#and for my next act: role reversal bc Shu isnt a dom he's a switch
blooming-briars · 2 years
Hello yes I bring to you this concept fresh from my brain:
Mika crying because he's so frustrated over his own jealousy of Shu's literal dolls and the strain of personhood and agency
Shu finding out and awkwardly trying to offer comfort
Going to Wataru for advice and getting actually good advice: why not let Mika pretend for a while now and then? What's the harm in giving it a try?
Shu making clothes for him on the sly, claiming it's just a toile for an idea he had, Mika not knowing any better...
Until of course it's sprung on him as a surprise. Maybe he cries a bit; there's just so much to feel, uncertainty chief among them. He's supposed to be a person and he really is trying, even though he's pretty sure he's terrible at it.
And Shu, having learned to be gentler and with some idea of what to do now because he spent a lot of time researching "what to do if your partner wants to pretend to be a doll", dresses Mika and proceeds to order him around for a bit -- nothing much, just making something in the kitchen together, but still.
When they finish, Mika asks if Shu will hold him, like he does other dolls...cue two very flustered boys snuggling on the couch watching a classic film while the apartment slowly fills with the scent of baked goods.
Eventually it gets late and they decide to retire, and while Shu initially planned to undress Mika, there's no denying how suggestive it would seem especially after what his research turned up so he refrains, instead bidding a quiet but very content Mika goodnight once he's sure that he'll be alright on his own.
They both think a lot of thoughts they'd never admit to, after that...
It becomes a bit of a ritual on days off. Not always, but often enough, for a few hours, anyway. Over time, they figure out what works and what doesn't. Mika likes to be admired and told he's a beautiful doll, yes, but he does still want to be kept firmly in hand by his master -- something that seems both fitting and generally agreeable to both of them as a term.
The only problem, as it were, is that Mika definitely develops some rather pavlovian responses to things he didn't expect to...some of which are a bit embarrassing, though not enough to be worth stopping. At least feeling his heart skip a beat at the sight of a garment bag is slightly less mortifying that the unfortunate response when Shu dresses him...
It helps that Shu always does as he promised and keeps his gaze above Mika's waist so as not to make him feel awkward...but it only helps so much.
Eventually this all leads to more conversations with Wataru as Shu grapples with his own enjoyment and desires. As oblique as the discussion always is, something useful generally comes of it -- and while it takes quite some time for Shu to work up the courage, he and Mika do eventually get everything out in the open about their mutual desires. Kisses are had. More is eventually had Mika certainly is
And then happy ending, I guess, because they found a healthy, moderated outlet for shared desires and proceeded to become ever better partners to one another.
Shu figuring out after just two or three instances that Mika's motivation, productivity, and performance all go through the roof after one of their 'sessions', like why did I not try this sooner, do you mean this could have been working all along and instead we struggled needlessly for months?
Anyway yeah just two gay boys with a dollification kink and D/s dynamic, that's the concept lmao
Wow my formatting is a mess wtf is this stream of consciousness nonsense go to sleep you little idiot (me)
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