#and he doesn't get a happy ending and someone who is as shitty as eli is
sagiow · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Ask Game: ❤️, 🦋, 🎯 & 🎨? please and thank you!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
ooooh boy. TIL that I have 41 fics on AO3 (not counting the drabbles written for Tumblr eyes only), and I don't remember the literary details from 39 of those.
I'm still stupidly proud (and wrecked. so wrecked.) about spotting the Eli in Cornelia, and the Antares-to-Scorpion parallel. But that's an idea, not a line.
So because you asked, I skimmed Bel astre que j'adore and this was the theme that drove the car before it turned into a 10K train.
"There it was, her Holy Trinity, embodied in all its glorious contradiction: the man she loved, singing the glory of the Lord she loved, on the altar of the Church she loved. God was Love, indeed, but only God could share himself in three; the sinner that she was could only choose two. She knew who she must let go, but the way he sang, and the glances he stole her way as he did so, made it impossible to consider."
And at the other end of the serious spectrum, this Anne/Charlotte exchange:
“Dear Sister,” Anne sighed, “You see, men are only good for three things. One, giving you a name worth something you can actually use to own and influence anything in this rotten world. Two, carrying heavy boxes as Samuel demonstrated. And three… well, three is also most definitely not for your young virginal ears.”
“Three is also most definitely not reliant on men only. Not if you want it done properly.”
(I also noticed I had Byron Hale making wry comments about syphilitics and really, I deserve all the bad things happening to me).
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I'm really enjoying (in a masochistic kind of way) writing Cornelia right now, and switching over to Eli as a sanity-checker, because that lady has serious issues and trauma (not that he doesn't, but writing him doesn't constantly feel like he's about to completely unravel and/or snap if I pull on the wrong string... yet). But her warmth, love and faith counterbalance it and are so inspiring. And she can be very funny.
In Mercy Street, I think Jed probably came easiest with the dry wit and sarcasm we share, and Byron for being such a flamboyant yet oddly earnest clown (which we don't exactly share, but it's tons of fun to write about). Mary was my favorite on the show and I loved writing her, but I'm aware there was some personal projecting going on there.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
I actually have two: finishing In camera and writing a sex scene.
Unfortunately, they go together, which is why I'm answering Fic Ask Games instead of writing.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Fanart? For me? Someone could just write one of my shitty titles in pretty calligraphy and I'd be over. the. moon.
I would get a giant kick out of seeing anything from Cruise Ship brought to artistic life to supplement co-writer's @jomiddlemarch's moodboards. Heart-shaped hot tubs, vintage walkie talkies, smarmy lounge singers, inflatable unicorns, open bars. If someone could draw a Where's Waldo scene set on the Empress Queen in all its glorious nonsense, I would have peaked in this life and could die very happy.
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