#and everyone was immeadiately like 'we need to go to bar dennys'
kulliare · 1 year
17 and 40!
hewwoooo thank u for the ask cam
17. Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
not really, i think, besides getting my tattoo! i know some people are really finicky about tattoos in the sense that they need to have meaning but for me i just got flash done on me because it was pretty-- the flash was a candle with a plate under it. it does have a vague traditional meaning for me, i guess (hope etc)-- but it was done 2 days before my grandpa died so now i can't stop thinking it's like one of those vigil candles even though he would definitely disapprove the tattoo if he was still alive lmao
i was nervous before the appointment convinced it was gonna be a big change but honestly it wasn't and i have no regrets now lol. and i'm so happy i picked the artist i got because they were v good at talking and we were vibing throughout the appointment
40. Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t?
the tattoo was definitely this for me. smaller that vaguely fell in this area for me this year, i don't know, me messaging people on hinge and nothing coming out of it or going to bars. i am a very boring person ok
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