#and end kf the week means it's basically next week so basically only a week left
In my brain it's Thursday which means is actually Friday which means it's actually the weekend which means Monday is actually tomorrow which means it's only a week until TCF English is released
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killervibeflash · 6 years
5x06 “The Icicle Cometh” Review
Okayyyy sooooo my life is a hot mess. I really do apologize for not posting reviews like I said I would. Im in my senior year of college and I'm just tryna graduate, ya know? So, please forgive me. 
I am not gonna lie, I thought the last few episodes weren't horrible! I just wasn't feeling passionate feelings after each episode. I know one doesn't need passionate feelings to write a review, but I do. I really love Nora and the West-Allen storyline! I really do, but the whole Iris and Nora thing was getting a bit exhausting and this Caitlin storyline kept building up and basically I was really looking forward to this episode. 
I love the OG trio. I love them so much and I love seeing them work together without (no offense) Iris, Ralph and even Sherloque. So, this episode just felt special. 
Here is the thing, Im wicked drunk right now so I might get just slightly personal in this post. I am an only child and my worst fear is dying/being alone after my parents are gone. Caitlin is also an only child who is estranged from her parents (believing one to be dead most of her life) and she represents something I am scared of being, but also am desperately searching for. I am always looking for a family, like don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to replace my parents, but I am looking for a support system outside of my parents. (Yes, I have Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins but they aren't like my “Family-family”, they’re just family.) 
What I have always liked about Caitlin (and don’t hate me Caitlin fans) but, Caitlin has always seemed to be alone in a way. Cisco and Caitlin were “work friends”, but they quickly developed a strong friendship. Like, here is how I noticed it. It was when everyone was outraged that Caitlin called Iris a work friend. I get it! Caitlin probably should have thought of Iris as more than a work friend after everything they’ve been through, but Caitlin is CAUTIOUS. Caitlin has always been cautious or “cold” to people. Caitlin and Cisco worked as a friendship, but it took Barry and Caitlin a little white to start hanging out outside the lab. Dr. Wells was her mentor and someone she looked up too, but her and Iris don't have the history she has with everyone else. I just get that about her character. 
I honestly feel like when both Barry and Cisco called her a family, Caitlin was almost shocked in a way. I think she hid it well when Barry said it, but I think I saw a little trace of awe or shock in Caitlin’s face when Cisco said it to her. Caitlin genuinly didn’t think she would find that familial support base. She didn't know that Cisco and Barry are her brothers (Sorry, Snowbarry shippers, but Ive said it before I ship Snowbarry, but I am also down for this Team Flash family shit too). Again, I relate to that, because when I look for family in friends it’s really hard. I need them for more than just a lunch date every few weeks, They need to be there and they need to be there permanently. I don’t think Caitlin has had that in anyone else. Her mother and her grew estranged, she fell in love with Ronnie and he died, he fellow in love with Zoom who was a villain who treated her like shit, and then Julien who was no more than a short fling. She hasn't had permanency in a family way. 
Cisco and Barry proved to her over and over in this episode that she was their family. They called her family. The couldn't be more clear about their feelings. Also, I hella loved Cisco’s big bro protective vibe (huh pun). Like Cisco was suspicious from like the first 2 minutes. Barry was the supportive brother who stuck up for Caitlin until Cisco shook him.  
So, essentially this episode was hella cute and hella important for me to see. 
Ummm, Ralph and Cecile were pretty funny this episode! Im so glad Ralph was not nearly as gross in this episode as he would have been at the beginning of last season. Speaking of Ralph, I think I have to be honest and address that the vibes Ralph gives off to Caitlin is confusing me. I hated the guy so much last season and this season he seems so much better and he’s helping Caitlin and he cares about and Caitlin. I don’t ship it, but I am paying attention. Like, I am so glad that the writers didn't shove the Ralph/Caitlin friendship in this episode. However, that friendship is there and I don’t know how I am feeling about. I, though am much happier that she is single and focusing on finding herself(Literally Killer Frost), but I also want to see her find someone and be happy by the end of the series. Doesn't have to be this season or next season, but I just wanna know she is gonna be happy and loved. 
Also, I heard about Jessie and Papa Joe! So sad, but I hope he can return to the show soon and I am sending him prayers. 
The Nora and Iris bits were interesting.I am glad they are getting along. Like genuinely, but it was still awkward. Like not to judge Iris, but her daughter wanted to do something with her. FINALLY. and Iris is like...but I usually do that alone. Like I guess a n explanation is that it makes the press look less intimidating. I guess. I don’t know, I would have said yes and then made up an excuse for her being there, but its not everyday your 25 year old daughter from the future asks to go to work with you. 
ALSO, can we talk about Barry character growth from season 1 to now! Like, he seems so wise and old now! Like, he grew up and its almost sad. I don't know, its the way Grant talks and how he carries himself with confidence. I mean he is playing a dad and last season he was a mentor and he has just changed and learned so much and it shows in Grant’s acting. 
Okay, So now to the exciting part! KILLER FROST IS BACK! 
