#and fao's a nightmare so he has to be the guinea pig
faofinn · 2 years
18. Nausea/Upset Stomach
Part 1 / Part 2
Steve was always trying to find new meds and combinations for the wolves. It was hard, their metabolisms were weird, and traditional meds weren’t always effective. They had to get creative, and that meant some… somewhat unethical and unrefined tests. 
Most of the pack were happy to volunteer, knowing it would repay them when they (inevitably) needed pain relief in the future. Fao too, was all too happy to help. He knew he was awkward when it came to painkillers, his sensitivities making him difficult at the best of times. When their supplies of his ‘safe’ meds ran low, they were somewhat screwed. 
So that was why he’d just arrived at the clinic on his day off, in a comfy t-shirt and sweats. Steve had come up with some new combination that had worked well enough for Finn, but Finn did well on morphine. Fao most certainly didn’t. The text from Steve had literally read ‘I need to find out if this is Fao proof’, and really Fao couldn’t refuse. 
He let himself in through the back door, and decided to chill on the staff room sofa whilst he waited for Steve. He’d texted to say he’d arrived, but assumed he was just finishing up with his last patient. 
Steve finished late, as the last patient often did. The cat hated him with a passion, and spent the full assessment trying to commit murder and hissing at its owner. Several scratches and completely unimpressed, he headed through to the staff room to find Fao.
“You look like you’ve been having fun.” Fao commented lightly, breathing in deeply. “Cat?” He could smell the feline on him, along with the metallic tang of blood. Steve’s blood. 
Steve shot him a dirty look. "You know fine well it was. They hate me. They absolutely hate me."
“I don’t get why. You must have pissed a cat off in a former life. Right, where do you want me?”
"I must have pissed every cat off in a previous life." He rolled his eyes. "We'll head through to the treatment room."
Fao stood, grinning. “Need a moment to stop the bleeding or are you good? If you need a trauma surgeon I know a half decent one.”
"Bugger off. Come on, might as well get started."
He laughed. “Excellent bedside manner as always.” He teased, heading through into the treatment room and hopping up on the bed. “As you asked, nothing but clear fluids since lunch.”
"Perfect. I can always count on you to do things properly."
“Well, I’m counting on you to not kill me.” Fao said, crossing his legs and getting comfy. 
"Ideally not how we want the day to go, is it?" He shook his head as he set up, turning to Fao. "Can I get a cannula in?"
He nodded. “Yeah, go for it.” He said, relaxing back against the upright bed and offering Steve his arm. 
"I'll be as quick as I can." He said gently. "The plan is to try this combination, hope it works, but at least you'll be human to tell me."
“Yeah, sounds like a plan. Just pain relief, or are you aiming for sedation too? So I know what to expect.”
"Just pain relief, but it might make you feel woozy. It didn't knock Finn out, and you know what he's like with literally anything."
Fao nodded. “Okay. Can cope with that, I hope.”
"I hope so. I've got antiemetics and other things set up, just in case."
“I trust you, and I’ll be glad if it works, my hip has been murder today and I’ve not been able to take anything.”
"You should have said. We could have rescheduled."
“No, it’s okay. Can test if it really works.”
"I suppose so."
“Might as well kill two birds with one stone.” He murmured, watching Steve. “How are you getting on with that cannula?”
"I think we're in."
“Mm, good.”
"Feel okay?"
Fao nodded. “Yeah. Feels okay, looks good. No pain when you flushed.”
He hummed. “How was your day, other than being clawed alive by a cat?”
"Felt longer than it was." He admitted. "Harrison was off this morning so it was a lot slower than it usually goes."
“Hars on leave? Or just not rota-ed?”
“Called in sick this morning.”
Fao frowned. “Sick? He actually called in?”
"Actually called in.'" Steve nodded. "I'm as surprised as you are."
“Jesus. Is he alright?”
"I think so."
“Maybe I’ll swing by later, see if he’s okay. I had the day off, though, I could’ve come in if you’d needed. Too late now, obviously.”
"He should be okay, hoping it's just a bug he's picked up and nothing else. Are you ready to get started?"
So Steve had seen right through his procrastination, then. It was always a bit nervewracking, putting his trust completely in the other man. There was no question that Fao trusted him with his life, but letting him just fill him with an unknown amount of unknown drugs was somewhat terrifying. 
“Yeah, ready when you are.”
