#and got genuinely excited when I mentioned buying a book on the history of Salt and it’s cultural impact
just-rogi · 1 year
The fucking contrast between being told every day that I’m too much and annoying and need to stop talking and that no one cares about my history facts or tangents by friends- and having my other friend ask me today about the historical canon of book I offhandedly mentioned loving- which he read in a WEEK- and going on an hour tangent about Greek canon of the Iliad/ Odyssey vs the Oresteia and Iphigenia and Post-homerica and how you need to understand the cultural context of gender, family structure and the differences in taboo of patricide vs matricide vs fratricide vs infanticide and the role of women in Greek society and how the dynamics of Iphigenia/Orestes/ Electra/ Agamemnon/Clytemnestra contrast with Media/Aeëtes/ and Absyrtus and Odysseus/ Telemachus/Circe/Telegonus and after realizing I started tangenting about how there is no ONE Greek canon las it was passed down orally and changed as the society around it did (with a sidebar about the accuracy of any ‘direct’ that lacking the same intent as the original and how I believe the most accurate translation of Shakespeare would be one in informal English with contemporary references and humor) and how I personally believe that Circe can NEVER be 100% accurate to Greek canon because it was written from the perspective of a woman- but is absolutely phenomenally accurate to the myth is and by writing sympathetically the perspective of a scorned female character you are adapting the myth for a modern audience as society needed it to change which is 100% in the spirit of Greek mythology and is in that regard a much BETTER translation than a lot of these line for line translation that are completely alien to a modern audience who lacks the context of the complexed social dynamics of Ancient Greek domestic and familial life. I went on an hour long fucking lecture via discord call for THREE friends and when I apologized for talking so much they begged me to keep going and said they give me blanket permission to always assume that they will want to hear any fun history fact I want to share . Like .. fuck. I’m sorry I’m just so frustrated I spent the past year really genuinely believing that everyone really is just sick of me all the time and that no one ever listens to me when I speak so I should just shut up. Im only now realizing how much of a poor match my roomates situation I’m so excited to move in September.
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