I am so happy that she is back, I was watching this video from a guy named Pagey (he’s on youtube) and he put it perfectly when he said that he was glad KF was back because he felt like Caitlin’s character was missing something. I love Caitlin Snow, but I have loved her so much more with Killer Frost. It really adds to her performance and character. 
Icicle when Killer Frost showed up was just like a strange moment. He calls her his daughter and exclaims “You have returned”. So, I believe that Caitlin’s dad’s alter ego was created before her dad gave her the ALS treatment. I mean ethically it would be so messed up to perform a risky medical trial on your kid. It would make more plausible and ethical sense if this alter ego was created and was the one who injected Caitlin with the treatment. He wanted to create a daughter. He even asked her to join him and I just want more. The pieces are adding up for Killer Frost’s story, but I wanna know why these alter egos are created evil. I wanna know why he wanted to create his daughter, or if her dad is ethically abhorrent and risked his daughters life! 
I don’t know, but this was a good episode! I am super excited for the crossover and I am glad that this story isn't finished yet. 
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hi. Love your blog and your personality. Was thinking that the body swap of deveo and dominic is a bit similar to that of reverse flash and harrison wells in season 1. Also if it is deveo's powers that destroyed his body would it not do the same to dominic's body since he transferred his powers to him?
Thank you, you’re so sweet! I didn’t think about the Wells/Thawne switch, but that makes sense. I do think that it’s possible Dominic’s body will begin to deteriorate as well, but Devoe did say it was precisely Dominic’s powers that allowed the mind to transfer. So perhaps we can hope that Dominic can hold out?
@eboniangelvibez said:
I have so many questions after the mid-season finale of ⚡️? I knew they were going to frame Barry for DeVoe’s murder, but that Brainstorm twist....Is Brainstorm still alive? If so, could he potentially take back control of his body? Are Iris and Marlize going to interact in 4x10? Is Enlightenment a form of mind control? What is the true endgame? How do the other bus metas fit into it?
I hope Brainstorm’s still alive! I want him to be instrumental in helping Barry stop Devoe by taking back his own power. I think Iris and Marlize may be interacting soon, and I honestly can’t wait.
As for the rest of the plan... I’m not gonna think too hard on it lest the writers disappoint me, lmao.
if Iris is going to be pregnant by season's end i hope they at least give us a love scene/post-coital scene when Barry gets released from prison! i mean, come on. that would be useful.
LMAO, you wanna see those babies made? I understand.
looks very likely to me that Iris will be pregnant by the end of the season, and i think we'll get a happy ending finale this time, actually, with them finding out it's twins. and you know what, that puts their birth right around The Flash's 100th episode next year. too perfect. (i hope they move the crossovers to a different time next season).
We deserve that happy ending! And I can imagine they might use the next crossover for the twins... Just so long as no one else steals their baby delivering thunder this time rofl.
Untill they find out Barry's the Flash he can basically vibrate in and out the prison. That's probably how we see some of those filming pics of him as Flash
Just so long as the prison doesn’t have cameras or alert guards, haha.
So according to justjardjr DP has finished filming for the flash as of last Monday December 4th. Is that just for her character you think? Cause they're still filming the show as of today. I'm just wondering if the flash will have the same break as SG and whether or not CP is done filming too. What do you think?
JJJ was wrong, because Danielle was on set again last night. Flash’s break starts on Dec. 16th.
@eboniangelvibez said:
Tati, I believe Todd Helbing said at SDCC that S4 and 5 of Fl@sh was already mapped out...? Given the promo for 4x10 do you think that S5 could be about whether metas are innately good or evil?
That thought hadn’t occurred to me, but I like it.
Wow, someone (or several someones) must be really upset about that double wedding -- with The Flash account tweeting the gift unwrapping scene. It seems uncharacteristically petty. (Hopefully this leads to a 5th wedding ceremony, 4th wedding dress) This is what I was afraid of when the double wedding spoilers came out; the 2 couples (who really have nothing to do with each other) being pit against each other.
Fandoms can’t wait to be pitted against each other, lol. That’s why they fall for it every time.
How is it that Arr*ow has such low ratings and so many fans protest to Olic*ty on the show and yet Olic*ty seems so popular in polls and online? The numbers just don’t seem to add up to me?
Fanbase passion =/= total viewership. If anything, the shows with the largest viewership don’t actually have loud fanbases. TBBT doesn’t ever dominate polls, and This Is Us certainly isn’t doing so right now.
so i feel like Supergirl's bizarre scheduling move is due to the fact that show is obviously on production delays now due to Kreisberg's firing. my question is why do you think this isn't true for The Flash as well, since I thought that Kreisberg was more involved in that show than the others? is it because Todd Helbing is actually in more control over there than we thought? or because they had planned the whole season out earlier on, like they said over the summer?
Supergirl has an extra week of winter break this year, but otherwise doesn’t seem to be far back in its production. AJK had the most control on The Flash and Supergirl, but it’s possible that Todd has been or is being internally promoted to sole showrunner vs. them finding someone new for SG. I don’t know the machinations, I just know that SG isn’t actually that far behind on production - one week wouldn’t set them back much.