"Alright. Deep breaths." He said softly, slowly injecting the drugs. He was more than a little worried about Fao's reaction, but did his best to pretend he wasn't; the younger wolf didn't need his worry too.
Fao sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes. He forced himself to keep breathing like that for a few moments, trying to dissipate the nerves. No going back now.
"That's it, you're doing really well. That's all given now, okay? Just stay nice and relaxed for me."
He nodded. It was alright at first, though it did make him feel a little woozy. It worked quickly, of course, and Fao had to admit the hip that had been troubling him all day felt better. There was a bit of nausea, nothing he couldn’t handle, and he forced another deep breath. 
Steve rubbed his arm gently. "You feeling okay?"
“Yeah, I think. Bit woozy, little nauseous? It’s fixed my hip, though.”
"Oh? That's good. Any other symptoms?"
He thought about it for a bit. “No. Still nauseous, though. Maybe worse?”
"Do you need antiemetics?"
“See if it gets worse.”
"Are you sure?"
“Mm. Give it a minute.” He mumbled, shifting a little. 
"Alright. I'm just going to fill in some notes, okay? I'll just be at the side."
Fao nodded. He could cope with Steve writing his notes. He knew the drill, he just had to sit through it for a while, cope fine, and everything would be all fine. 
He was fine for a minute or so. But the nausea was getting really bad now, he could barely breathe without worrying if he was going to be sick, just completely overwhelming. He was dizzy too, all of a sudden. He’d not noticed it before, maybe, but he really didn’t feel well at all. He squeezed his eyes shut, making a noise. 
“Steve?” He whimpered. 
He was over in a flash, the notes abandoned. "What's wrong?"
“I feel shitty.” He mumbled. “Dizzy an’ sick.”
"Alright, okay. Just keep breathing for me. In through your nose, out through your mouth." Steve said, reaching to grab the antiemetics, the anaphylaxis protocol slipped behind Fao's head. "You're going to be okay."
Fao focused on his breathing, deep slow breaths. He swallowed thickly, still worried he was going to be sick, and focused on Steve’s voice, too. The dizziness wasn’t going away, though, and he whined again. “Steve.”
"I know, I know, I've got you. You've had the antiemetics, they'll make you feel crap for a few moments too, remember? We've done this a thousand times, you're going to be just fine."
“Yeah.” He breathed. He’d barely eaten anything to be sick, and yet he was terrified he was going to be. He was still trying to keep his breathing slow, but it was hard. 
"You're doing so, so well." Steve reassured, grabbing more medication. "Do you want a bowl?"
He passed it over quickly. "Here, just keep breathing."
Fao retched, but nothing came up. He shifted his weight a little, sitting forwards to retch again, trying to keep breathing. 
Steve rubbed his back soothingly, his heart falling. It had been looking so positive, but it wouldn't do at all to have Fao like this.
“Really dizzy.” Fao muttered. “Sorry.” 
"That's okay. You don't need to apologise. It's my fault for putting you through this."
“No. Is important.”
"I still hate it." Steve admitted, giving a slight dose of sedation, hoping to calm Fao down a bit more. "Just keep breathing."
He whined, retching again. He didn’t bring up much, but enough to spit into the bowl with a groan. “Can I have anymore antisickness?” He asked thickly. 
"A little more, but we're pushing it after this one."
“Ugh.” It certainly wasn’t helping the dizziness, but he was just hoping it would stop him feeling so horrendous and maybe he could sleep it off. 
Steve gave the antiemetics, waiting a moment before topping up the sedation too. It wasn't fair on Fao, but if he could get him under twilight, they'd avoid the nausea and hopefully the vomiting.
The fatigue crept up on Fao, panicking him a little. Was he going to pass out? He was getting drowsy, it was getting harder and harder to focus. He didn’t like it, didn’t like the feeling of his control slipping. He slumped back against the bed, too tired to keep himself upright. “Steve…”
"You're okay, just breathe. Just relax. Let yourself have a nap, eh?" Steve said gently, rubbing his arm. "You're doing amazing, Fao."
Fao let his eyes close, exhausted. He couldn’t fight it for much longer, whatever Steve had given him stronger than his resistance. Steve would look after him. 
Steve's heart broke as Fao gave in, but it was his best option. He made sure Fao wasn't going to fall off the bed, then turned away to grab blankets and fluids. The more he could flush out, the quicker Fao would feel better.
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