#and fettles stans(nettles ‘fans’) aren’t much better
bohemian-nights · 1 year
Rhaenyra’s orders only pertained to Nettles. They never extended to Daemon. She did not “divorce” him. He could have “gone home” back to his wife if he wanted to.
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Many Daemyra shippers like to claim that Daemon offed himself because Rhaenyra lost trust in him. He just couldn’t go on cause his Valyrian queen didn’t want him no anymore.
Let me clarify: this is a fanon theory that has no basis in canon. When I mean no basis I mean that it has absolutely 0 truth to it. Let’s look at the evidence shall we:
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This is the passage of Fire & Blood where Rhaenyra sends out her kill orders for Nettles. Notice what’s missing? The part where Rhaenyra says she never wants to see Daemon again and is “divorcing him.” Why is it missing? Because it does not exist.
Pay close attention to the last highlighted section. Where Rhaenyra orders Nettles to be murdered in order for Daemon to be freed.
Rhaenyra believed that if she murdered Nettles whatever “spell” she cast on Daemon(because she like this fandom seem to believe that Daemon could never actually want Nettles unless to groom her or to just get his jollies off)would go away and he’d be back by her side with no conflict of interest as if it never happened.
In case that is somehow not enough evidence:
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The last highlighted sentence explicitly states that Rhaenyra communicated in the letter(which Daemon read) that she did not want him harmed. She wanted Daemon alive and well.
See Rhaenyra actually needed Daemon(and his dragon) because contrary to what these stans try to say, her greatest threat was not Aemond. It was Daeron and his army:
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(Mind you he was considered Rhaenyra’s greatest threat even before Ulf and Hugh betrayed her and joined up with Daeron. So even if Daemon did not know about the betrayal, which I imagine it was in the letter with Nettles' kill orders, he would know that Daeron was the biggest threat to her reign and safety).
Daemon dead or banishing him from her side would be an absolute no-go. After accusing Addam Velaryon of betraying her, Rhaenyra was down to about two dragons(Syraxes and Tyraxes) at her disposal.
(Judging by how she reacted to Joffrey trying to save his dragon during the storming of the Dragonpit, she was not going to let her son and heir go into battle on Tyraxes).
The Greens had about four full-grown dragons (even leaving out Sunfyre and Dreamfyre) on their side. Rhaenyra needed Daemon alive and whole if she wanted to win the war because without him her reign was finished.
Daemon would know this. Even if he killed Aemond he would know that Rhaenyra’s days would be numbered against the great southern army.
Does Daemon leave Maidenpool the moment that letter is in his hands to go to his wife and queen, “the love of his life,” who desperately needed him? Nope:
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He reads the letter. Is in a bit of a daze cause he can’t believe what he is reading. A daze which he only comes out of it when Nettles asks him what was written in that later that had turned him so gray. It was her execution letter. He unsheathes his sword for her. Against his wife and queens orders.
He was going to fight through Lord Mooton’s men singlehandly for her. Daemon the kinslayer, the murderer of babes, unsheathes his sword for plain old dirty unwashed Nettles who no one would really miss if she were dead. No one except him.
(This is why I can not understand when people say Daemon “abused” Nettles or that he did not love her. He literally was going to give his life for hers. What is love if not sacrifice and what is the ultimate sacrifice if not giving your life so that the one you love can live?)
Now you might be thinking, well he saved Nettles, that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t go back to Rhaenyra when that business was done. So does he? Nope:
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Daemon makes sure Nettles gets to safety then leaves for Harrenhal without following Rhaenyra’s orders in any capacity.
Rhaenyra overplayed her hand. She underestimated how much Daemon actually cared for Nettles. It cost her life in the end. After isolating herself by ordering all those arrests and deaths, she did not survive the year's end. Nettles would be murder helped to seal her fate because it caused her to lose the loyalty of her husband(and his dragon) who chose the woman who “bewitched” him over her.
I can not stress this enough, Daemon did not get sad cause “Nyra” did not love him no more. Rhaenyra never lost her fate in him. She blamed his “dalliance” with Nettles on spells.
She wanted him back by her side, therefore he could’ve gone back “home” at any time and the whole Nettles business would have been forgotten, but Daemon got sick of her bs, saved the woman who he loved, and bounced 🤷🏽‍♀️ He could’ve helped Rhaenyra win the war, but he chose to end it all rather than go back to her:
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Or survived and found his way back to his Netty:
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But that’s not popular even though it has way more canonical basis than Daemon died for Nyra.
So if it’s not true that Daemon lived, ate, sh*t for Rhaenyra until his dying day, and then offed himself cause he couldn’t take her not wanting him anymore, then why are Daemyra stans lying? Cause they don’t like that Daemon chose Nettles over Rhaenyra. A girl who should be less than their Valyrian queen.
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