I know people are thinking Wally is the one moving to LOT, but I've also seen some speculation for Caitlin as well & I could see that as well since they did have her interacting with most of the LOT cast during the crossover & because of her storyline in the last episode where she questions whether or not she's useful without her powers. I also feel like if they did move Wally it would be to the titans show since Kid Flash has actually been a member of the titans.
Keiynan was seen on the Legends set a few weeks ago, that’s the only reason I think it’s him. But Caitlin/KF makes sense storyline wise too.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hey Aaron, while we're "pulling the genius out" of Tracy can we pull the genius out of Barry too?
Tracy was pretty genius already this episode, and at least poor Barry had his moments lol. Something drastic needs to change by next season though, or a lot of us will be done.
Any update on comic con?
Won’t know about press passes until a little later this month. The deadline just passed last week!
Grant keeps saying nobody will guess who Savitar is, that we won’t see it coming at all, but I’m beginning to think he just doesn’t know how to tease spoilers properly lol. He kept giving things away for other storylines, so instead of trying with this, he just went completely in the other direction and avoided giving any hints lmao.
He basically give it away at Paley Fest imo, when he was so quick to point out that after you find out you still won’t have the full story. Hell, maybe he left Twitter when he found out who it was…
Lots of asks from before the episode below the cut (sorry I’ve been out!):
After that last Flash trailer, I don’t want to hear any BS about KF being forgiven. I’ve never liked her, and this puts her over the edge. I’m just going to have to go to Hades. I’m done.
Yeah, but I’m pretty sure the team wants her back no matter what.
How much stock should we take from promotional posters? Because there was a new Flash poster released today of Wally and Barry and the quote on it almost sounds like it could hint at all this Savitar business, but maybe it’s unrelated. Do they usually tease/hint at things in posters?
Considering that Wally has one scene this episode, I’m wondering how he plays into next week’s plan. I guess it’ll be Wally vs. Savitar at least once?
Someone mentioned this on the Flash Reddit page, and I thought the same thing… In DP’s Facebook Q&A that she just did, she said she’s excited because the actor who plays Savitar (not the stand-in) “gets the chance to play a villain”. Which definitely means it’s someone who isn’t already a villain (so not Eobard or Hunter). And to me it also makes it sound like it’s someone who hasn’t played a villain at all on the show (so not Cisco or Ronnie), but that could just be reading into it too much.
Yeah, DP’s hints really made it clear that it was Barry in retrospect.
What did Leanne saw about wa?
Another journalist wanted her to ask about SB, and she reiterated that WA was her OTP.
Apparently dp said something sb related in a new interview. Do know what she said?
She responded to said journalist saying there was a flirtation between SB in S1, but Barry is all about Iris lately and hopefully WA end up together.
That definitely made me think it’s either Barry or Wally for sure. Not Cisco, because I think he sounded a little too chipper for someone who just found out he’s a villain. (Barry on the other hand… Although lately he has a thing for sounding moody in general.) When Barry said “part of him is” I took it as “part of Savitar is ____”. (So if it’s him, he would be saying “part of Savitar is me”.) [½][2/2] But about what Iris said, I hadn’t actually thought about it as her meaning that, but that would make a lot of sense! Especially considering Keiy wasn’t filming. The thought I had was that if their plans are different from whatever happened in Savitar’s original timeline, then he shouldn’t know what they’re going to do, because he hasn’t lived it yet. (Unless he just gets new “memories/knowledge” every time something changes. Idk how that works.) Your idea makes more sense lol.
Yeah, Cisco was only ever a super outside possibility. As for what Iris says… I guess we still technically don’t know, but both work. They give Barry amnesia so that ‘Savitar’ won’t know the plan. But that kind of implies that they’ve already come up with the plan and/or that this will retroactively change Savitar’s memories. I guess it’s like how Eddie killing himself erased Eobard from existence but couldn’t erase the moments he had already lived or the consequences of his previous actions. Does that make sense?
when barry says “part of him” he could be talking about his future self. that doest really confirm it’s wally.
You were right!
It’s definitely Wally and the writers really fucked up because from what I’m seeing most Wally fans are furious to the point of wanting to quit the show. I’m not sure they’ll be able to come back from this to be honest and that’s not even getting into the racist implications making him a villain (even if it is another version of Wally instead of ours).
At least it wasn’t Wally!
That promo from Reddit makes me think it’s a version of Wally. Maybe E2? That could explain why our Wally becomes catatonic? He finds out that his sister’s killer is a version of himself. However, I think there’s going to be a twist, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
It’s Barry, as we now know, but I’m sure there will still be a twist.
Well at least it sounds like it’s definitely not OUR Barry. Time remnant sounds highly likely, or it could be an alternate timeline. I’m most concerned about them (SPOILERS AHEAD) erasing his memories. What memories are they erasing? What if he loses them all? Will he remember Iris? What good is erasing the memories if you’re just gonna repeat trapping Savitar in the speedforce anyway? I suddenly wish to skip tonight’s episode and head straight into next week’s.
Yeah, the amnesia will be interesting for sure. I still think it’s a time remnant, but we will see.
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