Ok I'll try @ramonaflow @flowertrigger @a-noble-dragon @jesuisici33 @carolrain @maryp50 @statueinthestone @goodiecornbread @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees @jettestar @grapehyasynth @reasonandfaithinharmony @beaiola
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omglr 5 years
patiently momming the shit out this fuckin' potential serial killer...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like feminism.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 33 f
You: canada
You: you?
Stranger: m22 canada
Stranger: feminist?
You: yes
You: you?
Stranger: fuck no
Stranger: feminism is sexism and hatred of men, why would I support it?
You: meninist?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: just knowing the truth
You: where do you get this information from?
Stranger: online
You: ok
You: have you considered.... reading a book?
Stranger: no
Stranger: because with the ability to be anonymous online people will say the truth without fear of being outed for it.
You: interesting
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: Feminism isnt about equality, its about hatred of men and female superiority
You: ok, if you say so
Stranger: how is it now?
Stranger: not*
Stranger: women demanding a safe space free of men is seen as just fine
Stranger: a male only space is seen as "sexist"
You: uh, do you think their aren't men only space though?
Stranger: feminism cries about male dominance in politics and management positions , but when it comes to male dominance in jobs like trucking, mining, construction etc, feminists dont say a word
Stranger: there is men only, and to feminists thats seen as sexism
You: you seem a little worked up
Stranger: I mean, Boy scouts of America now allows girls in... wtf its the BOY scouts, girls want to be a scout? there is a thing called girl scouts of America too
You: yeah girl guides is a much better organization anyway
You: they also accept boys
Stranger: LMAO wow what guy would joint girl guides.
You: idk, a kid who likes camping and cookies
Stranger: I do like cookies
You: yeah, cookies are great
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: women are also entitled and selfish and think they should get stuff just because they are a woman
You: i think the word entitled gets thrown around a lot to describe people
Stranger: women expect a man to pay for the date.
You: but its mostly about folks asking for respect
Stranger: but I thought you bitches wanted "equality" oh wait...
You: like millenials are real entitled
You: for wanting jobs that pay a living wage
You: says boomers
You: who dont want to pay a living wage
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but you NEED a living wage
You: yeah, we all need a living wage
Stranger: but women are entitled and think they deserve only the best of the best of the very best men who will do whatever she says and wants and no matter what shes always right
You: this seems like a narrow focus on what women are like
Stranger: its the truth
You: like, this is a pretty shallow stereotype that might be true for like 10% of college girls
Stranger: lol its true for all girls
Stranger: girls are shallow
You: but i guess if thats who you put on a pedestal, shallow girls
Stranger: all girls are shallow
You: mmmm, i mean, you might be misinterpreting women's intentions
Stranger: how so?
You: like if i saw you at a coffee shop and over heard you talking this conspiratorial feminist is evil game, i wouldn't be interested in you
Stranger: Im not 6'0 or taller, im not ripped af and I dont drive a BMW, your not interested in me
You: eh, again, i didn't say that
You: i'm not interested in cars or money or height
Stranger: sure
You: or muscles
Stranger: sure
Stranger: so your a lesbian?
You: but i can tell a dude is a self loathing weirdo pretty quick
You: i'm bi
Stranger: ok
You: women are easier to date
Stranger: sure
Stranger: im 22 and still a fucking virgin
You: for me anyway
You: yeah, that happens
You: some folks are late bloomers
Stranger: LMAO no, women are shallow
You: alright, well if you want to believe that that's up to you, but your world view determines your world
You: so if you can't open your heart and learn to trust women, you'll probably keep thinking worse and worse thoughts about them
Stranger: well im not good looking so...
Stranger: LMAO trust women... that is horseshit.
You: and find yourself in more situations where you can prove yourself right
Stranger: women are nothing but cheaters and liars
Stranger: let me tell you something?
You: ok
Stranger: I met a girl on here 2 yrs ago, shes down in Tennessee, we kept in contact on skype, became friends, fell for each other, admitted our feelings, fell even more for each other, hoped to meet one day, have our first times, maybe end up married and be forever. She met another guy and threw me away.
