#and having no way of finding out because asking Eunie doesn't help
honestlyvan · 2 years
now im thinking of the agnians being weirded out that kevesi dont have core crystals. taion is simply the most fun to imagine quietly freaking out about this. what are some other bodily differences? the agnians wanting to touch eunie's feathers is fun, but maybe lanz has a different body temperature. noah's got nothing tho. he's just lame and boring lmao
I think Noah might actually be the most disturbing out of the Kevesi for that very reason, especially to Taion as their healer, like, he looks so close to being "normal" (Agnian) except he doesn't feel like an Agnian on an etheric level so he sits right at the bottom of the uncanny valley. Eunie and Lanz, at least, have significant physiological differences that put them firmly in the "other" camp.
The same goes in reverse, Eunie actually hits a jackpot being paired with Taion, the most "normal" Agnian, it raises the incredulity ceiling for her to be dealing with the differences in Agnian physiology by experiencing it first as this Normal Guy being extremely weirdly and abnormally put together, it's like an on-ramp to dealing with the weirder blended physiology of Mio and the straight-up magical of Sena.
Agnians might just also be easier to understand, since they all exist on various points on a continuity, none of them are "fully" anything, all of them have a little bit of Blade in them, whereas Kevesi are, like... you pretty much have to learn to know homs, High Entia and machina physiology, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of overlap, even if High Entia and homs heritages have fully blended (which I don't think is possible, I think High Entia genes are dominant).
I think the plot is much stronger if Kevesi and Agnians inherently have that "are you even human????" response to each other, something just feeling.... off because they're essentially dealing with...not-quite-mirrorverse versions of what they're used to dealing with, I think that makes the text about recognising the personhood of the other, and learning to appreciate them, to seeing the common enemy as someone who wants you to hate the other just for being the other. But I do, also, like it when Taion suffers and is uncomfortable :D
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fictumlibrary · 2 years
👋 for euna omg how long has it been since i asked about her literally a crime
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Send me a 👋 + my OC of your choice and I’ll tell you what the canon characters from their fandom(s) would say about them.
this is gonna get so long rip
sakyo: "idiot number two. but i suppose she's one of my idiots."
sakoda: "that's my sister, my platonic other half, my shared braincell."
banri: "she supports us. i mean, yeah, she does because of sakyo, but she takes the time to see all of us, talk to all of us. she's kind and, uh, she's cool."
azami: "she's basically an older sister to me, i trust her like i do with ken."
juza: "she doesn't really seem like the yakuza type. i also don't get what she sees in settsu."
taichi: "euna's cool! she hangs out with us and comes to all our shows."
omi: "she's as attached to sakyo as sakoda is, but i guess it's kind of sweet."
izumi: "she worries me sometimes, getting herself into danger. i know it's for her job, but it can be stressful, especially for sakyo, even if he'd deny it."
sakuya: "she's a good friend! she always pulls through when we need her, too."
masumi: "she's okay."
tsuzuru: "she seems so, well, normal that it's easy to forget she's part of the yakuza."
itaru: "she's actually not half bad at games, even if she's never beaten me. i wish she and banri would get their shit together, though."
citron: "the yakuza lady-in-waiting!"
chikage: "she sort of reminds me of... nevermind."
tenma: "i still don't understand how someone like that is part of the yakuza, but i've given up on asking at this point."
yuki: "clown queen."
muku: "she's nice to me, but she's kind of intimidating even though she's nice, but that's my fault because i'm a wilting piece of cabbage melting in the -"
misumi: "euna always takes photos of triangles she finds and texts them to me!"
kazunari: "eunie's cool, she's always complimenting my drawings."
kumon: "euna's nice! juza says she likes banri, though, so i'm sort of wondering about her tastes..."
tsumugi: "she helps the troupes out even without sakyo asking her to first, which is really appreciated, though sometimes i wonder if she needs to stop and rest."
tasuku: "i was surprised that she was so athletic, though i guess i shouldn't be since she's part of the yakuza. maybe she'll join the soccer club..."
hisoka: "she feeds me marshmallows."
homare: "i have penned a poem just for miss euna! ahem... stars sparkle bright! moon's shining light! musical, magical, marvelous! the yakuza girl's dream..."
azuma: "euna is a diligent girl, always ready to help, but i've noticed she never divulges anything about herself. i suppose we're alike in that way. i'll never push her, but i hope she finds someone to share her burdens with."
guy: "citronia says that she is a helpful girl. i can definitely appreciate the amount of effort she puts into her work."
matsukawa: "i'm just glad she's not putting a wrecking ball through the theatre."
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