#and even if its just saying ''oh i dont want anything from mcD's thanks'' ppl get really fucking weird about it
piplupod · 3 months
i think one of my main issues at the moment is that i dont have anybody on my side IRL to talk to about anything, everything is almost always a fight if i bring up any concerns or upsetting situations i'd been in, no matter which way i turn i cannot seem to find anyone who will support me and tell me i'm not crazy or overly sensitive, i am just... really tired. i feel so overwhelmed constantly bc i am just being a fucking lone ranger out here and i cannot keep doing this shit. everyone thinks im crazy and neurotic and dramatic and too "woke" and i'm like. jesus fucking christ im actually so chill about most things, but i have my values and morals that i personally stick to, i am never pushing it on anyone else, i sit through people being transphobic and homophobic every goddamn day because i know if i try to say anything i'll get in trouble for "disturbing the peace". like i am REALLY chill about things and let people get away with almost anything just because I do not have the energy or safety to confront it. but somehow people still get angry or irritated with me for hesitantly expressing a personal opinion once in a blue moon. i am genuinely so careful about the way i do it because i KNOW how people get, so i do it in the way that i figure will be safe, i'm not completely socially oblivious, i just... i guess i have to just shut up completely forever because i do not seem to be safe anywhere
but then i wonder maybe i AM being irritating and too much of a "sjw" and neurotic and whatnot. idk !!! i simply do not know !!! i feel like i must be crazy !!!
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