You: so, you were 20 years old and an internet girlfriend ruined your life forever?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: it just proves how unloyal and unloving women are
You: idk, that sounds kinda stupid
Stranger: plus my 3rd ex cheated after a month, not to mention other BS she did, I'll share if you wanna know,
1st and 2nd ex never even liked me
You: like, i'm being pretty patient with you here
You: this self loathing rap is pretty pathetic
Stranger: lol its hatred of women
You: yeah, its called misogyny
Stranger: and feminism is misandry
You: eh, not really
Stranger: sure
Stranger: women are hypergamous whores
You: eh, i mean, if you and i were the only people on the planet, i would say men are toxic dudes who have little self awareness and say abusive bullshit with so little life experience its kinda tragic if not a little dangerous, and that women are extremely patient and nurturing even to weirdos who don't deserve it
Stranger: sure.
Stranger: if you think im ever going to trust a woman again your insane
You: i guess it was more advice for your sadness but its up to you
Stranger: im not sad
You: eh
Stranger: I just know the bitter truth of life
You: i mean you sound angry, but its obvious where its coming from
Stranger: yeah
You: lol, what is the bitter truth of life?
Stranger: that women are nothing more than shallow unloyal unloving whores who only care about themself, love isnt real. together forever doesnt exist
You: are your parents divorced?
Stranger: never married, dont know my father
You: what's your relationship with your mom like?
Stranger: its fine
You: does she love you?
Stranger: yeah
You: is she loyal to you?
Stranger: i guess. im her only child
You: would she give you her kidney if you needed it?
Stranger: idk, shes not in great health herself tbh
You: would you give her your kidney if she needed it?
Stranger: yeah
You: well that's good
You: have you heard much about internet feedback loops and how it can hurt your self-esteem?
Stranger: yeah
You: i kinda think you should look into your online peer group and figure out if thats who you want to be?
Stranger: Im not on any forums or anything like that
You: like... behind the "women are all cheating selfish shallow whores" is like "a woman would never be loyal to or love me or find me attractive"
Stranger: that is true
You: and that says something about you that isn't true
You: that you aren't unlovable
Stranger: Im not
You: eh, you probably are, or could be
You: just maybe chill with the incel stuff
Stranger: im not. for one im not anywhere near cute. That alone keeps love away.
I have huge trust issues. A short temper,
You: have you considered seeing a therapist?
Stranger: no
You: i've been seeing therapist for like 6 years, they are pretty great
Stranger: well I dont need one
You: what about the trust issues and the short temper?
Stranger: you cant fix those.
You: yeah, that's what therapists do
Stranger: and all it takes is one asshole to come along and destroy it
You: they help you work through those things
Stranger: honestly, I rather just blow up when im man
Stranger: mad*
You: eh, again, you do you, but this is real good advice honestly
Stranger: im fine
Stranger: as for trust issues, I tried to get over it, just to be fucked over again
You: eh, yeah,
Stranger: so I will stay single
You: i have had shit come up in cycles through my life too
You: its hard
Stranger: yeah
You: anyway bud, i should go, but take care of yourself, enjoy this summer :)
Stranger: yeah, but you know whats painful
Stranger: ?
You: what?
Stranger: seeing a hot af girl at the beach in a bikini and knowing I'll never get to smash that
You: dude, just see a sex worker
Stranger: I dont wanna pay for it
Stranger: or get aids
You: eh, don't be cheap and use a condom
Stranger: I am very cheap
You: ok, well, put a fuckin tin can in your room, and everytime you think to yourself "I'm unlovable" but a dollar in it
You: or what ever mean things your brains says to you
Stranger: I've got a peanut butter jar of like $400 change in my room. just because why not
You: yeah, well $400 will get you a good looking woman
Stranger: yeah.. or it can sit here and be mine.
You: or like half an xbox
Stranger: ok
You: ok, good luck
You have disconnected.
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